ernal triangle,"" with Roxane and Arthur to complete it. At Jeast af- fairs seem to be shap- ing themselves that way. The result may _ depend upon how deep- | rooted are Roxane's convictions and to what she will to p her husband's af- feetions. In any event, Hie ~and this story-- Er mt real I MEET A WO! A WOMAN ARTHUR ADMIRES. | (Copyright, 1816, by the MeClure 2 Newspaper Syndicate) night, after we had our din- ver, Aree assistant, Mr. Tanner, | and his wife, called on us. Arthur dad told me that they were coming he asked me to be very nice to | Tanner, because he was the sort | 0 was not very much at any position. He said very | hings and he knew very little | world. On faet, he knew very | anything except his = work | that remarkably well. told me he had heard during to the city before our mar- | 6 that Mrs. Tanner was a great | @ butterfly and that she man- | harass her poor husband to | t of making him terribly ff 2 ih 533! Bt 8 34 ge | : 1 § Her beauty was striking and could and clingy. Her hair wan yellow gold, i et "] am vaip enough to think that she will try her charms on me," | laughed Arthur. "I don't suppose anything will transpire tomight, but duc. of a husband who 1 am prepared for emergencies." | reached that s », He "Asthur," I replied, "I know you | and that, in order that fell enough to feel safe. I do not | not consider him believe there is a woman on earth | cept. who could stir you even temporarily. When she had finis I sometimes think your composition | she switched to music is similar to the stuff of which nails | She admired the r are made, or armor plate is fashion- | built up by Nietzche, the code of od." { sonal freedom written abou "You have never exerted your| Shaw, who was then a comparative charms to the extent of really find- | new author. She quot 1 fro: ing oft, Roxane." | Schopenhauer and Sudermann wi ny have never wanted to encoun- | an accuracy that was surprising ter the armor plate material, per-| | could see the steadily growing haps." { terest in th¥ eyes of my hush He was about to retort when the | He had not expected to find the wife | door bell rang and, in a moment, Mr. | of Mr. Tanner an unusual woman and Mrs. Tanner were with us. Ar-| and he was surprised. That the sur thur whispered when he saw her: [prise wns' agreeable was quite ey "Look at her, Roxane. She's all| dent, + got up regardless of expense!" As for Mr, Tanner, I I dug my elbow into his ribs and | tion was negligible. He held out my hand in greeting. Mr. |two or three times to talk of Tanner introduced his wife, [fice about which I knew nothing Whatever impression of Mrs. Tan- | cared less. 1 tried to find som¢ ner 1 set down here, it will, perhaps | we might discuss with intelli be looked upon as prejudiced. She |and understanding, but he simply | was loud. Her beauty was striking | could think of nothing and talk and could not be ignored. She wad#| nothing but the "shop," as he called young, soft and clingy. Her hair was | it, and the probable duties of A: Yellow gold and her eyes were big | thur, who had a heavy task before and blue--the wonderful deep blue him and had probably been able to so little encountered. Simply ' tol do great things at headquarti look at her face gave one the im-| else he would not have been pression of unbounded innocence and | here, and so forth spirituality. But her clothes! They But Mr, Tanner's were the very latest; the most up-to-| his conversation date thing I had ever 'seen on al wife as Ne talked fo me 'woman. She was just enmesh-|drawn her chair close to Arth ed in the flimsiest of lace and her | and they were in the midst of arms and shoulders were bare. She! cussion on soe newly dis looked to me like an over-dressed | psychological phenomenon doll, I watched Arthur and Mi: 1 before, and, on the had just do thi ter her marriage and giving advice to Arthur n S0Cl€ young y might | too to a pet hy | nd rand conve att heart .was nd He looked As the evening wore on, Mrs. Tan- | more than was polite was ner proved herself to possess the|to see that Mr. Tanne most subtle personality I had ever[ her and was jealous encountered, She talked wivaeiously, | he-made a comment to fit into recalling the incidents of the days af- discussion, but it was ignored A tt rr A er cA A at eA it gi {low Cost of Living" Menu - of hei Once Pietin, knife! Utensils teas) SUring cup, ipoon, Menu for Friday BREAKFAST scrape and eut 6 bapanas into } lengthwise; brus! pietin with little butte place the bananas on, cut side down dust with 1% teaspoon salt and cover with the brown sugar Place in oven and bake until light brown P on platter that been cover with hot boiled 1 Garnish with currant or any Directions melted Sally Lunn Coffee or Cocon LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Baked Codfish Cakes with To- mato Sauce Coleslaw Sitced Pineapple Cookies Buttermilk or Tea DINNER Beket am of Fetuut Soup spoon baking powder, with Currant Sance shortening, Aspa; on Toast 1 cup suga > teas us butter, 1 tince as i Cherry Rolly-poly teaspoon mi Coffee ace has ed red tart jelly Cherry Rolly-Poly Materials--One cup toa- spoon ries, sif- table pud- Utensils--Mixing . bov'l, four ter, 2 measuring cups, teaspoon spoon, bakeboard, relling pin, ding pan, pastry brush Diredtions--Sift the flour, powder and salt into a bowl, the lard very lightly and add enough cold water to hold dough gether; roll out an eighth inch thf cover with cherries and sugar 1 tablespoon sugar to sprinkle on top; roll like jelly roll and put into buttered pudding pan, brush the top with n#ilk, sprinkle with sugar and put the butter that i: left in small pierces on the top. Bake in moderate oven minutes covered and twenty miggtes uncovered When removing thé cov- er, you can add 1 eup of milk if de sired. This makes four large por- tions. Na Cream of Peanut Soup . Materials--Two cups rice stock, 2 cups milk, 3 cup peanut butter, 1 n- corn starch, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup bread croutone. -- Utensi] bowl, tablespoon, teaspoon, cup. Directions--Mix the peanut butter and hot rice stock together - until smooth. Add to the boiling milk and cornstarch (which has heen wet with cold water), salt, and boil ten minutes. Serve with bread crou- . tons. * Baked Bananas on Bed of Rice with Current Sauce Materials--8ix bananas, a little melted butter, 1% teaspoon salt, % cup brown sugar. CANADIAN NIGHT FIXED, Work n's Tribute Week Sets TeanZan. June 29. ~ Tuesday next Wil be Canadian night in the Wo- baking rub in Jus saucepan, twenty | i men's Tribute to Kitchener week. The programme provides for a mili- tary concert by a brass band from Shorncliffe, playing through the streets of London, aided by Captain Edmund Burke, of Montreal, the Canadian ilitary choir, Kitchener to L v and [J not ¢ ignored She was young, soft worshiped | NURSES AND SOLDIERS MUST NOT "WALK OUT." dict at Ottawa Cause Indig= nation Among Nurses in Training. {Ed co indi that vipline school. A Woman i Magistrate HE appointment this wee of Mrs. Krthur Murphy ("Janey Canuck'), as a} police' magistrate for Ed-| monton, with jurisdiction | over all cases in which women and | giris are concerned, is another strik- | ing recognition of the unusual quaii-| ties: possessed by this 'quite wondee- ful Canadian womah. The West has! produced many women imbued with the frank and buoyant spirit of that big, new land, and several of them have succeeded 4s authors in ex- pressing that spirit in such a way as to compel interest not only in Can- ada but far beyond it. Mrs. Murphy strikes one as being | {| most truly western of all--keen and | | Joyous, with a big, broad mind and a! | Benerous, expansive personality. | Physically as well as mentally she radiates the most refreshing human qualities. Her writing naturally has these qualities, too, but it is also «x- ceedingly admirable from a technical standpoint. Little wonder that Mrs, Murphy's influence is constantly in- creasing in broadening fields. This exceptional woman was burn at Cookstown---the South Simcoe vil- lage famous as the birthplace and present home of Hon. J. S. Duff, On- tario"s Minister of Agriculture. She is quite frank in telling you that the date was 1868, E mily Ferguson was her name and she came of a noted | Simcoe County family of Tory poti- ticians, being a niece of the late Col. T. R. Ferguson, and a granddaughter of the late Col. 0. R. Gowan, both of whom were members of Parliament. Sir John A. Macdonald was a g rest at tlie wedding of her parents. Yet, in spite of all this, in one of her books on the West she defended the cost of construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific, pointing out that while it was more expensively built it was sound and solid, "not cobwebs strung on a muskeg." "Janey Canuck" believes in fair play in all things. In the same book, "Open Trails," she had a word to say for the French nuns at St. Al- bert, who have on their monasie ry windows, not a cross and the lilies of France, but a cross and maple leaves, Also she had something to say about a matter which we have now forgot- ten about the notice, 'No Ens) h man need apply"! She said (this was long before the war, of rs e): "I delight in that Englishman w ho, on seeing such a notice, raised his eyebrows and said: 'By Jove! Copied off the gates of hell!" » Mrs. Murphy was dducated in ronto, at Bishop Strachan winning the Alex, general proficieney. married tev. Arthur Murphy, a Church of England clergyman, and for many years has lived in Edmon- ton. Latterly Mr. Murphy became interested in mining and farming as well as in church work, and Mrs. Murphy took a hand at both and at a hundred other things. She knows all about mining, a lot about timber and farming, can side a broncho with anybody, isa considerable traveler, a'€urler, and a collector of Cz anadian fossils, An extraordinary variety has been done in the West Murphy, including an org district nurses, women' pitals, improved law regarding dow- ers, ete, She was organizer and first president of the Wome anadian Club at Edmonton. She a mage netic platform speak a charm- ing, genial conversation: , 1 "Janey Canuck's Pooks include "Janey Canuck Abroad," 'Janey Ca- nuck in the West," and Open Trails." Tt are not stories in ordinary sense, but i fons of a enetratir sympathetic of tern life, skillfully and charm 7 recorded, Robust is the best describe her work a a it is all strong, d shi Aghes Deans ameron, noted Canadian Weste writer, living in the United State A en admiration for Mis Murphy Toronto women were once deserib- ed by Mrs. Murphy as wearing a cross between 'the English and 'Am- erican modes; good material in good She also said that 7 ront 0 is new jokes from * but adds: e ir, resourceful, tirel aid a-cityworthy loved." mo Toe sehool, Manning medal for In 1887 she of work by Mrs. zation of hos- sO ey the mpress observer to ine, an n tvle to Problems, d Studying Timber situate on Uni- oronto, in h ex- work is now being carried on 1s the better knowled imber res ut thirty, about twenty-four, ad en} sd up to date addition to the division tration 'there are four technic sions; ti physics timber pulp anc rand food pr tion Timber the study » laborater versity whic tensive towar« ada ources has a total r huical t uf tho with a. te of physics is concerned wit of the physical properties of wood, such as weights, moistu: contents, conditions of growth, min- ute cell structure, and €o forth. All the microscopic and photo-micro- graphic work of wood and pulp fibres is done in this division. In the divi- sion ofs timber physics the mechani- cal strength of wood is determined to give architects and engineers a basis for design when structural timbers aroused. ~ Now that the Dominioh Government and certain private cor- porations in Canada have decided to _ use only Canadian wood in construe- tion, reliable tests pointing out the relative merits of Canadian woods. Tests have been made on Douglas fir for structural purposes; they have also been made on timber suitable for the mines of, Nova Seatia, are valuable in cals For Women Vomen Under Fire, ndon, June 28.--King George | has ordered that the Military Medal iff future may be awarded to women who bave shown bravery and devo- | tion to duty under fire, LR Of all these + ------------. Se -- i FOR DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY PRESERVES tell your grocer to send you Lanti "The All-Purpose Sugar" packed in original bags or cartons "The accurate weight of LANTIC SUGAR in original packages is a great help in preserving as it en- ables the work to be done without weighing the sugar. For straw- berry preserves in light syrup tise 4 quarts of berries toa 2-1b. carton of LANTIC SUGAR. preserves increase the proportion For richer of sugar according to taste. PRESERVING LABELS FREE--Send us a red ball trade mark cut from a bag or carton and we will send you a bodk of 54 ready gummed printed labels containing 6 for each of the following fruits: strawberries raspberries, grapes, « herries, plums, peaches blackberries, currants, and pears. Address | TRANSCONTINENTAL : J WESTERN CANADA TORONTO - WINNIPEG Via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane Lv. TORONTO 10.45 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ar. WINNIPEG 3.50 P. M. Thursday, Saturday and Monday Connecting at Winnipeg with G. T. P train leaving 6.00 p.m. daily for Rr: Saskatoon, Edmonton and Interme drate Points. Through Tickets to Prince George,Prince Rupe rt, Alaska, Vancouver, Vic toria, Seattle and San Francisco. Splendid roadbed and the best of everything. Timetables and all information from any Grand Trunk, Can. Govt. Rys., or T. & N. O. Railway Agent Dominion ay Excursions Single First Class Fare July date. as Going Saturday, Int. Returning same | Single First Class Fare and One-third | Going ¥ridny, June 30th, and Sat, July ist |" Returning untol Monday, July Tickets not good on trans and 14, between Montreal and F f vars apply J. } i o Ontario drd. Nos. 1 Toronto, HAN Agent streets TI EI IT ET Tr ET Er TT rrr rrr OO TOL team hy DOMINION DAY CANADIAN SERVICE MONTREAL TO LONDON From Montreal | *T. 8S S. Ascania (about) July 14 TS. S.A nin ' ) . July Calling at } 'nlmouth, Eastbodnd MONTREAL TO BRISTOL AVONMOUTH DOCK From Hristol From Mantreal | June 214 Feltria July 14 | g { | | CANADIAN PACIFIC Low Rates Single Fare Return Limbs, SS July 1 1. XS. Kolin July ZF Going July 1 July 1 Fare and Ome third th, July Ist, mit, July 3rd (*) Cold Stor nnd Cool Afr ri ' A iy loea I Ket ford ( dm. CUTRIRA EAS ECZEMA ON FACE | Trial Free b by Mail : -------- Golog Junge Heturn 1 oi Daily pom. Leave Kingston 2.45 Whe n our little son was tw months } Retr & leave Otinwa ting train leaves Otin wa St. ith 'sl ig Co Hotel Ls Cafe enst of Parlor Library Ottawa, For through tickets, Reserva tions and Literature, HR. H. WARD, Station Agent. SUMMER TRAIN SERVICE Effective June TO RIDEAU LAKES, SMITHS FALLS, AND OTTAWA Except Sunday Arr. Arr, Arr Ottawa 10 p Joseph, and all Quebec Obxery ation 10 as 20-b. tons 20 sia IAN BP, CANEAN Services IC PR pies ave ans ALLAN LINES Lv, Mentreal Grampian July N Siellian July 15 . Landon Lv, Moutreal 11 Corinthinn Jul 29 20 Corinthian Sepa. LY, Ginagow L v. Montreal June 10 Cartbag"n June 29 June 24 Pretorian July § CAN. PAC. LINES yr. L'pool. Lv. Montreal 16 Metagnma July 1 Missaunbia July 22 Rates, Reservations, apply Loen! Agents, ALLAN LINB 5 King St, W, Toronto: I. BE. SUCKLING, ! King St, Torento General Agents For Ete. K., i A PA A ----- BUILDERS !! Have You Tried | PSH WL PASTER? 2. WALSH. Barrack St, ed 104h, 4.34 pom, . 5.30 p.m, . 6.59 p.m, Chafley's Locks Ssadths Falls 5 pon points. Cars, for Quehee, © Valeartier, Standnrd Sleeping Cars to City Agent. apply M. C. DUNN, [DOMINION DAY | NN) od 1 bought a ¢ of Ointment Alte was healed." (Signed) Mra, wdrean, Poulamon; Cape Scotia, Jan. 12, 1914 Ointm and a box months he Ben J. | Bret Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book card: *"*Cuticura, Dept. J, Boston, U.S.A." Seld throughout the world. pm ny. | r thre Address post- EW METHOD || (5 ad 'Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing wyve Kingston ' Neatly Done. Specialty of Ladies' M. F. PATTON, Prop. 21 10 SYDENHAM FREE] Tr We make & - p 3 July 1st. Work Agent HE | i oh Single Fare Good going 18 rotitrning' Sat, Leave Ringsion 2 Toronto and intermediate points, for Ottawa and intermediate foints, Fare & One Third | Yiood going Friday, June 30th and Saturday, Return limit, Electric lighted cafe narlor cars, > h For tickets and inform:ti | Ward, Station Agent, 1] July Ist, AG pom. daily and Ex. Sun. 3 pom, daily and Ex. Sun. July 3rd. m apply to or 31