Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1916, p. 4

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mn " an "ha 6 un- consti ts, is entirely out of place} pany," says our comtemporary, "has|intelligencer's opinion, is the en " antituen Brie of any Ontario never made any sttémpt to supply |mistakable sign of progress edopnihoog power to Canadian consumers, al-|perity. ES ---- nse So ace of he C0 py ies Bg wd] To io An P that not less than bailing from British Columbia, can| [o's all very well ta folk about how the power produced fhall be avail- be depended upon to give the Bowser | nature does wisely, but in view of the able for Canadian consumption." if nuisance of shaving these hot morn- || The legal adviser for the company | S0Yernment a knock-out blow I ings--or any morning why theif r. | they are not, through some irregular-| 0 0 didn't Nature make chins go claims that thero has been an unde: ity, robbed of the franchise. bald first? standing between successive govern-| ~* ASE b eo ---------- ments that the company will not be Ten battalions will be removed Apprenticeship Revived. required to carry out its agreement. | ¢rom Camp Borden in order that (Belleville Ontario) | Why? It can sell its: power to the they may find elsewhere the reason- in Te vAPbrenticestiip Britain, 5 the | Americans at a higher rate than that |aple comforts and conveniences to, ry they leas Teall trades _proper-1 a which the commission has been will- which they are entitled. What they iy and thereby vomplete their in- {| ing to pay. have endured meanwhile, physically dustrial educations so that when thei the angels War is over the country will be in alll} The power should not belong to and spiritually, none but the ang: position to supply the demands of (| private corporations. When the know. ---------------- Hydro . Electric Commission under- Se---------- y i Don't Be nent. took to negotiate for power and sup-| The voting in the British Colum tO Citizen) ply it to the municipalities the gener- | Pid elections, so far as the soldiers a oe Bnfteld Saving Bow ae HH . ' ; 4 . ating outfit of ome of the companies n England are concerned, begins the Ross rifle is good enough for the |i! in S on S dS dal » ne fice should have. been acquired; or the August 3rd, and continues for six, canadian troops, according to Sir |} J plant of both of the companies 1¢| °°k® This gives time for a man-| gan" "5 what we would like to/fil -. necessary In this way there would ipulation of votes, and the McBride know is why the Ross did not ac- Ol : machine in England may be depend-'auire some of the characteristics of | [fi 0 in ore have been provision made against a to do all that the law allows, the Lee-Enfield. such a contingency as that which has on ey - has been framed to : Dow arisen to the very evident and . " ; serious injury of Bini goNerally.[ "OV®F Some desperate Work. KINGSTON EVENTS 9, { The development of the commis- Some one has discovered that the \ N sion's interest, demand that the orig- lion is good for medicine and Uni i Hal arrangement win "she ore | dandslion Js good for medicine and 26 YEARS ACO Officers' Uniforms Khaki Suspenders power with any company must be|est of all crops is allowed to go toy' B. Rea AREY . : : Edition) /I J. E. Smith purchased a faney D . in city ......80.00| carrie out, and coincident with it waste. It is time some scientist! cocker spaniel from Mr. Geddes. of Khaki Drill Special value 25¢ and 50¢ Tn 00 Tail 19 viral oihoss : ee the export of power must be prohib- | came along and by ocular demonstra-| Ottawa, for $75. . : $9 00 Year, Sate so++++#3.60 ited, and the authority to bring this| tion proved that nature in its opu-| The Merryweather fire engine is i UU. oe o 5 on) ; ., out of business, and will have to : about lies with the federal govern- (lence has offered the people some undergo extensive repairs. ment, thing worth many millions, and that| Marehants are complaining about Sir Adam Beck was checked in his [they will not havei t. a great depression in trade. Military Shoes Khaki Handkerchiefs plans by the local government dur- Re e---- One day it is announced that the LIBERAL PRESS. . ing the last session of the legisla- i ture. Ho was given to understand | BOWer supply of the province from ah Special values, $5.50. Made 2 for 25c and 3 for 25¢. foul Niagara is held up through the im- The Honorary Colonels, J Wat the Ministery ould and would | Niagara le beld Up through the ful, The Homa by Just Wright Shoe Co. do wonders in the power line. They | In the Canadian militia list, cor- have now the opportunity to show |DY @ liberal government. The next, . oq to April, 1916, the names are .| day it is declared that the trouble is given of 332 honorary officers of the = : What they oan do, and what the peo over, that upon the demand of the jCanadian forces. Of these 49 repre Khaki Br hes Khaki Silk Handkerchiefs CONVIOTS USE OF DOPE. ple expect is not an apoligy for inac- sr corpo- Sent appointments from the time of federal governments the power corpo. Conifederation up till the present The Whig has always had a pro-| tion, but an announcement of suc- rations surrendered, that one will rn; ida i 1 ' Minister of Militia was sworn in, and found sympathy with those who are on, Featising tht Jao mon who are give the commission 50,000 horse | miier, of Militia was sworn | ad Well made, good cut, peg 35¢, 50c, 75c¢. addicted @ use of drugs. These, v, and 1 r quantity 'Lord Kitchener and others, During JOUSE Sow. Mad 3 reer quantity style, $3.50, $4.50, $5 and in their thraldom, suffer at times the| ®Ual to any emergency. "We are later. Everything depends on the the last two or three years the titles ; Either they have been distributed with the lavish torture of the damned. Druggists| the people," seems to fit in with their men who are in office = . hand of a generous provider by Sir 5 . are standing witnesses with regard to | Poastful spirit as a rule. Will not ack or they do not know 'Sam, In fact, the ordinary ones be. $6.00 Officers Trench Caps the umber of persons who have cul- Some of the nickel which, when re- | enough to act in some emergences. In came 80 numerous that he was made vated a taste for narcotics and are : t ™ ibility is theirs. (an honorary general after the war . willing to sacrifice Anything In ord fined in the United States, is sent to |any case the respons y is {broke out. Thus it will be seen that ili R bbe $3.50 and $4.00. English to gratify thei tit Germany and smuggled into that [our Minister of Militia has a kindly Mi itary Ru r Boots 8 ir appetite. Some me- country, is-said to come from New : [feeling for the honorary officer, and Sieal he who from education and Caledonia. The French government PUBLIC OPINION ju not have a button taken Jom made. experience know the dangers of dope, their uniforms nor a click of heels . are fixed in their opposition to it and San pe Jepanded Upon to zive that wesed omitted by the saluting Tommies. Lanyards. , ory the lle. Hard Lines. {By the way, for 17 years, the Right will not prescribe Its use under any aT re ------ London: Atvertisci) {Hon, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, G.C.M.G., ' circumstances. But men have been ONE'S RISE TO POWER. When a volunteer army has to be P.C., has been an honorary lieu. Neck G ds! ' known---men who sught to know bet-| Mr. Hughes, the Premier of Aus-|kept in camp by a guard of mounted colonel of the battalion in which he ec uaras Foxe's Puttees ter and whose offences are most se-| tralia, is one of the men the war has|TegBulars, there ' can't be no two, was an officer and won Bn active . { made. » opinions about the camp. service medal years ago, but he goes rious--to smuggle dope into the pris de. He was called to England about delivering his earnest, en. Button Polish On and for use by its unfortunate in-{80on after the conflict began, or he A Sniper's Shot. thusiastic and- loyal addresses in mates. The prescribed punishment |felt that he should be in the heart (Windsor Record) mufti, instead of swaggering about Khaki Socks is altogether inadequate for a crime|of the Empire during the stormy Has the government changed its {the country in uniform demanding - - . against the individual and society. |times that were sure to follow. He mind about appointing a "comptroll- military recognition from all and %. Kit Locks The life of a conviet is hurt by his in-|was not long In the Old Land wnti] i 1 relecirie, of was'ihe pro- singular,' -. 3 carcertion in prison. It is spoiled [the people took notice; of him, He|Adam Beck? CONSERVATIVE PRESS. ' . . hopelessly when he destroys his intel. |is an Englishman by /birth and an ---- Officers' Uniform Officers Khaki Shirts lect and physical powers with drugs. | Australian by training. As a laborer Treating the Convicts, One Has His Faults. 8 And he is assisted in this demoraliz-| On the docks, and the president of Physical itn be tried on Soho -- ir Sam 1 - Jus Surutt vy. men who should be fhe vain to which he belongs at the convicts at Sing Sing. American ex- has his aults Hike the rest of ua. He Khaki Wales Cord, mercer The best $ ! 25 and $ I 30 , Misconduct is heinous | Present time, he does not seem to periments give encouraging evidence is not always judicial or judicious in ized. Special value $13.50. Shirts in Canada A V/ and who practise their subtlety to|have begun lite with much of what| that the public are not entirely satis- his utterances. We have not been fied with present methods of treating able to share his confidence in Col. ------ convicted persons, | Allison. We imagine also that the The men who would enlist, ang 3 Beatehman, who rose ia Canada by ------ | Minister of Militia should be the cannot, for physical reason, » force of his ability until he be- Jackson's Action. {mouthpiece of the army and not its be badged by th 8, are to|came the Prime Minister. This man (Hamilton Spectator) | commander. He is not wise when Y the government. Given|was the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, | , Th Mayor of Windsor, who ob- |he roughly disciplines soldiers to Puble credit, ag it were for th jected to a banner with the device, whom he should hold only litical » ef : : s whom he shou o only a politica. 800d intentions. ' : Hughes, like Mackenzie, 1s clever, | "One flag, one school, one language," | relation. The minister makes strong gifted, studious, strong in mind, and {for fear of offending some of his |friends and strong opponents. -- PUBLIC OPINION UNCHANGED, |*!To"& in speech. The license commissioners are not| Referring to him, in a banquet disposed to tolerate any violations of| 'Pat Was tendered on the eve of his the law. Various pleas have been|deParture for Australia, via South advanced--the necessity of the cage, | Africa, Mr. Bonar Law, the Colonial the difficulty of making a living un. | Secretary, admitted that Hughes was unknown when he reached the old "Of Shoes and Ships, and Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kings." 5 der the restrictions of the hour, the : | heed of a long time in which to sell) "40d. He was simply recognized as 7 - Off the large stock of liquors, and so| the Premier of Australia, "Now," | THE DOG DAYS. facture of shower baths in Mexico, aveld ruin--but to says Mr. Law, "we know him. We The dog days are a period which is' The intense brand of perpetual- | No purpose. The commissioners feel that they have know it is no small thing to obtain |8iven to the human race every Sum- motion heat produced by the sun mer in order that.man may have a during the dog days may be discom- been appointed for g the first place in th > : \ pecific purposes place In the Commonwealth foretaste of what is in store for the fitin a P 2.9 » : 5 e g& to the man who wears the R that under the circumstances there is|'n Australia without adventitious (ginner. This period continues for half-inch wool union suit winter and ectric ans ® oasters : rons great need of impartiality, and there | CiToumstances, and actually hindered forty days and nights, starting with summer, but it is a great boon to the * is no wavering in their decisions. The |bY certain physical defects." He was {July 3 and ending with August 11, corn crop, causing it to rise to the w! & ti by which time everybody is reduced height of eleven feet and sprout long ¥ . . ih sets in on Septem-| Lentially typleal of the mmnhood to repentance and the wearing of ears of unshelled corn which can be b Do not suffer with the heat when Electrical Appliarices easure. So it has|that had grown up under the south-|gpaer tissue underclothes. fed to the young and ardent pig with : . . It is for the good ; ®'® cross, "with its self-reliance,| The annual visitation of the dog perfect safety. Last year the sup- can be purchased and maintained at a small cost. of the soldiers, removing temptations | 8 independence and its want of dis- [days is due entirely to the action of ply of dog days ran short, and as a \ from their way, and no man who is|ciPline." This last remark of the | Sirius, the dog-star, which Sheol result the corn crop proved'a greater y - . Hon the wiopoms 5 'pens wil ques. (Colonia) Secretary reculs the occa (360% (1%, Un to Driduce more heat disappointment, than. the Republican] Moore's Electric Sho tion the wisdom of it. After the|sion that Hughes discussed certain |It there were some way to Suppress The dog days furnish ah excellent : . y : War the people generally, including questions with the Imperial Govern-|Sirius by act of Congress and pre- excuse for the tired business man to Phone 815 as ss ur "ee - 206 ellington Street the returned soldiers, will vote on a|ment in such vigorous English that]vent him from inciting the sun 4 heave home ang recuperate in some os referend: and ress murder, more people wou remain lonely spot, far from woman, where : um, If they exp them- (the cartoonist pictured the assemble |, , home during July and August, in- he can fish in solitude and not be, ~ Selves as the people of Manitoba, of |as disappearing man by man until stead of cantering off to some $30-a- interrupted by dressmakers' bills. Alberta, and Saskatchewan have |all had retired excepting Mr. Asquith [day summer resort and idling away On this account there are some wo- DEMONSTRATION very little gain. we call education. But he resembles : license system ow in canning fruit. There probably is dog days come oftener and stay long- ne Xt is Well to] mier was made to say: "Speak toi one good reason why Sirius should er, thus reducing dish-washing to a : this and remove the impression |him, David, in Welch and see if you be allowed to bob up during the tour- minimum. * Clark's Specialties wl some politicians have labored | cannot mollity him." ing season and destroy the happi- One of the sad contradictions in 0D ; EY - done, there will not be a return to @nd Mr. Lloyd-George, The Pre. |precious hours which could be used men who would prefer to have the | [III | HHI il oF 4 5 sedulously to create, that the le The glim one gets of thi ,{ness and inner tubes of inoffensive life is to come north in the sum- ALL THIS WEEK - oor who Te ee 4) te Than people, but science has never discov- mer to escape the heat and run into ered what it is. a series of dog days that would SPARHETT (with Tomato Sauce party, who by sheer force of his!" Before condemning the dog days, wring perspiration out of a cigar- . ) ability reached the premership, and |however, we should remember that store Indian. This teaches us that Three Sizes PEANUT BUTTER who in England astonished the|without them the corn crop would dog days-are all alike when they get N TOMATO KETCHUP people, even the statesmen of the|D® @ bigger failure than the manu- real dogged. o-mo-odo sours Their BEANS are already so well day, with his ideas and forcefulness L of expressing them, shows that the . Mum known they need no demonstrating. world is at the feet, metaphorically, : - - ~ o Faro Ce oo a a i Rippling Rhymes Pompei Night Crean [12 Rodden & Co TH . 0 \ ) | om ig ream rogressive ge his talents aright. PHONES 20 and 990, - Toi Weight? Yes! Wait? No! hota is. is lo, the 4 All the new Toilet Pee igh ? Not tribute to his worth. "My only - JAMES J. HILL requisites. fo and re have rogremive J ea fear," said Lord Northelitfe, "is th Jim Hill is gone to his repose, out where the | JUST A about our id Y Af s that} | weeping willow grows. While on this earth he asked | & We create and hold trade be- when Mr. Hughes has retired to Aus- no rest, this empire builder of the West; through all a ; . cause we have tralia no one will be left in the coun- | his years he strove and fought; by night he planned, REMINDER v to carry ork." What i by day he wrought. Men used to say, "Where'er he | {ty Sh Bis work goes, he makes things blossom as the rose; along his } Only Good Coal that work was, and where Mr. oy rise, and chim rd th that headq for Hughes has left it, may be dealt] § Jo he ee, see ymuneys point foward the {| wove Wall SE Courteous Erapiapees with in a subsequent article, : ad ant workmen smile and sing." He was the captain of 2 host, but slaying men was not his boast. His armies 3 > : : : x fort or town, and tore no tamed cathedrals C.H.P ickering That's why we progress. own, and where hie mighty legions swept, no wid- ; . fron Bgl i fg n ph FE Grocer and Meat Denter ) . ) y ond aeaciasess Stieet. ; nk Mks ba A -- A gr : ¢

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