Rn gn 4 Singhs SON OTTAWA GLP . Special Correspondence by H. F. Gadsby, 1 | The first of the Yacht Club teas | was held at the Club house on Friday {afternoon. Bridge was played in the | Ladies' Room on the third floor, litary Tollgate. Ottawa, June 15.--The other day the Britisn Empire was thrilled by the account of the great naval battle of the Skaggerack, a battle as glor- fous in Trafalgar. This-battle, in which the odds wgre heavily against the Bri- tish, displayed all the old spirit from admiral down boy. Time and again His Majesty's | ships bucked the German Yine, the | swift battle eruisers gave and took broadsides, the destroyers madé their berseker charges, none recked how hie perished provided he smote first. | Admiral Beatty, with the high cour-| age of the British navy. a courage | which is second nature, placed his squadron between the German Grand | Fleet and its base and held the en- | emy to it, at a terrible toll on both! sides, until Admiral Jellicoe and his| Dreadnoughts hove insight and sent the Germans scuttling back to cover. Admiral Hood went down with his | ship, as many other gallant officers | and men did with theirs. Five thou- sand of the bravest men in England lie at the bottom of the for | this is the price of Admiralty, the German navy is bottled up once more I'he Kiel Canal is crowded! again, Britannia has shown that | {she rules the waves and intends to | keep on ruling them. The only mis-| take seems to have been the meticu- lous caution of the British Admir- | alty which let the Germans put their | story on the wire first--it will take! the truth some time fo overtake the! German misrepresentations The great battle had its lesson for | Canada. What if the German navy had broken through? Where would | Canada have been then, with no navy of her own and thé Niobe tied up at Halifax and being used as a cook house for landlubbers? However, that is an old story What really counts Is the thrill of pride Canada felt at the great British victory in {the North Sea The German fleet | nay never come out again--indeed | Its coming out at all is in the nature | of a last card and a sign that the war is in sight of its finish, this | | demonstration being a sacrifice to | German public opinion which sus- pects that the German a rmy has shot of operators can Promise the same prompt service at 10 cents a reil, | Films y bent alia Tanig. to sell you the ad will replace any which are defective, 1y the most satis- and developers meras of all mnkes sold, ex. ked, rented sud repaired. eA Tue Best's The Popular Drag Store, OFEN SUNDAYS, SEE USE DART CANNOT SEE § We Maintain the Highest Standard of quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making and Eye Glass fitting Our Charges are moderate Our work is guaranteed KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETMIST AND OPTICIAN, 228 'viucess Sireel, 18 {Its bolt on land. But meanwhile it has provided the British Empire with a thrill---a thrill of pride and .satis- faction that Englishmen make no account' of it if death is only swal- lowed up in victory for a great cause. Right on its heels comes another thrill. Our brave Canadians baptized With fire at St. Julien, Festubert and Langemarcke, are carrying this coun- lry's name to glory again at Ypres. | The casualty lists are going to be! long. There will be many sad hearts in Canada: But they will not -sor- row as those without hope, these fathers, mothers, wives, maidens, | children who have given their dear- | €st to the call of honor and duty. | Such 'are the thrills which a war | three thousand miles distant pro- vides for us on land and sea. Mean- ! while what kind of thrills are being provided at home? Well, we have the Kyte enquiry, which concerns a | lot of highbinders whose chief ob- ject seems to have been to soak the British Empire coming and going. | We have Colonel John Wesley Al-| lison, Sir Sam's friend and super- | patriot, who being told to. "scrateh | gravel for himself" did it to such good effect that Wall Street buccan- | eers would pay $25,000 each for an! introdaction to him so as to be able to get in on the gravel that the Col onel was scratching. The Colonel seems to have struck 'pay dirt" from the very first. He made so much money that he could divide a| commission of a million dollars with two other profiteers and then forget the details. Colonel Allison didn't bother about such chicken feed It | came so easy that he could afford to give $105,000 to his typewriter for ten years work, who says she hardly 8 doors aleve the Opera House. E. P. Jenkins mine AA A RR SUFFERED From BacxackE Rucumanisn, Drorsr, Dear Mr. Editor--1 wish to tell you of a recent experience I had when suf- fering from backache, weak back, rhea- matism, dropsy, and congestign of the kidneys. I tried a new medicine called Amie, which has Toots] been ais covered . Pierce, of wi medi- cines and Surgical Tnstitation in Buffalo, N. Y,, you have ho doubt heard for . This medicine acted upon me n a wonderful manner. I never have taken any medicine so helpful in such quick time, I do wish an in need AT YOUR SERVICE Good store, well filled with up-to-date merehandize for men, and good ¢lerks to sat- isfy your needs. RAINCOATS | |" Allison The Mi kT its conduct and results as | Nelson | to cabin! But} | tumble | gested | to see things in that light. | its ways and did not leave off trying | war prolfiteers, but Jt did it more in i which has been most artistically fur- J! nishea and decorated, and at five {o'clock tea was served-----the 'table be- remembers which bank account she | ing arranged with lovely white and put it in as she had several bank | purple lilacs Among those pres- accounts. Even in these war-profit [ent were Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. days $10,000 a year is good pay for | Charles Livingston, Mrs. Robert Fra- typewriters and is calculated to make | Ser, Mrs. J. J. McKay, Mrs. J. M. { other members of the profession jeal- | Campbell, Mrs. Hubert Ryan and her However, what's $105,000 to sister, Miss King, Mrs. Arthur Craig, ous, ; jo os i ° -|{ Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, Mrs~P. ¢. Laid- Colonel J. Wesley Allison? Every Robertson, Mrs. " Mrs. Herbert body with a proposition had to "see IaW. s : Allison," and Alison's commission, | Jravels ora, Mite. Eantory alvin, Spe efused bef sell Allison and Miss Doris Folger, Miss Margaret | og Baal. 5 with Morgan or Hemming, Miss Ethel Kent, and oth-} who preferred to act as in-|®'S dependent competitors are char-| acterized by the Minister of Militia 4s "rings." Allison was the one Just man. According to Sir Sam he could have saved the British War fh kn Office a hundred million dollars if | J. Dodds, Sharbot Lake, was united | i g age to John Ross Wright, | a ' 1d | In marriage h | 5 he hada : wild son of Mrs. Clark W. Wright, of this A lok thrill by city. The ceremony was performed the revelations in regard to .the by Canon Fitzgerald and only luined- " : CO iate relative were present Mendel- Bertram Shell Committee. Messrs. |'3 . . ' n ww Carvell and Pugsley estimated in the 580hn's Wedding March was played | ARE as the young couple left the churer. | facturing members of the Shell Com- | The bride was dressed In a navy blue | mitteee had overfed themselves taffeta with. velvet trimmings 25d | eighty million dollars--this esti-| Wore a corsage boquet of lillies of | mate being partly based on Lord | the valley. She also wore the groom's | Curzon's remark that the British | Bift of sapphire and diamonds set in | War Office got one dollar value for pistigum, wie the Seremony arr] every three dollars spent in Canada, and Mrs, HEN }. lor lo rs | It did better than that It also had | mer home down the St. Lawrence and a 'paper profit" of thirty-one million in future will reside in Kingston. dollars which, so it is boasted, it| had a legal right to divide but which it did not divide after Messrs. Thomas and Hichens made a -few pertinent remarks about it Indeed it will be handed back to the British War Office, whereby the Shell Com- mittee acquires great merit for a Polson, jr., and Miss Kathleen Ho-| somewhat belated act of virtue, gan, of Montclair, N.J., Mrs Cyril | Another thrill is provided by the King, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss | letter of Mr. D. A. Thomas, which Charlie Shortt, Miss May Rogers, | was allowed to go in as evidence be- | Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Lilian Kent, | fore the Duff-Meredith Commission. Miss Hilda Hague, Miss Marion | In this letter Mr, Thomas points out Hague (Montreal), Miss Phyllis | to the Shell Committee that Mr. Knight, Miss Mildred Jones and Miss Lloyd-George considers that the Shell Mollie Saunders | Committee prices are too high and late, fe intimates that no further orders will Mrs. John L. Whiting, Clergy bs forthcoming until prices take a street, was hostess at a delightful Mr. Thomas further sug- bridge on Wednesday afternoon in that prices would yield-to a honor of her sister, Mrs. White, of little healthy eompetition, but the Toronto Those present were Mrs Shell Committee had to have "the C. Bermingham, Mrs. Constantine and infusion of steel manufacturers" re- | her guest, Miss Wills, of Belleville, organized out of it before it began Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Walter Macnee, The old | Mrs. Francis Macnee, Nye Jaines the \ re as N , i Cappon, Miss Macdonnell, Mrs. New Shell Committee was mighty set in man, Miss Martha Smith. Mra. D. Phelan, Mrs, Boyd, and Mrs. Norman Fraser. Mrs. Whiting also asked some friends to tea on Thursday af- ternoon. ! or . - wedding" took place on Thursday June 15th in St. Paul's church, Kingston, when Bertha Pearle, younger daughter of Mrs. W. | . ow» A quiet been halted in his was furnished House of Commons that the manu- Miss Kathleen Crisp was hostess at an informal tea on Wednesday af- ternoon, when Miss Charlotte Wor- rell,of Halifax, and Miss Dorothy Ber- | teau, were the guests of honor Mrs. | Crisp presided at the tea table, and | some of the guests were Mrs. N. C. to pull the British lion's tail out by the roots until its clutch was broken. Moreover it took some time to break its clutch, mostly because Premier Borden was on Mr. Thomas' side one | day and on the Shell Committee's side the next. Finally Premier Borden had to be led right up to itl and then Mr. Thomas got action. Incidentally Mr. Thomas suggested that the Government might use the Transcona shops to go into the mun- ition industry itself and thus bring down prices, but the 'Government backed up on that proposition. It was running the war on lines of the patronage list and it refused to do anything that would put a crimp in the campaign fund. Later on it was obliged put a small tax on the . In spite of the rather forbidding weather, several hostesses entertained on Thursday afternoon, when the pretty tea rooms at the Belvidere Annex were opened. The color scheme is green and white, and on Thursday bowls of pale pink peonies and softly shaded lights helped to make a very charming tout ensemble. - * - Mrs. F. Peart Birley, Albert street, received on Friday afternoon, when her daughter, Mrs. Alarie McFee Warner, who was recently married in Vancouver, was with her. Many friends called to welcome the bride, who is here for such a brief stay, as she and her husband, Dr. Warner, are sailing shortly for England. to sorrow than in anger and incident- ally took the edge off it by taxing legitimate business also that the goats couldn't be distinguished from the sheep. While our heroes Flanders and elsewhere the Government supplied still thrill by the disclosure in regard to the "defective" cartridges, which Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street, has returned from Toronto were dying in Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith, Leslie home Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. OC. Gurd another [returned from. Toronto to-day, Mrs. Peter G. Gray, of Jackson, Mich,, who spent a few days this were good enough to be bought by Week with Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Colonel Allison at $20 and sold at Bagot street, left to-day for Toronto 25 per thousand to the British Ad-| Mrs. Robinson . entertained at the miralty. On top of that came an- | !e2 hour in her honor yesterday after other thrill in the shape of General noon, | Alderson's fetter, which drew atten- Howard Folger returned from To- tion to a suppressed report on the TONto on Thursday, bringing with | Ross rifle which the British War Of- him Miss Gwendoline Folger, who is | fice said was brittle at the breach. home for her holidays. One way and another these thrills of disgust with which the Borden Government is so plentifully provid- ing the.country synchronize, as Sir Thomas White would put it, with | the *noblést performances of our sol- 2 Halifax, | Siere al ihe front, 3 was While pur Professor and Mrs. J. W. Waddell faruve notably Rng al as and the Misses Lucy and Gwendoline ' 2 ¢ Waddell, Earl street, have been | spending this week at their summer! Miss Helen McKay, Sydenham street, who has been attending Havergal College, Toronto, passed through Kingston on Thursday on her way to visit a school friend in fame at St, Julien, Festubert and Langemarcke that our first war 3 {Scandals were being aired and two BO paarvoL Lake. was hos | Conservative members of Parliament bs : Mido | were being drummed out of office i Doon on AY usin for Enns Sticks i at avenue, went up to Belleville on Fri S a Bb 8 hg culars, ; : foundered horses and such. These 93¥ for te closing exercises at St. | | thinigs loomed large at the time, but Agnes' Co lege. iin. the light of later lootings they Mrs F . . . S. Kirkpatrick, nsing- | the summer months With h | Mr. | aven | to {spend a few days before going to their sumer home at Cressy | fifth birthday on Thursday, { son, Kenneth, arrived in the @it Saturday Night Bargains A very attractive list of extra special values on sale from 7 to 9.45 o'clock. PNERENANINN, i Pci KIDDIES' DRESSES 120 smart little wash dresses in checked, striped and plain ginghams, chambrays and prints in guaran teed fast colorings. The sizes are 2, 4, 6, 8 and a few 10 year size8, Reg ular 60, 75, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Tonight ... . Pep SNP Hic SUMMER VESTS 300 cotton lisle vests, short sleeved and ular 18¢ to 22¢. Tonight . .. no sleeve styles, regu- =. 15e OR 2 FOR 25c. aml' "a NEW CORSETS 100 pair D. & A. French coutil corsets. boxed as regular $1.50 value, in sizes 19 to 30, Tonight CREPE DE CHENE TIES 180 new silk Crepe de Chene Ties, full 40 inches long, in colors, cerise, mauve, copen, rose, paddy green, black and white in plain and combination stripes. Special values at 50e. Tonight FLANNELETTE BLANKETS <0 pair only, double bed size grev flannelette blankets, slight- ly damaged by fire, regular £1.75 a pair. Tonight '"Steacy's Special" A 95¢ Royal Military College for the sum- | mer months, having rented Prof. | John Macgillivray's house on Albert street for July and August $0 8 Misses Clark, University are the guests of Mrs street, Napanee, Miss Maccallum, Smith's Falls, is the guest of Miss Cora Watt, O'Kell street, for a few days. | Miss Louise Jones is home to spend er parents, go Mrs. J. E. Jones, University e, after which she will retyrn the avenue, Eakins, John | her position with Herter | Looms, New York city, Mrs. D. G. McPhail, Cayuga, will, with her daughters, remove to} Kingston, and make their home here] while Rev. Mr. McPhail is overseas. , Miss Jenpie Cole, Deseronto, came to Kingston to spend a few days with | friends and to be in attendance at the marirage of Frank Mowers. Mrs. Douglas, Tweed, and Mrs, Donnelly, Kingston, are guests of Mrs. F. P.. Douglas, Napanee, - - . Special Prices CHOICE STEAKS ... ... OVEN ROASTS ... . BOILING CUTS . .. STEWING CUTS Mrs. W. J. is'the guest of Brock street, Mrs. T. P, Cooke and two « hildren, Kingston, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A Graham, Nor nee, Mrs. George Fox and children, Na-| panee, are in Kingston for a couple | of months Mrs. David Terrill, come to Kingston to s of weeks with friends | Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harsey and Miss Mildred Horsey are in Picton to | Sharbot Lake, A. W. Gannon, | Picton, has pend a couple! THE SCHERMEHORN MONEY. Miss Elzabeth Gardiner, Calgary, | Alta, is the guest of her sister, Miss | diner, Ordnance street, Mrs. W. H, Seth, Picton, and her guest, Mrs. Mayne MacArthur, | Brooklyn, N.Y,, were in the city Fri-| day. Ge - - It Is Likely Lennox and Addington Will Take It Over Napanee, June 17 At the recent . . meeting of the Lennox and Adding- Miss Edith Atkins, Toronto, Is the|ton council tiiese resolutions were guest of Mrs. C. A. Low, West street adopted: -, Mrs. H. W. Casey is again with! Moved by Mr, Osborne, seconded her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Carson, | by Mr. Harrison, that this council "Romilly House," Bagot street. will willingly accept from the exe- Mrs. W. Briden is with her daugh- | cutors of the R. D. Schermehorn es ter-in-law, Mrs. G. Briden, Barrie tate the suggested sum of $10,000 street. She celebrated her eighty-| for the care and maintainance and ed- jucation of the indigent and neglect- Mrs. Lee W. Linn, with her lNttle | ed children of this county. the said ¥ Oniprincipal, $10,000, for the purpose Tursda Jom Log Aneles; walor- aforesaid to be secured for said put- hia, and 1s visiting her sister, Mrs.| poses only as the said Executors may Charles Spooner, Colborne street. {deem advisable, and the county} Mrs. Felix Shaw, I erth, spent a {agreeing further to see at least the few days in the city this week, the incrament, of at least five per cent. suets of Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Johnson | expended for said purpose Car- stree . AYE EY Sa RT] Contains ne Oplem or other harmful drugs. g of such a remedy would give it a trial (Signed) GQ. H. Herr, | look like thirty cents, --H. F. GADSBY. Just now the weather says Raincoats, We have a choice variety of Tw Raincoats made in the most modern style from $12 to $18 each. Plaid lined and tweed lined just Nore: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results byusing 4 Nvz1G- i ------------ of Dr, , WI is head of the INvaLiDs' HOTEL and Canada is Shocked BurercaL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. | Toronto Weekly Sun Those who started the day with a back- | What may be sald of the Shells ache, stiff legs, arms muscles, and | Commission, or of the much abused an aching head (worn out before the | Allison, will soon be forgotten, Not | ton avenue, is spending a few days in Toronto. | | Miss Marguerite Bellhouse, street, who has been aunt, Mrs, Macgregor, in Hamilton, | came home yesterday and will be with her mother, Mrs. Bellhouse un- til July, when Montreal. 4 Mrs. John street, is visiting Mrs. Earl | McKay, Sydenham visiting her | she will return to/ ried. + la pulatable-- Moved by Mr. Caughey, second- Omond, atieq py Mr. Kimmerly, that the war- 'den and reeves of North Fredericks- burgh, Richmond. Ernesttown, Shef- field, and the deputy reeve of Cam- jden, be a committee to consider the , | advisability of accepting the offer Mr. and Mrs. Noah Chant, Chantry, {of the executors of the Reuben D. | Ont., announce the engagement of oy Q Schermehorn estate in connection! their eldest daughter, Clare, ito Syd-Lyith the building and establishing of | Miss Irene Dunlop, B.A, Kingston, {is the guest of Mrs. M. N ! the Manse, Picton. Mrs. W. C. Gorsline, Picton, is spending a week visiting her sister, | Mrs. R. H. Robinson, Kingston. or 8. Especially recom mended fortight, hard Breschial Colds in Children. € 250,500 and $1.00 Botton. of day Dogan because they were in and out 480 the self-revelation of the Minister of bed half a dozen times at night ) are' appreciating the perfect rest, comfort an new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. a R Na that this is a certain uric acid solven and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, . if what the young man wants. ENGLISH PARAMATTES Paramettes are getting ex- tremely expensive, we can still furnish you nearly all lines at old prices. oo "a Get in at once. - out Pierce for a will prove to you that "Anuric" is thirty -seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric acid--and the most petivet kidney and Blades cor- rector, are a sufferer, go to your best dru, jot and ask for a 50-cent box ggist of *Anuric."* You run no for Dr. Piert's £30 nama. sands Bhbind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century for his " Bod Ti Fe veh, makes, th pare, n . | for weak women sod "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills, Sud ei sample package. This Lionel Smith of Mili | forded. | by | tia which this enquiry has af- Upon that be will be judged | Miog Wills, Belleville, is the guest the public as to his fitness for| oe vrs Constantine, Earl street, i the most important post at this time | Mrs. J. J. McKay, who has taken | in the public service. He will be| yp and Mrs. H. B. Mills' house on | | given credit for energy, masterful-| gagot street for the summer months, | {ness and audacity, but not for pru-igarrived trom New York on Thurs-| | dence. Against him, and outweigh- | qo | in Montreal. ling all his virtues, will be charged | | the accusation flung at the Morgans {and the British consul in New York,| Miss King, of New York, is jas well as the extravagant and €Xag-| guest of her sister, - Mrs, { gerated - commendation of Allison, | Ryan. | fter the Yoakum transaction had, Miss Marion Ogilvie came home | Yoen révealed. Last, in a long series, | from Havergal College, Toronto, on | re is the shocking interview given! Thursday to spend the holidays 'to an Ottawa paper, contradicted by | with her parents, Col, and Mrs. G. | the Prime Minister, to an Ottawa | Hunter Ogilvie. { paper, in which he seems to put the ow 8 'the | Hubert | | fending the Ypres salient on those! Stuart street. [who made the charges against the) | Shells Commission. children will come to town from the ! ney C. Smith, youngest son of J. A B. Smith, Kingston, Onht., the mar- riage to take place quietly the later part of this month, tContinyed on page 14.) GET RID OF HUMORS _AND AVOID SICKNESS Humors in the blood esuse inter nal derangements that affect the whole system, as well as pimples, boils and other eruptions, and are responsible for the readiness with which any people Joutriel disease, or forty years 's Sarsapa. ya » successful than illa has been more Miss Kathleen Hogan, Montelair,! ore ud the ther medicine 'in expelling {loss of six thousgnd Canadians de-| N.J., is visiting Mrs. N. C. Polson, jr., any o nd en or inwar) Mrs. Maurice V. Plummer and her | gid outward lucia. - nt de {a House of Refuge for the county, | BANS & LAWRENCE CO. Props, MONTREAL and report to this coun session. Carried, - For Men and Boys We are showing the best values in high grade Men's and Boy's Boots for spring and summer. Men's Rubber Soled Oxfords .........,.... $5.00 eil at next |