OWS NAGERIE TIC TYE M AJ AS { MILITARYATOURNAMENTE Sas EALYROMANHIPPODROME IOUSLY (CONTESTED RACES OF EVERY; DESCRIPTION HUNDREDS YOF | THE WORLD'S 7 I = i y " : ! 1 GEV) [New Acts "of PERIL and cx Ra EVER : BEFORE ; SEEN INAAMERIGA IGEOUS STREET,PARADE,'1030'A.M. DRMANCES.DAILY, 2.00, & 8.00 PJM* T8 ON SALE, On un i GEO] of Exhibition, without extra VK i 5 4 WILBUR. F of toma i ABA 080. July 10.--Many people from here intend taking in the celebration in Mountain Grove on July 12th. The 'meadows are looking fine in this lo- eality, and the farmers are pleased over the prospect of lots of hay. A wee girl visitor has come to stay with Mr. and Mrs. H. Burke. Mrs Perry Milton is visiting her sister, Mrs, H. Burke. T. G. Burke, Canonto, is holidaying at his home here. 1 i GLENDOWER. July 11.--Some farmers have started to cut their hay. Quite a few feldspar mines have been open- ed. There is a good show at Aaron | Hoppins® mine. There will be lots |of berries if the dry weather don't ldry them up. Help is scarce for the {haying so pany have joined the | soldiers. Michael Kelly and family {went to the States Mr. and Mrs. [Allan Snider, Verona, are visiting at {Sanford Leeman's, 12--The farmers have started | haying, and report a good crop. Miss | Jessie Jackson returned 'home on | Monday after spending some time in July ¢& MONUMENTS By placing your order direct with us yon see exactly what you are buy- ing and as we employ no agents, you same the middleman's profit. Call and inspect our work before placing your order elsewhere. JAS. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess & Clergy Sts. Kingston.: Phone 1417 Have you seén the New UNIVE Non-Skid Tire, if not, call in at the Porritt Garage Co., - Limited And see it, it will interest you both in price and quality. PHONE 454 210-214 WELLINGTON STREET. {the west. Mrs, R. Alcorn and two | ¢hildren have returned to Nerth '| Bay, after spending a month at her | home. Robert Richardson, junior, {has returned home after spending isome time in Kingsville. Samuel | Jackson made a trip to Kingston this week. Miss Mary Moreau has re- turned home after spending a month in Pembroke, HOWE ISLAND. | July 8.--Mrs. David Welch is | spending a few days in Kingston with her husband, who is receiving treat- ment in 'that city. John Foley, sr., has bought a milking machine, and also an automobile. A large crowd left here on July 4th on the excur- sion .to St. Anne de Beaupre Mrs. David Abeles left last week for Mont- real, where she will spend a few weeks visiting. Miss Stella Cushing was the guest of Mrs. Joseph Cadue for a week. She has returned to her home in Kingston Sergt. Morley, {93rd Regiment, Kingston, was on the island visiting his relatives. | | ! - { { FOLGER. July 12 Haying has commenced. |A. T. Stewart has had a hayfork in- |stalled in his barn. Messrs. A, Crawford, A. McGonigal and William Prasky, Harrowsmith, spent Sunday at their homes here. Mrs. A. Craw- ford and children have returned af- a) When the Boys Come Home The time to which all Canadians are looking forward, and the title of an already famous song which Evan Williams the world-famed tenor has converted into a veritable masterpiece Go to the nearest "His Master's Voice" dealer's and hear this stirring selection on Victor Record 64594. You never heard better. Others of many new July records awaiting you are: Three ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records--90 cents for the two selections : Roll Your Yiddish Eyes for Me Rhoda Beard | My Yiddish Matinee Girl Rhoda Bernard J Spring Song Charles Gorst | e Robin's Return Charles Gorst | lock o' Hazeldean that Once Thro' Tara's Halls 17994 18019 Henry Burr Henry Burr} 18041 Twelve-inch, double-sided dance record Are You Prepared for the Summer --One-Step ie Victor Mili Bana} 35554 Walkin' the Dog--Fox Trot Victor Mil. Band Red Seal Record Sing! Sing! Birds on the Wing John McCormack 64532 ONE PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST The trade mark always guarantees the quality BE SURE TO LOOK FOR IT Write for free copy of our 450 page Musical En- cyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. § 120] Lenoir Street, Montreal DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY ° Records--Made in Canada ter visiting friends at Tichborne and Clarendon. Misses M. M. Davis and B. G. Stewart are attending summer school at Sharbot Lake. Mrs. Wil- lard Chatem is staying for the sum- mer with Mrs. R. Davis. Quite a number from here attended Lavant picnic on June 30th. Visitors: -- Misses M. Deachman, S. Poxen and Bert Deachman, Flower, at V. Prasky's; Miss B. McCullough, Me- Donald's Corners, at R. Davis'; T. Ferguson, Thurlow, and Messrs {Loyd and Delbert North, Playfair- | ville, at A. T. Stewart's; Joseph Bain, { Fallbrook, at Jas. Simpson's. PITTSFERRY, 11.----The farmers are mak- ing good use of the fine weather getting their hay in The members of the Orange Lodge of Dufferin, Pine Hill and Woodburn, marched |to St. John's church, Sunday ling last, and listened to a fine ad- dress given by Rev. Mr. Morrison. | The Community Aid of St. Lawrence {church held a garden party on the { church grounds, July 11th, which {was well attended. A successful ice | cream and strawberry social was | held on St. John's manse grounds un- | der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid on Monday evening last, Edward Reid has gone to his home on Am- herst Island® Quite a number from around here took in the 12th J | celebration at Brockville Mr. anc Mrs. R. Barcley, Miss Agnes Thomp- {son, Deseronto. were the guests of { Mrs. D. McClement, Sunday last. { Miss Agnes McFadden and Miss | Lillian McClement spent a few days | Island. {on Amherst i | BREWER'S MILLS. July 10.--A number of farmers are busy haying. A few from here took in the excursion to Ste. Anne de Beau- pre on Tuesday last. Mrs. Urbane Mangan is visiting friends here. Leo Mallen and sister, Kingston, spent Sunday at Peter McKenna's. Miss Josephine Milne is attending summer school at Sharbot Lake. Miss Anna Milne has returned to Kingston after spending her holidays here and at Chesterville E. Murray, Kingston, is visiting his parents here. MELCOMBE. July 11.--Two sisters from St. George's Home, Ottawa, paid a visit to the children from that home in this district last week. Miss Leti- tia Landon is attending the summer session at Queen's. Mrs, | €. H. Ham- iltan and step-daughter, Mrs, T. Doyle, Vancouver, B. C., visited at Mrs. B. Gavin's last week. Miss Kathleen Ralph, of Kingston, visited relatives here a few days. James Cochrine, R. Heaslip, and John V. Lappan have each purchased new au- tomobilés. Misses Mary E. and Ag- gie Donevan, Escott, are visiting rel- atives here. July CHARLESTON. July 11.--Missés Webster and Mc- Millan nurses of New York, have ar- morn-} J rived at their cottage, Mrs, Cornell and son, Beaumont, Athens; Mrs. Robinson, Miss McCrea, Brockville, and Miss Wilson, Brampton, are at the lake. Little Miss Monica Hud- son has returned from Brockville. Mrs. Donnelly and family, Athens, are at their cottage. Mrs. Ross and daughter, 'Roberta, and son, Camp- bell, are camping at Mrs. Rowsome's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. King and children, Lyn, and Mrs, M. Nidd and son, Ottawa, were recent visitors at Ceorge King's. A party 'rom Port- Jand motored out to P, Y. Johnson's on Monday and spent the evening. POOLE'S RESORT. July 11.--~School has closed after a' successful term and Miss Acton, teacher, is spending the summer va- cation at her home in. Brockville. The ice cream social held at Grena- dier Island on Thursday last, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, proved a splendid success A sur- prise party was given Miss Mabel An- dress on Friday evening, when a number of friends hered at her home, A very pl ant evening was spent by all. Mrs. Charles Wil- liams and children are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs, Chauncey Burteh, Rockport. Stephen Wilcox has sold his motor boat to Robert Morrow, Echo Lodge Mrs. Thorpe, Brockville, and brother, Myr. Booth, of the west, spent week-end, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willian. Poole. Miss Maisie Guild returned home to Mal- lorytown on Sunday after vigiting at Walter Williams' Mrs. Jones has returned from Athens Miss May Acton, Brockville, spent a few days recently, guest of Miss Louise Ac: top. Robert Vanston has rented his house to a party for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter have arrived to spend the summer. Some of the farmers have commenced haying and report an abundant crop. MORTON. July 10.--Mrs. A. E. Stevenson | has gone to visit frie nds at Opinicon and to help care for her niece who had an operation for appendicitis Mr. and Mrs. Burns, Simpson, Jones' Falls, spent Sunday with Mrs. Simp- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stew- art. George Roantree and son, Norton Woods, motored to Bellamy's on Sunday. Mrs, Dr. Singleton and son are here from the west to visit her mother, Mrs. S. Taber. H. Tal- bot and B. A. Taber made a trip to Kingston on Saturday last Miss Jennie York is spending a few days with her friend Miss Bessie Gray, El- Misses Maud Lucy McMachen in Lyndhurst and mo tored home in the evening in Del bert Sly's car. Miss Anna Roan- tree spent a few days at her uncle's F. Wiltse, Sweet's Corners. She was accompanied home by her cous- in. Miss Laura Willse is ill with measles. Lennox & Addington -- BETHEL. July 11.--A few from here attend- ed the camp meeting at Verona on Sunday. Farmers are into haying full blast, and report a thick, heavy growth of clover. Lots of buckwheat is being sown on account of so much 'land not being cultivated earlier in | the season Dr. Moore, Syracuse, visited his aunt, Miss Sara Amey, re- cently. We are glad to see Leo Hinch improved in health, so as to once more be at his own home. Mrs. Acton Robinson has been visiting friends in the United States. Her | nephew accompanied her home. Miss Erma McWilliams has been vigiting at Hartington. Miss Grace Danford Bath, with Miss Olive Salsbury. Henry Salsbury and family, | chewan, are visiting friends here | and Mrs. J. W. Curl were in Napance on Wednesday last Miss Olive | Salsbury has given up her sc hool at { Morven, and will attend Queen's the | coming year. John Connolly is quite | poorly. Bobbie Warner, Yarker, is | seriously ill of typhoid George Rose at John Jayne's; Mr 'and Mrs, J. A. Salsbury. Miss Olive, and Mrs George Smedley motored to Kingston to see their son and brother, Carmen, of the 146th. gin. spent Friday | | PINE CIAVE, - 11 Messrs, Henry Hauff- man, J. Foster, W. A. Martin, Chas. Amey and Morley Huffman, with their wives and families, have been spending a couple of weeks at Pine Cliff Cottage, Long Lake. A very pleasant time was enjoyed -by all, weather being perfect, fishing fine, the boats all in good condition, and | everyone keeping the motto well in mind. Wray Van Luven called on us on Tuesday afternoon. Kenneth Breoner, Sherbrooke, visited his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Foster; for a few days. Mr. Allan and Miss Grace Huffman spent a couple of days at camp last week. ' Mr, and Mrs. Wilf. Huffman and Mr. and Mr. F. O'Neill were with us for a short time. Pine Cliff residents attended camp. meet- ing at Verona last Tuesday evening A large crowd was present Mr. and Mrs. Amos Huffman and son, Donald, motored out to camp -on Sunday. Mr. and Mre, Ernest Amey and three children speWt Thursday at Pine Cliff. Our carpenters were bus- ily engaged on Friday making im- provements in' the lower storey of the cottage, which. greatly improves its appearance. Our genial landlord, Mr. Card, calls vecasionally, and is always welcome, especially when he leaves us some proof of his skill as a fisherman. A business meeting was held recently to discuss import- ant mmtters., one of which was: "When Should Camp Break Up?" After wandering frem the subject a number of times, the meeting was called to order and all expressed their opinions. The discussion was continued late into the evening, and it was finally decided to serve lunch and then to adjourn until further no- ce. | July i Prince Edward | PICTON Farmers will soon be busy with their hay which is a very heavy crop. Strawberries are com- ing in plentifully now. - Much dam- age was done by the severe electrical storm which passed through the country on Sunday, 2nd inst. The children of the True Blue or- phanage enjoved a pleasant outing on Friday, June 30th, when they were taken by automobiles to Alli- sonville to attend the Orange 'picnic. Donald Fitzpatrick has returned to his home at Napanee, accompanied by W. McCaw, who is spending a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerby arfd two little sous, Saskatoon, are renewing acquaintances here Visitors: Mrs. P. Bird and daugh- ter, Gertrude, Portsmouth, at E. Mc- Caw's; Mrs. C. C. Wannamaker and son, Douglas, Ameliashurg, with her parents ALLISONVILLE 4 sonville, July 5 The Orange- men of this place held their annual picnic on June 30th. Hiram Val leau"s grove near the village p day being all that could be desired it brought people from all over the country with well-filled baskets. The afternoon was well spent, E.M. Young Young of Picton filled the position of chairman and addresses were deliv ered By Rev. W.R. Archer, Welling- ton, Rev.T. Squire, W. Boulter, Pic- ton, Nelson Parliament, M.P.P., Ed- ward Calman and others, interpersed with choice music from Roblins Mills orchestra. The games and races were interesting and the prize win- ners were well pleased The event cleared $120 which will go towards helping erect a new hall which is started on Allisonville square. Everything is about ready for the foundation. The heavy electrical storm which passed over #his place on Sunday killed seven hogs owned by William Vance, South Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs, L. Caughey motored to Napanee on Monday to attend the races and sports. They express i in Jom Do themselves as being delighted . with that town, Thirty-three ladies of the Red Cross society met at the home of Mrs. W. Huycke yesterday afternoon and finished up a good supply of shirt and towels. The hostess served an excel- lent lunch. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Royal Hick's, July 18th. The Red Cross workers have planned for an ice cream social to be held on July 13th, Mrs, Aurilla Morton arrived home dn Thursday after visiting a week in Tweed. Mrs. W. Boyd received word on Monday that her mother, Mrs. G, H. Young of Wellington had fallen on Sunday night and broken her arm in two places. Miss Helen Alexandria ar- rived home on Thursday from Nag- anee Collegiate for her summer holi- days. Fern Pearsall of Wellington was through this locality on Monday and bought four fine veal calves from Bruce McFaul., Mrs, Ida MeFaul, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd of Wellington, spent last week in Allisonville and atiended the Orange picnic. Mr. and Mrs, Willet Valleau went to Belleville to-day to attend the funeral of 1 late Alex- ander McClearen who died suddenly on Sunday night Miss M ie An- derson, ughter of Rev. T. H. P. Andersc C thiield spent last week with M Marjorie Huycke. The best some people can do is to think near thoughts an --_-- Alt | E 3 Nes Mr. John FE. Pamfrey, Farmer, Viceroy, Sask, was twice operated on in an English hospital for kidney disease, Urinary troubles grew worse and caused excruciating pain. He n states positively that he s 1 cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills and is enjoying excellent health, This is further proof that Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, by their combined action, cure the most ser- ious and complicated ailments of the kidneys. Prove this for yourself. Operations failed toCure Kidney Disease One pill a dose, 25 cts. a hox, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Ltd. Toronte. DrChase's RidneyLiver Pills WRIG is the selling largest gum in the world? Quality Flavor and the Sealed Package are three big reasons. And the Their exquisite deliciousness is obtained by the skillful use of absolutely pure i of the highest grade. 60c., 80c. and $1.00 per Ib, Fresh assortment today. GEORGE W. MAHOOD Princess St., Kingston honed. All makes of Fire arms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of Lawn Mowers and 120 SYDENHAM STHRNT. ( se N BUILDERS !! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? | It Saves Time P. WALSH. A et AAAs Sook's Cotton Root Compound, A e, reliable medic - oh F pamphlet. THE COOK MEDICINE Cy TORONTO. ON", (Yormarls Winder) you know why Value it gives in long-lasting, beneficial enjoyment is a point that people appreciate. air-tight package keeps quality as fine as when made the flavor wonderful Wrigley factories. Write for the Sprightly Spearmen's funny Mother Goose book. Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley. Building, Toronto, Ont. The and in the --y