3 Out Of The High Rent District 0'Connor's Ladies Exclusive AA "NEW YORK ARRIVALS Boys' Wash Suits a __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1916. COMPLETED: HIS PASTORATE, IN QUEEN STREET METHODIST CHURCH ON SUNDAY, { Capt. Rev. G. I. Campbell Says Good- ! _bye--Lord's Day Alliance Secre- | tary In Brock Street Methodist. | Capt. the Rev. G. I. Campbell, | chaplain of the 146th Battalion, Sunday night preached his concluding | sermon as pastor of Queen Street] Methodist Church. A large congre- | gation listened to the farewell words) of the speaker. Capt. Campbell said that not only | was he terminating a pastorate, but; | for the time being, at least, he was/| terminating the ministry for another | sphere of service. He had got into | ! good work that had, been accomplish- | ed. He said that the retention of the Sabbath, an institution fouwded on the inborn character of the nation and people, is most important in con- serving the interests of the popula- tion at large. Japan, which ten years ago was counted among the barbaric nations of the world, had through t wise counsel of the Emperor, who had seen the beneficial results of keeping the Sabbath holy in other countries, had enacted a law for the retention of the Sabbath, Now Japan is rising and taking its place among the nations, and at present is an ally of Great Britain in the great struggle in Europe instead of with Germany, which does not bave a day of rest. France, which was counted to be de- cadent by other nations, in 1906 en- acted that the Sabbath be retained as a day of rest, and now she is prepared Greys Oyster grey high lace boots are very popular this summer. We have a very fine kid at $8.00. Girls' Wash Dresses In styles that are new and different. Made from guaranteed fast colors in new materials. Boys' wash suits from 75c. Girls' wash dresses from 49¢c. For all ages, 2 years to 10 years. A pleasure to show you. ' GET YOUR NEW HAT NOW We are clearing all our hats and can certain- ly save you money. Come tomorrow and let us prove this, T.J.O' Connor 260 Princess Street 3 " Phone 800 Higher up street, but lower in price. the khaki line, he had joined the great procession, and would tollow and bus taken her stand with the the boys as far as they went, ti . i might be that he would be called |, Mr. Mingle plough up the ques. | upon to make the supreme sacrifice; | 9B Of the manufacture of munitions | if #0, he was prepared. ., And if he 9% Sunday. He said that the Alliance! had it to do over agaifi, he would Nad no wish to interfere with the make the same choice. | production of munitions, but had in-| The preacher referred briefly to his| Vited managers to make tests. Men ministry, which had continued over| Who did six days' work a week, it was found, turned out more munitions than men who worked seven days a| week, and he said that David Lloyd-! George has appealed to the munition! workers to work only six days of the! 'seven. After giving several reasons why the Sabbath should be kept as a! I -- day of rest, he told a number in- incidents where the people actually] cried out for a day of rest, 4 TT . pete niet re INA § Home-Made Candy and influence of the Alliance. There are | no uote Bewshoys working in Mout. re Ch 1 ; tors of she "hinges si us wior| I Da ocolates. N Oyster grey pumps -- New York's latest edition to style, $6.00, Abernethy's Shoe Store of the boys for the rest. The speaker i told of cases where he had found that a . the work and desires of the Alliance Fresh Made Every Day had been misunderstood. The Al liance has no jurisdiction over the conduct of a man on the Sabbath so! long as he does not interefere with the rights of others on the same day. The Alliance has no desire to sue) everyQody it comes in contact with, as some people imagine, but is only working that each man and woman --~ SAKELL'S xt Opera House. ~~: Phone 640 To ------------------------ ere, | carr THE REV. G. 1, CAMPBELL i ph 8 CENTS IVORY SOAP (=) 99% PURE FLOATS Procter & Gamble Factories in Hamilton, Canada James Reid, PHONE 147 FOR PROMPT SERVICE ~~ A Specials At ? VASION DOCLSN'T MAKE AL will have at least one day of rest in " : - the week and preferably the Sabbath. Kingston on its quietness and rest LIGHT, COOL, fulness on Sundays, and wished that " T HE lather from Ivory | COMFORTABLE HATS | ---------- good. Metropolitan style -- a period of twenty-four years His ------ : ; avira : Soap would feel pleasant first circuit was at Pittsburg. He Calvary Congregational Church. and a range of new deavored to do, and which, if his|overcame by the blood of the Lamb . : a: : W ministry had in any measure been|and the word of their testimony," youl indiy idual de : : hi h mands make this store! ; because the soap 1S 1g success First, he had endeavored | yesterday that as Christians we are | } God's plan as revealed in His eternal | pe a victorious fight. 'We are told who appreciate the best. kd | s - grade, mild and pure, but { word. God had a plan for each in- by races of. the Junker type that was 1 each and all to build according to| 4 proper circulation. Benharde has Leghornettes. E eS | ners {that plan Secondly, he had sought sald war is a biological necessity of Straw ilors be . . . Sai . lively, COpIoUus, bubbling. be ity with God's plan Thirdly, he ment in the life of mankind which | Crash Hats. ton with 2 God given Plan for their} out it an unhealthy development will L : a | Work, and, lastly, he had ever im. | [OW which excludes every ad- for yourself and inves-|are profiting by the most valuable of all advertising, | presesd upon his congregation the!) 'ivyiipation, We are told by men wonderful | namely, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. The quality of our need of having a well-defined plan in of the Hun blend that war is needed values. i i ir to discover to us the latent bravery : : * |civie and political life of the coun- |! y BIEL beautiful stock. At the busy store with the large stock. try. A church should ever be a big and heroism of men. We are told y rg | endeavored to keep Queen Street con- | SLTOng and masterful not only in| "= : . | | gregation oy, Que all obs physical fitness, but also in those! The House of Successful Hat Styles. k y : { |on the border line of. politics, a dan-| National life. But this is not borne | | gerous proceeding according to many, | 0Ul by facts. The Mexican is a born | {of 'his flock, would not be afraid to| take our tode of morals from them: »" | dTscuss any question, political or oth- No, war is hot necessary for the é¢ jerwise, which affected the moral and | discipline of life. Peace has its hero | spiritual welfare of his people. isms no less renowned than war, And | The retiring pastor referred to the | although we are proud of the brave [loyal support he had received from | deeds done by our fellows on the Seo ew u S { Evans, whose splendid solos had been |so vile and debacing done pn those HIT WITH A FAIR-AND- SQUARE . a source of much inspiration. He same battlefields that out &f respect Se A i \FERSON | | that had been given by the Sunday! them The p I ar < . ne 8 ) § ) pm. y are too vile to see the "th We D of, oO variety of new |School, the young people, the Young |light. There is that in the Christian- | CO1T€€ has : been oe high y ¢ of quality" con r "For Every Man a Becoming Hat" | Mr. Mingle complimented the City of 4 all the cities in the Dominion were as oe ~ Dressers . told of some of the things he had en- Speaking from Rev. xii., 11., "They shapes that respond to to your skin. This is not only successful, were the secrets of his| Rev, I. Lyall reminded his people to build his character according to engaged in a fight which is meant to headquarters with men = £ . Ii h | dividual life, and it was the duty of | ip a necessity to the maintainence of Panamas. RD because the lather is light, £3 {to conduct his life work in conform- the first importance, a regulative ele- had aimed to provide his CONGrega- | .onno uy 5 ine rith- t be dispensed with since with ' > >. a ' . » Come and see them Our volume of business is increasing every day; we | work, and, lastly, he had ever im- | Jo ncement of the race and therefore : . tigate oul | regard to the church's relation to the ~ furniture speaks for itself. Come in and inspect our [ i factor in the life of a city He had that the warlike nations have grown Campbell Bros |question. Sometimes he had trod | Moral qualities which give vitality to fl | I Il I I | | | {but a true minister, a real shepherd | fighter, but we would not care to | the choir, especially mentioning Mrs. | battlefield, yet there are many things |also spoke of the valued assistance! for our humanity, we never repeat For over thirty years our S -- Ve 'Men's Club; the ladies, and by many ity of Christ that appeals to our best standard A great | rugs and mats. Convention- {men of the conghegation. The manhood, that calls out the latent sistently maintained ; al and Oriental designs. dhe {Preacher paid a beautiful tribute to) heroism that seeks to enlist us in the SU . ¢ ¢ | al & & Signs: [his wife. A great part of his sue- war against all iniquity; in ourselves : : | very best values to be found | cess had been due to her sympathy | and in civic and social Ife. And we hea saibnd: s anvwhere. constdering the 3nd support On many occasions snd i God for our brave men who _ Have no he sation to try li Y ; : } > {she 'had proven the stronger of they, gone forth to war aganst war it, If will do eredit to your qua ity . In shades of brow 18S, | pe mes Wher: ig Bad Jest dbs who have entered on the holy crusade breakfast table. greens, tans, blues, wood {elven Li Bea Eg WR 1m, had | ¢, hreak the back of militarism and : . ot . | bei ry day, colors, chintz. In fact ev- be He was giving up much: his stand- | being in. the new gay. - It ill ""s 1 and erv: shade required for up- | ine in the ministry, his home, which, At St. James' Church. wi set you up anc In this fair and square shop of as Jake Stork . I . X . for nineteen years, had been a place | Rev. J. A. Elliott, chaplain of the carry you through the dav. satisfaction you can ask for what Ans Solon . to-date furnishing, for Fest and happiness he was sacri-| 4600 Battalion. preached at the Sun : you want and get it from our ac- SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR The very latest furniture [nim 3 ° But h "had mo ree aeaT 10] day evening service in St James -_-- commodating salesmen THE ABOVE LOT, - . | oR e é D, els. and delivered a timely dis- Fresh vegetables, fresh Strawber- West End Meat Market 2 tiv | heedh ag Church, for the bed room and liv ing | heedihg the call of the trenches he Site He referred to the war, ' ries, fresh Fruits, Oranges, Bananas, room, | WEOUIY Suite BIS | WY a' 'tender pointing eut how-Germany wanted to Henderson S Grocery Cherries, also fresh Fish. BARRIE STREET. / , dominate the world, and how the war | EMPIRE GROCERY. . Phone 349. : oy . | farewel: of Queen Street congrega- " Agents for Edison's fam-| : rot CONETERA-| p,q heen brought on. The speaker a { tion, trusting that God's blessing said that in order that things might 59-61 Brock St. Phone 279. ~~~ ous Diamond Dise Phong- | would outBue to rest on all, and go on as they should, each country | [ror tae Ha) and united SUP should look after its own ideals. A square house to deal with! | ' During the service the choir ren- ert a Ee ca |«dlered a fine anthem, Miss Shepherd Their First. Communion. | Those who were confirmed in St. | DRY PICKED CHICKENS [B' AND FOWLS, 500 LBS. FARMERS BUTTER In Rolls and Prints. Also a Large Stock of FAIR AND SQUARE A iy '"Ranks with the Strongest"' " HUDSON BAY graph. (Demonstrations on request.) Lord's Day Alliance Work, land Mr. Tomkins taking the solo T. F. Harrison Co, PHONE 90, _ All the New Lasts which Dame Fash" ion has decreed for the Spring of 1916. The exquisite patterns and charming styles, offered by our fashionable display of Spring Pumps, will delight the woman who uses taste in se 1 and judgment in expenditure. . Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess "street Kingston In Brock Street Methodist Church, | Rev. George W. Mingle, M.A. secre {tary of the Lords' Day Alliance, Montreal, gave a very fine address on Sunday evening. The cause and work 4of the Lord's Day Alliance in Canada was put forcefully before all present. Mr. Mingle chose as his text "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath." The speaker said that the work of the Lord's Day Alliance had been misconstrued and misunderstood all over the Dominion. He dwelt on its importance, and gave many well-chosen illustrations of the FOR KIDNEYS Why Recommended "My case was very serious and I was so sick that everybod: eafecied my death an day. No et ref thea what | had to endure, 1 could feel at first the through my bladder but now I am xs ever, I weigh about 20 lbs. when | started to take Gin og ib a to m so opie ay dow Sat Gin Pills had me. The first box relieved me a eight boxes were sufficient to cure me en. tirely, and bring me back to perfect health. d.) ISIDORE THOMAS, Ge Tillet Road Glen, N.B." GIN PILLS are sold all druggists. oc. & box; six boxes Sy fre " National & Chemical Co. Toronto. | parts. TEMPERANCE CONFERENCE. Hotel Accommodation" and Other Questions Under Consideration, A temperance conference was held in Sydenham Street Methodist Church Monday afternoon under the auspices of the Dominion Alliance. The ob-| ject of the conference is to decide] on a plan of action in view of the] prohibitory measure which comes into effect next September, Among the] questions considered were the follow-| ing: Law enforcement, hotel accom- modation, and social adjustment. { F. 8. Spence and Frank Duggan, | of Toronto, prominent members of the | Alliance, 'were present, and took part | in the discussion. Ruthven MecDon- | ald, also of Toronto, sang most effec- | tively. : Memorial to Ogle R. Cowan. | The object. for which the big cele- | bration is being held in Brockville on July 12th, by the Orangemen of Eas- | ! tern Ontario, Quebec and the United | States is a worthy one. The idea is to build a suitable memorial to the first Grand Master, Col. Ogle R. Gow- an, ex-M.P., who inaugurated and es- tablished Orangeism in this part of the British Empire under the Grand Lodge of British North America, Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Kingston, vis- ited Miss Kate E. Stewart, Renfrew, last week. bie A respecta cat my look at a king--if there isn't a mouse in sight, Mary's Cathedral a week ago took their first communion in the Cathe- | dral at the 7.30 o'clock mass Sunday! morning The young communi-| cants numbered 'over one hundied,! there being about fifty girls and] sixty boys. Archbishop Spratt offi-| ciated During the mass the girls of the Notre Dame convent sang very! sweetly. i Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office. Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS { AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. isn mt---- { : Pte. Gallagher in Pén. { | Pte. Richard Gallagher, of thes - 139th Battalion, who was sentenced | by Judge Lavell to three years in the! YHERAPION Callas penitentiary for doing grievous bodi-| API Hospitals with Eek, SLADDE Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time ' "te ro v : a SUCCESS, CURESCHRONIC WEAKN ly harm to Fte. Lowell Chenier, of the | %. URINARY DINEARES. BLo0S FONOR Neo. same battalion, was taken to that in- stitution Saturday afterpGon. UGOISTS or MAIL BI. rFosT 4 POUGERA Co, M0, BEEKMAN gE Tork oc TL ma id Lx { i | WRITE POR & 500K Rr Co Have no RD. HAMPSTEAD, LONDON. | Canteal = 0 FHERAPION Easy To rans aca oe work, opened | 2 HERAPION i: with a concert, in Central School, ! P. WALSH. . Barrack St. Wednesday, June 21st, three to five | a cde o'clock. Admission ten cents. Pro-|) EE ceeds for Belgian Relief Fund. Nyal's EASEM for Tired, Perspir- ing Feet | A full line of Nyal's Preparations at the Nyal af) uality Store. Sargent's Drug y Store Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Telephone No, 41 No matter how bad a man's tem-| per may be, his wife can make it | worse, ' Successful men haven't time to LO | back and cover their footphints, ir a a S----