In !45, 1 and 2 pound cans. Whole -- ground -- pulverized -- also Fine Ground for Perco- \lators, 173 CATARRH OF THE = BLADDER Relieved In 24 Hours $ im aT Go) name Sa 4 p p of counterfeits p | AlN AAI I NP PN ANN _Tanked 40 gation Slulced Tanks are capable of handling '| any number of fllmsm a day. We are now putting through from B80 to 85 rolls, and with increased siaff of operators ean promise the same prompt service at 10 Films We gunrastee to well you the best Ai wade and will replace any which are defective. Supplies We can supply the most satla- factory and developers used to. y Cameras nll makes sold, ex- changed, rented and repaired. eA Tre Best's The Popular Drug Store. OPEN SUNDAYS, sa Som -- a E.P. Jenkins a ------A-- S------------------. ----_-- AT YOUR SERVICE Good stove, well filled with up-to-date merchandize for wen, and good clerks to sat- isfy your needs, RAINCOATS -- Just now the 8a 4 » . i We have i choice variety weather bi storm on June "nd the military con- and William Johnston, Athens. * . OULARENDON _ June 8--John Glenns is in King- ston on business. Measles are very prevalent around here. Miss Edita | Bishop, Zealand, spent a few days at Mrs. Moss Mis Florence Currie, Lammermoor spent a couple of jays at Mrs. Appleby's. Miss McDatrmaid of Renfrew, spent a. couple of days here and attended he Appléby-.o0s8s wedding. W. J. Clement made a busi- ness trip to Perth on Thursday, Miss Conboy of Oso visited Mrs, T. Kirk rs. Ira Snider's saje on e home of William June 8. Tuesday at Amey was well Lapum, Napanee, was the auctioneer. Mrs, Snider left Wednesday for Tweed where she will visit for a few weeks prior to her departure for her new home in Manitoba. Mrs. Tucker, Tweed, spent a few days this ham recently, Miss Lily Cam bell | Week at W. Amey's. C. Davison, visited Mississippla friends recent- | Stinson Carr, Mrs. John Carr. and iy. {Mrs. Guy Simmons motored to os | Napanee Tuesday afternoon in Mr. BATH ROAD. { Davison's new car. A. H. Babeock June 8.--The county authorities | bas ordered a new milking machine. have started fixing the Bath road for | about one 'mile out from Kingston. | { Four teams have been drawing gravel | for nearly two weeks, It will be a! Farmers have very considerable time before the road is | done. Mrs. James Hegadorn has finished, During the storm two returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Jam weeks ago Arthur Keyes' silo was |es Hamilton are at George Milsap's. blown down. Mr. and Mrs. James | Roy Storm's sister and her son, M. Wright, Kingston, spent Sunday | who have been visiting him for a at the former's home here. The | couple of weeks, are going to return water has been very high in the creek | to their home on Monday next, Mr, this season. The Misses LeFeuver)and Mrs. T. Wallace, Wilton, are at attended a party at Lake Ontario her mother's on Sunday last. Mr, | Park Bunday. {and Mrs.A. Hegadorn and son West- { brooke, are at his brother's W. Heg- GODFREY ladorn. Mr. and Mrs. G. Milsap are June 9.--The Richardson Feldspar | gpending a few days at Deseronto Mining Company changes hands on | with her father, Byard Parks. June 165th., an American Company | being the purchaser. Owing to the] EVERGREEN VALLEY June 8.--It continues very wet little seeding " June 8.--Mrs. Northmore and Mrs. cert was a fallure. Miss Mildred paywell Robinson visited friends in Godfrey has returned after three Napanee this week. Harold Simp- months spent in Toronto, Miss Mar-lson of Cataraqul, is visiting at Burridge. Miss Stasia Kelly has re- | Northmore's. Rev. Mr. Mos.can of turned from Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. | Kingston, conducts the services in Athol Hill spent Sunday in Tich-|the Presbyterian Church next Sun- bourne. Garnet Reynolds is serious- | qay, Mrs. James Chapman of ly ill of pneumonia. The stork Vis-| Brockville, who has been visiting her | ited the home of F. Leeman leaving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rip- a baby girl and also a girl at A.lley, has returned home. Samuel Savage, of Ottawa, has returned _ | home after' a few days' visit at Mrs. % | Luke Cunningham's. Nicholas Holt, of Toronto, is spending a few days {with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cuppage. | Legarry's. BETHEL : | June 8.--Owing to so much wet eas x weather some farmers have not bee ' CHAFFEY'S LOCK |able to' get nearly all their ot een June 7.-~The Government Car-jdone. Private Carman Salsbury | penters are erecting a large wharf| 146th Battalion, Barriefield, return- at th's station. The Opinicon Club|ed to camp on Monday after a few { Howl has undergone extensive re-|weeks off on the farm. Elgin Mc- velzs ad will be opened on the 5th | Williams spent part of Sunday at J | frst. A » umber of guests are regis- |W. Curtis'. | tered for he 15 and 17th. The Rich- | Falls, visited his parents for a day | ardson Contwlescent 'Home WHI| recently, Leo Hinch still continues be in readiness {or the sick and poorly in Hoted Dieu. Cyrus Edgar | wounded soldiers vx gre 10th 'pst. land men are rushing the work on | W. H. Park, Youngstowa, CLs, ¥s8 | Levi Salsbury's new house. W. | opened his cottage for the summer. | Benn and E. Freebourn have each Miss Ethel Fleming has gone to lost a head of stock since going to the Royal Victeria Hospital, Mon- | pasture, The mest-mitk-ever taken | treal to train as nurse. Visitors: | in on one day at Camden East cheese Mr. and Mrs. George Fleming, |factory was on Monday morning last. | Kingston; Capt. E. Fleming and Fleming, Newborq; Miss Hes- Noonan, Kingston, i { { SELBY June 8.--Mr. Garrison, Napanee, ti { took the service in the Methodist TONGE MILLS. church on Sunday evening. Rev. June 6.--Mrs. Dack and children, | Mr. Cook returned home on Tuesday of Brookville, have returned home after attending the Methodist Con- after spending a couple of weeks the ference at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. guest of Mrs, G. A, Turkington. Mrs. | Arnold attended the funeral of the 3. J. Avery left to-day for Chicago |late Mrs. Hartin Bt Roblin on Mon- Miss Maud McNish, nurse-in-training | gay. ¥. L. Amey is improving slow- at the Brockville General Hospital, i8{]y., What might have been a serious i home for a couple of weeks. Mrs. | gecident happened to Dorland Wood Charles Donaldson, of Brockville,| when he was hit by a car and thrown spent a few days last week the guest! g,nder it, but he escaped with a few fof Mrs. N. McLean. Miss Berthalpryjses- Mrs. R. Grange has rented Pergeau is recovering from an at- | p McCormick's house. J. Boyd, who | tack of measles. Mrs. Sidney Easton ng; jis arm broken cranking his car, { and son "Jack," of Strathcona, Alta., | ig potter. Mr, and Mrs. E. Ryan and are here on a visit to the parents, | nv, 54d Mrs. Jamieson, Hartington, { Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Steacy. Miss| qj10q on old friends here on Sunday [ Mary Purvis spent a couple of days | .o¢ Mr paul made a flying trip to { last week in Brockville attending the | gi,oqton this week, Visitors: Mrs. Presbyterial M. Hudgin at A. Wood's; Mr. and x | Mrs. Mather at B. Martin's; Mr, and DARLINGSIDE. [} June 8---On Sunday, June fourth, | gudgin Mrs, Friskin and family at J. E. Mr. McMaster's' at D. W. there parsed away at her late home' McKim's; Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong at 'Mra. Hester Godkin, relict of the) arg A, Woodt late Willian: Latimer ---- VENNACHAR at. a good | round age, universally regretted by The deceased had been ill but! JFyge §.-=Crops are looking fine a short time, but the end was eX-| through. this vicinity owing to the pected. She leaves two sons and! considerable rainfall this season. The one deughter: Fred and Maggie, at' Vennachar juveniles are taking ad- home, aud Herbert of Algonquin, | vantage of the cool weather in play. also one brother, Aaron of Jellby.| ing football. Simon Ball, Denbigh, The fumeral took place on Tuesday and Stanley Gregg made a business | interment being made at Ebeneezer | trip to Plevna on Tuesday. John | cemetery. The sermon wes preach-| Ball Miller made a business trip | ed at Selton Methodist Church, of] here on Tuesday. Simon Ball, Den which deceased was a 'member, by|bigh, Louis Gendron made a business Rev. Dr. Cooper, Lansdowne. The trip to Glenfield Tuesday. R. . church being filled to overflowing | Connors made a business trip to | by old friends and neighbors, The | Lavant on Wednesday. Miss Freeda deceased being well and 'favourably | Both, principal of Beech Corners | known. Among those present from | village school, passed through here | a distance were Senator George, Tay-| en route to her home in Denbigh ov | lor Robert McCullough, Frank Lati- Saturday. A special meeting of the Was Full of Poison; Pains in Side and Back | sie all System L. mer, Gananoque; David Johmston ratepayers of school section No, attended. E. S.! Archibald Wens, Smiths \guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weir on D.A. and A. 'was held in the Ne. i house on Saturday last for the pur- | pose of appointing a trustee. John Cowan, former trustee, who moved to Elida, Sask., recently, caused a vacancy, Charles Ball was chosen. Visitors: Mrs, Robert Gregg visiting at John Gilmour's 6n Tuesday; Mrs. Francis Welker and family arrived } here the forepart of this week from Swastika, New Ontario, and are vis- iting relatives here. George Ball, Denbigh, week-end visitor at John Gilmour's; Mrs. William Sallens at John Gilmour's on Tuesday; Miss Anne Connors at R. W, Connor's on Thursday; L. Gendron spent Sunday last with George Ball, Denbigh, Mr. Wing and Miss Anne Connors spent Sunday last at Simon Ball's Denbigh; Miss Laura Jackson at John Gil- mour's on Monday evening; Miss Grace Ball, Miller, visiting at Wil- bert Ball's the forepart of this week. Prince Edward BLOOMFIELD. June 5.--Thomas G,Wright,promi- pent farmer and dairyman, died sud- denly on Thursday last at his home in Hallowell township, while fixing some parts around his automobile. Mr. Wright was fifty-six years of age, and was president of the Coun- ty Reform Association, also presi dent of the Bay of Quinte Fire In- surance Company. He is survived by his wife and father. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended, be- ing under Masonic auspices Inter- ment took place in Glenwood ceme- tery, Picton. William Green's boot and shoe business has closed up, be- ing taken over by Toronto firms. Isaac Wilson, Biggarsville, Pa., and his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Jackson, visited friend here for a few days re- cently, Rev. Mr. Limbert is attend- ing Conference at Peterboro. Mr. Newman and Mr. Dobson, of Picton, occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday. Caniff and Wilfrid Halght are in Toronto. Owing to the wet weather some farmers in this county have not sown a handful of grain. ALLISONVILLE. June 8.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd ar- rived home on Thursday, after spend- ing a month in Welliugton with their daughter, Mrs. Ida McFaul. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crookshank and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weeks were Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mor- den and Norman spent Sunday in Wellington with Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Morden. Mrs. Hennessey, who has spent the winter with her bro- ther, H. Breeze, has gone to Brigh- ton for an unlimited time. Rev. E. H. Harston left on Tuesday for Peterboro to attend the annual con- ference of the Methodist Church. Mr and Mrs. Giles have returned to I'renton after a stay with their daughters, Mrs. A. Hogle and Mrs. Spencer Huffman, Miss Edna Mur- ray, of Trenton, ig visiting her aunts for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. ST Fg o- Morrow A Great Sale of ort Cor i. On Sale at (am. " Tomorrow morning we will place on sale 42 white and cream swagger new sports skirts -- the styles we show are adapted from the models as . shown by the most exclusive Fifth Avenue Shops. 24 Only, Priced at $4.75 and $5.00, SALE PRICE, $3.98. 10 Only, Priced at $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00, SALE PRICE $4.98. 8 priced at $7.50 and $8.00. SALE Price, $5.98. We guarantee the values exactly as specified and the styles absolutely the latest. Pocketed, buttoned and leather frimmed models. 1 EACY'S "The Woman's Store of Kingston." DL. Peery {Oc Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN CY EA OF ANY C1 HRIE, Clean te handle. Sold by all Drug. gists, Grocers and General Stores. "Ranks with the Strongest" Charles Thomas spent Sunday in Wellington with her parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Hamilton Thomas. Miss| Nina Marvin visited a few days in| Belleville last week. Mrs. B. Ains-| worth, of Mountain a day at John Marvin's last week Mrs Washington Pine has returned home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury, at Crofton, for a week, View, spent | Embarrassing. Blobbs--1I hate to meet a man who owes me money. Slobbs--Don't like to embarrass him, eh? Blobbs--No, it isn't that. He gener- ally wants to borrow more.--Exchange. Practical Superstition. "Heard a dog howling all night." "It means sudden death." "lI didn't know you were supersti tous." x "I am. It means the finish of the dog." Their Effect. 'Miss Mayme can shoot such glances at one from under those long eyelashes of hers." : "Be careful; her shooting glances bave a killing effect." -- Baltimore American. Her Means. "He married ber for a woman of means." "And isn't she?" y "Oh, yes; but the meanest part of it Is that she evidently weans to keep her means to herself." Exchange. A Pleasant Outlook. "I wonder why the bride is crying." remarked oué of the guésts at the wed- HUDSON BAY Insurance Company : FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. Such ls Life. "When we were first married I al- lowed my wife $20 a week for h hold expenses." "Yes. And now?" "She allows me $1.50 for lunches and car fare."--8t. Louis Post-Dispatch, Not a Musician. "Is that gentleman a musician?" asked the inquisitive Mrs. Smith of the elevator boy as a long haired individual left the elevator. "No, ma'am," was the response; "he ain't no musician; he's a singer." Rapid Action. "Always think twice 'before you speak," said little Tommy's mamma. "Gee, maw," he answered, "if you do that you must do some pretty fast thinkin' sometimes when you git te goin' for paw!" ; She Wouldn't Mind It. "And we have one baby," said the meek man who was applying for lodg- ings. "Will you mind it?" "Mind it?" spapped the thin faced Prices So Reasonable Cooked Meats Head Cheese. . .. Beef Bologna .. Ham Bologna . . Veal Loaf . . . New E Jellied Ks ..-.: Jellied Beef .. .. . jand Ham . . English Brawn .. .. .. .. . Compressed Ham. . .. .. .. .. { The Wm.Davies'Co.Ltd. Phone 397 A-- S---- rn MOTHERS WHO HAVE DAUGHTERS Read How to Care for Their Health. New Orleans, La.--* I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- = | {} lady. "Of course tot. Do you think I'm a nurse? | Philadelphia, Pa.--** My daughter was tized and all run down with It will be an easy mattter for you to find | what you want in our stock. Our lines of best quality, moderate of Tweed Raincoats made] price Shoes for Women in the most modern style from $12 to $18 each. Plaid] lined and tweed lined Justi... ou common ailment andthe what the voullg man wants. greatest cause of disease and suffer- ing to-day is constipation. Artificial ENGLISH PARAMATTES food and sedentary indoor life com- Paramettes are getting 6x! bine to induce torpid, sluggish action a LE "= Tof the liver, kidneys and bowels. As Sremely Pe e, ly prt a result poisonous Waste matter re- sti urnish vou nearly all mains in the system and gives rise to sn at old es ey pains and aches and affords a start- o LD {Infectious and contagious diseases A Get in at once. {are little knowh to persons whose i | liver, kidneys and bowels are Kept 5 [ p in healthful activity, for there are no 5 * : & soned condition. . : § | Mrs: Edward Miller, West Flam- : : | boro, Ont., writes: "I can truthfully | ing point for serious disease, i a { : ' suitable conditions for disease germs "BS en ns jto thrive in, Even common colds | usually take their start when they . \ find the system in a constipated, poi- Co. fT . say that 'Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have cured me of constipation. | raffered with constipation almost {il Had Constipation for Many Years, but Was Entirely Cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. : ever since I oan remember, and for four years had pains at the left side of the back. If I. walked across the kitchen floor I would have to sit and res'. That, I think, was terrible for a woman of twenty years. The con dition of my blood was shown by pimples breaking out on my face, 1 suffered so much from pains and st'finess in the back, I am sire my system was full of poison. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have en- tirely cured me, and I feel better than I. have felt for many years." | As a cure for constipation Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills stand alone; for by their action on the liver they awaken the activity of this or- gan, cause 3 good flow of bie, and hence remove the cause of indiges tion, for bile Is nature's cathartic. One pill a dose, 26 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. Limited, Toronto, ding. "Can it be because she Is leav- ing home" "No, it ain't that," answered the bride's small brother. "She's in love with the fellow she married, and | think she's crying 'cause sbe feels sorry for him." Safeguarded. The following Is a buna fide stale ment made by a seven yearold girl who had listened to medical talk all ber life Being asked her father's business, she replied: "My father is & doctor, bat he tvn't a quack! My father's got a license, so If he kills any one they can't arrest him!" it is announced that the Hodgson Bros. chemical plant at Lindsay will be completed in three weeks' time. The firm expects to start operations "about July 1st. ¥ The Mystiacl Harden. (Toronto aMil) © | purchased it and she was Maximilian Harden gives his coun-| to work, her eyes became try good advice. He tells it in effect | natural, and her system was built that the Allies cannot be beaten, and | We k completely. e generally bids it seek an 'organized peace." | in the house For that service hig newspaper has been seized by the Imperial Govern- ment. 51 Miss Eleanor Simpson society girl of Toronto, was thrown from her| Vi horse and seriously injured while riding at Detroit, Mich, CASTORIA For Infants and ! : In Use For Over 30 Years fray Sisters Biblanna and Dominica, of Kingston, spent the past week guests of the former's parents, Mr, and Mra. Andrew Kieity, Stoco. i . The marriage occurred ok Speu- cerville, on June 7, of Miss Ella hiibertha "ugelow "ml Abdrew Lawrence, on | includes all the best -- | new styles, built in af | variety of leathers om [§ many lasts, | E | i | | A shape to fit every |p foot. H