of Woman "Low Cost of Living' Menu | ic 7 the rice as usual When cod pui| fi Every furnace demands some attention. But there is no reason the rice as usual Menu for Thursday into bowl; pour over the French i why the twice-a-day job should be anything but pleasa nt. And move or less work | | . BREAKFAST" dressing, in which you have the cur- are on a ten days' trip to Atlantic 2 i ry powder, onion juice, parsiey and Hi . . City. Fruit of Cholee chopped green peppers. Garnish the | to save a little time and a little bother every day means a lot pt Miss Loretta Murphy, Joyceville, ||: oiled Cerenl » tap with fine strips of gréen pepper I! . f h . 8 wee. 3 Serambled Eggs with Hacon P: gerve, i land Lage, Yhere they Ro eturiied home after isting tiie nea Sirup Be layonnalse put on in small | mn the course 0 t € winter. e month of July. lington street. Coffee or Cocon portions add much to the appearance. | o . Mra. Malcolm Macgilll-| Mir. ana Mrs. 5. x. Haties cad EN Phikek Steak i The Sunshine is a furnace any one can look after . Mal m - r. an rs. 8. R, Bailey and Miss se' oo. ily he a anked Steak ; . ST . vray, who have been attending the|Ida Smith were in town for the week- Crenmed Chicken. un . Tonat Materials--Two to 2% pounds sir- i without spoiling either clothes or temper General Assembly iu Wihnipeg, have | end from their summer home at Lemon Sponge Cake loin Steak, 1 teaspoon drippings or returned home. Loughborough. Ten hutter, 8 cups mashed potatoes (% . : . : a Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie Mrs. N. J. Symons, Wellington ' INVER peck), salt, pepper, parsley. | The door is large enough for the biggest coal is being shaken down. None of that light street, is spending a few days this|street, has gone to North Bay to be Cream of Rice Soup Utensils--Piece of cheesecloth, shovel. The grates are strong and turn dust floats about the house or the basement. Nosk in Toronto with her son, C. W, hear her husband, who is training Planked Steak, » Border knife, iron pan, plank, pastry bag, easily. 'The ash-pan catches all ithe ashes . there. andelion G rose tube. ! 4 he al hes ? a: | Mrs. Arthur Wickson, Winnipeg,| Mrs. Walter Sage, Cle » 8 y i d of shovelli The water- The damper and the check draft can be reg- arrived in town yesterday, and will | jert NS araos co ea rey rest, Direction Wipe, remove the su ! withog the ee TN ding . a tiated pe upstairs--and perfectly 100. The the guest of Mrs. James Minnes, | Toronto. B perfluous fat, put in pan and sea: pan is located 80 that it can be ed quickip. . h t street. Miss Flora Stewart spent the week- on both sides, using steak cut 11% | close-fitting doors and dampers hold the fire be Bag and Mrs. A. R, B. Willlamson | end with friends in Sydenham. Japanese Salad inches thick Rub plank with drip- J Ash-dust cannot escape when the Sunshine for hours without waste. rcs i st A AAA Sat William Breden, who has been in Materials--One cup rice, 1 fable s or butter and arrange g border | town for the past few days, will re- |3Poon onion juice or finely chopped hed potatoes close to edge, us Now Is to turn to Toronto to-mororw. onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, ing a pastry bag and rose tube. Re Peel Off Soiled Skil Prof. and Mrs. T. Callander, who)2 tablespoons chopped green ' pep- move the steak to plank, put im a : have been in Ottawa for the past]pers, 1 teaspoon curry powder, '4 hot oven and bake until steak is month, are now at Kirk's Ferry. cup French dressing or 1 cap.mayon- cooked and potatoes are browned Those who abhor sticky, greasy, ..- 9s eo 3 naise, . Brush steak with a little butter, ed, IS, a Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allan, To-| Utensils --Bowl, two measuring sprinkle with a little salt, pepper and rouges during the heated days. There's | ronto, are going to Montreal next|cups, feaspoon, tablespoon. finely chopped parsley Garnish no need for them anyway, since the | week for the marriage of Ernest H. Directions--Line bowl with let- with sprigs of parsley. vrtues of mercolized wax have be-| Allan. x Some ROWE ge oun of erspir. Miss Dorothy Lett and Miss Mar- A A A IAN tnt Si you've been using the wax. As it is | garet Lambe will leave Ottawa short- to -another vessel. leaving all sedi plied at bedtime and washed off in |ly to visit Miss Mildred Horsey at fin behind.. This m be repe the morning, the complexion never | Cressy. ment behing This must be repeat looks like a make-up. Mercolized wax Mr. and Mrs. John B. Archibald NE. fis until the whole becomes fine / radually takes off a bad complexion, . The nk : 3 fhetead of adding anything to make Belleville, announce the engagement { Then add six Found of saga; al it worse. It has none of the disdd-| of their second daughter, Eva Irene, iy ane Qozen Fi € oranges, She Tine vantages of cosmetics an accom- | to J. Barclay Armstrong Winnipeg it jeing pared very thin, which infuse plishes much more in keeping the com- . na > ¢ Apple Wine in two quarts of brandy. and which The wedding to take place the last of To every gallon of apple juice, just | J\ou1q oe added to the Ug ra; the plexion beautifully white, satiny and as it comes from the press, add two & aking Allow e 3 a | - x last racking Allow the whole to Do you know how little it will cost you to enjoy the youthful. Just get an ounce of it at | June, ; your druggist's and see what a few Mrs. J. W. Corbett and daughter i £1 Rt god toil it days: treatment will do. Use ifkke coud | Lucile, Lower Alfred street, left Dn ep sugar. Boil it 82 giand three months: in the ensk f f a fine Heating System in your home? £ . ak rises a vai . 3 . z eg 4 Ee : rather offective warm weather | Tuesday on a trip to Muskoka Lakes, Ong as any skim rises, then strain |wpen jt will be fit for bottling. It Somiorts v' 8 fino Desting System | ye - treatment--heat tending to cause Where they will spend two weeks. it through a sieve and allow it 10fgh5y1q remain in bottle for twelve Send the coupon for a copy of our booklet "Sun- wrinkles and flabbiness--3s a skin-| Prof. and Mrs. William Morgan cool. Add some good veast orl months | i shine." And if you wish to have prices of in- Mghtenel Shade '" Siamolving i op {are leaving Wednesday "for Kenne-|barm, and stir all well. ~ Let it work -- I stalling a Sunshine Furnace, let our Heating powdere xolite dn- pt. witch hazel, . 2 4 n Por three aa} . i f RC , . Its use (as a face bath) leawes no|PeC, Maine, where they will spend|iD the tub for two or three week An Excellent Elder Wine {i Engineer send you the information. Tell him trace. i several weeks. or until the head begins to flatten, Take six pounds of raisins and cut : then skim off the head. draw it off |.» 3 I ot thet in ; : tab. pour the kind of a house you have and the num- 3 yen ol * LT them ii {ogeilner 1 a i ( r : : ber of rooms; give him a rough ground oy ol | | J 9 INE 1 eT Sof clear and bung it. When it has Been over them (water that has been boil | : ! " ) 9 Hl } YR HL /] made a year rack it off, and fine it or an hour) one gallon of boil f Kindly plan of the upstairs and downstairs a bio) 1 ob "Ei ICRI with isinglass, then add half a pint|ine hot water and stir well. When send me with and he will show you how to plan bbb Ll { {4 0 In of fas best rectified spirit nearly cold cover it with a cloth and out expense on your heat distribution so as to . ai ial i or a half-pint of Frenc to 1" tt vi ta o twelve day my part ~ : . 3 HE question some- ! 8 i : low it to work ten to twelve days i Je} get the utmost out of it. There évery 'eight gallons stiny t p ine: ; Phe f i 0 ; stirring it several times. a day. Then } hard Ap» py "le times 1s asked "Wh -- Sn strain the liquor from the raisins o ur asks ou & = Shag Tor She Jerviee: y ' y n Apple Wine, White well a cloth and add to every buy a Sunshine Fi ' © 'wo gallons of .cold water, apple o i . f 0 t 2. Also forms for filling sunshine Fur- don t you perfume Ivor y (well bruised) three bushels honey : B Ad Er pint of Claas out, so that : your bing nace or not. 3 ? ten pounds. white turtar two ounces, a | engineers can tell me how to order Soap for bath and toilet pur- 16% pounds' While IHFRIe YWo oes -- ha »" utmeg gra , rum juart Parsnip Wine il and install a system that will properly poses? These ingredients will make about 12 1b. parsnips sliced and 4 gal- ll heat my home eighteen gallons. lons water Boil the parsnips until ] . . » cc . -- they become quite soft, then squeeze Kame... - Our reply 18 this: We think Raisin Wine the liquor well out of them, run it Montreal Winnipeg. Vancouver . . ' 3 y : London Toronto Well pick the raisins from their|through a sieve. and add to every li e 0 - Q . p - St. John, N. B. H kat Edmont that the delightful, natural odor stalks, then wash clean. To every | gallon 31b. sugar. Boil the whole St. John, N. mio Calgry Saskatoon anion f the high grad A 1 and chopped | th . % pound thus prepared and chopped |three quarters of an hour, and when | ---- : oO c nig grade materials we add one quart of water which has|nearly cold add a piece of toast well y a use should not be concealed by been previously boiled and got cold. spread with yeast. Let it stand for | Sold by J. B. Bu Allow the whole to stand in a vessel{ten days in a tub, stirring it every a stronger, artificial perfume. for a month, stirring often. Take the{day from the bottom, then put it into - ' . raisins from the 'cask, and let the|a cask for twelve months, and as it We think Ivory Ss natural odor 1s liquor be stopped in the vessel In| works over fill up every day until it . the course of a month rack it off in-}is still. Bung up well more pleasing than any perfume. It is a fragrance that suggests purity and cleanliness, a fragrance that one likes from the beginning and never tires of."' | 10) |e The New Whole Wheat 5 ORY SOAP T= on AF amd Foodwith the Defierans 3 Ay J | ~~ IR ae Flavor originated by the a = Niger 7 |\} Kellogg Toasted ComFlake(o BATTLE CREEK, MICH. and TORONTO, CANADA HE youngsters of today are far luckier than father and mother when they were young. Forbreakfastitusedto be mush and milk and then milk and mush. Today the youngsters ask for KRUMBLES--and get it, too. This new whole Wheat food with OT its delicious flavor is just what active \ 200111 : : mindgand bodies need --rich in pro- QR ff / LIA Ae THEE tein, the food that builds brain and S H A M P 00. == 1} AR ~ eSR muscle--rich in starch, the great It maintains healthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp conditions, | IY Si tis mil TIA energy-food--rich in phosphates aad Mating urnf normal. healthy conditions, by aldo : = SEs and mineral salts--rich in braz, Mugaing the ba Qruwing procesves. rl] with its valuable laxative properties. fating base will grow worse by neglect. fondu ; All the wheat, cooked, "krumbled," Ie, Pars, Cocontit OLl and other hair | sn and delicately toasted by the Kellogg | special process that brings out the de Vl FE et . ran e oronto, a. | WHEN LINEN USURPS TAFFETA. In the WAXTITE packag { A symphony in lavender is this frock built for the late If 1 - | i ) 1e late i Look for this signature. . 'spring afternoons. Lilien in a delicate tone of lavender is | combined with the sheerest of white handkerchief linen to [give-it a cerlain smart airiness. A wide bell which stands jaway from the frock and is edged with linen in a darker shade - I of lavender is its Host Striking feature. The bodice, looking Druggists, Everyichere, or if your dealer cannol supply {backward to the days of the basque, also shows a bit of the ou ithe gem wre ve deeper lavender banding. The Wide 'band of white handker- MUTUAL SALES CO. (chief linen is set in wilh hemstitlching and with the frock are 32 Front Street West . Toreate, Ontario jworn white hose striped in lavender and a hat which matches : : [the dark banding. topped by a puff of tulle and a jaunty trio of roses. ~