--n AND YET THE PLAY WAS NOT OF |' The Open Golf Champion Is DEBATED SuBENS SATurmay CHAMP. STAMP Praised by Lord North= ---- The Cigar That Made the 5¢ Famous There was Lots of Amusement for | the Spectators and Quite Column | Charles (Chick) Evans, who re- cliffe. C.L.C. and Wolfe Island are Now Tied for Honors in Kingston Ama- teur League--(.L.C. Défeated St, of Casualties--There Was a Ple-! cently won the national open golf "re thora of Runs, Hits and Errors. | championship at Minneapolis, exhib-| Mary's in the Junior Game, : life,| Manager Cosgrove's Speed RB * ey 3 ball game! ited a note from Lord Northe PD! oys on TS, Championship Jaseall game! |B 8 BOS London Times, con-| from Wolfe Island came back wr, rs wear Ponies and the Athletics at the Crick- | Eratulating him on his victory. The | urday afternoon and in the clash with Queen's, in the Kingston Ama- y -| English editor wrote in part: s or od wis ceitally. some exhib "You bearing and condugt at|teur League, in Queen's Lower Cam- By Batterton, the Photographer, 282 Ontario street, tion for players in a city the size of c's baile Botweei bra. dest ulna 7 alk Your ehveme. Kood | lps pon, co Sums trom the cui || "iO the Way to Barrieheid Open Day and Night. J a bs -| called by all. Your extreme good | lege boys, bY a score of 7 to 5. The Be Toren Iwo deudly ou temper in face of the extraordinary | Island "youngsters redeemed them- as the jealousy shown was amusing. | luck against you made a marked im- | selves after the walloping they got = r oth teams 'were out for a win and | pression." | & Week ago by Nipper" Mathewson's ¢ the Ponies certainly got it for as well | Evans was a contender for the C.L.C. Colts, Queen's had quite a as we can reckon, and it certainly | English championship at Sandwich | shake-up on their line, They had a x was a job on Saturday to keep tab, two years. [new bartary, 2 recruit on first base, > " 8 { eee and a new fielder. McKay, a young- on all the runs and hits and hoor | SOCCED MEN REINSTATED. | ster who has played in the City ay ga 5 1 plays, the game ended 16 to League, was. oo He bo wink A hil There were a number of casualties | : als y Had Been Outlawed for Participating | "Sammy" Hall, a junior, was at the - Dyclemotor fits any bicycle, runs from 5 to 25 miles an [in the sams Wen nico log. gn bid hey | receiving end. 'The two worked very upp 18S i i Stewart on his hip, Evans on his : hour, 100 miles onl gal. of gasoline. Only $70.00. wrist, Cherry hurt his fingers and| The D. F.'A. president, at the re-| ell together, for a first appearance. by the time the game was over it! quest of the Toronto and District 3 undill was out of the game, not be- looked as though there might be al Football Association, has reinstated! 11g in fit condition for the fray, and man { Johnson held down the first sack AN 1 * o% i - - final go for the benefit of the several | the last two men of the original ks sack, Y ' . SPecttore who turnéd out to see the | twelve that were outlawed for par-| and did well, eating up everything : alliday ss Electric S op, ® | Athletics loose their last chance. ticipating in the unauthorized St | that came his way, and besides got : Louis games, in 1913. The men,| a nice hit, McKay was touched for Phone 94 3 3 345 King Street 1 eam 88 Princess Walsh, who replaced Evans as | : 2 : .e catcher, owing Rep ate fact that the H. Cater and J. McGregor, offered | five hits, while three hits were made ; i . vi vice only | off Horn's delivery. The latter had . atter hurt his wrist, accidentally | themselves for overseas ser ) S . : : Phone529 Jer the bat of C., Cummings on | to be rejected, but Cater has done six! seven strikeouts to his credit, and 3 : oly Co] s' duty it. Of | McKay fanned five, as tty SO 1,1, cst Co | eas, uty i» heme lt", OF Sey ats 60" Bw | MONUMENTS a9 | killed in action and six are still at joyed it. Steblin a new man out for 3 to clean up on the catcher, and the | 4 a $ ! » 2X 0 : : glas D, ig | the guns, The others have learne Islanders at second base, played in i t ith umpire, Douglas Pound, but Js | their lesson, not having kicked a ball hard By placing your order direct w v luck, being responsible for of p y 3 ir was soon cooled and oa ' us you see exactly what you are buy- me proceeded at a very fast|for two years. 'All may have been | three errors which were most cost- ing and as we employ no agents, you AAAAASAMA : be | technical "'outlaws," but offering jy. However, he more ¢han made up e the mi n's profit. Fate. 'The Ponies in the last innings |, oir services. for the country's for his errors, as he hammered -- ne and len a before iled up the runs until it looked as Ras a > I : Have you seen the New UNIVERSAL MICHELIN Daa one might have to stay until | $8use is more than sufficient for the two dandy hits. Olsen, Horn and placing your order elsewhere. 1 |D. F. A. to temper justice with mer-| py, also came across with a hit 4 Non-8kid Tire, if not, call in at the dusk. sok bead tI: Tho Ira foress with a bit. | The weather man was on ha i Cater will likely figure on , the and in the first innings scored fiv JAS E MULLEN a - § . . the beginning of the game with Overseas line-up in the near future, A Be = a hay gs Seon 4 live n . - imi p bright sunshine but as the game pro. while McGregor will play for his old chance oy the pill in mans . u " p f é ave a few acas a uy ceeded he got angry and gave a | club, Baracas. stanza, and Spoor came up twice. Cor. Princess & Clergy Sts. under claps. found it no use , ] thunder p Queen's made a lively spurt in the And see it, it will interest you both in price and however and the storm passed "MATTY" MAY PITCH. fourth innings, putting five runners Kingston. bH Phone 1417 around. 3 i The game itself was delightful to | popmer Pitcher of New York Giants °Ver the plate, but there was nothing quality witness but horrible to write. The Troubled With Tame Side doing in the run column the next BT Si rn 1 aE 4 : Pe five innings, although they/managed PHONE 454, 210-214 WELLIN GTON STRE . , plays could not be given in less than Christy Matthewson, new mana- to get several good starts gn the Bod --well 00 many columns to men- . | 3. Rene an and errors were|&8er of the Reds, may or may not/ cyir. cheap and the heat seemed to have! Pitch for his team. It all depends Horn struck out the fist two men THE LIGHTS OF 65 YEARS AGO affected some of the players. They UPON how he feels and what his oth-| who faced him, Eccles and Johnson, seemed to be in a dazed condition | °F Pitchers do. | Purvis earned h's way to first and and the words of their mouths cer-| That's the way Matty sized it up| got as far as third and died there are still doing duty in the shape of tainly did not bespeak the meditat-| Of his arrival in Cincinnati. as Creighton had a hole in his bat. "I haven't fully determined wheth- | Hits by Steblin and Horn and a few : i 3 er sin : : " | ans of their hears, Sallagh "a er or not I will pitch for the Reds," | eae' in the game gave Wolfe Is- EDDY'S MATCHES like a Trojan throughout, the Atp. [ho mid, ot I first must Doe whit the land their five runs. Sheldon and letics would not have received aso» or, Pil ACFS are capa @ of doing. Gisen g0t a pass, and Cosgrove got | $I Sixty-five years ago the first Canadian made Matches were {If I think my work would add a base when hit by a ball, made at Huh by Eddy, and since that time for materials and many hits as they did. However, in strength to the pitching staff, I will : d San 3 Ba one innings he showed the few fans| ip occasionally. Otherwise, I], ID the second Hall flew to Steblin, striking qualities, Eddy's have been the acknowledged best. T vere sent that he could pitch | *" | Forysthe fanned, and Livingstone BRETON | | that were pre: will be a bench manager. flew to Johnson, and Gault was re- an ] war) r | A R R OV 7 and struck out three men cee Matty is troubled with a lame | tired at first. WHEN BUYING MATCHES sion without a foul tip, { side, and it is likely that if he does . : batting average went sky high on| pitch he will not rg soon. How-| There was nothing doing in the SPECIFY COLLAR Saturday. In five times at bat he got | ever, the Reds at present, excluding| third innings, but Queen's started POINTS WORN FLAT OR ROLLED four hits, | Matty, have only six pitchers, and | Something in the fourth, Johnson OUTWARD ies. 2fer30c 6 for90c 1210r81.38) | Wall played fairly well although have six straight double headers to|€Ot a hit, Purvis hit out a hot onesto Crorrr, Prasooy & Co. Inc. MonTaEaL he shot the ball rather too high to play on their eastern trip, which | Steblin- which the latter juggled, re- first on several occasions. Mc- | starts Tuesday. | beating the act on a drive by Hall. Johnson got home over al] this. Mc- | Kay gave gave Steblin another hard one, and Creighton scored on this. Sweeney put a nicejone over second base, and Hall and McKay scored; Purvis also managed to get home Olsen's three-bagger in this session was responsible for another tally for the Islanders. Speor stole home from third in the sixth and this was the ' eee es last scoring in the game. OOOO Frederick Lumb handled the game 7, (AJ AAR) XX) in fine style, : VO Gregor was in poor form. Those who turned out on Saturday to show their skill in baseballic science were: -- OUR STOCK THAT WE WERE EXPECT- Ponies:--0. Stewart, 3b: J. Stew: art, If; Daley, ss; ING HAS ARRIVED | Walsh, 1b and c¢; Gallagher, p; { Evans, ¢ and cf; Cherry, ef and 1b; | O1dfin, rf Athletics: -- Toland, 2b; Spencer, 111; Cotman, 3b; B. Cumming, 1b; And we are now prepared to show intending [| Stes, ¢; Wall, ss; Derry, of; Mc | { | | ONE GAME JOCKEY. Racing is a game of courage, and there hasn't been a better example of grit around these parts in many a day than that shown by wee Jockey Kopple- man Wednesday at Montreal. Koppleman had the leg-up on Marie O'Bren in that unlucky seventh race, when Johnny Howard cut across the track with Birdman and put - three runners out of it. Marie O'Brien was hurled through the inside fence, and little Koppleman was tossed into the dirt, and knocked out. Many a boy would have been out for the day, but not this tough little Hebrew, who went right out and won the PEPE PP ree . . Gregor, p; C. Cummings, ef, purchasers a fine selection of Scotch Granite Ciipire, Douglas Pound; referee, { D. Dick. Monuments to choose from. | Ponsos:--16 rung, 16 hits and four | errors. Athletics: --7 runs, 12 hits and 9 Wolfe Island Spoor, BBs wai us Shin snd or. | 3 1 3| Lawn Seats, Chairs, Cots, Sheldon, 1b : = 0 Couches, Etc., White En- Gault; 8b... ... .... 0 amel Goods Cosgrove, rf... .. '.. Horn, p... : i ston | . ; next race with Bobolink, beat- ~ : Bi » . King man Johnson Dispates Decision of ing Concha and Patty Regan, pa, . a ve aivaiee National Commission. nave, 1... wk. J.0 President B. B. Johnson, of the : BI American League, in his minority re- ------ | _ . = y port on the National Soumisslon's A COMING EVENT decision in the case qf C. H. Ebbetts, . of the Brooklyn Kationals, against| pas Boats to Compete for Challenge Botles. 3b + Leading. Undertaker, i" ati w e | 2 ig Re the Newark Inte Rationa ears Trophy Johnson, ef... ... ... Phone 577 Club, which was At Alexandria Bay much enthus- Purvis, ss... 'in 0 i AN nati, vas. just, | 18sm is being manifested in the Creighton, 1b the International 2 Thousand Island .Yacht Club ch el j yr pra . of" Pree Tener. ot the Nationa | Pionship. challenge eur agen ES League, and Chairman Hermann, | Fces, which will take place August | Livingstone, If... .... ; rote the majority report. Lh ie oa, decision, which John-| far are The Hawkeye, from Lake Sweeney, rf. . . evans * % y ve Ww George, owned by Commodore A. L. | son contends is at variance with the y 1 foote denied the Brooklyn club's | Judson; the P.D.Q., VI, owned by | x claim for $75,293.81 against the Mrs. Henry Devereux Whiton of | Newark club, but allowed the Brook-| Hewlitt, L.L, and A. Graham Miles. | The score by innings was as fol- lyn Club the difference between the Both of these boats are capable of lows: amount received for the franchise of | upward of fifty-two miles an hour. | R HE the Newark club by the International | John N. Willys will probably enter | wolfe Island--50010100x--7 6 4 League and the net expenses incur. | Miss Detroit, a 600 horse POWer | Queen's ev. --000500000--5 3 1 red in operating the club during 1916 twenty-six foot racer. Mr. Simpson, | at Harrisburg,Pa., and Newark, N.J.| the owner of Peter Pan, will enter | C.1.0. Wins This - {ie boat. | CLC. defeated St. Mary's in the To give your feet that cool comfort | errors, McCALLUM GRANITE CO. BARROW IS UPHELD. PEEP EPAPER EEE babe | Ebr rbrbaae 15th, 16th and 17th. Th®.entries so | McKay, p. TO PAY $1,000 IN FINES. CYCLE clampioNsmip, | [Suwor same in the Kingston Awa. that they deserve, why not get a pair of Forteiting of Game Will Cost Chicago | It Has Been Won by Kramer Fouj 20 3 TOU)! now hold the Jeu iu this cool, comfortable hot weather shoes: Athletic Underwear--W. G. & R. make, Cubs That Sum. | py ixteen Years in Succession. | erst. The teams put up a fine ex- ; 1 it Manager Tinker of the Chicago) Frank L. Kramer, of East Orange, C.L.C., Matthews and McCartney; for Women's Pumps and Oxfords from : Sr A se mates ais ats $ .00 per su Cubs put-his foot down Tuesday and | N.J., clinched the cycling champion- St. Marys, Keon and Cummings. i : wo refused to let Umpire Byron run the ship of America for the sixteenth Following is the score: $3.00 to $5.00. 7 f - tired f 25¢ t $1 00 pai final game between the Oube and; year a Subcession by winning the y R HE Cool Socks pair Dodgers to suit himse'f. s act | two-mile ular race at the Velo- 2 ' 0 | ye oF Hr 1 eet, 0 , wl ct the Chicago club $1,000 in| drome in New York. Sa IIT rer ts : 5 2 Women Ss Canvas Pumps, $1.50 to $5.00 Silk, Wool, Lisle, Cotton. fines, for Byron, afior ihe score was| Kramer ia surers a marvel, He| St Marys... . il... ; . knotted, 4 to 4, forfeited the same line hel yoramplonships for nearly Senior League "Standing Men's Oxfords, tan or black ... .. $5.00 to Brooklyn, 9 to 0. | eig ears. revious to wim-| ; 4 Summer t 7.50 is su ed 'to be one of the ning his first professional champion-| Following is the standing in the . : Headwear Fhe 50c 0 $ ent soba, and it fell to ship, Kramer won the amateur title| senior series of the Kingston Ama- Men Ss Canvas Oxfords, $2.50 and $3 .00 the lot of Byron to do it, because he | twice. * | teur League: : IL j J - Silk Caps, Straw Hats, Panama Hats. '|p {knew he was right according to tie - There is but one more titular race Le Wes Lost Don't forget the children. Supply them ~~ a ruies of the game. itehok.V a of oS eel : Newark this season, LT 2 3 i Byron accused Pitcher Vaughn an not have any ring on 0 slang... J... : . . oy delim the game. Tinker object-| the final result of the championship. Queen's... ... .... 2 with Sandals or P lay Shoes. All prices. ed, and was ordered off the field, but -- : < * ay! refused to go. The game was then | PENNSYLVANIA MAY WITHDRAW Room Money. forfeited. a -- | Chi are said to be will- ) g ] _ Races © Would be ing to go the limit to secure Herzog Rone S Could Hit Them Hard. Things' of the Past from the Cincinnati Reds, while they 9 : Sam Crawford, the Detroit out- Should Columbia withdraw from |just paid out over: $20,000 for Short- cand -| the intercollegiate regatta at Pough-|stop Wortman, of Kansas City. Own- , ro -- "te Dora lor shur- confin 6 er Weeghman intends to have a win- The Republicans have nomi- Ws ner in the Windy City. nated an ex-ball player named Stein, cag who pl with Brooklyn, and if usi; by