Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jul 1916, p. 7

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Limp and dependable banking service iz pro. ded for business men carrying thelr accounts at The Bank of Toronto. The reputation. res sources and facilities of this Bank are & guars antes of satisfactory service to the business community. We. invite your business and private accounts' ANCORPON ATED BANK { oF TOR NTO TORONTO, CAN Pala-tp cop Hewerved Aa) $6,430,382 DIRECTORS Gooderham, President, Vie e- President, William stone, John Macdonald, Lt.-Col. A. BE Rrig. Clon F. 8. Meighen, J. L. Englehart, Wm, I. Gear Thos. ¥. How, General Manuger John R. Lamb, Supt A Bird, Chief Inspector YORK---National Bank of Commeree. LONDON ENG, --London City and KINGSTON BRANCH: Ww. G J. Henderson, ; Gooderham, Paul J. Myler, of Branches CHICAGO Bankers--Ni Ww Midland rat National Bank, nk, Limitec Market Square. : For Sale York St. Frame . John 8t., frame, all modern . Albert 8t., brick . 'Wellington St., brick Centre St., all modern . THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 GEO. B. McKAY, Manage . i Weddings No store in Kingston is better stocked with Silver for the June Bride. We count it a pleasure to have you see our selection this June. R. J. Rodger, 'Where the Clock is on the Walk 132 Princess St. You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time Soldiers, Attention! Summer Drinks Has it ever dawned upon Montserrat Lino Juice'. you that there is one place to buy Kodaks, Cameras, om Vinegar and Camera Supplies? : Lemonade That place is Gurd's Ginger Ale. Hoag's Drug Store Serdon's Grocery, Bay and Montreal St. a Phone 88 Store | Ask to see the Soldier' N Vest Pocket Autographic| Kodak. Opp. YM.CA. Watts-Florist FRESH CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS DAILY. Bedding Stock Ete. 170 Wellington St. Phone 1763 Ring up 1844, or Call at the | Notice .BON MARCHE GROCERY | We are receiving daily the WHERE YOU WILL FIND | best quality of berries, den Pincapples. Oranges. Bananas anas, oranges, cucumbers, berries, Grape Fruit, Riubact, Lot | (aga: ' cabb, , lettuce, rad- aces: Rudich Ouivns. Bonita ishes, onions. Mi and rein walls now and se.| We have all kinds of cook- lect line of Groceries. ed meats, also a quantity of Our Motto: We Atm to Please. | pice creamery butter. We (buy for net cash and can CAVERLY & BRADSHAW sell at the right price. Anderson Bros | Princess and Division Sts Phones 458-1846. Kingston CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. -- aq) JOHNSON- FLORIST AND WOOD. ESH CUT FL VERS, FRESH © JOS. AHEARN, JR, | PALms AND FERNS 2101-2 MONTREAL STRENT, jon Designs, . Wedding Bouquets. Phone 806. PHONE 239. iy Taxi Stand Opposite B. B.A Hotel Phone 749 Boat, train, Barriefield camp, and all city calls oe' 4 gong Special rates to theatres, balls and parties. All modern 5 and 7 pas- senger cars, A tn cm co cm The U.S. Senate voted Friday afternoon to purchase for $750,008 the device of John Hays Hamomnd jr., for controlling the course of tor- pedoes by radio. Cottages on i Reasonable improve- olfe : Dwelling, . Ments, $12 a month. FARMS FOR SALE |W. H. GODWIN & SON | Phone 424 89 Brock St. | 'Khakl Club on Ontario street, LOCAL NOTES am: AND ITEMS or GENERAL INTEREST Happenings In the City and Vicinity What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Buy Fruit Saline" at Gibson' 8. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Pickering's. W. J. Keeley, jr., 1s in Toronto at- tending the optometrical convention, 2k g N. Perreau, commandant OF rae Royal Military C he ; y College is in _W. J. .Clark of the Pickering News, is visiting his son in the 93rd Battalion, Joseph Hodge, certificated plano puter, 273 King street west; 'phone at The First Baptist Sunday school picnic was held at Brophy's Point on Friday afternoon. "Tan and Sunburn Creams" at Gib- son's. As one citizen remarked, the earth- quake that was felt in Washington GRAND TO-NIGHT Last Chance to See CHARLIE CHAPLIN ANY ier in ""The Code of Marcia Gray" © be Shatonlary Prien: Mai Evening, STRAND Theatre MON. TUES, en. Feature Extr JOHN DBMERSON and BESSIE LOVE in the S-part speeciculne play by D. WW, it "THE FLYING TORPEDO" "Hank un and Polly Moran" fu the 2-act Keystone Comedy "THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH" Also other ® photopliny x. Prices: Matineex 35¢: Evenings, Sefitx reserved, 10¢ and 13e. IN "THE FIRE 10¢; co- extra. Ma on Friday was needed to wake them up. "Buy Face Creams" at Gibson's. Saturday was recognized as a holi day by Government offices and ban turing places, "Buy Fruit Salt" at Gibson's. H, Cunningham, plano tuner 21] King street. Leave orders at Medal. | ey's Book Store. Mrs. G. H. Ogilvie and Mrs. G. Campbell, of the Women's Emer gency Corps, will leave for er on Tuesday to speak there, 'Buy Face Creams" at Gibson's. The Germans were to have captur- ed Verdun on July 1st, but were somewhat mistaken in their calcula- tions just as in their capture of Paris. "Tan and Sunburn Creams" son's. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, Hastings, and Mrs. Cook and daughter, Ida, of Elora, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Elmer, 27 Frontenac | street. "Buy Talcum Powders" at Gibion's 8 | James K. Hackett has started movement in New York for a per-| formance in aid of American soldiers! who have suffered or may suffer as the result Mexico. "Tan and Sunburn Creams" son 8s. In police court Saturday morning Samuel Hackett, on the pronibited list, was given a week to rec all whe he got his liquor was fined $3 and drunk. Beef, Iron and Wine, 50c, Gibson's. The Advisory Board of St. James' church presented Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney C. Smith with a handsome wed- ding gift in the shape of an electric lamp. Mr, Smith is a valued mem- ber of St. James' choir. "60c Beef, fron and son's, A soldier by the name of Graham, belonging to the 156th Battalion, | was knocked down in front of the Fri- day night and was taken to the Gene- ral Hospital for treatment. "= "Buy Fruit Salt" at Gibson's. | Provost, Brock street, has this! year an extra fine assortment of] T'weeds, Cheviots and Serges for his! order' clothing department. His | ready made 'clothing and gents' fur-| nishing department are well assort- | :d with new goods. 'Buy Face Creams' at Gibson's. | The president of the Beard of Trade acknowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions for the| Belgian Relief Fund: Chas. H. Pow- ell, $10; Red Cross workers, Batter- sea, $5; Charles Nicholson, Sunbury, $5; Mrs. Sheppherd, $1. at Gib- at Gib-| costs for bei Wine," Gib- Bocking-Macdonald Wedding. On Thursday, June 29th, .Rev. Father Hanley united in marriage Miss Lily Macdonald, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Macdonald, Gal- way, Ireland, and Pte. Thomas H., Bocking, of the 146th Battalion, C.E.F., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bocking, Lower Bagot street, After the ceremony the young cou- ple drove to the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Albert Roach, Lower Ba- got street, where a' wedding break- fast was awaiting them, after which they left on the noon train for To- ronto, where the groom will visit his sister before leaving for Valcartier. The young couple received many beautiful presents, showing the high! esteem in which they are held. Tells About Trip James Angrove, of Kingston, went overseas with the 80th Bat- talion as a bandsman, in a letter home, has an interesting account of his trip overseas on the S.8. Baltic. | He describes the cruisers at work. The Baltic had on board ten thou- sang troops including a few hundred nurses. Every day the war mews was put up on a bulletin board, also | the big league baseball scores and the market reports. The 80th Bat-| tallion band gave a number of very | fine concerts and was warmly re- ceived. who LONDON ONTARIO September 8th To| 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE AND AMUSEMENTS. A Fipe Combina- tion at Londons Exhibition. | A Real Live Program of Attractions | Twice Daily. 'Two Speed Events Daily j FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT New Process Building Every Building Full of Exhibits | SINGLE FARE Over All Rallways ' West of Toronto Special Excursion Prize Lists, Entry Forms and All h- | formation from the Sécretary. W. J. REID, A. M. HUNT, President. and also by several local manufac-| WESTERN FAIR 2857 wil S ~ TO-NIGHT William Farnum, in "FIGHTING BLOOD" In Five Acts Ninth Episode of "THE IRON CLAW" 1. Who is the La MON. UES. Francis X. 'Bushman and Beverley Bayne, in '"A MAN AND HIS SOUL" Prices 5¢, Evening 10c Reserved Seats 15¢ Phone 942. P 'Lake Ontario ARK" TONIGHT and Every Night 1308810 of the disturbance in A Free Shows Nightly-- 23 Programme for Monday 2 -- Vaudeville Acts -- 2 Thomas Hackett FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS wup MAID WHO CAN DO PL AIN COOK. ¥ CO0K- | * THREE REEL DRAMA ONE REEL COMEDY THE PATHE NEWS | ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS | Wed, Children's 1 Cent Day om Cars. W. G. Craig & Co, L Sole Agents For THE RATHBUN MATCH NEW IMPREGNATED NO AFTER GLOW Lights Easy the Danger of Fire T THE SAME PRICE AS ORDINARY MATCHES BASEBALL! ' Monday, July 3rd at 10 a.m. Queen's vs. _ Gananoque. C.LC. vs. Alexandria Bay. Queen's Lower Campus, Stuart Street. Silver Collection THE MATCH. SELLS ---- a 'Baseball _ " CRICKET FIELD Boxbay, JULY 3RD 3 pam. HAVAN A RED SOX (colored team) vs, LEAGUE TEAM Band from Barrlefield Ci amp | in attendance SILVER COLLECTION Come and hear these colored gents | Military | AN "The National Drink" GRAPE JUICE Tb all Grocers, Drugglsta and Soda | y the enne for the home, FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. tributors | | Bread | Notice--Commencing on Mon- day, July 3rd, for house to house delivery, we will give one book, Suntaintug 15 bread tickets for *"R. H. TOYE & CO. THIRD ANNUAL Domivien Day Picnic BROPHY'S POINT {a i 5 Ju LY 3RD, 1916 nder the \usp the heCan- ndlan Association of Kingwton Races for Men, Women and Childre: Baseball Match, "Red Sox" va, | "St. Mary's" i Dancing from 3 to 5 and 7 to 30 | | Botit leaves foot of Clarence street af | 10 am. 1.30, 3.00 and 7.30 p.m. Tieketa: Adults, 25¢: Children under 12) ears Sree; over 12 years, 1Se. Nn concern | To ¢ Quit Tegisiature { Mitchell, July 1.--At the South | 4 Perth Conservatives' annual meeting | | here, Mr. Begnewies announced that! he would not be a candidate at the next election, y hin, Mask? A' YOUNG GIRI. TO TAKECARE OF rn ae RE | 7 A | GIRLS 3 3 THE PEOPLE'S FORU rere \ CONDENSED ADVERTISING FATES | First insertion, 1c & word. Eae| con 4 lasertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for one ldgertiom, 28¢; three lusexipns, | | Sue; six, $1; one month, §2. HELP WANTED CLERK. APPLY -------------- | PRINCE | RE noted Te COLTS: ONE FOX WITH TWO spot in forehead: other bay, with white strip in face. strayed on the pre mises of O, H. Fairbanks, Harpell Corners, on June , 29th. Owner may have same by paving costs AUTOMOBILE CRANK Brock street, between and Fronte streets er may have same Dy at 274 University Ave FOUND JAB) 8 ADVER: FREE. Anyone br anything and wishing to reach the owner may An gn bv reporting the farts to The British Whig. © The adver- tisement will "a 1b "his column free of charge, NIGHT ON Alfred Owny- calling nue. | NIGH® CLERK AND soled Frontenac, | NIGHT JANITOR, APPLY AT Y. M C.| A. Camp, Barrieield. -------------------------------------------------------- | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- ply Street Railwdy Co. PORTER FOR | { MAIDS OR LAUNDRY WORK. AP. | ply fngston Gereral Hospital i i Sent ---------------- | A GIRL TO CLERK. APPLY AT NE York Fruit Store, 314 Princess Si FOR THE | ams | WANTED--A SMART SIRL Theatre Box Office. Apply Ideal ! STOLEN. | GENTLEMAN'S name plate, no 28th, from 81 King S der notify W. Kent, street. [SERVANT FOR GENHRAL HOUSE- work, Call at 185 William stre ------------------------------ we LABORERS TO WORK IN LUM ard around. the mill, stead: | West. Fin- Eh Apply Wormvith Plano Cc is William | SHEDDEN GI.R. Freight APPLY Co, TEAMSTERS. Forwarding sheds. | SMART YOU ING MAN For GROC ERY] | BEDROOMS AND store. Apply J. R. B. Gage, Mo opposite City Park, real street cor. West. TO LET SITTING ROOMS, 123 King Bt, A CHEESEM AKER ance of the season EE. Whig Office DOWN- 140 Wel- BAL- to Box FOR THE Apply NISHED ROOM, L \RGE i ponveniences, S48 IDESCE, 193 JOHN- Apply to 82 Brock St, 26 or 621 a baby. Apply Mrs. Vilson, Division street Phone FOR THE WORK ROOM, [OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Jeb! pleasant work. Apply to N bers Apply to A, B. Cunningham, . Polson, 28 2656 Ontario street. 79 Cl (AID FOR GENERAL Two in family 220 Unlon "ROOMS AT Place, Large ones with fire- and a few smaller OWELLINGS, STORES, OFFIC ES AND storage for furniture McCann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St eee tte eee STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms; your own lock and Frost's 99 . MOUS Amly Mrs. | street in the | MAID Ww Fe Eo 1, evening SHARIR A i) 1 3 + + A ham places, Competent general servamt, at once, for famliy of thre. wages $20 per month. Appy 215 Johnson street. Rey oh a Riis PARE LI bre {FURNISHED SOR HE SNM - months, Calderwood esidence AH 2 BAS.) of Col. and Mrs. Giles. Annly to Limited, ¥ J.-B. _Walkem, 93 Clarence Bt City Storage, Phone 526b e------ SUMMER | SPINVERS FOR ( SE -- any, ATe | FURNISHED, 119 EARL twelve rooms, spacio two sides, nicely woode to $2 Brock stree STREET, ground also reat red 4 Barrie Bt No washing; References Mrs. Carson, ng mi ad ply A YOUNG GIRL TO GO TO THE COUN- | try for two or three months to do| light housework Apply Mrs Kilborn, 244 King street. GROUND FLOOR, CONVEN- jent location 1h SUBURBAN HOUSE, $15: WITH % acre garden. TO DRIVE SAND TO |GE A. BATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE steady work year street Ap- | sta- | M ARRIE D MAY PERSONAL -------------------------------------------- | | Arm, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- {shes removed permanently, w'th- ; 30 years' experience. Dr. J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Node, and Skin pecialist, 26 t. r a guod sobe H. Fair, Kingston IABLE PERSON TO | 1s¢ work for sick we { I two. No farm work. | , Stating wages, to , Wolfe lsland, R. M. man, Write Mrs. Geo, D D. No. 1 Bagot ---------------------------------------------------- | PIANO POLISHER UNDERST rience, | MARRY wr LONELY : FOR Rr Frehch polishing, with experience, | try me: Bast And In ; wanted at once, steady employ- andreds siah wish In ment, in town where living is not | tly confidential high® Wirite Box N. P., Whig Of- Years of esperient free he 8 Purdie, Box M \RRY--FOR, SURE STC 8 old responsible club, est ablished years. Guranatees satis ver 50,000 members; Testimonials and des- Reliable Club, 26, Oakland, ome educa of Nur York © ty, siring to bec high schoo Apply Supt. Hospital, New Pa a criptions free he Mrs. Wrubgl, Box Calif fi 3 Fassindisd Wanted -- Machinists, Tool makers, handy men, Inborers, amg good opportunities for bright young men who are wil- ling to better themselves. Good wages. Steady work. Apply to Canadian Lecomotive Company, Limited, Kingston, Ontario. FINANCIAL INVEST. 1863; Smith, | "RONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society; dncon porated president, Colonel CMG; Se oy w F. Niec- kle, K. oney Issued on city and properties, municipal and country debentures; mort- gages purchased; deposits received and interest allowed. C.-Cart- wright, manager, 87 Clarence Bt. Kingston. . + Ld * * farm ERAL; MUST It cook. One in family references required | King 8t, evenings R good High Apply plain Wag 149 | _FOUND = 74 SYDEN-| nm-- " FT. LONG, IN GOuD running Rn tien, Cheap to quick Apply Box 68 Whig Office. CONSISTING OF Apply a.m. MOTOR BOA buyer. CAMPING OUTFIT, two lents, cols, stoves, ete. 2 Brock street, between 7 aud 6 pm. © vous SAR, JTS NOR, MECN 3 equipped. Apply Box 71, fice . airy i Whig of- x 18 ft. x Re TI Reinke DP ARIeEY Le Locomotive Company, limiied. - -------------------- GASOLINE LAUNCH, 21 FT. LONG » 5 feet, 10 inch beam; § HP. gay Engine; self oll feeder, 5. _Ap- ply 33 Union Street or Phone, 1696. ON » SORTABLE STREL, » GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVR selections' your own choice, $28.50; $10 zasn and $1.00 per week. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess street. S-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE Starter, electric lights, etc. Must be sold at once, ply Me- Laughlin Garage, Monti street. DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, 8351 AND 329 Montreal St, cor, James; six rooms: bath and all conveniences; newly decorated Apply 63 Doug- lass St, Hamilton. TWO GASOLINE LAUNCHES: ONRB guaranteed twenty miles an hour. First class 'condition, Apply Sgt. G. E. Rousseau, C. H. A, Tete du | Pont Barracks. 1015 we HAVE A Lor OF CAMP STOVES and few very large Looking 8; will sell cheap. Also al Xin 8 of Jutniture, good mattresses and 'beds. hom 00, 333 Prin- cess street, one HAVE RECEIVED sha are' high ards biey and are offer fing. ) for J rie Br amam re wif King street. Phone 1032 wE EI "aliier, Wi A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC. ond-hand furniture, ivan, cloth. ing, boots, sult cases, tools, etg. n you have anything to sell, drop I will sll. 8 Shapiro, o card. Phone 1237. Princess street. L, ROOMY ' inde g condition. as owner has Ard car wil sell e fo Crescent, OVERL AND, oronte 1914 MODEL, ELECTRIC 2] lights and horn, ndition; four ! : 1 new tires MODEL ELECTRIC GAL Tr, I in best of con- 1913 vd i015 ele MODEL, tr lights ondition. ELBCTRIC REG Ab. er and horn; phe {CHEAP CARS FOR QUICK SALES, P. STREET, Phone PETERS, 17 BROCK FOR HIRE. -------------------------------------------------- A MOTOR BUS FOR HIRE FOR ALL occasions. Phone 1177 Geo. W. Boyd. 59 Earl DRESSMAKING PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measure, designing, trimming, etc; three dollars, Jhclnding system. Madame Elder, New York Dressmaking Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. BOARD AND ROOMS. | FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS: every convenience: central looa- tion Apply 243 Brock street. PABENTS {+ i BABCOCK . SONS, Patents, Fiatd. 1877. | aarkce: trade Form: TANTINTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers: no _canvass'ng Send for particulars. Press Synd)- cate, 3,969, Lockport, N.Y. R. C. CARTWRIGHT Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street WANTED EXPERIENCED Cigar Makers Apply Box 629, Whig | | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,216. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited labilit> of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or Eiving new businsas get ; Tates from ttahse & Btrange Agents. Phone 8 BUSINESS NOTICES AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAIN tents, canvas, skiffs for outboar: motors, folding boat seats, fishing tackle, ete. rank W. Cooke, Clarence street. WANTED GENERAL EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wants work by the day or at home Apply 8 John street or Box B. A. Whig office. Ss SAF ETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPEN- ed; double edge, 35¢. doz. sin ¥ age. 25¢. doz. Acme C utters, St. Clarens Ave, Toronto. SECOND-HAND - UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or In part payment of pianos and Victrolas. C. W. say, Limited, 121 Princess ESTATE -- PROPERTY central district, with large sized lot, with or without Improve- ments. Apply Box R. E, Whig of- ce, SITUATIONS VACANT EUROPE'S FOR nN REAL (AGENTS MONEY- TaAKER, 3) |erly Patent Slice Examiner. of Patent Laws tection" free. real Branches: Ottawa, Washington, . FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a oard, 23 Johan | street. co ARCHITECT NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 268 Bagot St. Phone 608, POWER & 8 N, ARCHITECTS, MER- | chants nk Building, corner Brock and Wellington Streets. LEGAL [A B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. ence street, Kinanwo os Cre A QUICK HOT FIRE, TRY Charcoal Two Bage fora Quarter. Your Grocer has it for # ook. Con- Greatest World War Canadians; tains part taken by greatest naval battle in history: drowning Lord Kitchener; Russian advance, Samples free. Best terms. Postage ten cents. Nichols Limit- ed. Toronto, 4 BUSINESS CHANCES [CAR] ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STARRY a angi} order business at home; no Send or Heaoonk, Get YourAwning: Made in Kingston y Oannda than ter made Capt. Joseph Dix, SAL MAKER, 211 NELSON ST, og n You wan one, drop him A A SANE 0 . J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Co. Princess and Bagot Sts. Phone RIGHT IN SEASON | Soda Fountain and Motor. boat at $30 each. Some re- frigerators at reasonable pricey

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