The First of July comes on Satur- day this year and will be ecelebrat- ed on Monday. So if you wish vou can make the most, of it and celebrate on the first and third. Just think how much better vou'll feel and how much more vour friends will admire vou if you appear in a Liv- ingston Suit. See our suits at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00, Then we have breezy shirts, summer under- wear, hosiery, and all sorts of tog- tery, at prices youll pay very willingly. We've a lot of cool things in store for vou and vour pocket book will hardly feel the touch, Livingston's, Brock Street. Ty WANTED GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY AT SPECIAL PRICES 40 dozen Men's Fine Egyptian Balbriggan Un- derwear, Shirts and Drawers, the correct weight for summer wear. All sizes from 32 to 44. Special tonight for 40c. Lisle Thread Hose in Black and White. Fine sheer qualities with double heels and toes. For 26¢ and 35¢ a pair. Silk Hose, black and white: a splendid wearing stocking. For 50¢ a pair. Extra Fine Quality Sheer Silk Hose, with dou- ble lisle thread garter tops, toes and heels. Black, white and all the new &olors. For The a pair. Lisle Thread and Silk Gloves in short and long lengths, at 50¢, T5e, 85¢ and £1.00 a pair. Women's Undervests, Drawers, Combinations, in cotton and lisle, all the best makes from 15¢ to $1.00 a garment, I I EE TERRI D. R. Suherland has enlisted with the 155th Battalion, @Lieut. JcKinnon, muster officer from Kington, is in Ottawa, in con- nection wth his duties which con- sist in, pa't of checking up recruit- Ing staffslocated there and inspect- ing the guards placed at different points in the eity. Lieut. McKin- non is an old R. C. H. A, veteran. Lieut, B. W. Franklin, Joyceville, and Lient. William Burton have been appointed to the 146th Battal- ion, On Thursday nigit, Lieut. D. 1. Bennet, 146th Battilion, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3ennett, St. Al- bans, Eng, was parried to Miss] Grace Maidens, daughter of Mr. and | warranted, Mrs, Naidens, Bellerille. The cere- | mony was performed by the Rev. Mr, Mare, | The 146th Batmlion will attend divine service a St. Andrew's] Churer on Sunday morning The | men will parade (rom the camp at| 9.45.1. m. | | Dr Warthin ¢ Ann Arbor Uni- | versily, Michigar, gave an interest- |ing Iacture last right to a very good | crowd in 'the YM. C. A. tent on sex matters, Brig.-Gen, Eliott, director of en- | gineering sewices, headquarters | staf, Ottawa, vas in camp Saturday, | | THEATRICAL NEWS | At the Grand. | An entirs change of programme will be given at the Grand Opera | House on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, when the celebrated film | star, Marguerite Clark, will be seen | in a chaming photoplay based on| | the popudar and enchanting story, | | "Molly Make-Believe." Kingston | theatre-goers need no introduction] | to this familiar star, and in this pic | ture she is said to appear at her | best. A two-reel Universal photo play, a comedy picture, and the Paramount Topical Budget will also be shown. The vaudeville selected for these three days is exceptionally good, Miss Kathleen Carlton Hart, Kingston's most favorite singer, will be heard in an entirely .new line of popular sengs. Bern Brothers in « hand-balancing and acrobatic act complete the splendid programme for the first three days of next week. At The Strand. The programme booked by the management of the Strand Theatre for the last three days of next week is one of special merit and strength and should draw big houses. feature is one of the Iatest releases of the famous Triangle Plays in 5 | acts, entitled "The Flying Torpedo" featuring John Emerson and Bessie Love." It is ga spectacular and timely play on staged under the supervision of D. W. Griffith, the world's foremost film producer. It is intensely gripping and shows the marvelous workings of a new invention, "The Wireless Torpedo" and how it demolishes armies and navies. It is one of the up-to-the-minute subjects and rlayed to packed houses the entire | week that it showed in Shea's big vaudeville theatre Toronto three weeks ago. A 2 act Keystone, "The Village Blacksmith," featuring Hank Mann and Pony Moran, along with other good subjects, complete the bill. At Griffin's. Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Payne, the foremost stellar combi- | nation in motion pictures, are star- red in the big Metro wonder-play, "Man and his Soul," which will be seen here at Griffin's Theatre on Mon- day and Tuesday. This marvellous feature picture was produced by the Quality Pictures - Corporation for Metro, and is easily the best produc- tion in which Mr. Bushman and Miss Bayne have ever appeared. are supoprted by ap exceptionally, strong cast, which Dunbar, Grace Valentine, Edward Brennan, Charles H. Prince, John Da- vidson, and other stage and screen artists, Lake Ontario Park, The management of Lake Ontario Park has secured for Monday even- ing and next week an excellent pro- gramme. The vaudeville consists of Frank Clayton in a ing on seyeral different instruments; also a comedy musical goat and an- other good act. The pictures will consist of a Pathe news act, showing the latest events in three rells. There will also be several comedy pictures: BITTEN BY DOG. | Face of Little Cushendall Child is Scarred. The little child of Fred Bawder, Cushendall, was bitten by a .dog, which, it is alleged, belonged to John Abearn, of the same place. Mr. Bawder appeared before Magistrate The | These are to be "Preparedness," | They | includes Helen | musical act, play- | Forty-nine years ago this day (July 1st, 1867), the confederation of the Canadian provinces was ef- fected. The foundation was laid, strong and deep, of the nation, the position of which is clearer to-day and the future of it so very bright and promising, Our people are given to much celebrating, perhaps too] much. Some of them are wiiling to observe any number of anniversaries in the year, Certain days and epochs are worthy of 'commemor- | ation. Each has connected with it a significance that cannot be too deeply impressed upon the mind. Cur national day has never, hyw- ever, been regarded with the favor {or affection which its importance Passing events, and above all the anniversary of our nationhood, com- mand attention. Canada has been giving evidence, as never before, of | the growth within it of a spirit and | zeal and ambition that mark the existence of a young nation in| America. The manner in which it | has rallied to the support of the | Mother Country is a tribute to con- ditions of an ideal and commend- able character. i There was no obligation -on part of this country to make sacrifice of life or treasure in war. But no sconer had Britain, | of the Allies, in- volved in a great conflict on behalf of liberty, independence, and righteousness, than proffered her aid, and, as in South African war, her troops their gallantry have won the praises of the world. One year from to-day will see the | close of the 'half century of con- | federation, and it should be gignal-| lized by a celebration worthy of the! name, let us hope that the war will be over: that the awful slaugh- ter which has attended Germany's | lust for power, will be at an end; | that peace will brood over the land, that the Dominion will honor the half century of its existence and consecration to high and noble the any the as one become honor, Canada the by and ideals. The men who made confederation possible had .a vision. They saw | beyond their times. They knew, or divined, that the plans to which | they lent their ¢ountenance, with re- | gard to which there was wonderful | unanimity of opinion, had apparent- | {ly the direction of Providence. | honored, and all their footsteps, | | have been content to cultivate the | | spAdit, the fibre, tthe strength of | [mind and will and heart, which the | care of a great nation demands, | | who, following in WOMEN BAKERS NEEDED. { Keep the Price of Bread From | Rising in Kingston. | The Women's Emergency Corps was asked whether any women had signed up to do the work of bakers who have enlisted. As was an-| | nounced in Friday's Whig, several | of the local master bakers have been {forced to go out of business owing | to their inability to secure help. It was thought that perhaps some of | To the women might have signed up to| | | take the place of the enlisted men, | but so far none have done so. Offi- | cials stated that some action may be | taken shortly, as there are doubtless some women capable of baking bread and keeping down the price. ------------ | Ohange in Train Service. Commencing July 3rd, Canadian! | Pacific trains Nos. 37 and 38 will] | arrive and depart from Toronto | | Union Station, instead of North To-| ronto. These are the new trains! operating between Toronto and Ot- | tawa. Corpl. Wainwright Recovering. | Lance-Corpl. Frederick Wain-| wright has written to his mother, Mrs. Wm. Wainwright, 9 Markland | street, stating that he was wounded | in the elbow on Junel3th, and al-| though the wound is severe and] painful, he is getting along nicely. | 146th Church Parade. | The 146th Battalion will parade to St. Andrew's Church Sunday morning, July 2nd. at 11 o'clock. | Service by the Rev. Dr. Gordon, | Queen's University. Bad Boy Sent Up. A fourteen-year-old boy from | Joyceville appeared before County | Magistrate Hunter Saturday morning chargdd with an unnatural offence and was sent to the Victoria School at Toronto until he is twenty-one years of age, i 3 Bea yo mpe ap Hn Open To-Night 7.30 Until 10 ¢: EER Warm weather is here and it is well to be prepared with the white attire necessary for the welcome change. ih Dresses White Voile Dresses . . .. .. cov... $5.00 to $16.00 White Nub Voile Dresses .. . .. White Marquisette Dresses . . . White Pique Dresses . . . . White Indian Head . ... .. These dresses are all new, fresh models, just reached us from one of the cleverest makers, Wash Skirts Smart new styles in White Repp Skirts .... .. .... .. White Indian Head Skirts . . . White Pique Skirts .... ............ 'White Bedford Cord Skirts .... . .. White Cotton Corduroy Skirts . . . . New Awning Striped Skirts in Blue and White, Green and White, Pink and White, Helio and White, Grey and White. A new and stylish model. "The Rigby" A New Palm Beach Suit Skirts with wide flare, smart style loose coat with belt and Pockets, in the natural linen shade. Some with separate white collars. Specialprice .... .... . ..-- To-Night WHITE SILK GLOVES, A GREAT CHOICE WHITE HOSIERY, ALL WANTED KINDS NEW NECKWEAR, JUST RECEIVED $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 .. .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 $2.00 and up. . $2.75 $3.50 'Women's Cool Shoes Hunter Saturday morning and took | out a summons, charging Mr. Ahearn with keeping a vicious dog which bit! -his child, causing bodily harm. Bow-| der said that Ahearn had refused to] shoot his dog. He had his child with | him, and its face was badly marked | Now Blouses, Middy Waists, White PK, and Repp Skirts, for 98¢. Notices of any character re- lating to future events, where an admission fee is charged, are inserted in the advertising 'columns at 10c a line for first insertion and Ge a line for each' fonsecutt 8 imertion; or 10c a ne on, if reading 'matter. : Announcements for soctet! clubs, or other organizations of future Svents, where no admis- on fee ed, may be in- sorted in oT olumn at one cent a word, 4 minimum of 25¢ for one insertion. eee J The Crusaders' meeting will be held to-morrow night in Sydenham Street Church at the close of the for Summer We are showing a very complete range of women's white shoes at rea- fa ats se Our Daylight Saving Scheme--During July and August we close at 5 o'clock éach evening except Saturday. Help us to enjoy our extra hour of sunshine by shopping early. by the dog's teeth, . i Plenty of Cotton Bandages | The Canadian Red Cross wish to make it known that a cable from | England states that no more bed | pads nor rolled cotton bandages should be sent until further notice, | a8 these can now be obtained in Eng-| land, thus saving cost of shipment. Good Spray for Roses The collecior of customs, who has a very fine rose bed, recommends the following spray: 4 oz. cassia chips, boil 15 minutes in ome gal- lon of water, strain, and add 4 oz. [evening service Mrs Carr-Harris of soft soap, then add two gallons | will be the speaker, and Mrs. Cole- | of , ° |man will'lead the orchestra, x TST Si sonable prices. White Canvas Pump .... . White Canvas Pump (white "The Lockett Shoe Store E buck strap overinstep) .... ....".... .... $2.00 ea *