Safe . a eaaaa 'Store % Eg Your Furs in the Fur Storage. Our Wagon Will Call, ~ 149 to 157 BROCK STREET JOHN McKAY ': Letters From Kingston Boys At Front The British Whig is setting aside a column for the exclu- Limited {|| Cross emblem indicated the sive use of its readers who may have received letters .from | friends at the front or in Eng- lanfl. Care will be taken for |ff/ Cengorship reasous, that these fi extracts do wot contain the Ji mention of any unit, casually or the location of the unit. [ji! The person sending the letter in should be careful that the {li name of the writer is given. | HELD AT MOUNT CHESNEY ON MONDAY AFTERNOON. ~ Piper J. W. Fraser Took Part In the Programme -- Event Held on Grounds of James McGarvey. A fine Cross féty was held on the grounds of James McGarvey, of Mount Chesney, on Monday afternoon and evening, and was largely attend- .. The booths 'were very attrae- tive in their rations of red and white, Large flags with the Red cause for which the picnic was held. {The musie rendered by Salsbury's or- | chestra was fine, abd at intervals J. | W. Fraser, of the Kingston Collegi- {ate Institute, gave several fine selec- | tions on the bagpipes, which appealed i to the Scotchmen present. | After tea bad been served R. J. | Vair took the chair, and after a few | words of congratulation to the ladies on the splendid success of the affair, he called on W. F. Nickle, M.P., Rev. Dr. Kingsley, pastor of the Chureh | of the Holy Name, Cushendall; Rev. | Mr. Caswell, Sunbury, and R. H. Fair, Glenburnie, Each in turn delighted the audience with | their remarks. Dancing commene- | ed at 8.30 o'clock, and the large plat- | _ | distriet | form was filled as the different, buts. | gration agent, told the Whig that he| could place 120 men and boys and, 40 women and girls. bers were played. the National Anthem was played. | The ladies in charge of the event | were: | picnic in aid of the Red| CELLAR STAIRS. Mrs, William Mecllroy, 107 York Street, Saved by Her Son, But She « May Lose Her Right Hand, But for the quick action of her son Tuesday night, Mrs Wm. Mellroy, 107 York street, might have been killed by a powerful current in a live wire, of which she caught hold. She walk- ed down the cellar stairs to gét some- thing and in stumbling caught hold of a wire carrying a current of 220 volts with her right hand. She could not release her hand, and her son, William, who is a lineman for the telephone company, cat the wire with a pair of pliers that he had handy. Mrs. Mcliroy fell to the ground and first aid methods were applied. Dr. Hagyard was called and the lady was removed to the General Hospital. Her hand Is very badly burned; and there is very little hope of saving it. I A Picture of Its Gallant Hero | Lord Kitchener I'he idol of his men, with the will of a lion and the tender heart of a child. For whose loss his Empire mourns, md whose character, his deadliest foes annot fail to admire. The best pictire ever produced, both in sepia and 'olored, for sale at The College Book Store Headquarters for al military supplies. their Lool. FARM HELP SCARCE. And 40 Women. Farm labor is very scarce n this Lieut.-Col. Hunter, immi-| { The colonel attributes the scarcity | | 160-162 PRINCESS ST. Hunter Could Place 120 Men OPEN NIGHTS. PHONE 919. If requested, letters will be re- i R i { of male farm help to different causes. | efreshment booth--Mrs. G. Pat- | , 8 have] jursed prompily to the geidet, |terson, Mrs. A. J. Craig, Mrs. Albert One Js lst a Duinber of helpers Pee asl any Ietier Jrom th | Gravelle, Mrs. M. Fowler, and "Albert | enlisted; ano kine war) has something in it which is of {ii | | sought work in Iaetories mal hg interest to Canadians, even Tea table--Mrs. R. H. Fair, Mrs [ewstee, while a third is tha ere 0 o--Mrs. R. H. , Mrs. |# na t hav. to vim. romans sume ron ae [| dose 'Fowier: us. 5. "ions 1 Supa en migrant not har to some remark ang out | Mrs. J. Hogan, Mrs. Kelly, and Mrs. | (DE fOr months c og tween trenches to "Frits, v in search of work. Charles Kemp. | . te- IH le booth--Mrs. G. Dra-| Wages, in consequence of the « [oer a ie! Mrs. R. J. Vair, | mand being greater than the supply, {Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Miss Alice Dra. | lave materially advanced. | per. EB Mow WEESE Fish d--Miss Katie Patt DD | Fish pond--Miss Katie Patterson. | Want St Pile Abolished. i WEDDING WEDNESDAY. | Although it is not known what is | The a of the General Ses-| Miss Ha M. W. {the exact sum realized, there will be y i lition of] ! the | 8lons recommends the abo ; i the Bride of Franklin C | R508 amount turned over. to hel the stone pile at the penitentiary and | Mowers. | Gravelle. Just a few pointers about the latest out in Pictorial patterns. a 7 / rinsing SPORTS COATS Every woman is wearing sports clothes this season, and as they 'are much cheaper made at home there is naturally a big demand- for pat- terns. No, 6804 with double cape and 6824 with Of Exquisite Design | 'FOR BRIDAL GIFTS' {the separation of younger convicts! | from the older and more hardened | | ones, It finds that more aceomn.o- | | dation is required for nurses at the | The jurymen| { find. the various charitable institu-| | | _ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. A pretty wedding was solemnized [~~ Welt oiny morning at seven o'clock | Local Notes and Iteias Of Genera) | General Hospital, ection Scoups," and Butter Picks. All designs are "ew, . when Miss Ila Myrtle Weese was un- ited in marriage with Franklin Clif- ford Mowers, of this city. The cere- mony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. S. | O. Weese, 243 Division street. Capt. the Rev. G. 1. Campbell with flowers. The bride, who was unattended, looked very winsome in a charming gown of white crepe sylvia with white roses and lily of the valley. She entered the room accompanied by her father, who gave ber away to the strains of the wed- ding march played by Miss Florence Dicks ® After the ceremony party to the number of twenty-five sat down to a sumptuous breakfast. The happy couple left on the noon train for Toronto and west-| ern points for a honeymoon trip. On officiated. | The house was beautifully decorated | the wedding wedding | Interest. Major Honeywell, of the 8th C.J} i. R., has arrived home on five weeks' leave, and is now in Ottawa. ! Wedd's grape fruit saline at Gib-! son's. | A sale of unclaimed customs house goods was held on Wednesday morn- ing, and attracted a good-sized crowd. Penslar toilet water, at Gibson's | Drug Store. | Major Allan Stroud came back from Ottawa on Wednesday morning, and left in the afternoon for Hamil- ton. Welch's grape juice at Drug Store. | An overseas parcel post will close at the Kingston post office at 11 am. | on Thursday, and one for letters Fri- day noon. Eastman's kodaks Mahood's Drug Gibson's | tions in good condition. Mention is| made that the jail is in excellent con. | dition, and has 19 inmates, 16 males | and 3 females. | Canadian Casualties, Wounded--Hugh Handyside, Pres-| cott; Henry Gordon, Cobourg; A. C. Flynn, 129 Durham street, Kingston; W. Hudson, Trenton; 8S. E. Huffman, Colborne; L. G. Keill, Kingston; Capt. J. H. McDiarmid, Perth; J. S. Marshall, Gilbert's Mills; John Flem- ing, Belleville; W. A. Hagerman, Pe-| terboro; R. J. Bennett, Kemptville, W. Teabo, 8S. T. Luther, Peterboro. Dangerously ill-----A. Wallace, Pe- terboro; R. W. Hay, Belleville. Asked to Locate Recruit. i U. 8. Consul Johnson has been single cape eollar are the favorites. SPORTS DRESSES No. 6778 for Ladies and No. 6786 for Misses are smart sports dresses. Can be made of plain linen or pongee. SPORTS BLOUSES Sports blouse No. 6847 is a na also No. 6852 in Norfolk style. vance styles, SEPARATE SKIRTS No. 6817 and No. 6799 for Sports Skirts, No. 6787 has the new long pointed tunie. Smith Bros. OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. JEWELLERS, tty design; Both are ad- Furs Stored their return they will take up resid- | Store. j 25ked by tke sales of police at Ro- | ence at 497 Barrie street. The pre-| The president of the Board of|<hester I rd % Suto Ton Se 16] sents sent to the bride by her many | Trade acknowledges a contribution ger ized Ce Mi dn ag) friends testify to the esteem in which |of $5 from Mrs. F. J. Johnson for tl un Charbite a Bro she is held. There were a number of | the Belgian Relief Fund. | shipped from harlotte as out-of-town guests at the wedding. | Huyler's chocolates, all kinds, at | on te steamer Toronto on Monday | Gibson's. | i -------------- | AFTERNOON FROCKS Ladies' White Skirt Sale. | A local chauffeur, before Justice! This week we will offer two spe-! of the Peace Hunter, paid $5 damages | Frontenac School, Will held an exhibition of work Blouse No.GT85. with: 6812 or 6793 6815 or 6808 with 6813 and 6791. EVENING GOWNS For summer dances and evening functions, No. 6767 and 6806 or 6793 and 6812 -- also 6523. cial lines in dadies' white = skirts; | for hitting a waggon belonging to Jo- | white repp skirts, worth $1.60, for seph Anderson, Barriefield on Friday, June 16th, from two to 98¢; white Bedford cord wash ekirts,| Welch's grape juice at Gibson's | five o'clock, to which all are invit. $2.25 and $2.60 lines, for $1.69. All| Drug Store. | ed Refreshments, Admission 10c. sizes in stock. Corrigan"s, Lc Three line girls were in Juvenile| Proceeds in aid of the prisoners of li | Court on ednesday for playing ball| war Runaway Lad Enlisted. jon the street, ang were one not | ar Sergt. James Row, Toronto, into violate the city by-law again, search of his fourteen-year-old son,| Huyler's chocolates, all kinds, at | following a tilt with | Gibson's, | o-iade 3 in ai Ped Jit Tun away. fol oy him at| Mrs. J. E. DeHertel, Perth, arrived home-made food sale in aid of Barriefield camp, where he enlisted | In the city to-day to visit her hus-| rose igen as yo Pe with the Army Service Corps, He en-| band, Col. De Hertel, 130th Battal. | 3 8 = hhh listed with another Wars boy. | eran the Eastman's kodaks Mahood's Drug' William Trotter. Sh 1°" Nefiion's ice cream: bricks, Store. powder Gibson's, Lieut, Goodearle, formerly of Kingston, and Lieut. James O'Neill, of Lindsay, a graduate in arts- of | Queen's, have arrived at Cobourg to EYER J assist in the recruiting for the 25500 | Battalion. i Page and Shaw chocolates, Ma | hood's Drug Store, { The General Hospital management has rented a house on O'Kil] street as an annex to the nurses' residence. There are sixty-eight nurses at the hospital and only proper accommo- dation for forty. --- | Neilson's ice cream bricks, Gibson's, i In the Police Court Jonathan Fer-| ris was fined $2 and costs for driving | on the wrong side of the street. The | case of a young man charged with | with Gourdier's Newman & Shaw. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Nurses' Food Sale. The nurses' alumnal will hold a! Pluto Concentrated Spring Water For use in gout, rheuma- tism, neuritis, constipa- tion, skin eruptions, ete. Dr. A.P. Chown's Drug Store "Sick-room Supplies guest of Mrs. T. D. | | at Djerkies perfume and Mahood's Drug Store. it "THE HAT STORE" PN i ai pn eee BUILDERS SUPPLIKS --------y LUMBER Large - quantities of native woods in our big sheds. Hemlock, Pine and Spruce in all sizes and best grades. Imported Woods-- Cypress, Yellow Pine, Oak, Mahogany, Chest- nut, ete. Well season- ed, ready for immediate ULOSING OF MAILS British mail closes frregu- larly. Information posted at #, O. Lobby from time to time. United States, daily ..12.45 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east Grand 'We have added a Cut Drapery Department and will make up all free of charge rom 50c a yard. RMcFaul, Ringston Carpet Warehouse INDIVIDUAL CARE. two persons' eyes are exact. Ne ly wl Glasses that' correct at |THE NURSES ALUMNAE 'FRAME DWELLINGS pd "1 GOLDEN LION GROCER Fancy Clover Honey In one pound sections, 25¢ each, oy, itera. Eronas nice and juicy, -2¢, 15¢. 1b, no : Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs. for 25¢. Evaporated Apricots, 18c| Sweet Cider, 0c per gal. = W. R McRae & Co ville, Ottawa. Advance, Port Colborne. diers from the camp who werp in town last night | took objection'to __ | Post, on & newspaper office here and removed the sign and also threatened that unless the office, which is run by E. B. Christiansen, Canadian, was closed by June 15th they would return and wreck the plant, soldfers using threatening language was en-| larged till Friday. Lubin"s. scalp remedy, keeps the! scalp clean and healthy, 50c a bot-| tle, sold only at Prouse's Drug | Store. According to Inspector Timmer- win there ig about as much garbage to collect in the city now as there was when the soldiers were quarter- | ed here. Increase in the number of restaurants is given as the cause. | n Marine Circles | Arrived: Jex, Oswego, coal; Simla, Port Colborne and Erie, laden barges; Emerson, Charlotte, coal, barges; Advance, Montreal; Gren-| Cleared: Katie Eccles, Oswego; Bartlett, Port Colborne, light barge: Emerson, laden barges, Montreal; Down: Belleville, Soldiers Remove German Sign, Pembroke, June 14.---Twenty sol- Petewawa military the name, German a German- 'When the police arrived the peacefully went back to Pete- reiterating their promise as VARIETY IN HATS Don't be satisfied to wear the same hat every day -- morning, noon, and night. Every well dressed man should have at least three good hats. Derby, Soft Hat and Straw, W show such a big as- sortment {Lt vou will find it a pleasure to sel- ect a new hat or two -- different to anything vou have ever worn be- fore. ope GEORGE MILLS & C0 Importing Hat rting Specialist ANNUAL MEETING. 'Mrs. George Nicol Elected Pre- sident -- Association Has Done Good Work. _ The Kingston Genera: Hospital Nurses Alumnae Association held its (annual meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. | George Nicol, who was sent as a dele- | 8ate tothe Ontario Graduate Nurses' | Association fonvention in Toronto, | Eave an interesting report. { The local association has been en- | Baged in patriotic and domestic work | throughout the winter. ' | home has received a number of con- | tributions from it, anq the Red Cross { Society has also been aided. | Elections for the ensuing year were held and resulted as follows: -- | Hon, president, Miss Claude Boskill; {Superintendent of the training | school; president, Mrs. George Nicol; | first vice-president, Mrs, W. J. Croth- | ers, jr.; second vice-president, Miss i Emily Baker; Secretary, Mrs. Samuel | Crawford; treasurer, Mrs. Howard | Marshall; . secretary, | Miss Anna, Hiscock; treasurer of re- | Bistry, Miss Annie Gibson. i i | A seventeen-year-old Ottawa sol- | dier was before #County Magistrate Hunter on Wednesday charged with | desertion and was sentenced to tWO | Ret {months in jail, but may be released if his behavior is good. Another sol- given five months for being ithout Jeave, ~ Welch's grape juice at Gibson's Drug Store, A use S. Anglin & Co. Olworkiag Facto Lumber Yards, y Bay & Wellington Sts, weeslomber, Coal and Woodooos Z| Refrigerators Here you will find that | roomy, economical, e]e-| gant and trustworthy re.| frigerator you have long] wanted. Don't decide till} vou see what we have to of- | fer vou, Come in to-day | and look them over, 1 Here are some: Solid Oak Case, genuine -Bon system, from 035 to 358. Oak Case, enamel lined $20 to 830. We have large assortment of small salvanized 185 Princess Phone 343 Drop In 2 And see our new line of Fy Premiums We are giving away for Cash Trade . GLASSWARE, CHINA, WATER SETS, JARDINEERS SILVERWARE CHINA CLOCKS, ETC. Inquire about our system it will interest you, Start a eard today I. R. B. Gage, i Montreal street, Phone 549. SA AA rn ------ tt srs