Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1916, p. 7

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ESTABLISHED 1558, = Sue fon i anous LOCAL NOTES AND Ems ori oy DAILY Serv GENERAL INTEREST [9 Feature Vaudeville Acts 2 Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the " FANNIE E WARD '5 Readers of the Whig. FOR THE TARD Wi Asdl Other Photoplays. z wn Dverseas mail will close at the New Prog, me Monday amd : ngston post office on Tuesday noon. ; . Holders of Serlp Certificates are now 'exchanging these for War The Salvation Army services on an Hut. 10c evening, ef re. CuNBENSED ADVERTISING RATES Molders of of War Loan Ronds require a safe place tn lodze these e streets attract large numbers of Pir ive Insertion thereafter, half- > FOUND . -- also thelr valuable papers, deeds, Insura soldiers. warak® Tent enfesy deposit boxes in our Thule from $2.00 per aunum up- "H. Cunningham, piano tuner 3 irday June 1] cent » word. nim ---- charge for A Office Hours, 10 am. to 3 pm. * King street. Leave orders at McAul- » Boe; ix, $1; one month, $3. | BW OF FURNITURE. + Saturdays, 10 nm. to 1 pm, ey's Book Store. i A SMALL PURSE, CONTAINING y at ington Street. va . John Garrett, jr., Smith's Falls, has bills, on Johnson street. Own- Matinee at 2.30; evening, 8.15 : ANTE , y have game b ly- ONE HORS oNE DELIVERY WAG- . Capital and Reserve $11,400,600 ~ome to Kingston, where he has pro- E HELP WANTED EY ot Tobsamy leroy Th Apply, 28 Durltam St. | ~ared a position. ---- een Ba = 1 ge The pos! oe. boys' camp will be THE DeKOVAN OPERA J CHAMBERMAILD, BRITISH AMERI- | ---- Goun HORSE, H HARNESS ¢ AND WAG. " : y held at Grenadier Island from July COMPANY oan Hotel ---------------- FOUND ARTIOLES ADVER. on. Apply, 108 Alfred stiesl, ! 4th to July 15th. A: DAY PORTER. APPLY FRON- TISED-FREE. A GOOD SKIFF, 17 FT. LONG WITH 3 i Several of the merchants on Prin-| Th ori organization tenac Hotel. { Anygpefiding anything and 2 pair of oars. Apply to J. G. Et- # ent | h SUP odes . . cess street are having the exterior.of raduction of GENERAL SERVANT, APPLY 148] piu to reach tia owner may tinge r, vorner King and Livings . their premises painted. University Avenue. T The British Whig. The adver- una - Many people who were shopping ferrites { tisement will be printed in this 1915 S-IPASSENGER AUTOMOBILE~ Monday morping were caught in the ¢ GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 1081 [1 COST tree of charge. Starter; electric lights, Ate Must GEO. B. McKAY, Manager Market Square. |neavy downpour of rain. { L Union street. arte a at, once. ADRIY Me. : i C. W Laughlin Garage, ornito ol street. Pianos for rental, . Lindsay, MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- | { : . { EE ------------------ Limited. Now is the time to secure DY ol A OF bra Chan 0 alc . v one for your summer home, | MAIDS--GOOD WAGES ¥ | TO LE1 old; breeders, . Cheap to quick Miss _Levina "Ashley returned home| | : 4 ee St meee buyer. They are dandles. Apply iii matron of General Hospital | STOR, SIX ROOMED HOUSE: IM- BE. Haftner, Durbam street. from Belleville on Monday after at- Yt heaL | et pr ---- PLY gy yrovements, 32 Plu street -- June W eddin Ss tending the Grass-Wliite wedding. Th de A FE Porson 185 King Te Rs: N.| provements, 32 Vium SUTTL__ ipoumue FRAME HOUSE, 331 AND The Portsmouth Council will make ie eveigreen Hight rer welesme aa a -- BEDROOM AND NG ROOM OP- 313 Montreal St. cor. James: Hl a tour of the village to see what is! An nil-wtar cfst including AN EXPERI ED DOOKKEEF CR. | posite City P Phone, 1635. 0 : : 5 , a c y z > ee etter Doug~ No store in Kingston is better stocked required in the way of new walks and; IVY SCOTT and JAMES STEVENS, Apply 'W. R. C, the Whig Office. Office. | TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, BEDROOM pe A n AppiyEs Doug with Silver for the June Bride. other necessary work. HE COMPANY'S SMART MEN AND BOYS WANFED, and living reom. Apply 40 Raglan Victor records for June are now in| T OWN Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co, i Road We count it a pleasure to have you see our stock. Call and hear them at the | ORCHESTRA limited A TWO LARGE WELL FURNIS . » . ® 511 ee ree ee S selection this June. C. W. Lindsay Piano Store, 121} +L GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- rooms: all conveniences. ADP Princess Street, | and the greatest singing chorus on ply Mrs. F. R. Anglin, 197 Queen Rideau st rect W. F. Nickle, M.P., will leave next| earth. Str K., Whig Office. . : abi PRICES: Mat. 205-50-75-§1-81.50 | - ee ct ee | OFFICES IN c LL. ARENC B " R. J. Rodg er Monday with the deputation select- Children, 50c. TEAMSTERS. APPL Y SHEDDEN | ORS A itch B Soha. sasssssterteses ' ed by the Government - recently to! BVENINGeif 15-51. 31.50.53. Forwarding Co., G.T.R. Freight 79 Clarence street. Foleo d vis 3 8 8 4 3 it.- SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY. heds. ------ erma-------------- Where the Clock is on the Walk 132 Princess St. sit the soldiers at the front. © = |yuit orders now ik Wr cm i TOME, SEVEN ROOMS | WE HAVE A LOT OF CAMP STOVES s were renty Ww r a y There were about twenty writing| Mg SOE gor "war tax and self- | BOY FOR DELIVERY. WAGON AT SHED set locality for summer | and a few very large cooking on the matriculation examinations addressed stamped envelope. once. Apply J. Cullen, Alfred and months. = Apply, 33 Sixth street. | ranges; will sell cheap. Also all Monday. Well over a hundred have | > --s~rinanaa naman Princess. -------------------------------------------------- kinds of Turnitre, | on, 33 Prine 4 : eee eee mee oo 2S, NC V and eds = soides y X48 ' S SELLIN STORES, OFFICES AND decided to try the examinations. SALESLADY FOR SHOE STORE, ONE DWELLINGS Titre, McCann's cess street. Phone o 1606. Capt. Frederick Reid, of the fire ran ea re with experi ferred. Appl slorage 9 -- . : 3 perience preferred. Apply, Rea] Estate Agency, 82 Brock St. department, wishes to acknowledge re Box 10, Whig Office i WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE the receipt of parcels of clothing for MON. TUES. AXD WED. - _-- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, shiovment of high grade blo gles, 1A YOu Xe GIRL To agsisT IN GEN dry, airy rooms; your own Jouk aud and are offering #8 cial = ns : nitec | eral house-work poly J Kin key Fr ; Storage, 29 for same. You Can Count On It "©appon and Mrs. Gibson. | in a 3-Act Triangle Play | street, corner West A stre Re Phor ve 526b. | Dunlop tires. Gorge Setiter, 37s Avoid harsh purgatives for child- SY Ran STONE | - | ! King street. Phone 1032. i rem. sxall Orderlies are sure, safe : ARI JE" an | FEMALE PASTRY COOK, GOOD | pURNISHED, FOR THE SUMMER | When we take care of your storage bat re Rexall rderlies are sure, safe "MABLE NORMAND" | © Wages. Board. and room. Kingston months, Calde '00d, the residence | dduiddbdttttttddtdddddbiddd tery there's no doubt of quality service. and gen} 15¢ and 2¢ Sold only in a pari Sopurt Keystone, | Junction Regtaurant of Col. and s. Giles. Apply to|$ We have established ourselves as expert: at Rexall Drug Stores. Geo. W "PHE BRIGHT LIGHTS? rrr I. 8B Wi em) 93 Clarence St will Su d be inced? > Mahood. | Also other good photo-plays. A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF | -- - t FOR SALE, you come in an convin - : . PRICES, Matinees, 5c; a baby. Apply Mrs, Wilson, 387 | TWO L BED ROOMS, AND i a 1 LESSES The ocean going yacht Corona, Evenings: All % reserved 10e-15e. Division street two = ng rooms, alse n Firat-glass ik a ox 0 , # of .o x § *Rtt* cha ¥ ne 105. ee -------------------------------------------- rl rom ply 2 equipmen Addre owned by J. McLaughlin of Clave gle root App! Whig Office. Owner has good ' . : 4 i : Stree our doors 'ity Park. | hone 1045 507 Princess St land, he Kingston Ship: | cnmmmmarnan~tnnnsdaanan [A DRIVER ALSO TO ASSIST IN Lstreat, [our HOOT OE c-- reason for selling. building Company's drydock on 3 Store. Apply R. W. Marshall, cor- pve ROOMED HOUSE WITH SUM- Free inspection of any battery at any time Monday. ! ner Montreal and Bay streets mer kitchen. Shed and garden; During the month of June the BOOK KPRPER AND STENOGRAPH STENOGRAPH- rent moderate; imme diate pogsess- | -- os : 0 \pply M. Lambert, Hickso BO. Kingston branch of the Canadian Pa- er i ences required Apply. don ' pl 1, Xe vert. Hicl nla LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND § HOUSE.CLEANING TIME] rote Funw wii pa to soldiers' wives| FRIDAY - SATURDAY | __ =e --tis cows, Ringstan Junction. ___ |" onda te aka. 1¢ ai > A Real Betate gnap for a quick buyer--$3,500 property for $2- 800; yearly rental $836.00. Box * SY 2 o- : . The dainty screen f a the Belgians from. Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. . SOROTHY G ie * Tarde ve Ah and dependents $6,287.90 Last Red Feather Photoplays Presents | TE TR Tis AND! . PE Ll . : COMFORTABLE room| you have anything to sell, drop & : Ae [ PTEAMSTER. STEADY POSITION FOR on Toile or Uwe gent) yOu Bae all | 8. Shapiro. 48 F. J. Johnson Florist, 3 month the amount was $5,793.50. the late a reliable m Who "knows the P 8 couple oF car will ca L : : Spic and Span Cleanser, A cable from England says Dr. | LEWIS WALLER | City Apply to N. C. Polson Co All snveniences Princess street. Phone 1337. . | Kennéth McKinnon, son of Mr. and | EA light house pl y 152 Syd- | $1200.00 « ASH) WILL BUY A SINGLE 115 Brock St. 3 for 25¢c. : : : Mrs. M. McKinnon, Renfrew, who has | GIRLS FOR THE WORK ROOM, enham stroce . « so. one-storey, corner lot > { EY: ) wily { -- - - h ¢ CARTHR'S TESTED ENGLISH Star Ammonia Powder, |pcen serving in the Royal Army Medi-| BRIGADIER GERARD, |" lignt pleasant work. = Ap 4 10 N| | omm---- 2 fe (within the city limits, GARDEN SEEDS Phone 239 3 for 25c¢c. cal Corps, sailed for! Canada on the] B¥ Sir A. Cohan Tiarle, In five arts POO A A res: ; BRA ON Se § oe 3 2nd. | AND SPARKS. DEN. ey ould make nice sum- Snow Flake Ammonia, Tie. members of the M. Y. 0. B, THE IRON CLAW, BE BOYS AT Y. M. C. A, | DRS. XPARRN AND SY ARKS, DEN- ' pr ly Rox 12, Whig 9 or glires Militia camp od wages steady | ' ington street pe. on the A -------- a A Att # NASI NMI Club motored to Sunbury on Sunday Featuring PEARL WHITE and | rk 1 : umtber of shoe- eT MSaa------ Fa wo i b REG . a . C, APY, WA, «N.S .D.S 1st lust Re eived ! | anc returned late in the evening, REIGN Sun | shiners. A Fn JENAIL, 2A tn Sr 81, 180-10 AF NES OF 3 AND, MIL sy A 'fier spending an enjoyable day at . n -- ry TR -- - - -- . rom ngston 300 ouse an C Mops, Brooms. BE it ayn REGENERATION. BY JULY 1xT, |e barns. Cheap for quick sale. the residencs of Mrs. George Rit wages. Summer months ose AF feat in fi t § 0 Spe in 10 Apply Mrs. | PERSONAL pa ----- RE 1 A ¢ h 1 f the T GORDON' S GROCERY, me. Muaic Habis ad b RO ERY HOLWIS. w spent in owi} . Apply Mi Sox PERSONAL io i" hk ACRES, AT BATH. aon resh supply o @ TO- | Cor. Why nua Montreal Sts. Phone 8 iss Maude Hubbs, a graduate o {THE GIRL AND THE! imo ce MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS a ' ee '14 Arts, and a member of the Fac FIRST CLASS COOK FOR EK - and all growths and skin blem- BARGAINS IN ory DWELLINGS ronto City Dairy Co 8. Cele- | ulty of Education in the 1914 15 ses- quarter mess, Barriefield § 4 ishes removed perm anently, w'th- and farms G. A. Bat oman, in- mathematical instructor in the Broc k-| assorted flavors at 25¢ per ville High School for the next 1 . brick. | sion. I] W. 6. Craig & Co, Ltd. | i Throat and Skin Specialist, 268) ~=---- d > " n St. PIANO ACTION REGUL ATOR WAN Bagot St | Gab bbb bt EPP rebar ed immediate Steady emi . - . - ment and = pay, in town whe | | | : Te . [ Appl Sergt.-Maj. Tierney, ! out sear: 30 years' experience Dr surance and money to loan, 67 Clar- brated Ice Cream, put up nm C sion, has been appointed assistant [ | dergon's Grocery, Brock St Eimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, ence street, Kingston. : ( val | | | { The kind you are looking for A German named . Schmidt who & GOOD BRICK COTTAGE is the kind we sell. . t\icaped dom Rockwood (Hospital Sole Agents For | gost o ti ng is not high. Box 16 ME Hoa s D Stor some time ago was captured at| THE 1 ---- - Windsor, and will be returned to v1 ANO RU BOE Rr n ANTE Dn AT ONC . ' FRONTENAC LOAN ND INVEST. 8 ng € Scranton Coal the Fort Henry authorities. Schmidt | RATHBUN Good pa) Steady . emplo ns fo n No oo +) rate 3; aranteed ir wn where No. 2868 Earl street, Fingwton, Lot 23 x more or less. nT JERS will be re- by lersigmed for { 1 t rot th 1 i . the nhove roperty up to the ried to get across the border: but | 8 t q A ' fox 16 i onel Sth day of June. Inspection can {| ts good Coal;and we guarantee was stopped. MATCH 1 sxpe) y M.G.: Cteocproptannt . ie be made between 6 and 8 p.m. | ok 1 or -- . >. Money sd on city | Apply to ROBERT FREE, #4 prompt delivery. Provost; Brock street, has this (EW IMPREGNATED artis municipal] a ee ue N= year an extra fine assortment of ) 'CH. NO AFTER GLOW | 6 WAN TO WORK IN W ARE- country debentures; mort- Store BOOTH & co., Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his | ne One Who {hOroughly un- gages purchase d: deposits received SPEIER SFP EISELSEIISOI ------------ o Lights Easy wnning me an and inter owed .. C. Cart- Foot of West Bt. order clothing department. = His ! d ! he : J . . - . 2 ® Lensend the Danger of Fire t ne afte 3 y 1 wright, manager, 87 Clarence St. Opp. Y.M.OA. Kingston, Ont. 0 ready-made clothing and gents' fur- SELLS AT THE SAME PRICE AS ment Dn } ing Stree Kingston. BOARD AND ROOMS. aishing department are well assort- ORDINARY MATCHES ee -- Frere Seber b bb bd ddd garbed, and there is trouble in store cate, 3,969, Lockport, N.Y possible rates Before renewing - AR ed with new goods. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRST CLASS OARD AND ROOMS; ( Complaints were made on Monday | | AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Fire Insurance somphiy. aratlanie every conve ce; - central loca- morning t 1 ~~ - earn $100 monthly corresponding 8 ' In addition tc tion. Apply 3 Brock street. fan a g g 'about soldiers bathing] : ; ' holders have foi for the men in khaki if the practice] \ old or giving new: business gel A. B. CU NNINGHAM, BARI for newspapers; no canvass'ng W around Cedar Island without bei artic p pre. ™ - security the unlimited labilit> of SO ARDS C thout being | Send for particulars. Pre gs Syndl Oty property, insured at lowest LEGAL | t & 8 3 solic I m ™ Clare | is continued. This is another case NN FIREME AND NREAKMEN, BE- rates from Strange trange and solicitor. Law office, Te Keeps Coal and $ NOW OPEN showing the great need of a public| r rs paid $120 monthly. per: Agents. Phone 326 ence street. Kingston. |THE NEWEST AND FINEST RES-| bathing house in Kingston. d positions and promotion . TAUBANT IN KINGSTON - The examination of candidates for X ly 50 : UF $1a 10 eu : PABENTS : PRESSMARING x 1 l = 15 Y nt} ». r "a | -------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Coal Ree s 1222 PRINCESS STREET. | the priesthood begins Tuesday morn- | eich] (FF : care British W - -- ee _ |PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN P Next Gramd Opera House. ing at 10 o'clock in St. George's Hall. | X 3 = : - | BABCOCK & SONS, patents, trade | dressmaking, cutting by mearure, | Full Course Dinner, 30¢, 11.30 to 2.30.1 Tho candidates are Rev. O. V. Boyle, | - . oe po Marks, Designs. stb. 187 Li designing, trimgning, ete.: three Open from 6 am. to 2 Rm hy . - . ERE a oT . ALAA , erly Patent Office * dollars, including system. Madame La Carte Menls at All Hou M.A., atid Rev. C. Winter, Durham | a district havin a wood Of Patent Laws Book, Fider, New York Dressmaking cal and fako home one of our Choe University. The examiners are Canon | Fone ¥ tail tection" free. 99 St. James Sty} Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Pies, 25¢ each Fitzgerald and Canon Bedford-Jones. | oles ' y ro idpply real. Hranches: Ottawa, Washington, Sydenham Tor morrow morning at 10 o'clock | n ) fetter giving reterenss ! x LE Pr NY. _-- ary axpected: ta W TQRENRR ANCES ROCHITEC PETER LI E, | op. 'anon FitzGerald examines in Greek | "The National Drink" and stating salary expected to wi BUSINESS CHANCES : A CT Test * Pastor: GRAPE JUICE -- a - stament "The Pastoral Epistles." » | - ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN. START WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- AR ------A AANA : = ia | At all Grocers, Druggists and Solna tects, ete. Offices, 268 Bagot St Ring up 1844, or Call at the | PTE. L. G. KEILL | Fountain POSITION WANTED. a mail order business at Riwel 51 Phone 648. ' . canvassing, Buy it by the case for the home, ee een mee eet Send for free booklet; tells how. * se a A POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- 30N MARCHE GROCERY Watts-Florist | HAS BEEN WOUNDED. Tore, MENDRY & co, | TOUNG, MAY, WIVES, POMTON A Hascceke 236 Lorkport NY |"OVhanis "Bak Wuildinu, - corner . , utors oa eRLerience oly Box 512 . vata rock an ellington streets. WHERE YOU WILL FIND FRESH CUT FLOWERS AND Kingston Young Man With | Feats: sapetioies, Apply Sox Bl WANTED GENERAL N AILY. | - ee ebm ---- BUSINESS NOTICES Pineapples, Oranges,Bananas, Straw- Bedding Stuek Ete, | Princess Patricias Received | Ja. 2) TToUNG Gil, DESIRES. A PON). ;WANTED TO BUY ~. SECOND HAND Pp! v 179 Wellington St. Phone 1763 I WwW d InA A ey . five passenger ¢ar. Apply to Box ' 4 .C Fruit, Rhubarb, Let. |. : oun n Arm. * 2 tion addressing envelopes, writing | Ww hig pH AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS, rape business letters by hand or type-| 8 tents, canvas, skiffs for outboard tuee, Radishes, Onions, Ripe Tonik-! Mrs. Brace Ke 286 ea writer, Apply Box J. G., Whig| motors, folding boat seats, fishing : also Pasteurized | Mrs. Bruce Keill 296 Queen ; SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS ake ote anh Won Sooke, : street, on Sunday evening recely-| J for cash or In part payment of hew Clarence treet " . toes, Milk --_ Ores and a new and se- { | planos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- > ed a telegram from the officer in C ! TURN ¥ A N | 9 P - ur St: Wo 2 City Jaxi Stand eharge of the records that her "son. | ounty of FURNITURE NSISHING Prd Limited, 171 Princess strest. |W, EGAN: WISHES 79 ANNOUNCE Our Motto: We Aim to Please. ne Lincoln Garfield Keil of the| DRISCOLL. FURNUTURE FINISH. |Y.W.C.A. WANTS OLD BOOKS, MAGA- that he has purchased the tailor i : YA: shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo- CAVERLY & BRADSHAW Princess Patricias' Light Infantry, I rontenac Tenders * er. Call or drop & card, 23 John | zines, newspapers and rubbers way. and will do all kinds of ro. had 'been wounded in the left arm | = seale | semi-annually thereaft Any- pairing and pressing. B. A. H 1 |. Sealed tenders, marked Tend & 3 after. ny p Opposite B.. ote on June 4th, and had been admitted {the envelope, will be " ne nN A EB ER | one willing to contribute send W.auits {rem your ne aie Collection June 2 , 25th and received a" the Workmanshi - to No. 8 Stationary Hospital, Wimer. |office af ihe County Clerk, Court | emi building Workmansilp ' guarantesq. ouse, ngston, up t im - eons eaux. Pte. Keill is well known in the | yrday, the "Fin ny of Fane 190s a | > CHOICE GROCERIES, pity He is a graduate of Queen's the following: i100 tons more or less ™\ University and was a tutor in clas-| of Heranton Coal. to he of good aual- | ¢ 5 \ TEAS & COFFEES. sics-¥here, He'entisted with the Prin | \ bod. apie, beach. hickory man oot. | | kai FOR A QUICK HOT FIRE, TRY Will be received up till four o'clock Boat, train, Barriefield cam nd] cess Pats in May 1915, and left with {to be sound and of good quality and to} COOKED AND SMOKED all city calls promptly tnd two other Kingston boys Adrian Re- contain 135 cubic fect per cord, Port oh Friday, June 16th, at the office of | MEATS \ pre . ri { . ; 1 coment bbl, co <ind at | (. Webster, KK reet - / TFN . Special rates to theatres, ah and velle and William Milne, who are! per 4 cubic E : ard, net 1 rich wae ton for the Sng Ring st 5 ) parties. All modern and 7 pas-| still in the trenches. {per cubic yard, ail-of- above to be de § " \ ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL Ri -- Tn {livered at County Buildings awhen re. Hall building on Princess street. . on i! ars. | quired. «The lowest or any tender not| Plans and specifications can be seen J rr Rin nn [a earily accep ] AND WOOD. Capt, AW. Tanner who captain- MANADIAN CASUALTIES necessarily = acceptéd. Security willj at 56 Brock street. Lowest or any be required for fulfilment of contract! Loe ToRy ee \ f T : X ------ 8. not mecessaril accepted. _ - : « ed the University of Toronio inter- 4 > y Tw age uarte: JOS. AHEARN, JR, mediate ial team' which won Covering Places East and West of J. W. BRADSHAW, x Aor endure re Siw Toquined 5 oh foes 0 Tr he Canadia intarnadiate oh . p 0 : \ watford ud rind, 3 %79 1.2 MONTREAL STREET. the Canadian intermediate cham- Kingsion, | Kingston, June 9th, Ie aunty U i present buildings on the site or " Your Grocer has it for sale. x Pi 866. pionship in 1897, is reported dead The casualty list for this district 3 ing to specification 4 : of wounds. He went to the front] includes the following: Aa mn sity on » Net in December from Winnipeg. Kiled in action--Pte. C. L. Ander: | Letter From Germany. E. R. BECKWITH, C.E., N: C&W =p : 3 son, Peterboro. { In acknowledgment of a parcel Architect _ y AAMASSALAASALSAAALAAAS - Missing--Lt. H. 8. Mathews, Peter- forwarded to him in Germany by the | MVAAAAASEASMAMALHMMMMAS AAMAASAM, bro: Lt. J.'A. F. "Chapman, Brock- | American consul, Sergt. Claude V. ville; Saper Sol Carrol, Tembroke. Ashling, 15th Canadians, writes Sold RVICE: Motor Boat al A t iT | & Died. i Pte. Joseph | Gottingen camp ABREking him for the | _EEMES © Lelly, Norwood. { parcel of March 22nd. He adds, | U omo | g Wounded-- Pte, James MecGure, | "Life in the camp is not at al all bad, "AUCTION SAL Cobourg: Gunner Joseph Banvile. and the general health is good FURNITURE, FRONTENAC STREET! === Bellevilel; Pte. A. S.. Hagerman . NEAR PRINCESS, THURSDAY i Supplies Hastings: Pte, Ed. McDonnell, rmaL have Weeki Ssueerts and church cer. - JUNE ISTH, 10 AM. j RIGHT IN SEASON. » { vice. Very litle news comes iw and : o aut parlor suites say; Capt. Chas. Basil," Brockvillei | consequently we are ignorant of the Ac luther y = ihe Mechanics s Lien ToT ian fear "anit Jarl Suites Sota Fountain Pte. John Dunn, Peterboro; Pte. John | doings at the front. Quite & Many at his Ro Or i TD CRN, lace and tay carpets, oak book Hetherington,*Napanee; Pte. Milton, | o of the sick are going to Switzerland ORDNANCE AND MONTREAL STS Shelves as ' ; Langstaff, Lanark; Pte. Bert ail hile Tro erdding. shortly for Sonwidescence.' a" | KINGSTON, ON THURSDAY.THE 15th Toanars: ae re © Pearl JI 'Hallhd Balleville; Pte. W. H. Plew, Pet i DAY OF JUNE, 1016, AT THE HOUR | Range. r. Franklin iil day's 3 Electric Shop, boro: Pte. Edward Bryant, Belevillb: | The Siy Nations ehiels have sont Tio Ta IN doy FORENOON. | Gents, Pu e. washing imachite,} Phone 94 oy : 845 Bing Stross Pte. & E. Burchell, Merrickville; Pte.| King George a resolution of condol- No. 317450. formerly owned by W Ahr: poem Jars, coal, et? 81 eR TR 3 Manchester Gifford, Bellpvile; Pte.| ence on the death of his * 'great er gnnell claim $260.79, ALLEN THE AVCTIONEER WE wewwen: | David Hodge, Belleville. trusted war chief.' a W. ALLEN, AUCTIONEER, Residence, 301 4 nies Avenue.

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