| _ Would You Like to Have a oe JACKSON AND ROBERTSON HAVE Bicycle Without the Nork of en roume oe ie FATHER TIE IT IS NOW €LAIMED BY FRED. 'gg rm------ 7 Speak and Daubert are Ousted He Alleges That Willard Lost Title ing " From Top of Major League Lists--| By Default--Charlie White To yu : The 300 Hitters. ; i" Among baseball nven the report is circulated that Perey D. Hanghton and his partners will sell the Boston Braves at the end of the season. It is understood that the Braves are losing money and that the only chance to break even financially lies in the capture of the pennant and the subsequent melon cutting in the world's series, THE CIGAR THAT MADE 5c FAMOUS FULTON. Meet Freddie Welsh in Ten-round Bout. Chicago, July 11.--The proposed hout between Jess Willard and Fred. Fulton, heavyweights, for Labor Day is off, it was announced by Mi- chael Collins, manager for Fulton. Collins said that Willard had fail- ed to comply with the agreement, which called fer the staging of the bout before the club that offered the largest purse by July 1st, and Ful- Chicago, July 11,--Joe Jackson has taken the lead among the batters of the American League and for the first time since the season got well under way, Tris Speaker is out of his place. Averages publis here Sat- urday show that Speaker, who is the first to make 100 hits, has done so in 263 times at bat in 72 games, in- cluding Wednesday, a percentage of 380 23. Jackson, in 68 games, has been at bat 252 times, and Hiade %% ton claimed the title of champion by | ts, a percentage of .380 95. n| default. | y Mt i : round numbers, Jackson's average is| Charlie Whije, Chicago light-; Vedder Gard, captain and third -381 to Speaker's .380. Jackson also| weight, has announced through his| baseman of last season's Indiana has taken the lead in total bases| manager, Nate Lewis, that he will gol! niversity baseball team, signed a from Speaker, with 140. Cobb | through with the proposed ten- | contract with the Indianapolis Am- leads in stolen bases with 30. "Home| round bout with champion Freddie | erican assocffation team. He was Run" Baker is in front in his special- | Welsh in Minneapolis July 21st, con-| ordered to report to the Evansville ty with seven. Detroit leads the|yinced there is no chance of getting | (}diana) Central League Club un- clubs in batting, with 255. Welsh into a longer battle. Lewis | der an optional agreement. The ten leading batters, including | said he talked with Harry Pollok, | --- those who have played in at least Welsh"s manager, but that the latter A. B. Gould, a pitcher, with the half the games of their clubs, are: | was non-committal on the Colorado | Davenport club of the Three-I Lea- Jackson, Chicago, .381; Speaker, | Springs 20-round proposition. | gue, was sold to the Cleveland Am- Cleveland, .380; Cobb, Detroit, 347; White has started training for his|ericans. Heilman, Detroit, .303; Sisler, St. | fight with Matt Wells at Boston next | Louis, .301; Smith, Cleveland, 294; | Tuesday. | - The indefinite suspension penalty Shotton, St. Louis, .293; Gardner, | {imposed on Manager Carrigan of Motor Boat and Automobile Supplies JHalliday'siElectric. Shop, b ; Phone 94 "2 -t 845 Josh Devore, released by Milwau- kee, had a number of offers from minor league clubs. He decided to accept that of Topeka in the West- ern League. Clyde Engle is man- ager of Topeka. Oyclemotor fits any bicycle," runs from 5 to 25 miles "an . hour, 100 miles on 1 gal. of gasoline. , Only $70.00. } Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. : PHONE 529. HL TT TL Soldiers: Swear Batterton, the Photographer, 282 Ontario street. on the Way to Barriefield,"" Open Day and Night. 2 BE No liver sufferer can fail to benefit from the use of Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief. Its action is natural as nature, sure as science. It is altogether different to ordinary liver stimulants and morning salts. These weaken the liver by forcing it, till it cannot work at all 'without the daily dose. Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief strengthens the liver and enables the system to cure itself. Then cure is lasting. Take Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief for Constipation Have you seen the New UNIVERSAL MICHELIN Non-8kid Tire, if not, call in at the Porritt Garage Co., - Limited And see it, it will interest you both in price and ! quality. 210-214 WELLINGTON STREET, Ask for Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief. Price 50 cents. from all Druggists and Storekeepers, or direct from the Sole Agents for Canada, Harold F. Ritchie and Co, Ltd., 10, M'Caulstreet, Toronto War tax 2 cente extra. Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief is the companion preparation to Dr. Casseil's Tablets, Player is Pardoned H. D. Deacon, serving a life sen- tence for killing the umpire at a baseball game in Bullitt county, be- tween Nelson and Bullitt county teams at Frankford, Ky. ' three years ago, was pardoned by Gover-| nor Stanley on petition of citizens, | including a relative -of the dead umpire, Robert Nell, county officers | of both counties and the jurors. The Governor said the record showed the umpire had been drink- ing and had frequent altercations| leader in the National League, hitting Brilliant. {that "Tex" McDonald had been ahead in team hitting, with .256. The | to re-enter the game. T blow 324; Zimmerman, Chicago, .320; every club is on easy street he blow both the Yankees and the Giants | 0. McRoy, of the Cleveland Ameri- has sent crowds to the polo grounds. | "Baseball is the greatest prepara- In Cleveland, too, new owners are + (pe University of Kansas, recent- Boston, .292; Burns, Detroit, 291; ALMY DAYS HERE {the Boston Red Sox, by President E. Johnson, St. Louis, .291. IP Johnson of the Amenican League for Robertson, of New York, has dis-| {taking part in a controversy at placed Daubert of Brooklyn as batting FOR GOOD OLD BASEBALL. fon. D.C., baseball park last | Friday has been lifted. .350 to Daubert's .333; Carey, Pitts-| The Outlook in New York and | fo burg, 5 11 fount amalu In stolen bases, | Other Fan Centres Is Very ~ | Manager Molesworth announced home runs with ten. Brooklyn is| | placed on the ineligible list for fif- | teen days. "Tex" w hit © I leading batters are: Robertson, New| Palmy days have returned to base- | head 2 pitched ball hit oe lhe York, .350; Daubert, Brooklyn, .333; | ball. Magnates look as happy a8} hy Cy Barger, and has not recovered Hinchman, Pittsburg, .330; Wagner, | they did in 1908 and 1909. Big re-| sufficiently x 9 . Pittsburg, .325; Long, St. Louis, | turns are piling up and practically "is having some effect on Wheat, Brogklyn, .313; Schulte, Chi-| Accounts from nearly every big the Iomuier. Crackers SYedigut, but cago, .312; Chase, Cincinnati, .811; [league city tell the same story, but] Bis exp : Williams, Chicago, .3056; Hornsby, here in New York the condition is | Prodatin Siar. 2 a St. Louis, .302. especially gratifying. Fans believe F rederick A. Bailey, a left-handed vB 3 pitcher, was signed by Vice-Presid- have a Jom Shatey Io Nuieb Tus: can club. Bailey is 6 feet 3 inches A hy were not so Z height. He has been playing with Be . " : raintree and Attelboro, semi-pro- successful, but the recent big run fessional teams, this season. Pp Never in the history of the Yan- kees Save So Hany persons paid ih | tion for a man's life that can be in- Sat the ocal American league club| 4, 1009 in," declared Dr. James Nai- m action. | smith, director of physical education getting quick returns, The Indians, thanks to early successes, have at- tracted crowd after crowd to see them . play. One Cleveland critic] PHONE 454. £ Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co., Ltd. | "The sport trains a player to be Manchester, England. observant and to have self-control. It also trains the memory. If I had A ad 'was. YOR THE EMPIRE'S BAKR . ; J 4 with players, during one of which! Deacon swung a baseball bat on the umpire's head, killing him. Petition- | ers said Deacon was incensed at the | avers that already the actual year-| ly expenses of the team have been | met and that from ndw until the end | of the season the cost of the fran-| my way about it I would have dia- monds where at least twenty teams could play every day at the univer- sity." umpire's conduct and rulings, but|chise can almost be paid for. had no idea of seriously injuring | him. He was only 22 years old. | Rx | RAIN DEPRIVES BRAVES | Good Ones Laid Up. OF SMALL FORTUNE. | The "knock-out" list" as well as| | the 2.30 list is having many notable] Two of the Five Teams Could | accessions these days. Chilcoot, 2.10 1-4, a remarkable young trotter Not Have Games On July 4th. | in the stable of Nat Ray, is reported lame in Cleveland, where he has i Trouble of a sensational nature is been winning races in fast time on A conservative Boston estimate is! brewing between 'the Brooklyn and the half mile tracks. Ames Albin-|i{pot the rainstorm which kept the | Boston clubs of the National League. gen, 2.07 3-4, one of the prospective] ppijes and Braves from playing It has been learned on excellent stars of the Grand Circuit, is an-| either morning or afternoon on July authority that Col. Ebbets, president other that may mot be able to fill] gi} cost the champions' owners about |of the Brooklyn club, is preparing to his engagements, In the stable of| $15,000 and Percy Haughton and his | bring charges against Manager Stall- Thomas W. Murphy, Vanko, 2:06 1-4, aegociates $25,000. {ings of the Braves. Ebbets, it is and Tramplight, 2.08 1-4, aré report-| Braves' Field, the largest in Amer- said, will lay his case before Gov {ed to be under suspicion, and so it|jca, was built for holiday games and | Tener in a few days, with a request | goes with! mearly all the leading | contents of crucial series. The re-| that the Board of Directors of the trainers. '| cent spurt of Stallings' men regained | league shall take some action. It | every adherent of the team which in| appears that during the recent series | 1914 started baseball by winning the {between the Robins and Braves in The Thousand Island Yacht Club | pennant and world's series. Boston, Stallings and John Evers championship. challenge cup motor! When the miracle mep toppled assailed Ebbets with insulting re- boat races, which will be run over the | over the mighty Alexander the fans marks. They called Ebbets unprint- yacht club course August 15th, 16th were in a frenzy The Braves were able names during the games, it is and 17th, are creating much interest on one of their old-time rushes, and alleged, and also subjected the um- in motor boat circles all over the no doubt 25,000 would have turned pires to much personal abuse. Ac- country. It is expected that Com-|out for the morning game and 40.-|cording to the constitution of the modore A. L. Judson, .of the Ameri-| 000 in the afternoon, perhaps more. | National League, a club owner can Power Motor Boat Association,| The interest was here, and the manager, player or umpire who in- will enter the "Hawkeye," and John | teams had the park to accommodate | dulges in scandalous conduct caleu- | B. Willys expects tg enter his 600 | battalions of fans, yet the programme | Jated to bring the league or the sport horse power 26 foot "Miss Detroit." | was spoiled by a heavy rain. The | into disrepute shall be suspended by A. Graham Miles, of New York and| money lost will never be regained. | he president for a definite period Wellesley Island, will enter his new There won't be another Independence and also shall be compelled to pay boat, "P. D. Q. VL." { Day until next year. It is no won- pine not exceeding $200. fi a der that Percy Haughten and the x y SOL New Footwaer -- For Your -- Holiday Trip No matter where you plan to go, we can supply you with good comfort- able footwear, suitable to your needs. Dressy puinps in patent and gun met- al leathers. White canvas puraps and oxfords with leather and rubber soles. Tennis shoes and bathing shoes. Dr. Naismith pointed out that the | keen ball player usually developed | into a keen business man. 'Save the Babies USE ONL 'ASTEURIZED MILK Our Milk is ta pasteurized and sold im 4 sealed bottles. v Phone 845 :: Price's, TROUBLE IS BREWING. | Ebbets to Bring Charges Against | Stallings of Braves. Summer Furniture Lawn Seats, Chairs, Cots, Couches, Etc., White En- amel Goods R. J. Reid, Leading Undertaker, Phone 577 THE LIGHTS OF 65 YEARS AGO | # . are still doing duty in the shapeof = [| EDDY'S MATCHES * Sixty-five years ago the first Canadian made Matches were made at Hult by Eddy, and since that time for materials and sta king qualities, Eddy's have been the acknowledged best. WHEN BUYING MATCHES . : SPECIFY it # Fast Boats to Enter Races. ----, i ARE SAVING MONEY. That for Great Lakes Won by Johns, | Why Montreal Is Mecca of Race of San Francisco. | Track Promoters. { Saialo, July 11.--Van Dyke Johns Although race track owners and | Of San Francisco won the Great Lakes Har in this province are, not Jeultis thampionship by defeating | anxious to have the matter attract| O8(€T a opt of Buffalo, 10--8, jundues notice, says the Montreal f Rs NY --4. Vanderbilt Ward, | Star, it has leaked out that the war- | 2 ] ve, N.Y., will not contest in a tax revenue imposed by the Province |° allenge yound for the cup. of Ontario amounted for the seven| a Molla Bjurstedt, of Norway, days' spring meeting at the Hamil- | (HOP os of America, defeated Mrs. ton race track to over three thousand | ie > he onto, In the final five hundred dollars. Jioun of the women's singles, §--1, | The Hamilton track is not by any Edith R Miss Bjurstedt will meet | means the best patronized of the race | Edith Rotch, of Boston, in a challenge | tracks in Eastern Canada, so that it| ound for the cup, which is now held |is fair to presume that if such a tax| PY Miss Rotch, | were imposed by the Quebec Govern- | oo --~---- ment the six tracks in this district would average that much, namely, Blue Bonnets, Dorval, Mount Royal, King Edward, Delorimier and Mai- sonneuve. This would mean a total for the! two meetings held by each track of forty-two thousand dollars. This war tax is produced by claim- | ing ten per cent. of the value of each | admission ticket sold. \ + fl _ But in addition te that the. Quéario ." -R- . . . . | Government claimg from each track > |a license fee of $1,250 for each day's { racing, which means $8,750 per week {and would amount in this district for {the six tracks each of which have | two weeks racing, to $105,000. { Therefore the six face tracks in the | Montreal district alone save $147,- | 000 each year, or an average of $24,- 500 each. : Condensed "Want" Ads. Order Form Use this blank on which to write out your condensed ad, one word in each space. Enclose stamps, money, order or cheque and mail direct to The British Whig, Kingston, Ont. ; : : : Rate: One cent a word, first insertion; one-half cent a word each sub- sequent consecutive insertion; 25 words or less, 3 times, 50¢; one week, $1.00; one month, $2.00. Each initial, figure, dollar sign, ete., count as one word. No charge less than 25c. : fs sean 5 fers ene eens A new full starched light t : aha light weigh smarter than a soft collar rie TOOKE COLLARS N. LU. Standing. - The {lowing Js the Sanding of 3 Admitted the best and best fitting tn Canada. the National Tooke Bros. Limited As vase . times, for which I enclose $. the above advertisement. ame Address ......... cn... If desired, replies may be addressed to Box Numbers at The Whig Office. - replies are to be mailed enclose 10c extra to cover cost of postage. Please publish Fess sera msanenn fr LIAL rs casas ates bras narra