Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1916, p. 7

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Dependable Banking Se ; Fagan sms a DIRECTORS G. Gooderham, Presi J. De, Yise. Presid John Macdonald, hen, of Toronto. of this Ban antes of fing oriice do ne We ins Ty 'your business Bnd private sccounts. lehar t, ban carry T ners gent. ol. A, E. Gooderham, Win, I. Gear, Paul J. Myler, wary n R. Lamb, Supt. of Branches, ! Ahgpector. nk o ommerce. CHICAGO-- ENG.~London City and Midland Market Square. For - 56 Brock Street. DO YOU VALUE YOUR EYE. If so take care of it; do not let mon- ey or pride stand between you and wearing ing the eyes and dependable glasses, see our optici lan. Where the Clock is on the Walk. You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no 'doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convineed? hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any We have for sale two properties on Princess Street, in the business section, pay good return on the investment. THE J. K. GARROLL AGENCY, Sale 7 Both of these will Phones: Office 68; Res. 874. SIGHT ? glasses. For aid in examin- R. J. RODGER 132 Princess St. I. LESSES, time Soldiers, Attention! Has it ever dawned upon] you that there is one place to buy Kodaks, Cameras, and Camera Supplies? That place is a Hoag's Drug Store Stoie Ask to see the Soldier's Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak. Opp. YMCA. Ring up 1844, or Call at the BON MARCHE GROCERY | WHERE YOU WILL FIND Pineapples, Straw- | berries, Grape Fruit, Rhubarb, Let- | Radishes: Onions, Ripe Toma.) Asparagus; Pastenrized | Lire bey gi od Kingston | ~---- r 'Summer Drinks Montserrat Lime Juice Welch's Grape Juice Raspberry Vinegar Orangeade Lemonade Gurd's, Ginger Ale. ' Gordon's Grocery, Cor. Bay and Montreal St. Phone 88. F. J. JOHNSON---FLORIST © 115 BROCK STREET. FRESH CUT FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets. PHONE 2389. mm Berries STRAWBERRIES CHERRIES GOOSEBERRIES FRESH VEGETABLES CHOICE GROCERIES FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division Street. Phone 545 Prompt Delivery CAVERLY & BRADSHAW CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD, JOS. AHEARN, JR, Weare open to buy 100 bus. of sound white : highest price paid. 500 lbs of dry fowl (8-10 Ibs. per pair). re further informa- ie cae i 2) Watts-Florist FRESH CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS DAILY. Bedding Stock Ete. 179 Wellington St. Phone 1763 City Taxi Stand Opposite B.A. Hotel Phone 749 Boat, train, Barriefield camp, and all city calls promptly attended to. Special rates to theatres, balls and _ | parties All modern 5 and 7 pas- senger cars. British and French Embassies at Washington are not satisfied with the United States' ruling in Deutsch-|sen tand affair. : and bad quit. short service. CANADA'S BUFFALO HERD HAs |i STEADILY GROWN. Have Fared Well in the New Na- tional Park at Wainwright From Four Little Bison Calves Captured in 1873 the Herd Hus Grown Until It Now Numbers 2,077. He Canadian Government fs meeting with signal success in its efforts to preserve the buffalo from the swift ex- tinction which threatened it a few years ago. This is shown In a report on the growth of the herd at Wainwright Buffalo Park, Alberta, Just issued by J. B. Harkin, Domin- | fon Parks Commissioner. The report shows that in April, 1909, the herd numbered 402, Since. then it has gradually increased at the rate of about 200 a year, until to- day it numbers 2,077. The history of this herd, now the largest in the world, dates back to 1873, when a Pend o'Reille Indian captured four little bison calves-- two bulls and 'two heifers--by cut- ting them out of a stampeded herd on the Flathead Reservation in Mon- tana. In accordance with a peculiar characteristic, often noticed by old plainsmen, these young creatures obediently followed the horses of the hunters who had slain or driven off | their mothers. The Indian in question gave them to the Mission of St. Ignatius, where they were kept as pets and became as domesticated as ordinary cattle When the heifers were four years old each had a calf. From that time on they gradually increased in number, until, in 1884, there were thirteen | head, and finding the care of them | too great a tax the mission decided | to sell them. Ten head were bought for $250 apiece by C. C. A. Allard and Michel Pablo, who were runch- ing on the reservation, and were shrewd enough to see that specimens | of what was even then almost an ex- tinet animal would eventually be- come very valuable. The herd increased under their careful supervision, and in a few years it became possible to sell spe- cimens at Ligh prices. Some idea of the average rate of increase may be deduced from the observed fact that half the cows give birth to calves every year, while twin calves are not uncommon. As a rule the bison call is a very hardy. creature. There are instances of the Pablo- Allard calves finding their feet in less than a minute after birth and showing fight within half an hour. In 1906 the' Hon. Frank Oliver, then Minister of the Interior, ob- tained for the Dominion Government an option on the 600 unsold head be- longing to Pablo and Allard, $200,000. The "round-up" lasted two months, and was carried out by 75 cowboys, horsemen picked accomplished with a loss of less than one per cent. Since it the Canadian Government, this great herd has fared well in the new Na- tional Park at Wainwright. The park is becoming a favorite resort of the traveller. It has an area of 150 square miles and is securely en- closed with a high fence of wire, Canada's Fire Loss, "In war time, and while many in- terests are urging thrift and econo- my, the Canadian people are burning up their created resources at a much greater rate this year than last," is the statement which S in a bul letin issued by the Conservative Com- mission recently. "During the first five months of 1916 the fire loss in Canada has ex ceeded that of January to May, 1915, by approximately $3,000,000, $600,000 per month," continues the bulletin. At this rate of increase our fire loss will exceed that of 1915 by $7,200,000. "Canada has need of all her finan. efal resources. She " is borrowing money to carry on the war, and {is paying 5 per cent. The additional fire would therefore pay the charge on the recent war $100,000,000, and would pay 200,000 of the principal. Canada's average annual fires loss, of over $23 000,000, would pay per cent, in- loss of 1916 a 2. Hh terest on approximately half a billion | dollars. Our fire loss is, however, some thing for which we are receiv- ing no value, either financial or pat- riotic; part to carelessness, which Canadians appear willing fo pay, and which as a whole, are doing little Kilts Order Modified, The order with regard to the Car- adian soldiers wearing kilts, as an- nounced by the Militia Department a few days ago, has been somewhat modified. The change that while the department will not put the coun- try to the extra expense of providing | kilts instead of trousers for the High- | land battalions, if the units or pri- | vate people are willing to make up the difference in cost, then the bat- talions may have kilts. However, in no case will the department provide | kilts at the country's expense in the future. They cost considerably more than trousers. While a few unils may make up the difference in cost to keep the kilts, it is expected that in the 'majerity of Highland battalions the historic dress will be superseded. Two Days Enough for Him. Ernest 'Crowley, an ex-member of the Toronto police force, appointed deskman at the Brantford police sta- tion, left a note on his desk two days later saying he did not like the job This is a record for | A. T. Wilgress, provincial King's Printer, expects to Issue the first] number of the Ontario Public Service | Bulisun be before the end of the pre- Cites Oo Bicks" ut Gibson's. and | eventually they were all bought for | for their ability from Alberta, and was | or | interest | loan of | to ! mart DAILY © 2 Feature Vai Famous Players Flim of Barrymore, in The Red Widow" The Other oni md Th ve} New ices, Hat. 100 Evening; Eve . oer 4 STRAND THEATRE Mon., Tues, and WV Wed. NIG FEA First Time Cr Fae the 5-act Aoral Play with FRANK MILLS + Charles Murray in 2-Act Keystone "A Love Riot" Also other good subjects GRIFFIN'S ursday ren TONIGHT | "The Flash of An Emerald" | Wednesday -- Thursday "THE RACK" Ideal Theatre PEG O' THE RING is being sho "Ng crowded houses in| | Connda und . S, and Is the great | est Film oh on earth, See first episode Wednesday & Thursday, 26.27 and Thursday | following for | Francis Ford and Grace Cunard , P Lake Ontario ARK 1308830 MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 3.20 Free 1 Vaudeville--Photoplays ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS fine Water Trips! SATURDAY a3. bn: ANDS Ogdensburg, N.Y. Fenturing Univeran) Stays. Stars. TONIGHT "xy hows Nightly 2| Wed, Children's 1 Cent Day on Carn, SS. Thousand Islander | TOURS OF 1000 1000 ISL | Or stop-over for day at "1000 "Island { | i i | { | became the property of | | st NDA Yeolisivve at'7 a.m. and 215 § for Cape Vincent, Making tour of iIs-| Innds in afternoon, Any Trip 50 Cents NOTICE The Belvidere Cafe 164 KING STREET, will he opened to the public on Friday, July 21st specin} $198, dinner will he served from 6.20 to NS o'clock, Kindly bh nix an enpacity is Limited. Phone 1900 A. VERGER, Caterer. v ao \ | WORK f W. G. Craig & Co., Ltd. Sole Agents For THE RATHBUN MATCH THE NEW IMPREGNATED MATCH. NO AFTER GLOW interest thereon. | Lights Easy Leanens the Dan. er of Fire SELLS AT THE SAME PRICE AS ORDINARY MATCHES it is simply a tax, due in great ! TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will b dersigned up . 4 the severnl (ra works required in| the erection and completion of a rewl- | dence on William street. Lowest dr duy tender not necessar- | ily necepted. received hy the un- pom, July POWER & SON, Architects, | Merchanis' Bank © hambers | A om AA A. iat SHOULD BE SHOWN Up, People Should Know Who Do Civie| Business, ! Ald. Hugh Nickle believes that the! ratepayers should know who are the! | "city fathers" who attend to the, city's business. | Two weeks ago the council could | not get a quorum, and on Monday! | night it was late before the needed! | quorum could be secured. i During the proceedings of council, Ald. Nickle wanted to know if the. | comneil could not take steps to have | published in the newspapers a report jshowing the number of meetings at-| tended by the different aldermen. He | ! believed that the people should know {who the absentees at the various {meetings called. | Mayor Richardson stated that if the council go desired, there was no- | thing to prevent that body from get- 5 weeks. | Qu Al, IFIED SEC OND- " AND | A. | A. | DR. | ------ DRS. W a A RE y a Fipnt insertio m, 1¢ a word. Each cop- |! secutive insertion therenfter, cent ® Word. Minimum charge for | one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, | ; Bbc; six $1; one month, $2. ep ---------- HELP WANTED APPLY RANDOLPH CHAMBIRMAID. Hotel. APPLY | GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. imperial Laundry. MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP- | ply Street Rallway Co. ---- etn YOUNG MAN WITH OFICE EXPERI | ence. Apply Box 8, Whig Office. EXPER- | ROOM w AITRESS, BR, nt. Royal Hotel, Napanee, NO y Mrs. DINING tenced. CONPRTENT COOK, Hugh Nic- Apply Dom Rentie . NCataraqui street GIRLS FOR THE light pleasant work, Apply to N GC. Pols Polson, 266 Ontario street. GIRLS GIRLS FOR FINISHING AND KNIT- ting with or without good wages Apply Kingston tery Co Hos- , GOOD WA must be Kingston TWO MEN employment perate. Apply Hospital - strictly tem- | General| GIRL TO | Cafe, Must | Caterer ae DIATELY. YOUNG Xe cash in Belviders BE good Bt figures. Apply 164 Ki TO LEARN A wages to start] tenac oulding | | INERAL family Mrs. street, First Ave, A SMART YOU NG MAN good trade i 1 tk y MAD, work; small Davis, Allce oft University A wy AID WHO © AN DO PLAIN COOK- ing. washir also a 'house- maid Reference Ap- ly Mrs. C Barr fe St RELIABLE BOOK- for large city office. Write | instance, giv Ing. Tull par- | as to experienc ete, to 2, Whig Office keepe in firs ticulars INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY | earn $100 monthly corresponding | for newspapers; no _Ccanvass'ng Send for particulars <9 cate, 3,969, Lockport, AN ACHERS WANTED. der A av ALIFIE D ™ AC HER, PROTEST- for No. 01 | | { | | | | n Je ember r $365 per Apply to D. Clark sas. R. M. | 3 1 1 ve, Ont PROTE A NT Fe MAl o her, for Union 8. 8 r 25 Camden, Sie mil Apply, stating required to M Harrowsmith, teac land, or of Yarker » and salary Sec.-Treas, 2, Ont exper v Lak R mn FoR ml of Seel Must nold qualified Eas Appl stating salary commence after holiday Chapman, Sec, Seeley' class certifi ate Du WANTED GENERAL v PRIGAT PIANOS for cash or In part payment of new rolags. C. W. Lind- 121 Princess street. | planos and Vict say, Limited, | A REFINED WARRIFED MAN WolULD fam ¢ of the M Ir table ily, within market State ish Whig ward in a pr minutes terms, B like vate K x PERSON me where she chi dren would be for housework hig Office RESPECT ABL © would and two exchange Ww TRISH } ply Box 8 ON FARM. wot LD T AKE share t Mar and | counld Canadian farming exj il Whig Offic ) n B CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, Law office, 79 Ciar ence street. Kingston ~~ DENTAL KE. KNAPP, B.A LDS, DDS Office, 258 Princess' street Phone 653 LEONARD WALSH, DI Princess and Bagot Sts. J. Cor 626 TIST, Phone SPARKS AND. SPARKS, g ston street "The National Drink" GRAPE JUICE At all Grocers, Driggists und Soda Fountains. { Buy 1 by the cune for the home, { 1 | i FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. Distributors A Successful Picnic. f A successful pienic was held on | Monday at Brophy's Point by the members of Portsmouth Presbyteri- an Church. halt- |] WASHING ||] WORK ROOM, ||| experience; | if STEADY | | SEVEN-ROOM FOUND BLACK AND have same Rideau St. A SMALL DOG, white. Owner may i salilng at 223 L. nd paying expenses C AR. 'o MICK 'oN PRINCESS St, on Tuesday am Owner may have same by caling at CP:R. office and proving pro- rLy. PITH SOLDIER'S PAY cheque, and a sum of money, Apply Canadian Locomolive Time Office A WATCH FOB, WITH ket attached, on Str. "America Owner may have same by call. ing at Whig office SIGNET RING FOUND IN AUTO- mobile No. 4 Owner may ap- ply at cab and, er of . ence sireets COAT FOUND night of pres- instruments Apply to A LOC- Armories on entation of band to 146th Bartalior Caretaker. ARTICI TISED FREE Anvone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig The adver- tisement will be printed im this column free of charge FOUND ADVER- NE pen. Finder will be re by returning to 28 Mont ; over King I dward The ¥ fountain warded real street atre NEDROOMS AND SIT opposite City Park, cor. West. * app-- LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, DOWN. town; al conveniences, 140 Vel lington street. ------------------------------------------------------------------ OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. bers. Apply to A, B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence streel. 4 OFFIC ES AND storage "for furniture McCann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St. COTTA 6 m Broc ON THE f1 k streat. Pl ST. rence 01 A Fi RNISHE 0 HOUSE, won Unfon street, nea nive moderate rent App Whig office TWO OR THRE furnished I STORAGE FOR FU RNITU RE, CL dry, alry rooms; your own tock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen etreet. Phone 526b FOR THE SUMMER months, Calderwood, the residence ot Col. and Mrs, Giles. Apply to J. . B. Walkem, 3 Clarence St. Rn A sr Rn REET, URNISHED, FU RNISHED, 19 4 twelve rooms, spacious grounds on two sides, nicely wooded Apply tn 82 Brock street Phone 326 621, or GROUND FLOOR, CONVEN- location OFFICE, ient SUBURBAN HOUSE, $15: WITH 3% acre garden. 67 CLARENCE A. BATEMAN, reet GEO. st FINANCIAL INVES LOAN AND 1863; ment Soclety; Incorporated president, Colonel H. R. Smith, CM.G.;: vice-president, W. F. .Nlc- kle, KC. Money Issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mort: Rages purchased: deppsits fecelved and interest allowed. R. C. Cart- wright, manager, 87 Ora Bt. Kingston. R.C. CARTWRIGHT Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street FRONTEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215 In addition te which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability: of city property, insured at lowes possible rates Before renswing old or giving new business gel rates from Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 3385. PERSONAL S MOUNTED | ROOMS, | 23 King St, | || GENUINE VICTROLA AN : DOUBLE HAR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS | and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, out sear; 30 years' experience. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Rar, Throat and Skin Specialist, Bagot Bt. Dr Nose, 268 with | FOR SALE -- ADVTS, COST EFFECTIVE three times §0¢; " little. Omce, 26¢; one week $1.00. AN UPTODATE GAS RANGE, WITH avhite enamel finish. In use only a short while. Apply 232 232 Stuart street. TWELVE selections; your own NE en, $28.50; $10 casn and n 2 per week. C. Lindsay, Ltd Princess street. 1915 BPA Soha Starter electric 'lights, etc. be at once. pply Me~ Langblin Garage, Montreal street. 7 ASPHBERRIES (AND BLUE- WI Da RRR by express. Al¥ mail orders will receive my prompt attention. Simon Jackson, Wagar. ville, Ont. FRAME HOUSE, 331 AND 329 Montreal St, cor. James; six rooms; bath and all conveniences: newly decorated Apply §3 Doug- lass St, Hamilton. URRY WITH ber tired, AUTOMOBILE Must Pr, RUR- ated; also Gladstone buyers, the Ar- CANOPY lamps, two- wiwo buggles and a sleigh snaps for quick Apply Samuel McCullagh, mories { WE HAVE A LOT OF CAMP STOVES and few very large Sooxing rangdh; will sell cheap. kinds of furniture, good mattresses and beds. J. Thompson, 333 Prin~ cess street. Phone 1600. WE HAVE RBOEIVED A shioment of high grade Sley and are offering spec ecial for same. Also a large tack Dunlop tires. George Muller, King street Phone 1082. TOCK OF DRESS COU stoves, men's clothing, boots, new middy waists. We buy kinds of new and second hand S. Shapiro, 46 Ontario 1257 HUDSON, and also al furniture street Phone AUTOMOBILES: " 1 mio model, furry THulpped good tires a 1 HUDSON, 1910 MODEL, FULLY BQ- iipped and good tires 1912 MODEL, ELECTRI- pped and good tires RCTRI- y Tread HUDSON, cally eq 1 1( ADIL 3 1013 MODE \ ipped ve aly 4 CYLINDER, 40 1 equipped, 4 new OVERLAND, 1014, h.p., electrically t 1 Mel, AL GHHL IN-BUIC K, ins MODEL ndit . road n Boos 1915 MODEL, IN PERFECT 1 FORD condit PRONE Ww. PETERS, BROCK ST. FOR HIRE. A MOTOR BUS FOR HIRE occasions Phone 1177 Boyd 89 Earl FOR ALL Geo. W. DRESSMAKING INSTRUCTIONS IN cutting by measure, designing, trimming, ete; three dollars, including system. Madame tilder, New York Dressmaking burlors, 263 Princess street, corner Sydenham. BOARD AND ROOMS. CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS convenienops central looa- Apply 243 Brock street. PRACTICAL dressmaking, FIRST every tion PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, Marks, Designs Fsth. 1877. Form- erly Patent Office as Master of Patent Laws Book, "Patent Pro- tection" free. 99 St. James St. Mont. real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. trade FURNITURE FINISHING RNTTURE FINISH- Pr Lo 23 John PRISE OLE, al drop a card, er 1 or street BUSINESS NOTICES AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS tents, canvas, skiffs for outboard motors, folding boat nets, fishing tackle, ete rank W. Cooke, Clarence street. ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CAR. Jpentering or jobbing of any des cription, drop a card or call at Wm, Dean, 141 Colborne street Esti mates given and satisfaction guar. anteed BUSINESS OHMANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; ho canvassingi ve your Send for Tree hooklet; Heaccck. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 268 Bagot St. Phone 608, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. FOR A QUICK HOT FIRE, TRY Charcoal Two Bage for a Quarter. Your Grocer has it for sale. pp i EE A Me, bE RLM Swift & Co-Lim ned a In Hospital in England. Pte. George Peters, who trained Lat Kingston with the 21st Battalion, A large number of the | writes from Ffighoro Park Hospital, iting information of that kind pub- | adherents and friends of the church | §t. Leonard' s, Bogland: "Here | am {lished for the benefit of the rate-| were present and a jolly time was !after eleven months in the firing spent under the leadership of Rev. J. i may be in England two month Many races were run fore I go bac off and young aud old took part. All thar is in the 21st Batalion. London, 900 boxes arrived home without a mishap at older brother, Frank, is in the 19th, | to 15 1-8c; Belleville, 1,-' an early hour quite content with tire P. C. A. J. Stemman, 190 Crawford ' street, Toronto, is their uncle. payers. fee Ceamh Bicks" at Gibson's. Cheese sales: at 14 7 $00 at 14 7-8¢ to 15 1-160, H. Dawson. pleasures of the day. An neil His, brother Ar- | Two Sp Specials Price $30.00 Each A Aonhie sented liner tired Ken- sington, alse a plang eave Doherty cu Me TURK'S, Phone 705.

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