with the satisfied crowds who are daily advan of our Reductions on of summer y-to-wear. Bargains Galore in 'Every Department A Pleasure To Show You her Buying or Looking T.J.O'Connor 260 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 800. Higher Up Street But Always Lower in Price. Ea ------ at Have You a Photo Taken in Your Own F ront | Room? Na it required. We try to please. Prices from $7 to $35. Have a Negative ion at -ur SXnenne. Home portrature groupsapecialties, BLAKEMORE, Stuart Street, City. -- 4 Fer, AN UNUSUALLY WELL SECURED 6% Investment $100, $500, and $1,000 Government Bonds 'onsisting of the § per cent 5-year ANGLO - FRENCH WAR LOAN BC secured by the entire credit and good faith of the UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, AND THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, An unusually well secured Bond with an exceptional interest return We are offering to yleld practically 6 per cent. Interest payable haif yearly, April 15 and October 15, by Coupon. Negotiable at any Bank. Wire or 'phone orders at our expense, or upon request we will send a fully descriptive circular. son, Sanson & Graham 'T AND MUNICIPAL BONDS--Toronte General Trasts Bldg 85 Bay Street -- Phone Main 388-389 -- Toronto. 3 ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON. -- 2 | White He Was in Swimming Below Cataraqui Bridge--Was Good Swipe and Believed He Suffer. ' William Welch, a well-known taxi- driver, lost his life on Sunday after- Hoon while 'swimming off one of the wharfs below Cataraqui rides. He and a number of young men and boys were in the water, which is very deep, when .suddenly Welch disappeared. He was a good swimmer, and it is believed that he suffered cramps. The accident oc- curred about 1.30 o'clock, and the body was not recovered until three hours later, although a couple of divers were at work and several men atte engaged with grappling hooks. he body was recovered by one of _-- divers. A call was sent to S. S. Corbett as soon as the drowning took place, and as soon as the body was recovered it was removed to Mr, Corbett's undertaking parlors. A crowd of about two hundred people congregated at the scene of the. fatality after the news got abroad, and they waited until the body was recovered, watching the work of the divers and the men 'handling the grappling hooks. The police were notified, and Constable Thomas Mullinger assisted in the search for the body of the young man, From what could be learned of the sad affair, it appears that the de- Ceased swam from one_wharf to an- other, and was on his Way back to the other side when he went down. The clothing of the young man was found on the wharf. Deceased was twenty-seven years of age and was unmarried. He re- sided with his mother at 205 Uni- versity avenue, and is also survived by two brothers, Frank, bartender at the Collender Hotel, and Alfred, of Hamilton. He was well known around the city, and had a wide circle of friends, all of whom were shocked at his untimely end. For the past four weeks or so he had been running a taxi to Barriefisd Camp, but previous to his had been operat- ing a taxi for C. H. Finkle & Com- pany. He had been employed by the latter. company for four years. The sympathy of a large circle of friends will be extended to the members of the family. Frank Welch, brother of the de- ceased, hurried to the scene as soon as he received word of the fate of his brother and assisted in the search for the body. The body was recovered by Mat- thew Murphy, the well-known letter carrier. Pte. P. F. Gifford, *C" Company of the 155th Battalion, also worked for the body. Deceased had been busy at a local garage all morning, and as it was very warm, told his mother that he would go for a swim before coming home to his dinner. He went down to the water about one o'clock and half an hour later he was drowned. CIRCUS TO-MORROW ! Big Show Close at Hand--Going to Meet Them. The "Coop and Lent" new united monster shows will arrive in Kings- ton on July 18 and it is a safe bet that the small boy and his sister in large numbers will be waiting by the railroad sidings to see the trains ar- rive, anxious to see all that is pos- sible of that which has furnished them with wonderful day dreams ever since the pictures were put out and its coming announced. REV. 2. D. ELLIS TALKED OF HO LIDAYING FOR MANKIND. Get Away From Carking Care and|S Nerve-Racking Duties--A Change |Z of Environment is a Splendid|S Tonic. 1 BATHING SHOES Rev. J. D. Ellis is winning a warm|S place in the affections of the congre- |S gation of Queen Street Methodist Church. He is diligent in service, sympathetic and persuasive in man- ner, and winning in style. He is eminently good, his whole attitude is that of a thoughtful, helpful pastor. His sermons are strong and compre- hensive. He is broad-minded in his views of Christian deportment. Sun- day morning he preached a sermon on "Christ's Summer Holiday," in Ladies' Bathing Shoes, light weight, rubber soles, Ladies' Bathing Shoes with stockings a attached Girls Bathing Shoes . Children's Bathing Shoes which he urged a change of occupa-|= tion and a change of scene for tired, jaded humanity, alert and anxious in stirring times. It was well for all who could to seek quietude and rest for weary brain and nerve-racked system. Life in the open, amidst the beauties of nature, away from the city's whirl and bustle, was a splen- did tonic. He did not advocate idleness or sloth, but he did believe in a change of environment. Christ went to the desert to rest, but He served there as He did throughout His pilgrimage on earth. Intellec- tual effort and nervous strain de- manded cessation, and he rejoiced when his people availed themselves of the opportunity to get away. Thin churches had no terror for him un- der such circumstances. One good brother said to him on Saturday, "I am going six miles into the country with my family, and I may not be here for church," and his reply was, "Don't come to church; have worship where you are going, and enjoy the brief respite from carking care' This was his feeling and his advice to worn manhood during the summer. However, this was no licénse to keep away from church while they were at home. Christ advocated rest and | comfort to all His people, for had He| not told his nervous disciples after | the murder of John the Baptist to] "Come ye yourselves apart into a des- | ert place, and rest nd rest awhile. "" { T0 PROVE HE'S NOT AFRAD BEEN JES JESTED ABOUT HIS BRAVERY. { | | | | HE HAS Friends Said That He Did Not Dare | To Enlist, Despite His Assertions| That He Would Like To--Goes to Orangemen"s Celebration and | Joins Army. { Watertown, N.Y, Times | Because many of his fellow work- | men at No. 4 paper mill had told him | he was afraid to join the Canadian | army and Pefgrred t6 him in a joking | way as a cowdrd, John A. Holmes, of | 833 West Main street, took all of] these things seriously, and as a Yoeult | he is now a member of the 75th C nadian Artillery now being recruited | in Kingston, Ont., Tor overseas Siar vice. He went to Brockville, O with the Orangemen's lodge Wodnes. | day to attend the celebration in that | city. His wife accompanied him. Upon their arrival there Mrs. Holmes said that he left her at the train, and when he returned to meet her a noon she learned that he had joined the Canadian army. Mrs. Holmes said at her home ot day that while her husband had been very enthusiastic about joining the] army, and that he talked with many about it, they all joked with him and never thought for one moment that 50c and 75¢ $1.00 . 45¢ and 90c Abernethy's Shoe Store EEO AE RARE po Se WE HAVE EVERY- THING FOR HEAD COMFORT. and our facilities for buying men's headgear, means a dis- tinct saving to you. SAILORS, CRASH HATS, LIGHT FELTS. You are sure to find the hat that suits your head as well as your idea of good dress. Camp bell Bros The oD of Successful Hat Styles A AAA ANN NNN "Coffee" | 1 | I | Home-Made Candy and Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAKELL'S Next Opera Mouse. Fresh Air and Sunshine is Essential to Baby's Health. Sulkies, Strollers and Baby Carriages, at _ James Reid, he seriously harbored sugh a thought. She said that he had been a member of the 5th Field Battery of Deseron-| to, Ont., for the past twleve years, | For over thirty years our THE BUSY STORE and had drilled each summer with | Coffee has been "a high| 3 them. She said he continually talk- | PF aualitv?! e AFETY standard of quality' con" i It is a foregone conclusion that the usual chores that Willie and Johnnie are used to doing about the house will have to wait, for when will they ever get another chance to seé the camels and the elephants, and they may feed them peanuts, of hear the lion's growl and the hyena's laugh and the blood curdling noises of the innumerable other animals in their gilded dens. Yes! It will be a great day for the small folks, and the big folks, too, for that matter, for the circus is the one amusement institution _that the old boys and girls as well as the young ones never grow tired of. The street parade which leaves the show grounds at 10.30 o'clock to- morrow morning is said to be one of the finest pageants ever presented with a circus and gives a good idea of the wonderful resources of the Coop and Lent organizations, A branch ticket office will be on- ened at 10.00 a. m. at McAuley's Book Store, where reserved seats may be obtained for both perform- ances without any extra charge whatever, Campers' Supplies Everything you re- quire to make camping comfort- able. Folding camp beds , of wire or duck and mattresses to fit. Folding camp stools with or with- out back. Folding arm chairs. Folding lounge chairs. Grass and fibre rugs for the floor in shades of blue, brown, green. All sizes, 3x 6,6 x9, 8 x 10, 9x12 | Agents for Edison's Famous Diamond Disc Phonograph. WITH LARGE ) coir | Montgomery Dye Works | For the Bast In French Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing. , | J. B. HARRIS, Prop. 225 Princess 84. ed with her and his fellow employees | about joining the army. She said | sistently maintained she often asked him in a joking way why he didn't join, if he desired to | . . so badly. Men where he worked| Have no hesitation to try also made jesting remarks about him, (it. It will do eredit to your] | breakfast table. Gue Stina E PRODUC TS but said he was afraid to enlist. While his wife and two children, | Charles, dged thirteen, and Phyllis, aged eleven, are heart-broken, Mrs Holmes said to-day that she would not take any action to have him dis- charged, She said she believed that | something worse might happen if she did so. Mrs. Holmes said that after her! husband enlisted, her frends told her that she could prevent it if she de- sired to, but she said she would not| Henderson' S Grocery interfere, and returned home alone | xo gy Hrotk St. Phone 279. | from Brockville Wednesday night. Mrs. Holmes hopes that her hus-| A square house to deal with band will never see overseas service She said to-day that army officers told her that her husband would be in| training at Barriefield camp for at least ten months before leaving for England, and that he would prob- ably be there a|year before going to the front She hopes that' the war will be ended by that time. She said her husband enlisted for one! year or until the end of the present war. Mrs. Holmes and her children will go to Kingston August 1st and will spend the month with Mr. Holmes there. It will "set you up' and| carry you through the day. | hl FAIR anp SQUARE! The war of words that is waged on {| the firing line triangled by the kitchen, {dining room and the grocery store, | could be avolded If you wonld put a | "antes first" sentinel on guard. rries and apples, rrr Rt &reen vegetahl For good Teas and Coffee, cholee | try Come on over to Cooke's and have a Good Photo taken. His studio is 159 Wellington street, near Brock, right next to Carnovsky's Fruit Store. . mpire Grocery, | PHONE 349 A T. F. Harrison Co. PHONE 90 Sn DOING GOOD SERVICE. | The Amherst Island Red Cross So- | ciety is Active. ! The Amherst Island Red Cross So- ciety have sent off for May and June 36 pairs socks, scrap books for sol- diers, 5 white hospital shirts, 4 fact- ory hospital shirts, T gark shirt. i The Woman's Institute and Red| Cross Society are one, and these have] been sending in money and goods ever since the war started. The so- ciety will be glad to get money, socks and shirts from all willing to help. Please send at any time to Mrs. R. D. McDonald, president; Mrs. D. Inti Caughey, vice-president; Mrs. S. R.| Also a choice lot of Dairy ; Sugwell, secretary-treasurer. Butter. | We will make you free of charge ---- { [an Solis skirt with every suit you A. Hood, | Skirts and sport coats made to or der voy 5 reasonably. Cor. Earl and Barrie Streets. na); Ska our New York Skirt & 8uit Co. Footbridge Completed. Capt. William Leslie reports that the work on the footbridge alongside Cataraqui bridge has been completed, and will at once be put info service. It is five feet four inches wide except at the drawbridge, where it is a little tess, Meat for the Good Old Sum- mer I'ime We wish to draw your at- tention to our special display of picnic hams and all kinds of smoked and cooked meats. The snob is the individual who al- ways overraces himself. Special Induacement for - Summer Months Nurse Going Overseas, Miss 'Mary Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, Mos- cow, chief operating nurse in the New York Hospital in New York, ar- rived in the city on Saturday, and will report at Montreal in the course of a few days, from which city she will go overseas with a hospital unit which is being mobilized there. 1918 Farm Laborers Excursions. According to present indications the demand for farm laborers in the west this year will greatly exceed the supply. The Canadian Pacific are perfecting arrangements for these excursions, the first of which will be run early in August. Date will be announced later. Full par- ticulars from Canadian Pacific ticket agents, or W. B. Howard, district passenger agent, Toronto. Footwear Suitable Footwear for all Outdoor Sports and Recreations. We show the very latest creations in 'Novelty Footwear. Newest of the new. Rightly priced. In Kingston On a Visit, Misses Gertrude and Christine] Loveitt, South Windham, Maine, ar- rived in the city on Monday and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- fel Smith, King street, for a week. They will then go to Brownsburg, Que., where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hooper. R. M. C. Man Killed in Battle, Capt. E. P. Henderson, of the In- dian army, who graduated from the Royal Military College in 1906, was killed in the great drive now being Jade by the British on the western ront FRESH STOCK OF BATHING CAPS ll From 25c up: also good Stock of English i : Water Wings, at SARGENT'S DRUG STORE r. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41 Rev. Father O'Donnell, Toronto, has been appointed President of the Catholic Church Extension Society. The handsome boy very often fails to turn out handsomely.