eto ora a VINCE OF ONTARIO, Captain Dodds, of the 109th Bat- talion, Thinks This is Explanation of Present War--Stirring Sermon Preached in Sydenham Street Church. That the nations have been put-| ting their trust in battleships rather] than the Prince of Peace, was the conclusion to be drawn from an elo- quent and stirring sermon preached in Sydenham Street Methodist church Sunday night by Capt. Dodds, jchaplain of the 155th Battalion. The | speaker Stated that he had been CONDUCTED AT BARRIEFIELD | 152th 0 come, but when he heard of {what Sydenham street church had C ON SUNDAY RNING. ial MO done in connection with the war and ! Major Davidson, Chaplain of 93rd | when he saw the church's honor Toll "Slain Delivered to Men of Ie was glad he had accepted the in- : |vitation to speak to the congrega- Camp His Farewell Message-- | § tion. Very Impressive Service, Wich Capt. Dodds took for his text He- Some 4,00 Soldiers in Attendance. brews IIL, 4: "For every house is The parade service at Barriefield | builded by some man, but he that camp Sunday morning was unusually | built all things is God. impressive, being a united camp ser-, In order that a house might stand vice with five battalions and several it must be built upon a stable foun- | detachments sent, considerably | dation, the preacher declared. Aud) over 4,00 soldiers in all. {en and nations, if they were to en-| The service was taken by Chaplain dure, must be built upon the ever-| Capt. Dodds, of the 155th, the Scrip-| lasting rock, Jesus Christ. But the ture read by Capt. Hagan, of the foundation was not all. There was 156th, while Major Davidson, senior the superstructure, and great care chaplain of the 93rd, soon to go over-| Must be taken with that. When one te fons, Bave a brief address. It was/ thought of the nations of Europe at | time she met him, and that she loved founded on Acts II, 10, "And Paul| War, with the very foundations of | him because he was a brave man and preached to them ready to depart on| the earth rent asunder, the question) was going to the front to fight for the morrow." "Like. St. Luke," arose, how had they builded during his King and Country, _ said the preacher, "soldiers travelled | the past one hundred years. If the, -- right." Having made the great re-|Dhations had builded aright the pre- hunciation and set out on a rough Sent war, with its bloodshed and and dangerous path, and being desolation, would have been render Elven over to assist a noble enter- ©d possible. The great lesson prise, the soldiers' life was most! !AUBht by history was that mations favorable for the reception of the Perished when they forgot God. strenuous and exciting call of the The great powers now e Gospel to leave all and follow Christ | IoTtal combat seemed inail. in the marrow way. Loyal to the their trust in battleships rather than | ---- King, the soldier should be able to \n an unsean Power, Battleships | PRD dob bpd Sib cultivate a loyalty to Christ. Higher Were a splendid thing to protect the * : : -|coasts of a country, but there was | * p > s © iv ad on he Kingdom of Bri- something higher 'and nobler. It | ge The more the cost of living Children and Wo- man Has Three, Charging that she deserted her [il husband and three children, at Max- ville, Ont, and came to Kingston to live with a soldier, a woman, about twenty-five years of age, was taken into custody on Sunday night, by the military and city police and is now being held at the police station, and in the meantime her case is being further investigated. The woman was placed under ar- rest at a house on the Raglan Road, and it is alleged that for the past four weeks, ghe has been living there with the soldier, who just at the present time cannot be located. The soldier, so it is claimed, has a wife and five children who reside near Maxville, « The woman says that she left her husband because he illused her and declares that she is not sorry about leaving him, and that the only re- gret she has is that her children were left behind. "I won't go back and live with my , husband," she is alleged to have said | after being locked up." She made the statement that sh 11 in love with the soldier the first - Remember during the year 1916 that the word Vinner, indicates the abso- lutely best Gramophone Record money can buy. en-inch doubl i est popular and standard music. All the latest patrio Up to date line of Little Wonder afd Emerson R Price 15¢. for summer campers. Ree, Zee eGrds. Just the record | The College Book Store If : Hoadquarioss for al military supplies. 160-162 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. PHONE 919. Reminder If that boy or girl Passes, or has able examination, treat "him" or "her" y able "Wrist aWitch" Given Thres Months. The woman who pave the name of Mrs. Hutt was arraigned before Magistrate Farrell at noon on Mon- day and was charged with vagrancy. 1 She was found guilty and the magis- ngaged in trate sentenced her tc months to have put of yours a credit- this summer, n suite The above applies to the magnificent range of three We have the range of prices to sult the ocenslon.. Whether they | have earned a gold one, or a sim. | Mle sliver time plece on a strap. Smith Bros. | JEWELERS & OPTICIANS Issuers of Marriage Licenses sepa- even | vas wa >» | i todeifedesfodefosds steamer Jex cleared for that we are now showing. the speaker and skilful of the com- and the departmental offi- cleared | | | St. Louis A score of the season's latest 'crea- in all the popular colorings, and pric- . d reasonable figures. | Those who inten having Muskrat ~ Mclipped and dyed | dson Seal 15¢ Yd. and u for 1 HO%n Ady 1 'Wolild advise them to send them in'at once. Katie Eccles clean tions ed at The kind you are looking for Ai 1s the kind we sell. -- Pleasant Auto Trip. Mayor Richardson, Prof. Iva tin, Dr. Phalen and Francis 'M returned Monday Pleasant auto trip. included Belleville, Cherry Valley, Milford, Picton, coming ton by boat.. Mar- acnee | morning from a Their itinerary Wellington, Glenora and from there to Kings- BURIED AT NORWOOD, Knocked Down By Auto, Albert, the young son of Michael Thorburn, Johnson street, in step- ping out of the way of g rig was struck by an auto Friday night and rendered unconscious. One of the wheels passed over him, but, fortun- ; ately he was not seriously injured, The Always Busy Store w» Specialty We Carry a Full Line of Sick Room Requisites Invalid Afr Cushions and Pillows Bed Pans in different shapes and sizes. Douehe Cang Douche Pans Ice Bags Hot 'Water Hottles Stojanch Pumps Sick Feeding Cups Medicine Glasses and Tubes Thermometers Gauzes, Cottons, Bandages, Ete. Prescriptions are Dispensed by a gradoste pharmacist and nl. Ways are 'exactly ay the doc- tor orders, Dr. A.P. Chown"s Drug Store Princess Si. Phone "Tread Easy Foot Powder," the soldier's friend. SoM only at Gib- son's. OLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes larly. Information posted O. Lobby from time to tim United States, dally ..13.45 pm. Grand Trunk, golng ast Yaqui Indians, taking advantage of the withdrawal of Mexican troops | | from Southern Senora, are reported | here to have crossed the lands of! | American settlers, Man To Appear Irregu- at P. e. Because They Fit Anglin's Screen Doors and Sash keep oug flies. Made to fit any opening. They stay in place all summer and do not interfere with opening or clgs- ing of windows, Look well -- wear well are not expensive, tates) . : Grand Trunk Kingston's Famous Fur Store west of city .... » R. 10.16 a.m C. «RR Fursin July We were selling Saturday during the big rush for "Hats for Everybody." It may seem strange to talk Furs now, but this is by far the best 1 i Garden Party, » and 185 843 One of the most successful garden Order now. { parties in the history of Trinity : { Church congregation, Wolfe Island, . & ~ | S. Anglin & Co. | | was held on the rectory lawn on | Tuesday evening last. Although Woodworking Factory, the weather was threatening in the af- Lumber Y Is. » ternoon, still the evening was delight- Bay and Wellin ton Sts, Office Phone 66. fully fine A magnificent brass band Factory Phone 1415 | | | | { y suppl apecieily for each enme factory. in round in our ewn . Picnics and Lunch Pails We always-carry in stock a large assortment of TTTTimber. Coal and Wosdeees (fooked Meats, Potted Meats (Canned Fish, Fancy Pack- (age Biscuits, English Bis- Refrigerators == Givi iol (Layer an] Drop Cakes Fresh ry Day. At the Premium Store Special value in bed hi Wak Rat 4 : | % goes up, the more people read & and no soldier should stop short of Was better for neighbors to dwell to- SE mG. . *+ the most good, the soldier should never allow his| 10 the very heavens; and what ® Sebel ddoddrdodel dod dot should be ready for the dangers im- temple of peace, the nations had er g 1 > $ . - ever that might be. A soldier's War lords had plunged Europe into i In Marine {ircles ibly more valuable and important to| The Dreacher concluded by urging | Before his address God, so that when the brave lords | Wego. rhaven. mandant find that those whom they left be- ! M.T. Co's. bulletin Steamer Ad- time of departure of any -units ex- ligious lite. two light barges, from Montreal, of them, While often personally -- | borne; tug Thomson cleared for] {Information Given {from Sodus Peini to Morrisburg. Last week a story was in circula- | Shipbuilding Company's drydock. soldier, while in the act of defending |ronto from Montreal. Battalion. Whig) an order was issued that in The body of thé late Russell El- George Payne, contractor, in- ing, and was removed to the resi- | Whole incident and the facts of the Wood, where interment took place. coming home, evidently under the the 74th Battery formed the escort, | | fell, and the bottle broke cutting his | accompanied the remains from Kings-| | cause of the accident, he blamed the Demand wa bed mation that came from a painter well prepared to supply | GIVEN NINE MONTHS. Before Lt.-Col. Hunter on Wool Nap Blankets | fore Lt.-Col. Hunter with desertion | to the Central Prison for nine ows, large size, cov- 3 last January, He was given al ga . ' | the advertisements to learn &| membership in it. Once in union, &°ther as brothers than to be LJ line of communication with the, fue of men was true of nations mediately before him as well as for €cted the hideous superstructure of ttt ttt titty | training should qualify him to make 2 Sea of blood, the waves of which 2 him from the difficulties and uncer- ll Dresent to do their best for referred to courtesies who had gone forth to war returned ne The schooner cers, hind had not been asleep, but had arrived light, from Mont- cept the suggestion that naturally it IS STORY OF BB ol STA ING and cleared with the barges Un- unknown, they had all enjoyed a Military | Montieal, with ome grain barge; | Headquarters To The M.T. Co's. barge Nadine . . . The showing will delight you. tion to the effect that a resident of | Thd steanter City of Ottawa pass- a4 woman. The soldier according to | -- As soon as the military authorities | Remains of Late Gunner Elliott In. future side-arms were Not to be] jiott, who was accidentally shot, ar- formed the military headquarters On | dence of his father, 195 Reid street, Case completely exonerated the man Lieut. Thompson, Sergt Patterson, < influence of liquor, and was Carry- | Lance-Corpl. L. Elliott and Pte. Gor- | chest. He was in the General Hos- | ton. hoys in khaki. The story as told by covering in your sum- | whose wife was also a witness. your needs with. -- Charge of Desertion. | appeared before the county magis- | months. His name is Pte. G. A. month's leave of absence, from May | , . + where their money will do them With the Saviour, who stood so close, td by a fence that reached source of stremgth to be cut. Hel IbStead, however, of building a his unknown journey's end what- militarism. The result was that the | ¢ | & success of religion which was poss-| 22d drenched Canada. | tainties of hig life. their church, their country and their| The 0s- schooner and kindly direction those who had been left they would | for Faj ed for Charlotte No reference was made to the! !2ken a big step forward in the re- tug - Bartlett arrived with might come at any time for any one Is GIVEN A DENIAL. | av and Melrose, for Pont Col-| comradeship as soldiers of the Em- pire. This {tug Emerson passed down light Effect. | undergoing repairs in the Kingston | Division street had been stabbed bya|ed up on Monday morning to To- the story, was a member of the 146th . hie wn order va aid rs "body of the to Ruse | Newm dll & Sha worn. {rived in Peterboro Saturday morn. Monday morning, that he saw the thence to 11.27 C. P. R. train to Nor. in khaki. The man, he says, was and a number of other members of | ing a bottle in his coat pocket. He |don Elliott. brothers of the deceased, | | pital as a result, To hide the real | Mr. Payne is substantiated by infor- mer cottage. We arel ERE 8 INDIAN DESERTER Was First Red Comforters, $1.75 each The first Indian to be charged be. | | trate Monday morning, and was sent Brant, and he enlisted at Deseronto | 8th to June Sth, to work with a farm- | composed of ladies and men under { the leadership of Ensign Smith play- | ed on the Wolfe Islander from the | city. The grounds and lawn were {prettily and tastefully arranged. The Programme consisted of speeches in- | terspersing the numbers by the i band, the rector presiding in the { chair. The Presbyterian student, | Mr. Workman, was followed by Mr. | Henderson, the Methodist minister, i but the speech of the evening was | made by Canon FitzGerald. We | doubt if on any platform in Ontario {a clearer or more eloquent and pow- | erful arraignment of the false posi- | tion of the German people in this {conflict has been made than that of | Canon FitzGerald on this occasion. On the whole, the evening was consid- ered a general uplift, and was also | & success from a financial standpoint. er. He did not, however, turn ap at the end of his furlough, and was | arrested at Deseronto by Lieut. Wil- {Son on July 7th. : PRINCIPAL BECOMES GUNNER. B. I. Reilly, Formerly of St, Mary's School, Joining Queen's Battery. B. I. Reilly, who has been princi- | pal of the Meyronne School, Sask., | has arrived in the city for the pur- Pose of enlisting as a gunner in Queen's Battery, Mr. Reilly gradu- GOLDEN LION GROCERY ated from Queen's University in the F | ICY Cloy ol Honey | spring of 1915 and went west imme- i diately. Un one pound sections, 5c | Previous to entering Queen's Uni- each. | versity he was principal of St. Mary's Fresh California Prunes, | sciool, Kingston. ce and juicy, 10c, 12 1-2¢c, furs on | ! | ------------ AR > | Here you will find that, roomy, economieal, ¢} e-| gant and trustworthy re. | frigerator you have long J R B. Gage, wanted. Don't decide till | Montreal St, Phone 549 you see what we have to of. | Cr ---- fer you. Come in to-day ' -- - Canadian Casualties. quarters for In- dian curios, baskets and house ni This is head, Motor Vehicle Case Heard. |15¢. 1b Killed in action--Ralpk Freeman, ! Cornwall; Wilbur J. Cronkwright, Belleville; Lance-Corpl. Michael Mad- g {digan, 152 Bagot Fee . x | Geprge Mehew, Peterboro. | Ev aporated Apricots, ed Died of wounds--Bruce Cole, Pic- 11D. | ton. . Sweet Cider, 40¢ per gal Wounded-- Walter Wilson, Kings- ton; George Bell, Lindsay; Lance. W.R. McRae & Co | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs, | {for 25¢. F. Chambers, Havelock: Francis H. Collins, Béilevilie; Sergt. E. G. Jones, || Belleville. Corpl. Thomas F. Murtagh, Lindsay: Albert Nicholls, Peterboro: William GOLDEN WON GROCERY, street, Kingston; {J Shoes. Indian Shoes for men, Ladies and Children, 50¢ per «pair, up to $3, Watch Our Windows The case in which Richard Page Martin and Arthur violation of the Mo- | tor Vehicles Act, was heard by Lt.- riot Hunter and Ww. J, Ruttan, Bar- dants both pleaded guilty, and were {fined $1 apiece. Birshall, who was | driving a motor vehicle belonging to Martin, ran into a horse which Page | Was driving, and it js alleged the ani- mal was considerably injured. A Bitision Court case will likely re- su riefield, on Saturday The defen- nd look them over, Here are some: Solid Oak Case, genuine Bows:iBon Auton Trom Oak Cane, Shatuel Huned $20 10 Refrigerators, two Hulse, for $10 up. d 3 Coal Keeps SOW ARDS. - £99 W. A. MITCHELL "wer »