Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1916, p. 6

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S--_-- rg SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. |STORM ON RAMPAGE 1 The Junior High School Bator, IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Results. {People Are Injured, Buildings Gananoque, Lydia Abbott, Jessie" Allan, Clara Damaged, and Horses are Allan, Roy Beach, Gertrude Chap- Killed by Lightni Form the Events In the naz, aiake Clark, Mary Ginge, Mil- 3 Lig ng. bd ray, Frank Henue, Willie Ju- | fan : Country About Kingston Are Told | ior. Theima Johnston, James Ken. | Douro, July 19. -- An electric . wall of Interest to Many. ney, Edith Lo storm which swept over this district HET os ouch, Leonard Little | oar rieq considerable destruction and : hn, Peter Lappan, Verna Mallory, | Mrs. (Rev.) Buchanan, Calgary, | 1° Ppan, Verna Ma Or, {loss of valuable herds and damage has been spending some time | wie Moses, Charles Moggs, Amy Me | to buildings in its path, At Che- With her mother, Mrs. M. Judd, | gp 0 rteliffe Ellen Shi 00 el enne rmong Indian village about fifteen Athens, is visiting at her old home| In Bases el ne, elon Con-|};reny were standing near a fence nor, Ada Ellis, Clarence Moore, Fred- | village, Mallorytown. erick McCrea, Ellis Wei ht Will | and basswood tree. A bolt of light- Rev. Frank R. Carnell, Ph.B, Berry. © >" Teht, | ning struck a fence post, damaged dag fo" Forel | rine Monat (hover | Ue tui Bs SEE ated from high school and saught fn, Lansdowne, 80, Jacobs and Quinguish. - this vicinity a number of years be- . 3 ~ fore taking his college degree, He| Ethel Pawsley, Rita Flood, Samuel | 1ing of Smith had a couple of four- says he sees many changes info id Ww. Lay Moore, Lisle Morley, | year-old heavy__ horses struck by Athens since he left twenty-five | © ida ebster, George Foley, Arthur | lightning and killed, years ago, | Horan, Gladys Mooney, Hubert Mal- A barn belonging to Mr. Maloney 'allace Johnson, Carleton Place, | dg Wiltiams.* | of Dowro was struck, but no serious in a Joes of his parents, Mr. and | I er (honors). | damage was done, Mal a folinsen, Athens, *H0 are; Delta | A bolt of lightning struck the in ealth, rs. John- » | hom T. E. Me) en, Sti son has been suffering for the past| Lottie Carr, Marian Coon, Beryl | me cal a atien, § mish fow days with blood poisoning in the | Davis, Ruby Gorman, Jennie Hender- ingroom 'where five people were ist- fleshy part of her hand, her sister, | son, Lawrence Johnston, Bvelyn Kil- ; irac : @8- 3 ting and who had a miraculous es Mrs. J. Seymour, Toledo, has been | bourn, Beryl Newsome, Thelma Pur-| ., p a ata | cape. The.bolt apparently struck with her the past week. | Yis, Mary Roddick, Harry Sheffield, twee . ; | Wiltrid Slack I ! the floor between Mr. Mc Mullen and f Mites "rp. CAWrence Stafford, | pq mother-in-law, Mrs, Nora Swit- OTTAWA FLYER HAD Laura Wiltse, Harold Gardiner, Brice APE | Kilbourn, Wallace Johnston, Arthu «| Sey 3 3 ri A NARROW ESC | limson, Gordon Darton wil | but both, however, soon recovered Machine Damaged By Ger- | Newboro, fee Rdgy Ih the Nose bro- ' % man Fire. a as Red off Edith Acheson, Orville B own, | th, se di ce fire | Robert Bolton, Margaret Poni | thy Bouse did NOt take ire, Brockville, July 20.--Lieut. Earl | Bessie Gray, Herbert Hull, Margaret | W. Farrow, of Ottawa, the first Ca-| Knapp, Muriel Kenny, Robin Pen- | On July 13th, in the Anglican nadian aviator to bring down a Ger-| nock, Francis Regan, Willie Stead. Church, Olds, Alta., Violet Pearl, man machine, recently had a narrow | man, Clarence Taylor, Jack Wright, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R.S. Pierce, y from death while participat- | Myrtle Moulton, Clara Thompson, | Franktown, Ont., was united in mar- ing in an aerial attack on enemy po-| Mildred Kerr®, | Fiage to John Russell Cuthbertson, sitions. | of Abbey, Sask., formerly of Perth, In a letter to his father, R. King| Westport, Ont. " ] Farrow, formerly of Brockville, | Ada Brash, Marcilla Carty, Violet| Mr. and Mrs, Robert Huddleston, | [ Lieut. Farrow speaks briefly of the | Coleman, Abby Derbyshire Ford | Smith's Falls, announée the engage- incident. Right British machines] be g ES "dion te ary 4 Goodfellow, Harry McNally, Leonard | ment of their daughter, Elizabeth El- left the British base for the expedi-| yy noire 3 . ; i to > sig Smith? tion, and only four returned, the McNally, J. Stoness, Mildred Ben-| eanor to G. Harold Francis, Smith's on, ¥ : Falls. The marriage will take place | nett | one driven by the Ottawa aviator *Passe i : il marriage. ke being one of these | assed provisionally, | quietly the latter part of July. | In the face of an attack by two| or three German machines, Lieut. Far- | Tow reached his objective and dis- 9 charged bombs. During this time | he was not in the company of any | other British aviator. Having ritory his machine was seriously in- zer. It ripped zig-zag holes in the | ri linoleum and injured Mrs. Switzer, | Although the dining-room was filled | -- i Lore » $ Lieut. Earl Farrow Had His reen Phelps (honors). | with smoke, bricks torn from the | * T'The Victrola brings to you the pure and varied tones of any musical instrument, and the beauty the human voice--all absolutely true to li Such fidelity of tone was unknown > : Victrola--the first cabinet style talking machine; and this pure \ , ; and life-like tone is exclusively a Victrola feature. es "Why exclusive with the Victrola 2" | | | Because of the patented Victrola features, which have been perfected after years of study and experiment ; . . z | between Athletic Underwear--W. G. & R. make, {J} the seund-box sad tapering tone arm, which enabies the Victor Needle oo oh follow the record grooves with unerring accuracy, William Diamond of the fourth | . Home Aas $1.00 per suit Concealed sounding-boards and amplifying compartricst of wood... provide the wery limit of area of vibrating surface and sound amplifying Cool Socks for tired feet, 25¢ to $1.00 pair compartment, 40 absolutely essential to an exact and pure tone reproduciion. Silk, Wool, Lisle, Cotton. Modifying doors--may be opened wide thereby giving the tone in its fullest volume ; or doors may be set at any degree graduating the volume of tone to exactly suit every requirement, Closed tight the volume is Summer Headwear . . .. 50c to $7.50 duced to the minimum and whe not in use the iuterich 1 ly pr Victor system of changeable needles--a perfect reproduction in possi. Silk Ca s, Straw Hats ble only with a perfect point--therefore a new needle for each record is PS, * ' Panama Hats. the only positive assurance of a perfect point. You also have your choice of full tone, half tone or further modification with the fibre needle, nw ber fe wens nt It is the perfection of every part, and its perfect combination with all other parts, that gives the Victrola Rone its superior tone--that makes the Victrola | the greatest of all musical instruments, 9 | wot ow . % There are Victrolas in great variety from mm to $305. Come in any time and we will gladly demonstrate them and play any music you 1 27 Princess Street { a explain our system of C. W. LINDSAY, : _ 121 Princess St. Cotton Root Compound, Kingston, nlel8fs iets gua | 40m fevneras hdl | BUILDERS !! a iio Have You Tried THE COOK MEDICINE C6, | | : ort uguste Lemieux, barrister, of | GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? = TORONTO, ON", (Formers Windess, A, Was in the city Friday to de- It Saves Time fend a deserter before Lieut.-Col. -- launched the bombs, Lieut. Farrow | H > so i started on his return, the enemy ma- FE unter. He attended. the police chines Keeping up the attack. WOMAN IN THR FEET OF WATER "mvt gitiing and wag given a seat Pp WALSH. Before he was out of enemy ter- | With the lawyers, He is a brother of Barrack St. -- Jured, but he was able to continue | until finally the aeroplane was Smith's Falls, July 21.-- Mrs, Ed-_ suffering from nervous prostration, badly damaged by German fire that ward Marrow, twenty-nine years of |Her eldest daughter came home from he was forced to land. ine Ri t ! {Brockville in the evening, and, after ing, however, was made wthin the|®8®, was drowned in | the Rideau |, pre ctionately greeting her, the British lines, 3 : . |River, Wednesday night, almost OP mother left the house, and when she Lieut. Farrow considers himself | posite and a few hundred yards from [did not return Mir, Marrow and the lucky that he escaped. 7" | her home, Her body was found by [neighbors started a search for her. a ------------ her husband after two hours of | Not finding her in the neighbor- J. R, Gilliland, who for over three | searching in three feet of water. Her (hood, the husband went out in his years filled the position of divisional | coat, a pail, and a bottle were lying {boat along the river bank on which superintendent at Smith's Falls, toon the river bank, but whether she [the house faced, and found the take up his duties as superintendent | fainted and fel or committed sui-{body in shallow water. It is thought at Woodstock, N. B, cide is not known, as an inquest has that the unfortunate woman may D. M. Halpenny, Kemptville, has not been held, {have gone down to the river for a been appointed mathematics master The woman had been out of the [pail of water, fainted and fallen in, and cadet drill instructor in the hospital, where she gave birth to abut there is suspicion of suicide. A Athens high school, daughter, only a short time, and was [family of eight children survive, . - MAY BE REDUCED | Gone With Sir Sam. Hughes | pow AEROPLANES SIGNAL. TO BUT ON Ottawa, July 21.--It is understood | oy E CENT. here that Pr. Herbert Bruce ,the To- | . Flash Te ----. { ht 3ip| Soot Clouds and Mirror ashes | ronto surgeon, is accompanying Sir| re Postmaster Says He May Make s,m, Hughes to England, and that it| Brought Into Use. 'This Recommendation to |is intended to have him take charge To a commander the value of a ¥ {of an important work in connection il lane is its ower to ! Congress Next Year. {with the medical service on the other| military aeroplar i Xe direst |side. The exact motive of the pro-| locate hostile artillery anc > Washington, July 21 Postmaster | Posal is not known here definitely, but gunfire, rathey than its bomb-drop- General Burleson told the National it is anticipated that the appointment| ping possibilities. Thus it is very | will be made after the Minister and) necessary that a pilot several thou- Association of Postmasters conven- | ing] tion that if revenues from second|Dr. Bruce arrive in England. | sand feet in the air should be able to olass mail were increased "extrava-| Probable that a board will he formed! municate with the headquarters gances for useless political service," | Which; will have supervision over Ca staff on earth so that he may convey It the rural mail system were cur-|Nadian medical services. | the necessary information for the talled and payments to railroads for | ---.-- | guidance of gunners hurling shells at mall transportation under the new | Railways are busy handling the| targets miles ahead which they can- Epace basis were reduced he could | tourist business, not see. The French are using a very recommend to Congress next year| Hamilton honored two returned | jngenious method of signalling from that letter postage be reduced to one | soldiers who have received the Distin-| on aeroplane by means of soot elouds. cent, . guished Conduct Medals. | An apparatus filled with lampblach Heavy rains flooded the Sarnia tun-| rests near the hand of the aviator, Take home a brick of Neilson's | nel and held up several trains. | and when he presses a lever some of Ice Cream. Sold at Gibson's Drug{ A dog, turned mad by the heat in| this soot passes down a pipe and is Store, Moront bit two children. | discharged in a black cloud. The pipe | is so delicately arranged that the | clouds may be small or large.. The ns | operator can spell out the Morse tele- | from aircraft is that carried out by -. : . y | graphic code in little clonds, and : | they can be read from earth when tha Ul S : or en 0 Jes ! aviator is four thousand feet high. , | means of lamps and mirrors. A ' | lamp which has a flash of 10,000 | candle-power sends piercing rays of . | light through a tube fitted with pow- | erful magnifying glasses. When a x | message is sent the operator directs Here is a fine opportunity to purchase fine clothing. You his flasher in the required direction, two suits for what you have been in the habit of paying presses a button, and a brilliant light are suits that will satisfy you too. flashes out, long or short, according to the pressure. The officers on earth receive the message and may 's and Youths' Suits send a reply in the same way,. being | Worsteds, Semi-Fitting and Standard Styles, provided with similar mirrors and 32 to 42, y 1 L530. lamps. The rays of light sent out. Sututdiny Tor $8.5 are almost as bright as sunlight, so that they can be seen with the naked eye for a distance of four miles in and blue serge Suits, the aayiime and at night for a dist- priced 7 ance of eight miles. pts. Mish Sits, age 7 to 14 When military aviators wish to drop a written communication to earth without descending they utilize an ingenious bomb. This contains the document, and the projectile is weighted so that it falls sharp-end first. As the end strikes the ground a trigger is released which sets fire to a torch on top and thus the loca- tion of the bomb is indicated day or 'night. nary balloons which are E bramson's Ni Nellson's lee Cream Bricks st Gi Another clever means of signalling { ie €x-1osuniasier-General. } Windsor reports having located in- I fantile paralysis cases, Of course you want your money to go as far as possible -- in both Quantity and Quality. That's Why You Read Our Ads. : "EVIDENCE" We do not question your ability to decide real values and low prices, but neglect is op- portunity's chief complaint. This store deserves your immediate attention if you value money. Come into this store i i i ed of the bona-fide values offe viction. What more forcible of the best evidences of how daily visit this store. If our goods don't make good Everything in this store is marked in WE DO plain figures and one price to one and all. We do as we advertise. I ---- SE, SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S MOCK BUCK MITTS Men's Suits, English worsted, regular Regular 35¢ value to go at $22.00 value, to clear. $16.50 19¢ Broken Sizes BOYS' BLOUSES CHILDREN'S Whe RAINE HATS Regular 50c value to go +39¢ ; Men's Working Suits iy Tvs To se $8.45 See our classy range of silk sport shirts, sport ties, flannel ing trousers, white duck trousers, nobby neckwéar, Panama hat oe og, They are the whitest, softest Panamas it is possible to obtain. Classy Boys' Suits, Straw Hats. REMEMBER THE PLACE

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