Dependable Banking Service A Prompt and dependable banking service is pro- for basiness men Sarent their accou at Fhe Bank of Toronto. reputation, ro sources and facilities of this Bank are a guar- ij antes of satisfactory service to the business community. We invite your business. and private accounts. INCORPORATED 1855 t 1 G. Gooderham, President, + Henderson, Vice President. A BE William © n_ Macdonald, Lt.-Co pan gape, BP eigher, J. 1. Englehart, Wr DL at ow, Lamb, Supt General Hanagey John R. Chief Inspector, ww ORK--Nat ional Bank of Commerce. CHICAGO tN fal Bank LONDON, ENG.,~London Clty snd 'Midland KINGSTON BRANCH: GEo. B. McKAY, Manager i Market Square. DO YOU VALUE YOUR EYE- SIGHT ? If so take eare of it; do not let mon- ey or pride stand between vou and wearing glasses. For aid in egamin- ing the eyes and dependable glasses, see our optician, } R.J. RODGER 132 Princess St. Where the Clock is on the Walk. Gooderham, Paul J. Myler, of Branches. « i I You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, : hone 1045 507 Princess St 1 Free inspection of any battery at any time Thin men and like to increase their weight with 10 Has it ever dawned upon |: py Ey IE you that there is one place|ta: novia' try eating a nttle Sargol to buy Kodaks, Cameras] resuits."¥ youTacH and and Camera Supplies? | one That place is oo ) Thin People Can Increase Weight women. who would tablet ~for two Tr measure again a question of how {look or feel or what your friends say fand think. The measure will tell th 'scales and the tape many thin men and women we r own story, and believe easily add from five to eight LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF . GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vieinity' €r prices Saturday at Carnovsky's, tuner, 868. the guest of her brother, Arthur H. King street, ey's Book Store. tario, was a visitor in Kingston to- day. on Thursday evening, and :ransacted routine business. new this season, 1-3 off the price on Saturday at Waldron's. hats at half price to-morrow. & Graham, opposite Y.M.C.A. zette, was in the city on Thursday to attend the recruiting meeting, Mrs avenue, ting down of a pavement, give a number of though there is quite a falling off | compared with other years, new this season, Saturday at Waldron's. tersea early Thursday morning elm tree about twenty feet from br. | Robinson's office was struck. hats at half price to- BOTIOW. & Graham, opposite Y.M.C. ~--What the Merchants Offer fo the | Readers of the Whig. Wolfe Island Strawberries at low- Joseph Hodge, "certificated piano 273 King street west; 'phone Mrs. J. Fred Pearce, Norwood, is H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 Leave orders at McAul- O. Herity, of the Belleville On- The Civie Finance Committee met Beautiful New York Dresses, all Sale of trimmed and untrimmed Butler A. E, Calnan, of the Picton Ga- It was expected that there would be a beeting of the Board of Works | this week, but none was called. A score or more picnics have been | weld at Brophy's Point this summer. | It is a favorite spot for the children. All Waldron's exclusive stock ofl 29 ur high-class Summer Dresses on sale | Saturday price. morning at 1-3 off the The weather was quite moderate on Friday. The thérmometer at the police station door registered 83 degrees. An anniversary mass will be sung n St. Mary's Cathedral to-morrow norning at 7.30 o'clock for the late (Dr.) O. Madden. Blueberries at Carnovsky's. Good progress is being made with he work of grading Uni versity in preparation for the put- The 155th Battalion band will concert in Macdonald Park] his (Friday) evening. The band! 14s a splendid reputation. The cMty has had quite a large | tourists this week al- Beautiful New York Dresses, alll 1-3 off the price on During the electrical storm at Bat- a | The rain storm of Thursday after-| noon was the heaviest of the season while -it lasted. vou | ter were left on the market Large pools of wa square. | untrimmed Butle r Sale of trimmed and The little daughter of Poi e Con-| can Hioag's Drug Store in the first fourteen days by|stable Marshall Armstrong, who was lowing this simple direction And Joie of all, the new flesh stays put Sargol does not ofl itself make fat, but mixing with your food, it aims to turn the fats, sugars and starches of 'what you have eaten, into rich, ripe fat producing nourishment for the tis- sues and blood---prepare it in an easily assimilated form which the blood can readily accept. Much of this nourish- ment mow passes from your body as 1 ', Ask to see the Soldier's waste. But Sargol works to stop the Vest Pocket Autographie waste and do it quickly and to make the fat producing contents of the very Kodak. same meals you are eating now deve- lop pounds and pounds of Opp. YMCA, Kingston] £271 rains SH: aes od LE pleasant, efficient and inexpens alt t | A leading druggists in Ring up 1844, or Call at the [Forty 'tatiecs sell it in large boxes--|1I antee of to a package--on a guar- t weight increase of money BON MARCHE GROCERY back as found in each large box. If yau ind a druggist Who is unable to {supply vou 1 money WHERE YOU WILL FIND {registered letter to the National La- Worat #5, 74 St. 'Antoine St, Montre- Pineapples, Oranges, Bananas, Straw- 41. Que. and a complete ten days' berries, G Fruit, Rhut b, Let. | {Toatme nt will be sent you postpaid in Radishes, Ripe ) ea wrapper. toes, an Wo lect line of Groceries. | Our Motto: We Aim to Please. | CAVERLY & BRADSHAW | Montserrat Lime Juice |° | Welch's Grape Juice L 0 Raspberry Vinegar : Orangeade v Lemonade CHOICE GROCERIES, Gurd's Ginger Ale. TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. Cor. Bay and Montreal St. ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL Phone 88. AND WOOD. BR Ri ESA. Jos. AHEARN, Jn, |[f. J. ON-FLORIST #79 1.9 MONTREAL STREWT. || FRESH GUT FLOWERS, Bt esse ------ | Old Potatoes ! We are open to buy | oh bus. of sound white po- tatoes, highest price paid. Also 500 lbs of dry pickled fowl (8-10 Ibs. per pair). For further informa- tion apply to Anderson Bros Phone 458.1346, aii Designs, Wedding Bouquets. t PHONE 239. VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Small or large guantities at low- est market prices. d Friendship's Grocery . Phone 545 210 Division St. head of Queen Street. Prompt Delivery Watts Florist FRESH CUT FLOWERS AND plLANTS DAILY. Al y 170 Wooing. Steck Kite. FOR SALE - Farm of 200 acres-- | r 180 'acres of good 'plow land, about 8 miles from Kingston. W. H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424 39 Brock St. Pa Price' Si per wy in . Sold Sruesiet wailed in Re 1 ow PA Toaow Fig Ba Wind Fourteen labor leaders were con- victed in Chicago on charges of con- spiracy. Children's ronto, with a thirteen-year-old girl, | who will be placed in the Alexandria School for Girls. high-class Summer Saturday healthy | price. | match will commence at 1 order orl field, 223 passed away in this city at the age of seventy-eight were sent to Belleville this afternoon onthe G. T R Milk and Cream ae new and se S Drink high-class Summer ummer 2 Saturday morning at ' Gordon's Grocery, |! owe Sent to PALMS AND FERNS c Among Elmer, Mrs. Armstrong, POTATOES ir.; ? and Mrs. J. H. Hong Prod. P. M. F. John Cousineau, M Corrigan. Fred Elmer and family; Vancouver: mer, station, Martin and family; George Cherry, Boyd. Mrs, Sing Doo, Mrs. McGown, J. Cornelius, C. C. Folger. Mr. J. Doyle and sister. Mr. and Mrs, © Thompson, E'mér. Miss Lena Elmer, Garrigan, Mr and Mrs. R. Brown. Mr Norich. son, Miss L. Mrs. Mullinger and family. Chief and Mrs. Graham, Mr. W. Newman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harty 10. | hit by a waggon on the Raglan Road | on Wednesday night, contigues to do nicely. W. H. Wyllie, Inspector for the Aid Society, went to To- | Waldron's exclusive stock of Dresses on sale| at 1-3 oft the | All morning The game in the junior series of | he Kingston Amateur Baseball | eague on Saturday will be between | he Red Sox and the C.L. C. jrs. The 30 pm. | Royal Shef- | Belleville, James avenue, On Thursday Foster years. The remains train Waldron's exclusi Dresses stock of on sale off the ve AH rice, Wallace Lane and:Corp. Mc the 50th Queen's Battery, n leave from Petawawa, were in he city on Thursd They will isit Toronto and Niagara before re- Sergt ean, of turning to camp Malaga Grapes at Carnovsky's The hot weather this week has at- racted a big crowd to the city bath- ng house on King street west, Early has been besieged with both old and young who have been anxious to take a "dip" in n thyerfake FLORAL TRIBUTES. of Elmer. The funeral of the late Deputy hief Elmer took place on Thur the floral tributes Sprays, Mr. and sr.; Miss M. Aubin, Watts, Jeff Armstrong, Mr. and Mr Elmer, employees of J. F. Elmer. Mr Grant. Flora Knox, McParland, Daniel the Late Home John -- sda) were Mrs. J Mr. and Gerald hese Nolan, Cross-- Harold Grant Pillow--Family. Wreaths--Milliner¥ and mantle lepartment Steacy's, fire department, | D. J. Elmer, } Mr. and Mrs. R. H. El-| W. J. Baker, boys around fire Mr. Mrs. Emmos, Sheat: and William Knox. Crosses--Trenhale family, Mr and Mrs. MoGill. Pillow---City Council. Miss Dolan. Mrs. Charies| Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Orville Mr. S. Hall, Mr. Youlden, and Mrs. V. Eccles, and Mrs. A. E. Edward El- Marrison. H., Watts, F, J. Druce and son, Mr and Mrs. W, Blake, Thom- Mrs. Clancy, Mr wer, V. and Mrs. Purvis, Mr Armstrong, Misses Butler and Misses Horsey. Wreaths City officials, and Mrs. S. Donnelly, Red Sox; Toronto; Lodge No.' Elmer, Cataraqui | with a live wire and fell, New Nanri on oa and Thursday Strand Theatre | THUR. FRL, § Frank Keenan and a Hotina n "The Stepping Stone" Chester Conklin and Renton Players in "BUCKLING SOCIETY" COMING, MON. Sues, und WED, First Time Here "Charlie Chaplin" | in 2-met roaring comedy "The Bank" GRIFFIN'S Friday and Saturday" a FREDERIC LEWIS in "Bought" A Society ug in Rive Acts | Eleventh Epis | "PHE IRON CL Ano » Ww i Who Is the is the Laughing Musk? = Mask? Ideal Theatre =" Watch and wait for: The Serinl Wonderful, The Serial Extraordinary. The Serial Unique. "Peg O' The Ring" Featuring Francis Ford and Grace | Cunard And other Universal Stars, 13 weeks; 30 feels, First Episode, July 20th-27th And Every, Wednesday and T IY Netto: TN Lake Ontario Ontario + Matinee Wednesday at 3.30 | 2 Free Shows Nightly --2| Vaudeville Acts |e FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS | THREE REEL DRAMA ONE REEL COMEDY | THE PATHE NEWS ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS Wed, Children's 1 Cent Day on Cars. Kingston Amateur Basehall League Saturday Afternoon Senior--(', . va. Wolfe Island. 5 pom, CLC, Juniors Stunirt Street. a or--Red Sox vx, Qu s Lower Usmpuy, A W. G. Craig & Co., Ltd. Sole Agents For THE RATHBUN MATCH THE NEW 3 me MATCH, : T NO AFTER GLOW Lighin Easy Lessens the Danger of Fire SELLS AT THE SAME PRY ORDINARY MATCHE AA a cm, LOF. NOTICE Cataragul, LO. sted to assembie it residence of our late brother, Wil- linm Holland, John street, Portamonth, to atiend the funeral ¢ Saturday at 2 pom, Al members of quested to nttend. sister courts are re- M. Pattan, R, S, B. Lipmad, ¢. R. | SECOND-HAND | Saturday, Welch's "The National Drink* GRAPE JUICE At all Grocers, Druggisia and Soda Fountains. Buy it by the case for the home, | { | FENW 108; HENDRY & Co. Dintributors | Roosovelt Drops Plan, New York, July 14. Col dore Roosevelt has abandoned for | the present at least, his plan to raise | a division of volunteer troops, ac- cording to an announcement by R.| H, Post, former governor of Porto! Rico, who has had charge of recruit- ing. Mr. Post said the plan had been dropped as War now seems un- likely. hen] Edward De Haaf, an employee at the J. P. Lewis Company paper mills | to-day, eighteen Bulgarian regiments, Nairne, Beaver Falls, N. Y., was killed He came in contact striking | his head on a piece of machinery.! His skull was fractured. } at' while at work. | GIRLS | TW 0 MEN, AR Ki TONIGHT HI RE Piano House Wants * \ Evening, 10c) ce-| CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES extra. First insertion, 1¢ a word, Each con- secutive Insertion thereafter, haif- cent % word. Minimum charge for one imwertion, 25¢; three insertions, | 50c; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED A ---------------------- -------- ---- MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. ar. | ply Street Rallway Co. MAN WITH OFICE EXPERI- Apply | Box & 8, Whig Office. BAKER'S HELPER Ww ANTED AT once. Apply Mrs. J. J. Lackie 65 Brock sireet YOUNG ence. A A Boy TO Rive GROCERY WAGON, Appiy J _Arniel, cor, Earl and | aNG A s one ab e to Ly at sight College Book Btore. eee eee eee BOYS AND GIRLS, ALSO RING SPIN. weavers. App ply Dom. | Cataraqui str Apply ies THE WORK ROOM, Hone nleasant work, ~7 Apply to N. , Pol __C. Polhon, 26 2656 Ontgflo street. | A Woob + WOOD WORKIN MACHINE MAN, one used to shapes. Apply Fron- J > Mouldin a ass Co. Ltd without experien Apply Kingston I'WO MEN, GOOD WA ment; must I Apply Kingston General JUNIOR JIALE ' SEVENTEEN Y f yen RK, noy To | 1 cels h i form atio 'rincess and Division A MAID WHO CAN DO PLAIN COOK- washing; also a house- ferences required Ap=| arson, 72 Barrie St TTTTITT IIIT 1: > Wanted -- Machinists, Tool makers, handy men, orers, amo good opportunities for bright young men who are wil- ling to better themselves, Good wages. Steady work. Apply to Canadian Locomotive Company, Limited, Kiugston, Ontario. ddd bd bb bbbie A DRIVE Rn FOR DELIV smart boy business. . 52 B Frode bi ed giving full » experience, elec, Office LIGENT PERSON MAY/ earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no _canvass'ng. Send for particulars. Press Syndl- cate, 3,969, Lockport, N.Y. TO TAKE CH ARGE 0) Dining Room Must have experience and testimonial. week, room and . board, also good | cook for few days in week Ap- | ply evening 8 o'cloc A Verger, | 164 King street. | i | | OF | good | $6 a WAITRESS ™M Kingston Agent leading manufactu | eles. Sale at 11 a.m, | Amectioneer. er | parties. SECOND CLASS I é tr LAVANTS A QUALE- uties Gommencs ho idnys Apply, and experience, Treas Lav ar Sta- HOLDIAG icate,. to $400 Office arding Hug ™ acuen, rd clas ' Palmers salary s fr Qt ALIFIE D PROTE STANT f nion 8. 8. No 'amden, two miles es rker Apply, ir and salary reqi Sec.-Treas, Harr 2, Ont re wsmith, Ww ANTED GENER AL UPR IT PIANOS for cash or In part payment.of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess 8 street AUCTION SALE July 15th, Black Gelding, (city broken, single or double), rubber tired runabout (Rute back), rubber trimmed harness, three- quarter speed cutter, and other arti. Wm, MURRAY, City Taxi Stand [OBposits B, B.A. Hotel Phone 749 Market Square,' FOR SALE ADVTS, COST three times &0¢; LOST. A STERLING SILVER GUN BROOUM, with gold maple leaf in centre, Finder kindly leave at Whig Office and receive reward. RED COAT SWEATER, ON MONDAY afternoon, between Millhaven and Collinge' Bay, on Bath Road. Piad- er Kindly leave at Whig office or Post Office, Collins' Bay. -------------------------------------------- | pot BLE, GOLD CHAIN WiTH ™ AL - locket and Waltham w between Colliy Albert Finder ples re Whig office and receive reward, THESE EFF BCTIY E dittle, Omce, 21 one week $1.00. JANTITY OF DYE A hi hao. Lrown, ete About 150 lbs. Address, 140% York St ONE 2/CYLINDER 1916 MODEL 1 dian motorcycle, almost paw, Must be sold quick. Apply J. H. Davis, Davis Dry Dock Co. AND TWELVN COLAPRS, o 1 and urn to suitable path way GENUINE VICTROLA $10 casn and $1.00 per week, - landsay, ltd, 121 Princess Cros, 1915 5-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE Starter, eleotric Must be sold at once. Laughlin Garage, Montreal street. DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, 331 AND 329 Montreal St, cor. James; -six rooms; bath and all conveniences: newly decorated Apply 63 Doug- lass St, Hamilton. SITTING (ROOMS. 'W0 GASOLINE = LAUNCHES: ONE 123 King St guaranteed twenty miles an hour. Apply Sgt. A, Tete BOSTON TERR THOROUGHBRED, head one white, answers to name of B , on Princess street Thursday afternpon. Return to USS Johnson stred Party harboring same after this advertisemepy will! be prosecuted rE------------------------------ TO LET HEDROOMS AND opposite City Park, cor. West. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, town; all conveniences, lington street clasg condition. Rousseau. R. C Barracks. First G E du Pont wE HAVE Al LOT oF C AME STOVES and a few very large oooking ranges; will sell cheap. Also ail kinds of furniture, good mattresses and beds. J. Thompson, 333 Pria- cess street. Phone 1 he DOWN. 140 Wel- ST. CHAM. OFFICES IN CLARENCE Cunningham, bers. Apply to A, B, 3 id Clarence street. AT 74 SYDEN- ones with fire- | smaller. FURNISHED ROOMS ham Place Large places, and a fev WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE shipment of high grade blcygles, and are offering special bargBins for same. Also a large stock Dunlop tires, George Muller, 373 King street. Phone 1032. DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFIC a. AND storage for furni thre Real Estate Age 2 Bro k St A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEO- ond-hand furniture, stoves, cloth- ing, boots, suit cases, tools, ete. If you have anything to sell, drop a card. I will call, S. Ship iro, 48 Princess street. Phone 123 FURNISHE COTTAGE, WOL and ar ferry dock, f J ply 82 Brock street, I'l 621. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, pA: | dry, airy rooms; your own lock an key. Frost's City Storage, 299) AUTOMOBILES: i. v) Queen street. Phone 526b model, y equipped tires. FOR THE SUMMER months, Calderwood, the residence of Col. and Mrs. Giles Apply to J. B. Walke m, 93 Clarence St. 1 me good HUDSON, and { HUDSON, 1916 MODEL, FULLY EQ- tipped and good tires F FRNISHED, MODEL, "Ri- d good m DSON, 1» ELE FURS D. ne ally equi 1 a tir twelve rooms, 1 CADILLAC two sides, nicely cally equi to 82 Brock street Or, ¢ p t : ; 621. ELBECTRI- Tread 1913 MODE ped; five by 4 CYLINDER, 40 equipped, 4 new I OVERLAND, I electrically FOUR ROOY with f ngston, to J. Kingston in goo i 915 MODEL, IN PERFECT GROUND FLOOR, CONVEN- conditio OFFICE, i location. ient -- BROCK ST. PETERS, PHONE SUBURBAN HOUSE, $15: WITH % acre garden FOR HIRE. A MOTOR BUS FOR HIRE occasions Phone 1177. Boyd. 89 Earl GEO, A. BATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE, street PERSONAL ¥ 8 ALL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMA and all growths and skin (3 Ishes removed permanently, with- | out scar; 30 years' 23 perience, Dr | Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, | Throat and Skin § eclall 268 Bagot St. pee " [PRACTICAL DRESSMAKING INSTRUCTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measure, ' designizg, trimming, etc.; three dollars, including system. Elder, New fork Dressmaking Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. FINANCIAL ment Soclety: Incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H. R. Smith, CM.G.; Ww, F. BOARD AND ROOMS. kle, 1SBUCE ON CIF | mecmccecm-------------- p---- and farm properties, municipal [FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; and country ebentures; mort. | every convenience; central looca- gages purchased: deposits received tion. Apply 243 Brock street. and interest allowed. R. C.. Cart- wright, manager, 87 Clarence St. Kingston. * FRONTENAC LOAN AND i i vice-president, Nie- K.C. Money R. C. CARTWRIGHT Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street PABENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, rks, Designe Kath. 1877. Form. Office Examiner, Master t Laws Book, "Patent Pro- free. 99 St. James St. Mont. Branches: Ottawa, Washington, trade ent FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE drop a card . DRISCOLL, Call or UIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for Security the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowes! possible rates Before renewing old or giving new business ge! rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 326 BUSINESS NOTICES AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS tents, canvas, skiffs for outboard motors, folding boat seats, fishin tackle, etc. Frank W. Cooke, 3 Clarence street DENTAL BUSINESS OHANCES ------------------------------------------ DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, Ha AR Rv AD rank, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; no canvassing; your own boss. Send for free Booklet; tells how. A. E. KNAPP, Bn Heaccek, 2,969 Lockpors. N.Y. Office, 258 Princ e Di. J. LEONARD Ww ALSH Princess and Bagot ARCHITECT | WM. NEWLANDS & Sow, | tects, ete, Offices, LEGAL | Phone 60s. | ARCHI- 268 Bagot St A. RB. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER POWER & "son A ITEOTS, - and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar chants Bank RO ors SHER ence street, Kingston. | Brock and Wellington streets. FOR A QUICK HOT FIRE, TRY Charcoal Two Bage for a Quarter. Your Grocer has it for sale. Boat, train, Barriefield camp, and. all city calls promptly attended to. Special rates to theatres, balls and | All modern 5 and 7 pas SENET Cars. 2 Bulgar Regiments Mutiny. New York, July 14 According to a Journal despatch from Bucharest fare reported to have mutinied, kill- ing their German officers. Two deaths were caused ; by the heat in Hamilton Lady Mercer Kairne to Wed. London, July 14:--Capt orable John Jacob Astor, son of the former William Waldorf Astor, now Baron Astor of Hever Castle, is soon to marry Lady Mercer it is announced. « Young Astor, who is an officer in the First Lite Guards and champion racquet player of the British Army, was ap- pointed by the King as lieutenant in the Life Guards in 1906 i the Hon unger Yo Soda Fountain and Motor- boat at $30 each. Some re- frigerators at reasonable prices TURK'S, Phone 705. selections; your own choice, 438. 2%; '