~~! Ewery hat new this season. Guaranteed per- ect in every way. No seconds or samples, Val. ues in this lot regular up to $5.50. Thursday $1.19 to Clear T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. + Phone 800 1 Higher Up the Street But Lower in Price KINGSTON MOTOR TRANSPORT & LIVERY CO., + 34-38 Princess Street. Phone 177. General Motor Cart and Auto Service. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. First-class Horses a Dar Freight and Baggage Trangfe tiended te prompt Premier Gasoline and Polerine for ey yes. alten, ", "s. ' J. C. MORRIS 'NO NEED TO GO To 71 King St. West, Toronto, for Fitat-Clage Portrature Work. Representa- tives o The Blakemore Studie have arrived in Kingston, and intend to open as soon @&s some live real estate man gets them a location. Home Poftraiture and Wedding Groups Specialties. a BLAKEMORE Phone 1092, 236 STUART STREET. Wateh s tthe Whig for all Military Photons in Kingston. Manager. for Tired, Perspir- ing Feet ... A full line of Nyal's Preparations at the Nyal Quality Store. Sargent's Drug Store Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Telephone No. 41 ~ New Bedroom Furniture Just received a number of new de signs in brass and iron beds. We have exercised a great care in selecting our stock of bedroom furniture in order to insure our customers receiving the best values and the very latest finishes | Hatchery and patterns. || looking il | the east and {| Wednesday | {dinian. ' __THE DAILY 'FIRE COMMITTEE EY ---- Regarding Street Lighting. The Fire and 'Light Committee, following the sanction of the City Council, is purchasing a new team of for the fire department. The Council will be asked to secure an additional team. = Ald, Nickle and Corbett, who were appointed a com- mittee to secure a team, reported to the committee at its meeting on Tues- day afternoon that a suitable team could -be pure near Napanee. The two aldermén paid a visit to Napanee and vicinity on Monday and got in touch with the owners of horses, and submitted a report. The committee has before it an ac- count of $5,386.93 from the Utilities Commission for street lighting for three months, but it was decided some time ago that the committee would only agree to an expenditure of $16,000 for the year. The matter was laid over, pending a conference with the Utilities Commission. SOLDIER WRITES POETRY Pte, M. H. Timms is Serving With the 21st Battalion, In a letter to his wife, Pte. Mar- tin H. Timms, 370 Bagot street, who went overseas with the 21st Battalion, says that he is well, and \ancloses ithe ipllowing under the self: | Oh, little girl, may you never know Of the empty weight of my heart. May you never guess as you come and go » nN How its chords lie apart. May you never dream on ga star light night Of the havoc you wrought within When I worshipped atar who had no right And knew that I never could win: May you never suffer the lasting scar Of a love which was not to be. May you always be happy as angels are - And God have pity on me. MARRIED AT VANCOUVER Two Graduates of Queen's Principals in Wedding at Coast. A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at Saint Michael's church, Vancouver, B.C., when Lillian Fran- cis Birley, B.A, daughter of Mrs. F. Peart Birley, 227 Albert street, Kingston, was united in marriage to Alvin McFarlane, M.A... The win- some little bride was unattended, very sweet in a Belgian blue silk poplin suit and hat to match. in blue and old rose. The happy couple left immediately for are expected evening and remaining here a week and then sailing for England on June 24th on the Sar- Mr. Warner being a cap tain in the Royal Medical Corps. Both the bride and groom are graduates of Queen's University. STREET PAVING DELAYED. [| Until the City Engineer Can Round Up Enough Men. Street paving work will not be un- dertaken until the City Engineer is able to secure at least fifty men for the work, 30 far perhaps not more thar a dozen have responded to the Board of Works recruiting call. There is no use of tearing up old roadways until there is a big enough staif of men to replace them with semething better, The city is now paying laborers $1.80, $2 and $2.25 a day, according to iheir worth. The old men got the low wage, _ PONDS STOCKED FOR SPAWN. Will Try New Method at Cape Vincent. The United States fish hatchery lo- title of "A Wish," written by him | home | WILL CUT OFF BRISK TRADE IN . THIS DISTRICT. . Stated That Shipment of Feldspar From Kingston Amounted to $100,000 Per Year--Local Schoon- ers in the Trade. The embargo placed on feldspar being shipped from the Kingston dis- trict into the United States, as an- nounced in the Whig on Tuesday, will mean the cutting off of the shipment of feldspar to the extent of $100,- 000 a year. The new regulation ag received by the railway companies states that they must not accept any feldspar for shipment to Cobourg, to be taken across the line on the car ferry there. The Government is taking this means in war time to preserve their own product. + For some years the trade in felds- par from this district has been quite brisk. Not only has it been ship- ped over railways to Cobourg, and there transferred to the. big car ter- ries, but schooners have lgaded it her off the cars and taken it across the lake. The bulk of the feldspar shipped from this port was taken to Sodus. The schooner Ford River, which left here a few days ago, to be used in | trade on the Atlantic coast, carried! | feldspar off and on for several years. | | | Letters To The Editor | | Wolfe Island Steamboat Finances. | Wolfe Island, June 12.-- (To the | { Editor): In looking over the min-| | utes of the Wolfe Island Council, 1 | see a statement regarding the steam- | | boat which is very misleading. It} states that there was $2,939.18 to the| credit of the boat on June 1st, and | the first motion, moved by Gillespie-] McGlynn, provides that certain boat| accounts be paid. Now, vou add the! | accounts together and you will have! $1,092.70. Subtract this from $2,- 939.18, you will have $1,846.48, { which, I think, would show a core | correct statement of the bank ac- count. On the first of January, 1916, | there was to the credit of the boat 182,743.12. On June 1st there is $1,846.48, if I can add and subttact | correctly. { I will go a little farther. Let them { have their stated amount in the | bank and subtract the amount that | was in the bank on the first of the | year, you will see that they have | $196.06 to the credit of the boat on | the first day of June, with liabilities lof $1,092.70. So take the five [ months of the year you will see they | { have gone behind $896.64. Take {a look at the township accounts and { bank statement, it is just as mislead- | ing.--W. H. WOODMAN. CANADIAN RED CROSS IS DOING FINE WORK. | [Nearly Forty-Nine Thousand Parcels Sent to Sick and . Wounded. | London, June 14.--Nearly forty: nine thousand parcels have been sent | by Canadian Red Cross to the sick {and wounded in hospitals. The contents were not chosen at random, but according to each man's request. A recent list includes note paper, let articles, mirrors, pipes, tobac- boots, canvas shoes, | stylo pens, books, sweaters, khaki | shirts, underwear, fruit, flowers, | puzzles, mouth organs, playing cards |and sweets, F Comfort bags have achieved such | fame as to create an embarrassing | demand. Most articles thus sent | out come in generous measure from | Red Cross branches in Canada. Oth | ers are purchased with money which | comes here as thank offering or | marked specially to be. devoted: to | comforts. - | This makes no account of the huge numbers of newspapers sent Cana- | dian troops, which are sent with such | unstinted liberality from all parts of | Canada. A certain shortage is ex- | perienced just now of papers from | toi co, socks, soft WEDNESDAY, 14, 1916 Specialties in Summer Footwear » High Shoes. Men's. Rubber Sole Oxfords and Ladies' White Canvas Pumps and Tennis Shoes. Girls' Strap Sipps. i Boys' Running Shoes Children's Barefoot Sandals. Babies' Patent Slippers. am, ABERNETHY S SHOE STORE Home-Made Candy and Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAKELL'S Next Opera House. SL lis ------ A GET UNDER A SUMMER HAT The man who: knows what's WHAT in style, value, appear- ance wears '"'Camp- bell's Hats" a mat- ter of course, We pride ourselves on the completeness of | our stock and always | feature the new devel- opements while they are new. Panama Hats from $3.50 up. : Special values in Straw Sailors, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Campbell - Bros. | The Big Hat Dealers. as Military Camp Comforts Folding Woven Wire and Canvas Cots, Folding Chairs and Tables. Everything in*Camp Sup- plies. Phone 147 James Reid, And have them delivered to your quarters. The Busy Store With the Large Stock CTI | HITED Local Branch Time Table IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915 - Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street. Golng West. Lv. 12.2 i | \EVASION DOESN é& » | Bf » Pris Coffee" <7 For over thirty years our Coffee has been "a high standard of quality" con {sistently maintained 7 1 eT « 3l--=Lioecal to Bellevlile . 18---Mall . 16--Fast Ex, Vo, 32~--~Local to Brockville . Mail * Ltd... . 238--Local to FAIR ano SQUARE In this fair and square shop of}! satisfaction you can ask' for what Have no hesitation to try | it. It will do credit to your | you want and get it from our ac- | cated at Cape Vincent recently placed } | commodating salesmen, | small perch in one of the ponds and | black bass in another on the Wyckoff Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ea Kingston. A protest has just come breakfast table. from some men against the present Brockville . 658 p.m. .m. . 1, & 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally, other trains dally except Bunday, Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, New Bed Room Carpets I We have a very large stock of new | Brussels Rugs for the bed room. Extra good values. 2 . We handle Edison's New Dia- mond dise phonograph. Nothing better. T.F . Harrison Co, PHONE 90. LIMITED fof digestion is no longer impeded. farm at the head of Carleton island. The government has rented the ponds, for spawn for hatching purposes. If) the experiment proves a success, | Spawn can be obtained much more cheaply than by the method former-: ly used. The ponds were construct- | ed by Mr. Wyckoff severil years ago for his private use. Ts | Tuberculosis At Orpington. | Letters received from nurses on! the 'staff of the Ontario Military Iiospital at Orpington England, in- ' "| dicate that there have been" fifty | cases of tuberculosis admitted to the hospital since it was opened ! for service, and tbat the first oper- ation was successfully performed there on May 17th. i { chewing gum which "they found, though it came from Canada, had been made in Germany, The re- cipients, to quote a scriptural. ex- pression, 'spewed this out of their mouth" now, and sigh for the real Canadian article. Portsmouth - Philosopher's Latest There's no fixed rule in life for the benefit of mankind, remarks the Portsmouth Philosopher, citing that Sampson got into trouble becaus> he got his hair cut and Absalom 80} into trojfble because he didn't. ------ Cecil Thompson, Toronto, aged three, fell into a pool and died six | hours later despite the efforts to hands when that woman stepped on save his life. | I appreciate Dr. Chase's llIndigestion Resulted From Bad Case of Inactive Liver Experience: Proved That Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills Were Exactly What Was Needed. If every sufferer from indigestion would study his case as did the writ- er of this letter the great majority would find sluggish action of the li- ver and bowels to be the cause of trouble. It is then an easy step to finding a cure, for there is nothing like Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to awaken the action of the liver, kidneys and bowels. With these organs perform- ing their natural functions the sys- tem is thoroughly cleansed of all poi- sonous waste matter and the process Mrs. W. L. Jones, "Hill Spring, Alta., writes: "I have often thought I would write and tell you how much medicines, ly Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver I suffered terribly from indi- the cause. I got to using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and was so im- proved that I began to study the mal- ady. I found that the indigestion resulted from a bad case of inactive liver, and as soon as F got the liver working right, I didn't have any sto- mach trouble or indigestion, the . ner- vous spells vanished and the 'blues' flew away. I am never sick now, but should the old trouble return, I know how to cure it quickly." There is a whole host of derange- ments which disa; hen the liv- er is eet right. Biliousness, indiges- tion, headache, irritability, constipa- tion are a few of the more common results of torpid liver action. By the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills you can control all such disorders. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., gestion and did not know what was Limited, Toronto. { ""' Fresh vegetables, fresh Strawber- and | ries, fresh Fruits, Oranges, Bananas, Cherries, also fresh Fish, EMPIRE GROCERY, | Phone 349, Hamilton, Buffalo, Londos, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For full particulars apply J. P. HAN- LEY, Rallroad and _ Steamship Agent, cor. Johnson ahd Ontario streets. It will "set vow up"? jcarry you through the day. Henderson's Grocery | | |[TER: | A square house to deal with | Prem. | | 59-61 Brock St. From Montreal to Corinthian June 21 London Seand'n June 24 Liverpool Carth'gn June 29 23 CANADIAN: SERVICE : & | MONTREAL TO LONDON His Regular Cue. From Montreal "What made you start clapping your (about) 2 (about) July 1 | your foot in the car?" . Ausonia (Ciabin-only) July 15 Sramplan July 8 Liverpool y Stcitan Jute 13 19 | 1 "I was dozing," answered Mr. Cum- | TREAL TO AVONMOUTH Scand'n uty 20 Ev ernoy [ rox. "I thought mother and the girls | DOCK Corinthian July 30 London | were having a musical at home 'and | yoo nucerta ATC Yona gu Aug. anger, one of them was signaling that it was p Steamers marked i) frelent SHE. | time Fg | Passenger steamers oa at almouth. to applaud | For information apply local Ticket- y {Agent or the Robert Reford Co., Lim. Dilemma. | ited, 50 King Street Bast, Toronto. Husband--Why don't you put your, ~ mind on it and get n° good cook? Wife | (sweetly)--I don't think | know how. 1 i don't seem to have any faculty in se | lecting people to live with, i An Indication, i "Is your daughter ,getting on well | with her music?" i "I guess 80. The neighbors are get- | ting so they speak to me civilly again." | NEW TRAIN SERVICE--NOW IN EFFECT, TORONTO LONDON--DETROIT CHICAGO ----i "THE MICHIGAN SPECIAL" { "THE QUEEN CITY" | Lv. Toronto ...11.50 p.m. Dally (E.T.) . Big Exception. ih Galt | 5 " Ly. "1 never knew a man yet who want- | }"otdsteck ed to listen to other people's troubles" | ¢ Chatham "Then 1 guess you've never known | Af Wind any lawyers." t : v am. t om R10 a.m. Girl, | Aw, reit aOR. 3h am. Wise Girl. | Ar. OR» am. Maud--Would you object to a bus I Hglited standard band who smoked in the house? Marie-- | Toronte-Detroit, and Toronte-Chis | Most decidedly. But I shall keep quiet "25° - about it until 1 one. Partignl F. Conway, C. SUE wth get an Wellington streets, Phou xtarannss Lv. Detroit (Fort St.) ..7.00 pam. Datiy " Windsor (CPR) . ...740 pam, * BA, Site Ticket Office; cor. Prine