A | Hi STANDING OF DEPOT BATTERIES IN THE CITY, cured Forty-one Men Weeks--Dental Corps Has Twenty Men. The Field Ambulance Depot at Barriefield camp secured forty-one of the 54 men in the strength within the last two weeks. For the Army Service Corps bakers for overseas Berv'ce nine more have volunteered. The Dental Corps at Barriefield and Ottawa took on three more men, and there are now twenty n ths popular branch of the service, i The depot batteries in the city are How as follows, according to the Wlast semi-monthly statement: & 72nd Battery--1 recruit; Now 39 strength, : 31 nN 73rd Battery--20 ptrength. 74th ! strength, 76th strength. Ammunition column--0 recruits; 10 strength. | recruits; ° Battery recruits; 2 Battery--( recruits; 2% "0" RCHA--¢ recruit, 339 strength. There are now 84 recruits in the | 235th Battalon at Bowmanville and 16 in the 240th Renfrew. Transfers and Appointments, Lieutenants J. A. Fleming and A i C. Burgess, 77th Battalion, are trans-, ferred to Signal Training Depot | Lieutenants W. J. Hoar, R. EA Nicholson and H. F. Wilson, 136th Battalion, are promoted to the rank of Captain, provistonally, in the 136th Battalion. Lieut. R. R. Williams, Bat- tery, C.F.A, is appointed to 73rd Battery, vice Lieut Wickett, 5th Battery, resigned. Capt, E. H. Ross, Lieutenants D, K. MacDonnell and G. R Merrick, 77th Battalion, are transferred to 238th Battalion, Lieut. G. Mortimer, G.G.F.G., appointed to 77th Battalion. EIGETY-NINE PROBATIONERS 9th is Are Attending the Infantry School of Instruction. | There are eighty-nine probationers in attendance at the Infantry Sc hool of Instruction. The staff of four-| teen, including Lieut.-Col. D. Barra- ger, commandant, .and Capt. H. C Wotherspoon, adjutant, is able to handle this number on the revised principle with more individual train- ing, without difficulty. Fortunately the instructors are all able men, and the school is doing even better work HOW than ever, Individuals who wish tg qualify ag officers at the C. K..F Schools of Infantry, and, for such purpose, en Hst in the C. E. F., should they fail to quality, may, if they desire it, be discharged from the C. § ¥. : A A A rm sn ; . Aon | of the 154th Battalion Field Ambulance at Camp Has + | in Two OFFICERS MUST ATTEND At bectures Given at the Camp in the Evenings, Capt. W. J. McManus, instructional cadre, gave a lecture to the N.C.'s. on Friday afternoon and in the evening lectur- ed to the officers of the same unit aily British KINGSTON, | In these evening lectures for offi- cers, an order issued a short while ago stated that leave would be granted only sparingly, and it is be ing followed out to the letter. Practi- cally every officer in the camp must attend and secure the knowledge im- parted by these able lecturers such as Capt. McManus, Major Pontor and Major Porter, who are in charge of the training for the other two bri- gades. Lectures are given three times a week. A SIX-DAYS' COURSE In Bayonet Fighting and Physical Training Starts Monday. A six-days' regimental course bayonet fighting and physical train- ing for all officers and N.C.0's. who have not qualified at a twenty-one days' course at the B.F. and P.T. school, will commence on Monday. In order to interfere as little as possible with the ordinary training, half of the officers and N.C.O's. of each unit will undergo instruction from 8.30 a.m. until noon and the remainder will be given the instruc- tion from 2 p.m. until 5.30 p.m. GRAHAM Barriefield ( 'amp More, Invalided Soldiers Arrive, The following invalided soldiers, most of whom have been through to the firing line, arrived in the city at 2.20 pm. Saturday, from Quebec, iaving sailed on the S.S. Missanable: Pte. F. Fgx and Driver P Neilson, Ottawa; W. gYates, Kingston; J. Me- Faulds, Pegth; Pte. H. Slater, Graf- ton; Pte. J. Harwood, Port Hope. | The Crust of ihe "Quinte" ' Overseor Botiolion Those whe have retumed fromm the Sring Tine speak anthonafically of the convenience -- the comlort--alment Se necewty of having & Gilles if 8 man on ative wf Vv FFICERS and men returning to Canada from a - the Front unite in (RY endorsing the Gillette # i ity to - service. Safety Razor as a convenience, a comfort, and practically a- the men on active in| TRA AO ND NS A LA, a we MA War - { | TROOPS PASSING ALONG KING S The 13th Artillery Brigade in Parade Before It Left Kingston for Pel ~~ CANP GROUND AGA NODDY AFTER SO MUCH RAIN OF PAST TWO DAYS. The Soldiers Smile, But all the Same They Have No Friendly Feeling For the Weather Man. The rain fell in torrents all day Friday The grounds have become muddy again, but through it there is a smile on the faces of the boys in khaki. Their spirit wonderful, and that true British soldier charac- teristi¢ of never complaining but fac- ing facts with a smile is ever pres- ent. The work of training goes on in spite of what comes from the skies be it sunshine or rain. The sylla- bus as laid down by headquarters and worked out by the battalion coramanders, is varied enough to al- low for lectures in the many mar- | quees such the sergear mess, | officers' mess, recreation tent and in the other large tents in use by every { battalion. In these officers of all | ranks take squads and instil into | them the principles of warfare as de- | j¢ided by the best of authorities. The] company, battalion or platoon drill, musketry and all kindred, are dealt with. No practical work is possible, | but the lectures keep the men's minds on their work, so that when the field practice can be recommenced it will be done with renewed progress--the men being able to put in practical form that which was.given to them in the lectures of the rainy days. 18 as Competent tele graphers are re quired for the Divisional Signal Com, pany, Ottawa Commanding officers are to forward to the District Sig- natling Office the names of any -com- petent telegraphers who desire to transfer, together with their qualifi cations and a statement showing what practical experience they have had RE Dat in be he ars GS ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JU FIVE NEW PETS Attached 146th Battalion. The 146th Battalion has five new 3 for the amusement of the sol- Three The crows woods Have Been to the pets diers foxes dents of resi- batta- former the are the near lion lines and were caught by some | out for a 'stroll the district, and ach wearing a fellows, and of ths soldiers while The foxes came from were brought in, collar. They are litt as yet are strange to their surround- ings They are graat pets, however, and treated well by the men BIROWIN 12 rriefieid ( Munroe, 93rd Battalion, is a few days in Bowmanville Capt spending are crows and two are | Ae A A AAA AA SAA At PtP Whig E 17, 1916. TREET. awawa. rr ----------------. 555 MEN WERE RECRUITED {and money orders. The TH OSTAL CORPS BISY |r HANDLES OVER 12,000 LET. ! TERS EACH DAY. !Sale of Stamps Amounts to $150 a | Day--Two Collections of Mail Are | Made Daily, { It has long been known that the | Canadian soldiers are most consistent [letter writers, and spend most of their. spare time telling the news of the day to their friends at home This peculiar trait is felt in the im- mense work that the branch of the Canadian Postal Corps at Barriefield camp is called upon to do. Under the able direction of Lieut. Crochit- iere, who is assisted by four clerks, the system is working splendidly in {spite of the fact that over 12,000 let- ters a day fair average of the amount handled. This is the work that the staff is is a called upon to do beside the numer- | ous applications for postage stamps sale of stamps every day amounts to well over $150, and $3,000 or $4,000 in money or- j ders after a pay day is co! a | very usual occurrence. - The post of- fice is situated in a separate building back of headquarters, and two collec- tions 'of the mail are made every day. Throughout the Camp--Two Trunk Lines to City. Telephones will be installed throughout Barriefield camp immedi- ately and the equipment is now here. Twenty-six jacks on the switch-board at the camp are in the equipment which will provide telephones for ail of the battalions and the administra- tion officers. As a great part of the Pp ng will' be within the camp grounds, only two trunk lines to the Kingston Central are considered ne- cessary, The central at the camp will be in a building back of the Headquarters Administration build- ing, which is now partly occupied by the telegraph offices. ret ------ R. A. McEachern, E. A. Matheson, {L R. Lovell and T. M. Robinson have | been_promoted to the rank of ser- |geant in the 109th Battalion. IN THIS DISTRICT DURING THE | PAST FORTNIGHT. This Number the Battalions at Barriefield Secured 62--The En- gineers Get the Most Men, Half a battalion was recruited through the district in the last two weeks, 556 men being taken out of civil life and put into khaki. This is a splendid showing, considering the fact that the home influence of battalion training in the country has been lost by bringing the soldiers to Barriefield. The Engineers Training | Depot 'has proved the greatest draw- (ing card in. the period just closed: In that half-a month 122 men were tak- en on the strength. The which are at Barriefield and strengths are as follows: 93rd--11 recruits; 982 strength, 109th--4 recrpits; 999 strength. 130th--2 recruits: 969 strength. 136th--3 recruits; 791 strength. 139th--2 recruits; 948 strength. 146th--6 recruit 51 strength. 154th--8 recruits; 1,113 strength. 1 h--6 reeruts; 156th--20 recruits; 1,077 strength Of their al battalons | 1,186 strength. | It is worthy of note that the three | "Junior" battalions--that is, those having the largest numbers--are the | three strongest of the nine. To avoid the inconvenience that re- sult from guards being unable to know the time at different hours dur- | ing the night, the 154th Battalion has |a large alarm clock fitted into a spe- cially made box which keeps the time piece weather proof, and enables the entries to know the time at any hour Lieut, M duty with the attending the Ottawa. Morrison has returned to 154th Battalion after School of Musketry at em ------_, BARRIEFIELD CAMP OVERSEAS BATTALIO NS OF EASTERN ONTARIO MAKE FORWARD MOVE TOWARD BRITAINS FIRING LINE camps under canvas at Barriefield, with plen can train under conditions far more "nearly e than have been possible at the _around, approac hing actual warfar many thousands of our enlisted Canadians, impatient to get into the fight, this move to central military Ten thousand men is more than welcome. ty of home town barracks. ¥ I,m A few weeks work here, and our hearts and hopes will go with them as they sail for the Motherland, 'to "do their gallant part in smashing the attempted tyranny of ruth- less might and "kultur". THE 146TH Passing Along King Street in Lieut. Munsis --------------_----. BATTALION t Recent Kingston » is Leading. Parade. AA AA A a A A Anning open country CAR IR NEE Fe 2 Bt et LL TTI OLE unitsare going overseas equipped privately with Gillette Safety ' boy or your Razors. pal at Barriefield got Has your his yet? If he has, then send him a generous; supply ) y of Gillette