OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive | Holiday Bargains Sale Saturday AT 98¢c EACH 10 doz. White Repp. Skirts, 8 doz. New Mid- dy Blouses, 12 doz. New Voile Waists, Every size the 'above lot and values in in each case from $1.25 to $1.50, Perm a New York Wash Suits for Boys of all Ages nn, - AT 39¢c EACH 25 doz. New York Blouses. Boys' tapeless styles, no. draw strings break. Fancy striped, and plain materials, all sizes, 6 years to 15 yrs. Worth reg. 75¢. These blouses are worth more wholesale, but were late in delivery and bought at a price. a na RG } to - - AT $3.95 EACH 75 Ladies' and Misses' es, Hy Made from faney musling in the very newest styles. Values in this lot range as high at $6.75. 8 doz. Black Silk Boot Hose at 49c a pair. 10 doz. Fancy Collars, values to 50c, at 15¢ each. New York Wash Dresses for Girls 49c Up Clean-Up in Millinery AT 15¢c EACH 20 doz. Fancy Flow- ers and 6 doz. Fancy Floral Wreaths. Values in this lot as high as 40¢ each, AT $1.49 EACH of awning striped and nov- elty hats. Just right for present wear. Hats in this lot worth to $3.75. The balance our AAA i AT 69c. EACH 15 doz. Children's Hats, and 8 doz. New g Shapes for Ladies. Values in the above lots as high $2.50 each. as We advertise what we have, and have what we advertise. A pleasure to show you. NAcc einen ina ne J -- 260 Prin- cess St. A a -- A (NO NEED TO GO To 71 King St. 'West, Toronto, The Blakemore as tives Studie bave arrived in Kingston, some live real estate man gets them a location. ture and Wedding Groups Specinities. Y Home Portral P 1092. ET. Watch G. BLAKEMORE, [og 002, 28 Milicary. Photos tn Kingotoe tor Fiist-Claes Portrature Work. Representa- 0! and intend to open as sooa Campers' Supplies Everything vou re- quire . 'to make camping comfort- ' able. Folding eamp beds of wire or duck and mattresses to fit. Folding camp stools with or with- out -baek: Folding arm chairs, Folding lounge chairs. Grass and fibre rugs for the floor in shades of -blue, brown, green. All sizes, 3x 6,6 x 9, 8 x 10, 9x12 (2 for Edison's Famous Diamond Disc Phonograph. > J T. F. Harrison Co. PHONE 90 The most comfort- able and stylish foot- wear for Summer Days and Vacation. We are showing a full range in all the newest styles. and lasts. * Tempting in design Price. and | I. J. O'CONNOR Higher up Street, but always Lower in Price. : Phone | 800 an REGISTRY - OFFICE REPORT ic: BUSINESS AT LOCAL OFFICES | FALLING OFF, | By Decrease In Number of Instru. | ments Registered-----Marked Slump | in Receipts. | The annual report of the inspee- tor of registry -offices for Ontario contains some interesting figures concerning the Frontenac and Kings-| M | Staff Remembered by Management. BERRIES AND RASPBERRIES. Just At Present the Ouiiook is Rather _- Uncertain, But Believed That Fruit Will Pan Out All Right. What about the fruit crop this sea-} son? The Whig interviewed a lead- ing fruit dealer on Friday, and from the information he secured it would appear that it is not known just ho the crop will pan out. If fine wea- ther continues it is stated that there should be a good crop, but with so much rain as has prevailed for so long, it is difficult to say just how the crop will turn out. A spell of warm weather is needed for the strawberries, which have commenced to arrive in the city in larger quantities and at a lower price. There was quite a rush. of berries in the city on Thursday morning, and sales were made at three boxes for a quarter, but in the afternoon deal- ers were disposing of them at two boxes for a quarter. In the course of a few days it is expected that the price will drop again. There is a keen demand for strawberries in Kingston. For some time disquieting reports have ' been coming in from Western Ontario concerning the fruit crop, which some time ago promised to be a bumper crop. One report from a dealer at Grimsby stated that where a large yield of fruit had been pro- mised in the Niagara district a month Or more ago, the wet weather had af- fected the crops, and a difference was now shown in plums, it was stated, were dropping off the trees in large quantities, and there would be but a small crop. Peaches had also suf- fered from the rain, and were drop- ping off, but there would be a fair crop. . The report also stated that straw- berries and raspberries are good, and that there would be a fine yield if the district is lucky enough to get suffi- clent sunshine. -- {Letters To The Editor {sinensis Recruiting Injured in Frontenac, Wolfe Island, June 28 -- (To ithe { Editor): The action of the Minister | of Militia in sending the 146th to | Valcartier has very much injured recruiting in Frontenac All | through the county where recruiting | meetings were held throughout the winter, Lieut.-Col. Low appealed to {the eligible men tb enlist in their | home battalion and said they would | be mobilized and drilled right here | at home until such time as they were [isady 10 go overseas. Now, just as they are up to strength they are sent 10 Quebec, and we understand a new battalion is to be raised in Kingston. Will the men now have faith in the Same promises? I hardly think so. It is such actions as these that hurts recruiting. - Had Dr. Edwards been New Shoes for Dominion D = hb Boating, Tennis or Play Shoes for Boys and Girls. Barefoot Sandals for Children. White Canvas Footwear for Women. Rubber Sole Ox- fords for Men. "New Holiday Footwear for Everybody." Abemethy's Shoe 0 I TL TR ati bob bd LL LLL A AP Home-Made Candy and Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAKELL'S Next Opera House. NACE EE ATH Hiroe eR mveapsea---- A, Phone 640 KEEP A COOL HEAD ON THE HOLIDAY We have everything for head comfort. Straw Hats of every descrip- von, Panamas, Light Felts, Crash Hats, Silk Caps. Our large stock and low prices make choos- ing easy here. Campbell Bros The House of Successful | as "big"" a man as Mr. Burnham, he would have said, "No." the 146th will not go to Valcartier; or is he who the commanding new battalion will be, and for that reason allowing the 146th to be sent away, thereby breaking the promises. which I be- lieve were made in good faith by the recruiting officers throughout the county to those joining the 146th.-- FAIR PLAY. MADE A PRESENTATION. Former Membérs of the British Whig Three members of the Whig staff, Messrs. George Hanson, F. Crozier Hat Styles The Big Hat Dealers Fresh Air and Sunshine is Essential to Baby's Health. ET & 9» | Sulkies, Strollers and Baby Corte - Coffee" James Reid, For over thirty years our | THE BUSY STORE WITH LARGE STOCK Coffee has been "a high | ~an ns ton offices. os > 3 - 4 3 . | And H. Edgar, having retired to enter oe Oe Lda into business for themselves in this Sramenits the fees being $1,755.90. | City, the Whig Publishing Co. on The number of instruments register-| Thursday took occasion to pay tri- ed in 1913 was 3.484. | pute to the splendid work they had There were 277 mortgages regis- performed during the many years tered, the aggregate amount being| they were connected with the office, $464,934 rhe mortgages dis-| 30d consequently waited upon . the charged numbered 234. Forty wills | 8entlemen at their new office on and 310 deeds were registered. The| Market Place, and presented them gross amount of fees was $1,628.55, with a set of office chairs as a token Wednesday the net amount received by the regis- | trar being $1,002,49. In 1914 the! registrar received $1,395.19, and in| 1913,7%2,374.90. | County Office, > Thé number of instruments regis-| tered in the Frontenac office, W. J.| Gibson, registrar, was 1,210, the fees totalling $1,495.50. In 1913) the number registered wag 1,394. | There were 290 mortgages regis- tered and 292 discharges. The ag- gregate value of the mortgages regis- tered was $424,065.75. Sixty wills and 432 deeds were registered. The gross amount of fees earned for the year was $2,123.30. The net amount received by the registrar was $1,616.70. In 1914 it was $1,- 543.50, and in 1913, $1,764.30. Low Fare To Port Arthur, Tn "conformance with its ever: Pro- gressive Policy, the Canadian North- ern Railway has inaugurated a low fare from all points east of Sudbury, to Port Arthur, Ont, which makes the trip practically as inexpensive as the boat service on the Great Lakes, and being quicker, is bound to meet! with considerable favor among busy men, Those who have alreiidy made the trip by water will find a pleasant change, as this route is one of ex- ceptional scenic charm, passing many beautiful lakes and streams, among the most notable being the Nipigon famous the world over for the won- derful trout fishing to be had in its waters. : | Your desire to become the heads of a of appreciation of past services. In making the presentation, J. G. Elliott speke as follows: "We recognize your ambitions and business, and, therefore, with much regret we sever the happy relation- ships that have hitherto existed. We can only wish for each of you a brilliant career in the work you have undertaken. Your sterling qualities have impressed us; we feel that in the future you will continue to have the confidence and esteem of those who know.you-best: Wess capacities have been well demon- strated in our office, and you Carry to your new field of labor our earnest and best wishes." Mr. Hanson, in reply, spoke of the kindly relationships which had al- ways existed between the company and himself. It was with quite a wrench that he severed his relation- ship, and ornly because he had long desired to conduct a job office of his own. He hoped that the pleasant feelings that hitherto existed would long continue. The British Whig and its management had a warm place in his heart. Messrs. Crozier and Edgar also briefly expressed thanks for the re- cognition tendered to them Pleasant remarks were also made by the other members of the Whig directorate. y te ---------- IT RAINED IN KINGSTON, But Missed. Lake Ontario Park and Brophy's Point. Trains' leave Kingston Monday, dnd Friday. For. through tickets, literature and in- formation apply' to nearest Canadi- an Northern agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, | 68 King Street, E., Toronto, Ont. To Take Up Commission. The Canadian Gazette, London, says: R. Carr-Harris, the representa- tive of the Dominion Canners' Assc-| ciation, has arrived from Italy on his way to London and Canada, where ::e will take up .his con in that jis a graduate College, Kingston had its daily rain storm on Thursday, but there weré -two places at least where the Weather Man was on his good behaviour. People who were at picnics at Lake Ontario Park and Brophy's Point stated that it did not rain there, and they were greatly surprised to learn on their return about the heavy downpour in town, Constipation is Cured by FWalkem, K. C., Kingston, standard of quality" Sor) sistently maintained Have no hesitation to try it. It will do credit to your) breakfast table. { | | | It will "set yon up" and carry you through the day. --- Henderson's Grocery 50-61 Brock St. Phone 279. A square house to deal with AND NOBBY| ITS SOME NEW SU Just added to our big stock. Come In and see our specials at $15 and Equal to any $30 tatlor-made multe, Many others at varying prices, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, PENMAN"S Balbriggan, $1.00 a suit; one 50c a suit. Fine Shirts, ars, Helts, Ties, Fancy Socks, Shoes, Ete. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS sT, & cheaper MRS. A. GG. LANGLEY DEAD, Daughter of Late Justice Walkem | Passes Away at Victoria. Friends of Mrs. A. G. Langley will Specials At |HOOD'S 50 DRY PICKED CHICKENS AND FOWLS, QUESTIONABLE Foon ProDucTS FAIR anp SQUARE | 500 LBS. FARMERS' BUTTER In Rolls and Prints. Also a Large Stock of HAMS AND BACON, Our Own Curing. TO cLEAR The war of words that is waged om | the firing line triangled by the kitchen, dining room and the Srocery tere, | could be avolded If You, would put a - "safety first" el on guard. | SPECIAL PRICES a apples, -,cholee | THE ABOVE LOT, Cotes | {| West End Meat Market d Coffee, try BARRIE STREET, Empire Grocery, Flom. PHONE 340 | a Ausco Headquarters It takes us a little longer to do your developing and printing but you will be satisfied with our work Sargent's Drug Store or. arg: and Montreal Sta. Telephone No. 41 learn with great regret of that lady's death in Victoria, B, C., where she had gone for surgical advice and treatment, Mrs. Langley, who was the only child of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Walkem and his wife, Sophie Edith Rhodes, was born in Victoria thirty-four years ago. She was of a sweet and loving disposi- tion and had a very large eircle of friends. The deceased leaves ga sorrowing husband and three young children. She was a niece of 1B, Will Get Insurance, Some question has arisen as to the eligibility of members of the R.C.H.A, of Kingston, for Toronto City insurance. Mayor Church stat- ed to-day that their next of kin would be entitled Just Arrived I ---- Having learned from the Scotch Granite travellers that the supply of granite was nearly exhausted in Aberdeen, , Put in a big order early.last summer for spring delivery. So doing we were fortunate in getting the order filled of the lot is here and can be seen at our new shop, 397 CESS STREET, the first week in July. The balance here in a few days. ; ' wanting to secure a. Scotch Granite Monument would do well to call and sce us 8s we have no promise of any more Scotch orders being filled till after the war is over. GraniteCo. x A obi Feet ip 897 PRINCESS or, PRE Fi Fe