Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1916, p. 5

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Y THE COUNTRYSIDE] HARROWSMITH. July 12.--A large crowd went to Newburgh to-day to celebrate the Glorious 12th. J. 8. Gallagher is making preparations to build a ce- ment block barn. Everybody is tak- ing advantage of the fine weather se- curing their hay e¢rop, which is very heavy in this section. Mrs. Samuel Ashwin and son are spending a few days with Mrs. Leonard Hogan, Holle- ford. Miss Elsie Knapp, Kingston, was the guest of Mrs. F. D. Knapp for the past two weeks. They spent a few days last week with friends at Portland. Miss Ada Botting will re- turn home this month with her sis- ter, Mrs. Lawson, Detroit, Mich. Mr and Mrs. Cook, spending the last month with Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby, will return to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. J. Day and Miss Stewart spent a few days with friends in Toronto last week. Mrs. Levi Gallagher, Natuna Sask., is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Patterson. Miss Pearl Hagerman is visiting in Kingston. and Wire Work of All Kinds to Order Partridge & Sons enEp ARE WORKS wih ean promige service at 10 Film S We guarantee to sell you the best Sims made and will ady which are defective, Tegines Supplies VERONA. July 13.--Christy Andrews, of Lansdowns, motored across and We can supply the most satia- spent a few days at the camp meet- factory "8 and developers ing here. Miss Gladys Sword and Cameras of u k . Miss Maggie Slack, have returned to 4 all makes sold, ox- Gananoque, after a few days visit ehnnged, y ' a Nally vented and 'repatred. with Rev, and Mrs. A. F. Ball, Lake vn A Toe street. Haze) Smith, Youngest daughter of John E. Smith, is ill of son and Dr, Whaley, Westport, are The Popular D OPEN here to-day. Mrs. Dr. Hanley and young son, Taronto, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs Asselstine. Grant Wemp, Bath, is spending his vacation days with his grandmother, Mrs. W. Grant. Miss Ferm Grant, professional nurse, Chicago, Ill., has been visiting her motherdwre. Mrs, Frank Curl and son George Smiths Falls, are visiting at James Currell's C. Austin has gone to Bathurst to look after his mining interests there. Mrs. C. Brown and daughter, Hen- rietta, are visiting friends at Enter- prise, Mr. and Mrs. Danford La- kins, Westbrook, spent Sunday at G W. Lakins, Ila Quinn, Picton, is home for the holidays, R. Greatrix has gone to Belleville on a visit Store, typhoid fever. Dr. O. Lillie and SUNDAYS, LAKE OPINICON. We Jilly 11.-----The meadows are look- + ing fine and farmers are pleased the over the prospects for lots of hay. Highest Standard Tus berry eTops Promise to be good . s his year are glad to know of quality in that Miss B. Teeple is progressing fa- Sight Testing, vorably since undergoing an opera Lens Making tion for appendicitis on Monday. Dr's and Eye Glass fitting Howard, King and Hamilton per- formed the operation and Nurse Fra- Our Charges are moderate ser Is in attendance, K. Darling is enlarging his barn and stable. Miss Our work is guaranteed Ethe] Best attended the celebration KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0 at Smith's Falls on July 1st. A gloom was cast over this vicinity OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, 226 Princess Street. when news reached here this morn ing of the sudden death of Harry Chapman at Kingston. Deceased was well known having resided in this locality for a mumber of years. and was a general favorite. Much sympathy is extended to the young widow and other surviviny embers of his family, Pté. M. Randall, 156th Bat., Barriefield Camp, is spending a month at O, Oumpson's 8 doors above the Opera House Hi 0 Evelyn Hunter is holidaying with friends here. ' Miss Effie Link- later has left for Kingston, having Secured a position at J, Watt's. Vis- itors: Mrs, A. Stevens, Morton, at A. Teeple"s; Mr. and . Mrs. E. Kerr and family, Chaffey's Locks, at M. Hughson's; L. Lepar, Mrz. F. Jack- son, Mrs. (Rev.) J. Smith and chil- dren at ¥. Smith's; 8, Goodall, Clear Lake, at F. Best's; H. Smith and sis- ter, Eliza, visited friends at Morton on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling at William Ritchie's, Perth Road Leeds JUNETOWN. July 12.--Miss Maud Avery, To- ronto, is spending the holidays at hér home here. Mrs. Allen Earl and Miss Doris, Warburton, spent the week-end at W. W. Purvis'. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Warren were recent guests at Lyn. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Umprey, Lansdowne spent Sunday at J. A. Herbison's. Miss E. Price is enjoying the holidays with her par- ents at Mountain Grove. Miss Myrtle Avery spent last week in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. E. Me- Ghie, Miss Grace Ferguson, Rock- is guest of her brother, S. D. : son, Miss Alma Purvis spent Tuesday in Brockville, Miss Joy Foley, Lansdowne, waé a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Baile. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant and Miss Doris and Phyllis visited friends, last week 'n Lyn and Brock- ville. Miss Margery Kirst, Brock- ville, is holidaying at A. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Warren, also G. Green and family are in Brockville to-day. Miss Kate Purvis is spend- ing a few days in Brockville. Mrs. Frederick Tennant and Dorothy, Caintown, spent Wednesday at J. S. Purvis'. Farmers have begun hay- ing 'and report an abundant crop. Mrs. William Flood and children spent the week-end at Soperton. LONG POINT. July 12.--A great number went to Brockville from here to-day to at- tend the Orange celebration. Misses Margaret and Etta Plunkett, Ottawa, visited friends around here the past week. Misses Norah, Margaret and Eileen and Master Maurice O'Connor returned to Gananoque on Sunday after a month's visit with their grandparents here, Miss, Lenna Bryan visited at Mr. Steacy's, War- burton; week. Mrs. Henry J. Palmer, Watertown, N.Y., spent the past week with her sisters and bro- ther, Miss Ellen and Charles 0'Con- nor, BALI TT "Singles and Doubles" in Two-piece Suits That are more than "serving" the purpose of men whe love outdoor sports, Your "advantage in" the gener ous variety. New, live, smart mod- els, tailored with ail the care and excellence for which our "Fashion Craft" suits are known. They "hang" with as much grace and ease as do the suits of heavier weight, ; at All sizes from 34 to i from to 18 dollars. Was a Sunday visitor at Gia K, Wright's, Mayor O'Connor, Gan- anoque, spent Sunday with his par- ents and sister here. Recent visi- tors: Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Robert Watson, Sand Bay; Mrs. A. J. Flood and Percy Flood, Delta, at Charles O'Connor's; J. Ripley, 'Sand Bay, at Philip Kelsey's; Mrs. Spicer, Newboro, at James Kelsey's; Miss Myrtle McKinley at Joseph Single- ton's; Mr. and Mrs. D. Cross, Lans- downe, Messrs. Gordon Andress and Henry Andress, Mr, and Mrs. William Griffin, Marble Rock, at Mrs Sarah Burns', Born to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Tye, a son, July 11th, PURVIS STREET. July 12.--Many trom here went to Brockville to spend the 12th, Miss Jennie Percival was 'one day last week the guest of her sister, Mrs, W Earl. Mrs. W. R. White was the guest of Mrs. B. B. Graham. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Chick motored to Brockville last Wednesday to attend the wedding of Mrs, Chick's sister, Miss Luella Herbison. Mrs. W, A, Chick and Miss Thelma Chick are spending a few dayk'ivisiting their friends at Plum Hollow, Rev. and Mrs. Bradford, Mallorytown, @ guests of B. B. Graham on Satu y ind Mr. Bradford baptised their baby | Lennox & Addington | CENTREVILLE, The members of the Frontenac Chapter of the Daughters of the Em- pire entertained at a most enjoy- able picnic luncheon at Lake On- Park yesterday, when the! guests Included: Mrs. T. G. Smith, Mrh. Lindsay Malcoln, Mrs. H. W. Richardson, Mrs. James Hendry, Mrs. W. W. Gibson, Mrs. D. G. Laid- law, Mrs. A. Nicholson, Mrs. King, Mrs. J. C. Connell, Mrs. James Hen: | dry, Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, Mrs. Ro- lands, Mrs. G. Y. Chown, Mrs. A. L. Clarke, Mrs. Herbert Robertson, | Mrs. Emery, Mrs. George McKay and Miss Margerre of New York, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Mrs. David Murray and Master Jack, Mrs. Colin Macpherson, | Misses Kidd, Crothers, Eva Rich- ardson, Mabel Richardson, Aileen Folger, Eleanor, Neta and Anella| Minnes, Helen and Marjorie Uglow, Margaret Murray, Ruth and Martin, Nora Connell, ence Emery. . LJ The members of the Women's Em- | ergency Corps were hestesses at a very interesting and enjoyable lun-| cheon in the Red. Room at Queen's! University on Friday, when their | guests included: Mrs. Maclelland | and Mrs. Jackson, Brockville: Mrs. | McCall, Miss Lister and Miss Watts, | Belleville; Mrs, Travers, Napanee; | and Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Rogers, ! Perth, who came to town for the meeting. The with tables were arranged Jacks and French and Belgian flags, together with many long Union July 12.----Neirly every body here went to Newburgh to celebrate the Twelfth, The farmers are very | busy at their hay which is an abun dant crop and help is very scarce | Patrick Evans has erected a new silo | on his farm, Mrs. Patrick Kearns, ill at the Hotel Dieu, is improving nicely. Miss Pearl Gleeson has gone to South Dakota for a vacation trip. Miss Annet Donoghue left for Irma, Albe ta, on Tuesday last for a three months visit with her brothers. Mrs William Lawlor has returned home from New York where she went to be present at her sister's funeral. funeral. Peter Perry has returned home from Kingston willing to 80 to | work again. Master Lawrence 'and | James Kingston are holidaying at E James', | STELLA. | July 14.--The Glorious Twelfth is | ast for another year Most of the Jrangemen and Prentice Boys cele- | rated at home, A few attended the | elebration at Brockville. The | members of Burleigh L. O .L.. No. | 182, and of Derry Lodge, No. 2,1 Prentice Boys, asesmbled at Victo- | 'ia Hall on Sunday, and after don- | ning their regalia, marched to St. | Paul's Church. The pastor, Rev, | James Cumberland, preached a very | impressive sermon. Confirmation | was held in St. Alban's Church on Vionday evening by the Bishop of Kingston. There were eight candi- dates The church was nicely deco- 'ated with flowers,and the attendance xas good. Farmers have commene- *d haying, and report the crop to be | r00d, Many have ordered new ma- | *hines to harvest the crops, but in | jome cases farmers are unable to get | them owing to the limited supply of{ steel which the maehine companies | ve. The remains of the late Miss | R. Weller were brought to the island 'rom Kingston on Tuesday evenjng, fuly 4th, and were interred in Pen- tilton cemetery. Miss E. Fleming, who underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in the Kingston General Hospital recently, is doing as well as 'an be expected. Mrs. C. E. Gibson is in Kingston with her mother, Mrs Alexander Reid, Emerald, who under vent an operation on Tuesday. A. Blakey, Kingston, was on the island yn Monday, and purchased some hogs and cattle. Visitors: Mrs. R. A. Caughey ahd two daughters, Kingston, at W. Me- Donald's; Mrs. A, E. Sanders and son, | Township Councils PORTLAND. Verona, July 4.--Council met with members all present. Minutes of last meetings adopted. Accounts paid: --$25, Simmons Bros., 100 lbs. of dynamite; $24.85, Edw. Carl, manufacturing 117 tile $24.55 and 2 gallons of oil 30¢;; 48c¢, Jas. Me- Keever, express charges; $4.50, Thos. Laveque, for drawing 3 loads of tile; $5, Dr. J. H. Oldham, medi- cal examination of Violet Cole, an in- sane patient; $5.88, Everton Shan- graw, opening winter road from foot of McLean's Hill to Camden bound- ary; $16.60, Simon Drader, opening | Hugh Snider road winter of 1916; $6, 20 hours' work with team and two men, $10.60; $7.82, Sanford Card, 10 hours' work on road with team, $3.50, for 15 hours' work for man on road, $2.70, and for hauling tile 50c and for snow shoveling, $1.12; 72¢, Wesley Revell, 4 heurs' work on road; 81c, John Dear, 4 1-2 hours' work on road; $15, Sam. Asselltine, balance rent of hall for use of sol- dfers; $1.58, C. W. Martin, 4 1-2 hours' work on road with team; $6, Dan Freeman, bonus on 60 rods of wire fence. Council adjourned to meet in Harrowsmith, Monday, August 7th, at 10 a.m, or at call of reeve. To Winnipeg and the West in Com- fort, Via Canadian Pacific. The Canadian Pacific Railway of- fers fine equipment and exceptional train service. Through standard and tourist sleepers, and dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, via one of the most picturesque routes in the world. Summer tourist rates are now in effeet. If such a trip is under considera- tion, apply to F. Conway, C.PA. corner Princess and WeNington Sts., for full particulars, ---- Miss L. Nicholson, Lyndhurst, Keep out of debt and, in a mea- | Partridge. lovely red and white roses After lencheon the party motored to Bar- riefield Camp, where they were en- tertained by Colonel Hemming and the Headquarters Staff at tea. Am ong those present were Col Wil- liams, Capt. Manning, Lt.-Col. Wil- liams, Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Mrs T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. J. M. Camp- bell, Mrs. C. A. Low, Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. W. D. Jordan, Mrs. Constantine, Mrs. Nickle, Mrs. Sanford Calvin, the Misses Muckleston, Miss Mowat, Miss Wilhelmina Gordon and others . . . The dance at the yacht club on Wednesday evening was not as 1 as usual Some of those were, Mrs. J. J. McKay, M. Campbell, Misses Edith Bessie Robertson, Marion Sybil Kirkpatrick, Hackeray (Ot tawa), Dorothy Chown, Helen and | Marjorie Campbell, Christine White, Bertha White, Jean McLelland, Mar garet Cunningham, Beth 'Small, Katharine Hart, Helen Meck, Ethel-| wyn Macgowan, Harriet Gardiner | and Messrs Leslie Smith, Warren Skey, Jeremy Taylor, W. Garrett, Gordon Small, Douglas Chown, Jack Hickey, George Kirkpatrick, | and others. | - . » - Mrs. Jackson motored to town on | Friday from Brockville taking Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick back with her for the week-end. * * es Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Vrooman, Miss Josephine Vrooman and Percy Vroo- man motored to town from Napanee! yesterday. { Miss Mildred and Miss Edith | Johnston, Adolphustown, are visit ing their aunt, Mrs. K. M. Saunders, | Alice street. | Mrs. Max Hagjlton and her daugh ter, who have been visiting Miss Bes- sle Smythe, returned to their home in Peterboro on Wednesday. . . -. Miss Evelyn Nickle is visiting Miss Doreen Lavell at Thousand Island Park. Mr. and Mrs. James Leslie Miss Marion Leslie, William street, left on Friday for Portland, Maine. Miss Blanche Kent is expected froma Montreal next week to visit her mother, Mrs. Noel Kent, King street Mrs. Allaire Shortt and Mrs. Al len Shortt sailed for England from New York on Thursday. . . . . Mrs. | Fraser, Booth, | | | | | | James Stewart and Miss Bessie Stewart, Collingwood street, returned from Toronto on Thursday, 4nd left to-day to spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hilyard Stewart "at their summer home at Portland, on the Rideau. Miss Mildred Jones, King street, left to-day for Brockville, where she will be the guest of her uncle, Bever- ly Jones, at "'Rockeliffe." Miss G3. C. M. White came down from Toronto yesterday, and is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street. Miss Agnes Cotter, of Montreal, who has been visiting the Misses For- neri, Alfred street, has been the | guest of honor at several tehs and p.cnies this week. Miss Gabrielle Roy, Montreal, is the guest of Miss Loretta Swift, King street. Mr. and Mrs . . . Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West street, returned home to-day after being the guest of Mrs. Stewart Macdonald in Halifax for the past few weeks Miss Louise Cays, Oswego, is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cays, Barrie street. Mrs. McFarlane and Miss Alice! and Miss Jean McFarlane, who have | heen visiting Mrs. IL. T. Best, Albert street, retrned to their home in Pe-| terboro this week. < { Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac street, left vesterday for Toronto to! visit her daughter, Mrs. R. Hamilton | Miss Marjorie Herrington, who was Miss Jean Young's guest, refurn- ed to her home in Picton this week. - - - * t Miss Kathleen Saunders, Alice! street, left for Quebec on Thursday, | where she will visit with Mrs. Holt. Miss Magerre, New York, ig the | guest 'of Mrs. J. T. McKay, Bagot! street. ! Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, street, expect to leave early in week for Chautauqua Lake, | Miss Foote, Toronto, is the guest | of Miss Eleanor Creighton, Ports- | mouth. | Earl the | . . * Miss Agnes Thompson, Deseronto, Is spending a few days at Portsmouth | visting her sister. . { Miss Margaret Coker, Toronto, re-| sure, you keep out of trouble, turned to her home to-day after visit- | | { i | Westport for and | Mg | nature { Farmer's Friend, 100; Marlbank, 80; | Kingsford, subscriptions for the A Wonderful Array of Saturday Night Bargains! ON SALE FROM 7 TO 9.45. BATHING CAPS 120 Smart Bathin coral, Paddy green, sky and mist gr Tonight. .. .. . BLACK COTTON STOCKINGS 180 pair of drop-stitched black co and 9}. Regular 25¢ and 35c a Tonight . . . . INDIGO BLUE PRINTS 1800 yards of:American pound prints in ends measuring from } yard to 6 yards in length. a yard. 25 inches wide. CREPE KIMONAS g Caps with gathered bands in colors, rose, ey.v Regular 45c¢. tton lisle hose in sizes 84, 9 pair. While they last. .. 18¢ All fast colors and worth 10 to 12}¢ As an extra special Tonight, 6c yd. \ 60 only, made of fine serpentine crepe, in the Empire high waisted style in colors, pink, sky, rose, copenhagen and mauve. Al sizes, regular $1.50. Tonight NO TELEPHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED A Moth, a Flea and a Bug slept securely in a rug, "Keating's" sprinkled round about, killed the lot without a doubt. Sold only In tins, 10e., 25¢., 85¢. 7 | HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Limited ole Agents TORONTO ~Jor Canada ing Miss Mabel "Anderson, Princess! street, for the past two weeks. Mrs. Robertson, Delaware avenu " Ottawa, is visiting her sister, My Henderson, Clergy street. ®t 8 B. Murray, Ken- three Mr. and Mrs. D. sington Place, and who motored to Ottawa early week to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. H Turnbull at their summer cottage at Lake, at the Gatineau, have returned, bringing with them Miss Marjorie, who has been their guest the last three weeks Mrs. W. Y. Cannon, Sharbot Lake, I8 visiting Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Johnson street Miss visiting Meach for who has been relatives at six weeks, re- to her Elliott, friends and the past turned on Saturday 306 Queen street | Misses Eileen and Olive Craig and | Clements Alfred | have to To- Cora home, Craig, 39%6 on a visit gone (Continued on page 14) Clever Equilibrists. | The "Dagehara Setire Troupe' of i ten Japanese equilibrists are « reating about the biggest sensation with the Coup and Lent Circus, which comes to Kingston on July 18th, of any ori- ental group ever imported to Amer- ica. These wonderful little people seem to defy every law of gravity and | in the amazingly intricate | feats they execute far above the| earth Their head-to-head balanc- ing atop of slender rods is an intense | "breath-taker," while the climax of | their display, the "Swinging Mon- key Chain," engaging the full com- | pany suspended from two lofty perches, assures their distinctive ap- peal to the devotee of dare-devil! stunts for a long time to come. | | Napanee Cheese Sales. i July 14.--At the Napanee Cheese | Board to-day the following cheese! were offered and sold at 14 5-8 and 14 11-16 cents: Colored--Napanee, | 145; Moscow, 150; Phippen No. 1, | 90; Phippen No. 2, 60; Phippen No. | 3, 95; Forest Mills, 145; Union, 160; Odessa, 200; Excelsior, 140; | Camden East, 160; White-- 100; Wilton, 90. 90; Centreville, 145: Deseronto, 160; Enter- Whitman Creek, 75. Newburgh, Johnson, 65; Selby, 185; prise, 125; For Belgian Relief Fund. | The president of the Board of | Trade acknowledges the follewing | Belgian Relief | Chown, $10; | Fund: Miss Daisy G. J Mrs. J. A Mrs. A. Bateman, $5; Gardiner, $5; children of Depot Me. | thodist Sunday school, $1.50. GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID SICKNESS Humors in the blood eause inter- nal derangements that whole system, as well | boils and other erupts responsible for the with which many people contract disease, For forty years Hood's | rilla has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling bumors and removing their inward and outward effects. Get Hood's | No other medicine acts like it, Cooling Wash | constant itch, until it seemed that I I veeps your skin healthy. Ask about A ---- The Mahood Drug |fied in deeds, not words. a treat. 500 Pounds Fine Table Roast Lamb with mint sauce; a tasty por- tion for your Sunday dinner. : Irish Stew, with new vegetables, suggests Stewing cuts, 18¢; chops, 30c to 35c¢; legs, 30c; loins, 32¢; rocks, 25¢. Butter 30c The Wm. Davies' Co., Ltd. Phone 597 a Stops Itching nerve-racking days -of con- | what sleepless nights itch---itch---itch, What stant torture of terrible agony then -- must tear off the very skin cooled, Instant relief--my skin soothed and healed! The very first drops of D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema stopped that awful itch instantly; yes the very moment that D. D. D. touched the burning skin the torture ceased. D. D. D. has been known for years as the only absolutely reliable ec- zema remedy. It washes away the disease germs and leaves the skin as clear and healthy as that of a child. Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the first bottle relieves you D. D. D. Soap For 135 years the Standard Skin Kemedy Ltd, Kingston, D.D. D. Kindness is usually best exemplhi- A A Pt ts Special Inducement for Summer Months S--, We will make you free of charge an eextra skirt with every sult you | order. Skirts and sport coats made to or der very reasomably. Drop in and examine our work. New York 8kirt & Suit Co. 203 Wellington Street. 5 JUST A REMINDER headquarters for to eat and drink. C. H. Pickering Grocer and Meat Dealer 490 and 492 Princess Street. Phone 530, that we are good things A lie will not travel very far un- less you and I put legs to it. i Low Shoe Sal Sale Price $3.49 TANS, BLACKS AND PATENTS. THE REGULAR PRICE, $5.00 n Lp \¢ A101 1M VEIN | A 3 | 4 4d | AYLI] (JRORP fil Sy

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