HUDSON SEAL COATS, FOXES, SKUNK, LYN. Every garment sold under our label, carries the _ Reliability and Pure Fur Law. "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company ; FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, 5. Roval Ine Insurance Bidy. PERCY J. ls er, Branch, Toronto | W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. 'GARAGE McLAUGHLIN CARS FOR HIRE Careful, courteous drivers, FOR BALE McLaughlin car in Al condition ROBT. J, FURSEY, Phones 1609-981, Prop. 85-87 Montreal St., nr. Princess The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Oval and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, Foot of West St. . McKay guarantee of ~ Limite d LIEUT. WALTER STRAY | HAS BEEN WOUNDED, BUT NO| DETAILS ARE GIVEN. He Was In the Artillery Service, and | Had Only Recently Been Sent Over | to France--His Friends Here Are | Anxious, Word has been received in tie city | that Lieut. Walter Steacy, son of Ed- | ward Steacy, Johnson street, has been | wounded. The first telegram receiv- ed was from Ottawa; to- day the lieu- tenant cabled from Cambridge, Eng., where he is in hospital, that he had | suffered the loss of his right eye. Lieut. Steacy qualified as a lien. | tenant at the R. 8. A. in Kingston last | fall, and was later attached to the! 34th Battery, C. F. A. In December he was sent over with a draft on the battery, and for a number of | months wag stationed in Enguand. | About a month, ago he was sent to! France with the artillery, an since that time has seen action: in various parts of the country. | | The steamer Argo Erie with a cargo of co comotive Works, | M. T. Co's Bulletin: Tug Bart- | lett arrived from Montreal, with two | light batges and cleared with the barges Winnipeg aud Dunmore to load grain at Port Colborne: tug Em- | erson is due to arrive to-night with the barge Melrose, grain-laden from Port Colborne; the steamer India is due to arrive to-night, with the barge Ungava, from Port Colborne. The barge W. M. Egan is under- | going repairs at the Kingston Shi p- | building Company's wharf, following her arrival on Friday night at 8.30 o'clock. The steambarge Henry B. Hall cleared for Montreal on Friday after undergoing repairs at the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's whart. The Government steamer Gren- ville loaded coal at Swift's wharf on Saturday morning. The sloop Ariadne arrived from Rideau Canal ports on Friday night. The schooner J. B. Kitchen cleared on Friday for Oswego, to load coal. arrived from yal for the Lo- | WEDDED ON WEDNESDAY. Marriage of Maud M. Gorrie Samuel Drysdale. The residence of Mrs. R. Smith, 197 William street, on Wednesday | evening, July 12th, wag the scene of a very pretty wedding, when her youngest sister, Maud Margaret Gor rie, was united in marriage to Samuel 8. Drysdale, Inst. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. W. Savary, of St. James' Church, in the presence of about thirty friends. | The bride looked charming in al suit of beautiful white silk voile, her and eee J Many high class designs to select from. Exact reproductions of the best Persian masterpieces. Exquis- ite tone and colorings and qualities unsurpassed lv Priced Variously from $27.50 to $85.00 $2150 Detached Residence © oomp; Tarnace; bath and closet, electricity and gas, ver. andah. In view of Frontenac Park, McCann's, only ornament being a necklace and pin, the gift of the groom. Miss Jennie Macrow was bridesmaid, and little Miss Gladys Smith, flower girl, dressed in white, helped make a very pretty picture amidst the abundance of floral decorations. After partaking of a delicious sup- per, the bride and groom left at mid- night by auto for eastern points, fol- lowed by the best wishes of. their many friends. At. ~ 1 {El oa i GOLDEN LION GROCERY Fancy Clover Honey In one pound sections, 25¢| each. | eh California Prine nice and juicy, 1-2¢, | Beh x, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs, | for 25¢. Evaporated Abpricois, 1bc/ Boek Cider, 40¢ per gal. 2 "Ri. W. R McRae & Co | GOLDEN LION GROCERY, | In Marine Circles | { que); { M. Individual Eye J}: je Gallagher, Misses E. | Mary Berrigan, | Daly, William and Mrs. CHURCH Chalmers, Barrie and Earl--Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., minister. Ser- vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Strangers | cordially invited, St. Andrew's Church-Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Capt, the Rev. Thomas Dodds, chaplain of the 155th Battalion, will conduct both services. | All are welcome, anl's--Rey, Canon FitzGer- ald "\. Pu -y-- tor, 371 Brock street, Phone 1617. Morning prayer and oly Communion, 11 o'clock. Preach- the Rector. Evening prayer, 7 e iy Preacher, the Rector. | o'clock. mn Street Methodist Church J. "D. Elils, B.A., pastor. Sun- day school at 10 a.m, Morning to- pic, "Christ's Summer Holiday." Rev. { A. 8. Dawggett will preach in the | evening. Quee Rev. First Baptist Church, cor. Johnson ad Sydenham streets--Rev. Douglas la pastor, at both services, 11 a. ou Moses at Marah;" 7 p.m. "Paul at Athens.' Bible school and Bible classes at 9.45 am. Strangers and | soldiers cordially invited to all the| services. #B.S.A. Class meets for Bible] yn in 1.B.S.A. Hall, entrance over | Sargeant's drug store. 3 p.m., Taber-| nacle Shadows of the Better Sacri- fices (continued), "The Great ay off Atonentent." 7.30 p.m., . cessity for the Atonement." Bible students welcome. All Scientist-- Bagot and school, First Church of Christ, Johnson street, between Wellington streets. Sunday 9.45 a.m.; service, 11 a.m., subject, Life." Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting. Public reading room same address, open every after- neon except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. Congregational Church-- 11 a.m., "The Still Small Voice." 2.30 p.m., school and Bible classes. | 7 p.m., "The Flight to Zoar."" Wed-, nesday, prayer meeting, at 8 p.m.; Friday, Y. P. 8. C. E,, at 8 p.m. Pas- tor, Charles J. O'D. Stephens, resi- dence, 99 Clergy street west. Phone 1457. We invite you. Bethel Presbyterian Church, | Brock street--Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. K. W. Barton, B.A., Prescott, will conduct both services Sunday school open session at 10 a.m. Subject, "The Life of Moses," to be illustrated with lantern slides. Sol- diers, strangers and friends made welcome at all services. Cooke's Union Street Baptist Pastor, Rev. Wiliam France. vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Bible school, 3 p.m.; evening, song service Second address on "Hymns and| Hymn Writers." Students, soldiers and strangers weloeme. Special solos. Prayer service Wednesday, 8 p.m Everybody welcome. | Church-- Ser St. James' Church, cor. Arch streets--All seats free Union and FLORAL TRIBUTES i Placed on the Casket of Young Man. Among the floral tributes placed on the casket of the late Frederick | Prevost were: Cross----Mr, and Mrs. E. W. mother. Heart---Miss Sadie Flint, Sheafs---Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hen- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glover, Mr. J. Donovan, Ollie Prevost Sprays--Mr, and Mrs. F. Whitney, Mrs. T. Duffy and family, D, Reid and Ted Berrigan, james Hopkinson Spiritual offerings--Rey. R. S.! Halligan, Michael and Ted Berrigan, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Murphy, Miss Annie Shiels, (Gananoque), « James Hogan, Mrs. Campbell, (Ganano- J. J. Behan and sister, Miss Halligan and brother, Mrs. W. D. Sughrue, Mrs. and Margaret Shiels, . O'Reilly, Miss Margaret Mec- (Harrowsmith), Misses Le- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. C.Pelletier, A. and T. Daly, G. W. Alfred Han- Millan, Dr. WwW. C.| a Deceased and Mrs. Wall, Mr LaChance, father and Mrs, M E. D. J. ley, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. E. Crowley, Mr. McDonald. | Pallbearers were: Edward Daly, Bernard Tierney, Bernard Duffy, | Dave Reid, James Hopkinson. ! WOMEN'S EMERGENCY CORPS. Central Committee Appointed to Supervise Work in District. At a meeting of delegates repre senting the Women's Emergency Corps in this military district, held in the city Friday afternoon, a cent- ral committee was appointed to supervise the work. The members of the committee are: Mrs. Ogilvie, Kingston, chairman; Mrs. Jackson, Brockville, vice-chairman; Mrs, G. 1. Campbell, secretary; Mrs. Douglas, representative of Perth distriet; and Mrs. McColl, representative of Belle- ville district. Representatives of the Bowmanville and Cornwall districts will be appointed later. The central committe will en- deavor to secure a membership of 50,000 in the district, and will have a button prepared indicating mem- bership. Inte William Holland. The funeral of the late William Holland .- took place on Saturday af- ternoon from his late residence in | Portsmouth. The service was con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Randall, of the Methodist Church and it was lar- gely attended by officials of the pen- itentiary, Foresters, and many of his Those who acted as pallbearers were James Holland, Alexander | Holland, William Nicholson, John! Grice, John Snook and. Sterling Hol- land. Miss Gertrude Jennings, pupil of Miss Frances Johnson, obtained Tirst class honors in elementary pianoforte examination of the Teronto Conser- | Personality." | Poet Rev.|vited to this evening service, eR A A At AA tA AANA atti | | | dreds of citizens SERVICES T. W. Savary, B.A, rector, the rect- ory, 152 Barrie street. Fourth Sun- day after Trinity. 10 a.m., Sunday school; I1 a'm., morning prayer and Holy Communion, Sermon subject, "The Gospel for Creation." evening prayer and sermon. mon subject, "A Faithful Soldier." Calvary Congregational Church, corner Bagot and Charles streets-- 11 a. m., "Obededom, or Home Relig- ion"; 3 p. m., Sunday school and Bi- ble class; 7 p. m., "Soul Famine and the Remedy. is Wednesday, Sunday school picnic to Brophy's Point. Boat from foot of Brock street at one o'clock. We give all a hearty wel- come to our services, Rey. J. Lyall, pastor, 266 Rideau street. Sydenham Street Methodist Chureh ~--Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor, will preach morning and evening. Music by soloists and full choir. Male quartette at the morning* service. Class meeting, 9.45 a. m.; Bible school 2.45 p. m.; Epworth League, Monday, 8 p. m.; prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 8 p .m Soldiers and students specially invited. - A] cordial welcome to all, St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. | Dean Starr, M.A., D.D., rector, 78 | Wellington ® street. - Phone 1644. Rey. Cecil Whalley, M.A, B.D. | priest vicar, 138 Bagot street. Phone | 1444, Fourth Sunday after Trin- | ity. 8 a. m., holy communion; 11} a, m., matins and holy communion. Preac her, Rev, Cecil Whalley. 4 p.! m., holy baptism; 7 p. m., evening] service, one hour. Preacher, the| Dean. Daily service of intercession 10 a. m. Holy communion Tuesday, 8 a. m. | Brock Street corner Brock and Methodist Church, Montreal streete-- Rev. George S. Clendinnen, pastor. | Residence, 242 Johnson street, Sun- | day school 10 a. m. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Morning theme: "The Only Safe| Man'; evening theme: "An Unwil-| ling Missionary." Epworth League | service, Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer! service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Visit- ors cordially welcome at all services. Soldiers' Club room open daily, 4 wl 9 o'clock, in school room. First Congregational, corner John- { son and Wellington streets, Rev. E.| LeRoy Rice, B.A., pastor." Resi- | dence, 281 Alfred street. Phone, | 1068. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Power of] Evening service at Ther will be a special musical service by the choir, assisted by the Militia Y. M. C. A. Anthem, "Sing Praise to God"; solos hy R Hudson, Miss Winnie Woolgar, and Miss Margaret Ferne; violin solo by A. Simpson. Miss Rodgers will be assisted at the organ by Mr. Mar- shall and Mr. Hudson. The pastor will speak on "Charles Wesley, the and Singer of Methodism." Sol- diers and strangers are specially in- 7 o'clock. ECLIPSE OF THE MOON. ens Was Almost Come Obscured. Diana of He: pletely The partial eclipse of the moon was witnessed Friday night by hun- It was a splendid night for an eclipse, the sky being cloudless. The moon was almost wholly obscured, eight-tenths of it being under the shadow The moon entered the shadow at | 10.19 p.m., eastern time, and left! the shadow at 1.12 a.m. The time of | the full moon and the middle of the | eclipse was about 11.45, Ill-Treated His Wife. | A man who hails from the north| part of the county was charged before | Lieut.-Col. Hunter with ill-treating | his wife. He pleaded guilty, and] was fined $2 and costs, and bound! over to keep the peace. Both hus band and wife got some fatherly ad- vice from the Magistrate. Pembroke, is spend and Mrs. B Mrs. J. Pierce, ing a few days with Rev. Pierce, Victoria street, The Hat Store Hot W eather Hats for Everybody | { | MEN, LADIES, AND CHILDREN Buy Tonight at "The Hat Store" { | | | | | pate { | GEORGE MILLS & C0. | ! 126 & 128 Princess St. ||' vatory of Music. | While {to walk to the sidewalk. ee Ba A A A English and American Publications "The Homeland" by Frederick Drummond. by Edward Cuthbertson. "God Keep You Safe" "The Sunshine of Your Smile" Cooke. "When You Come Home," by W. H. Squire. Ball. © "Who Knows?" by Ernest R, a Long, Long Trail," by Zo. Elliott. ** sung by John McCormack. sung by John McCormack. "Mavis," Regular price 40c per copy. "The Greater Love," sung by Madam Elsa Stralia. "In an Old Fashioned Town," by W. H. Squire, "Up From Somerset" Wilfrid Sanderson. "Somewhere at Sea" Ed St. Quentin. "At Dawning," by Charles Wakefield Cadman. "Where My Caravan Has Rested," Herman Lohr. "Can't Yo' Heah Me Callin' Caroline" "A Little Bit of Heaven, Shure They Call Ireland." Saturday only, 3 for $1.00 by Leonard » Saturday Popular Music, 2 for 25¢. The College Book Store 160-162 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. PHONE 919, 10 Dozen Beautiful Blouses-- White Mar- quisette, also white with pale blue or coral pink trimmings; all sizes up to 44. Extra special Middy Blouses in the wanted styles, and in the popular sizes. Special Extra Special in a Summer Weight Cor- Long length, hook, 4 hose supporters; draw string top, embroiderey trimmed. All sizes, set specia Just a Reminder If that boy or girl of yours Passes, or has passed a ecredit- able examination, this summer, treat "him" or "her" to a suit. able "Wrist aWiteh.," We have the range of prices to suit the ocension.. Whether th y have earned a gold one, or a » ple sliver time plece on a trap. Smith Bros. | JEWELERS & OPTICIANS | Issuers of Marriage Licenses $1.00 $1.00 5 clasps and one Notice! . $1.00 White Wash Skirts-- Head, Nobby styles in all sizes. Spec- ial. LLL Those who intend SL clip an y for Hudson Seal P.K., Repp, Indian $1.00 Ladies' Extra Fine Lisle Hose Black or white, in all sizes. for Newman CLOSING OF MAILS irregu- mail ed at P. closes rom time to t daily 12.45 pm going 11.30 a.m going . 1.00 p.m g& Wester 1.00 p.m 30 p.m 0 p.m 0 p.m. HT BY AN AUTONOBLE LITTLE GIRL "HAD NARROW ES- CAPE FROM DEATH. She Was Playing Near Her Home on Ontario Street on Friday Night--Auto Was on Way to the Camp. An automobile which was convey- ing soldiers to Barriefield camp on Friday night about nine o'clock, !struck little Mary Perfeitt as she was | playing with some other | near her home on Ontario street. children The child was knocked down, but pluckily got up again and attempted Just as she got to the walk, however, she fell | to the ground, and was taken into her { home It was thought for some tithe that her injuries were more se- | rious than they later turned out to be. jafter making a thorough examination Dr. G. W. Mvlks was called, and | found that the little girl was suf- fering from a bad bruise on her leg. Saturday morning it was ascer- tained that the patient was resting easily at her home, and was getting over the nervous shock very well. ------ Contributing Spiritual Offerings. The list of spiritnal offerings to the memory of the late Mrs. MeCor- mack, as published in the Whig last evening, was not quite complete. The name of Miss Delia Mooney, of Napanee, was omitted from the long list of those who contributed such | offerings, & Shaw, The Always Busy Store for the coming seaspn, I would advise them to send them in at once. W. F. Gourdier, "Phone 700 A At Ml PA Ni On Wolfe Island A Dwelling three miles from Village Tonight, special, 3 $1.00 Farrier. mn | (Sultable Tor (wo famiiiex) eee BUILDERS BUPPLIKS -eey | tOgether with three acres land, running to water's "ie" boat landing, going for $1,200 or furnished £4 $1500, ossession Houses to Rent Furnished or Unfur- nished; Fire Insurance EW. Mullin & Son { Cor. Johnson & Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456 Picnics and Lunch Pails We always carry in stock a large assortment of | Cooked Meats, Potted Meats {Canned Fish, Fancy Pack- age Biscuits, English Bis- | cuits, Chocolates, Milk Choc- olate Bars, Etc. | Layer and Drop Cakes Fresh When you build that Cottage | or Bungalow this spring when you remodel your hou or fix up the drive shed or barn S. ANGLIN & CO. will be pleased to figure your requirements. Immediate or on Manufacturers of all interior woodwork, and dealers in good lumber. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards Bay and Wellington Sts. Office Phone 66, Factory 1415 woeelumber, Coal and Woodesee Refrigerators Here you will find that roomy, economical, ele- Every Day. At the Premium Store gant and trustwort hy re- frigerator you have lo ng, J. R. B. Gage, wanted. Don't decide till Montreal St. Phone 549 vou see what we have to of- eg fer you. Come in to- day nd look them over, SOWARDS | Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS. Here are some: Solid Oak Fane, " ved. ne Kennine porcelain ~Bom nywtem, from 835 to £350. amel lined 820 to $80, Te aTut: uf small doors, vanised Give ne owen W. A; MITCHELL,