tions with regard to the death in ac- tion of her husband, whose picture appears in to-day's illustrated sup- | plement of the Whig: : June 24th, 1918. Dear Yrs. Hora: I thought I would just like to write you a line to assare you of the great sorrow it is to all ranks in the company, the loss of our gallant 0] Corporal Hora. He has always been dne of my best and most trustworthy N. C. O's, loved and re- spected by all the men under him. He died like a true soldier while in the execution of his duty, and I canngt' find words to express how sorry I am at losing such a good and efficient soldier as well as true friend. His platoon, No. 11, was badly hit that day, but behaved splendidly under most trying cir- cumstances. Their behavior was largely due to the fine example of bravery and coolness shown by yeur husband and his brother N. C. O's. Assuring you of the sympathy I feel for you in this great trouble. Yours very sincerely, W. L. Latta, Major 0. C. C. Co., 29th Battalion, In answer to your message A A 7 - 5 of the 2nd instant regarding No. 75786, Corpl. T. J. Hora, 29th Battalion. The following informa- tion is submitted by his Battalion through this office: This N, C, 0. was wounded at the culvert which is a post on the Ypres- Menin Road about 400 yards west of Hooge. He was wounded in the head on the night of the 13th June before the garrison to which he be longed was relieved by the 28th Bat talion, and the information is, that this wound would probably have proved fatal. However, while he was being carried out by his com rades on a stretcher along the Menin Road from the Culvert to the Menin Mill dressing station at 19d 8 - 4, another shell exploded near the group and he received further wounds. He was taken to the dressing station referred to and turned over there to the ambulance authorities, and the next advice that the battalion received was from Lieut.-Col. W. Marriott, R. A. M. C., the officer commanding the 10th Casualty Clearing Station, to the ef- fect that this N. C. 0. had died at 19.30 a. m., on the 15th of June. Presumably he was buried in a cem- etery near this station. This N. C. O. was most highly regarded by his Platoon Commander, Lieut. the Hon. F. E. Grosvenor, and by the other of- ficers of the Battalion, and if he had not become a casualty at this time, Have You a Photo Taken in Your Own Front Ee Room? ae ho. Iauired. We try to please. Prices from §7 to $35. Have a portrature BLAKEMORE, Stuart Street, City. standard remedy for A liquid used ex- ef from itch. if the first bottle rélief. Ask also Cp., Limited, King- Freckle Face Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle- face, to a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable' dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; wihile-if-it does give you a clear COTM) Plexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine -- double strength--from Mahood Drug Company, Limited, or any drug- gist, and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles I get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than an ounce need- ed for the worst 'case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold under guar- antes of money back if it fails to re- move freckles. and Kroupsspecialties. 7 White Bedroom Furniture Just received a large [1 stock of white iron beds. The very latest, all wid- ths, 8 ft., 3 ft. 6 in., 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 in. Comfortable ohrings and mattresses to t. White enamel chairs in wood or wicker frames. Veranda chairs, all the Camp Bed In canvas and wire, with matresses to fit. [Lene for Edison's Famous Diamond Disc Phonograph. T. F. Harrison Co. LIMITED | | Suitable Footwear for all Outdoor Sports and Recreations. We show the very latest creations in velty Footwear. Newest of the new. Rightly priced. terwards | gasoline. undoubtedly shortly. af- been promoted to commis- siomed rank. > (Sgd.) P. J. Montague, Captain for Brigadier General, Com- manding 6th Canadian Infan- try, ©. Sm---- IN WHICH A WOUNDED KINGS- STONIAN WAS CONFINED. Pte, A, E. Mansfield Was Knocked .Cut in the Battle of St. Eloi--Is in an Hospital at Ramsgate, Kent, England. R. E. Genge has received a letter from Pte. A. E. Mansfield, of the transport section, of the 21st Bat- talion, who was wounded in the battle of St. Eloi. Pte, Mansfield is a former mem- ber of the RC.HA. He was with the R.C.H.A. for about ten years, and previous to enlisting was a newspaper man in Syracuse, N.Y. Since the letter was received it has been learned that Pte. Mansfield will not be fit for further service at the front. The letter was written from Ramsgatefent, England. the land of their enemies was the de- claration made by Prof. A. S. Fergu- son in a lecture Friday afternoon to the students of Queen's Summer School on "The Origin of Freedom." The reason of this, the lecturer ex- plained, was that the Roman idea of self-government did not penetrate Germany as completely as it did Italy, Spain, France and parts of Britain. Prof. Ferguson traced back the British type of freedom to ancient Greece and Rome. The great strug- gle now going on was to decide whether this type or another was to prevail. The Greek was very proud of his freedom, especially his intellectual ) freedom. He was a lover of know- "I suppose that you noticed by |ledge and freed himself from the sla- the casualty list that I got knocked | very of superstition. On the other out at St. Eloi on April 11th," said | hand, the Egyptian and the Turk Pte. Mansfield. "There must be a| were lovers of money. large list of casualties, as the se- cond division has been very busy. I| was in hospital in France, No. 4 gene-| (op the intellectual side Greece ral, at first, then I was moved t0 | contributed arts; science and philoso- Btaples, and from there to Havre, | nhy to civilization. Knowledge be- and then to Southampton, London, | gyn to play a part in civilization. Folkestone, and then here® While at| The Egyptians had accumulated cer- Staples the Germans paid us a visit| ain scientific' facts, but they formu. by Zeppelin at midnight, and bomb- | lated no theories regarding them, ed the hospital, but there were 10 contenting themselves with making casualties. This hospital is located practical use of the knowledge they in the famous Granville Hotel of bad gained. The Greeks, however, Ramsgate, and the situation on the | improved on the scientific discoveries seafront promenade very {of the Egyptians, and, while they able. There are about half a dozen never neglected practice, they, in ad- men of 4he 21st Battalion here, ._| dition, thought always of the theo- Ramsgate has been visited six retical side. times by air raiders, and the last| Knowledge in Greece was develop- time they fired a bomb into Chatham | oq and distributed by guilds. There House, the other Canadian hospital, were guilds for poets, for philoso- without injuring anyone. | phers, for artists. These guilds Pte. Mansfield states that the hos- | ade possible a continuity of pital he is in isparticularly adapted | thought and action. for shell shock cases and other cases] The last gift Greece gave to civili- of injured nerves. Provision has| ation was the idea of a free com- been made for electric treatment,| munity. It began experimenting {massage, Turkish baths and a hun-| early with different forms of govern-| {dred and one appliances for taking| ment, and evolved the first self-gov- out the "kinks" the Huns put into erning community | | them. - . | | The hospital is richly furnished, | {and the medical staff of the very] . The Roman Empire. I i best. { Coming to the Roman Empire, the| i | lecturer said that people were prone| | | to dwell upon its decay and death, | | KEEP CHILDREN WELL | forgetting that for 400 years it man-| DURING HOT WEATHER. | aged to keep the peace of Europe in-| | tact. Freedom and stability were Every mother knows how fatal the; combined in the empire of the Ro-| hot summer months are to small| mans. The strength of the empire| children. Cholera infantum, dis-/lay in the fact that its component] rhoea, dysentry and stomach troub-;parts were allowed self-government. | les are rife at this time and often a| Rome was a great union of free | precious little life is lost after only | States rather than a centrally gov-| {a few hours' illness, The mother|erned power. It was held together | [who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in| by a central civil service, a central! {the house feels safe. The occasion-| army and a central navy. It was {al use of the Tablets prevent stom-|the independence allowed the various |ach and bowel troubles, or if trouble | parts of the empire that produced a jcomes suddenly --- as it generally|strong, stable and peaceful whole. | does---the Tablets will bring the | In conclusion, the lecturer declar- {baby safely through. They are ed that Greece had discovered the {sold by medicine dealers or by| things necessary for man's advance- {mail at 25 cents a- box from the Dr,| ment, but it was Rome which pro- | Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,| vided the political framework on Ont. which to hang those things, The lecture was an exceedingly able || |one, and at its conclusion Prof. Mac-|| | | Clement, director of the Summer | {A Young Lad Has Been Examined School, who presided, conveyed the { By a Specialist. | | thanks of the Students to the lectur- || | Mrs. Clarence Kilborn and son, ick | Wilfred, Cape Vincent, N.Y., consult- ed a specialist in Kingston on Thurs-| PROSPEROUS LINES CENT i ll H {day to determine the condition of the {lad's nose. Last summer, while| 1 Season the Best Enjoyed There | Greece's Contribution. | DAMAGED PLAYING BALL. | playing ball, he was struck upon the| {bridge of the nose. Bleeding from | | the nose set in, and the attacks be-| | came severe. The specialist found | |an abscess on the wall of one nos- tril. This was treated until entire-| i 1¥ healed, but this summer a swelling | | arose at the side of the nostril, and] | the service of the specialist were | again sought. It cannot be deter- ' y | mined yet whether an operation to|°" Sundays as many a8 100 summer | remove a portion of the diseased bone Zusats take supper where may be necessary. Years. | eral years. The Hotel Carlton filled to capacity all of the time, and | has been for some years, parties late-| | ly reporting limit catches of fine, | | large bass. | one man brought in a bass that | weighed three and a quarter pounds jand four which weighed slightly over | | ten pounds. { Though the prices demanded of Ponies vs. Athletics At Long Island Park, Civic Holi- day, July 31st. { Died At Ferguson's Falls. | - The death occurred at his home {in | ous accident he met with a few years | farmerly, all of the guides are busy, | {ago. Deceased was thirty-seven |and the anglers seem to 'be | years of age, and was born at Fer-| their money's worth. | guson Falls. He was a son of the |. | late John Hollinger. : {a Roman Catholic ahd a Liberal. |8uto "bus and private cars. { SOA QA RET Holiday Headwear for Men By Hotels and Guides in The present season is the hest that Hi Cape Vincent, N.Y., hag had in sev-|||| is{ |i! | The fishing ds much better than it|| One evening last week || Yachting, Tennis children. Barefoot Sandals and Bathing Shoes, for men, women and for boys and girls. Small suit cases for lunches, etc, 35¢, 60c, 75¢ and $1.00. Special Japanese lunch carriers, $1.00. Just arrived direct from Ey " PURE ICE CREAM Best in Kingston. Made Fresh Every Day. SAKELL'S Next Opera House This is the store for big val- ues in straw hats. You will have head comfort on the holi- day if you wear one of our light summer hats. PANAMA HATS, STRAW HATS, JAVA HATS, CRASH HATS, SILK CAPS, All at low prices, Campbell Bros The House of Successful | There is no difference . be- tween a vacation camera or a camera for any other season or' 'purpose, but there is no vaca- tion quite complete without a good camera. Let us sell you a camera at a cost of $1.50 up, one suitable for the children or a larger one for yourself. Even a vest pocket size for travel- ling or vacation uses. All cam- eras and photo supplies also. | | Ferguson Falls on July 22nd of | the sportsmen for every necessity for!|| | John Hollinger as a result of a seri-| fishing are somewhat higher than ||| getting | "Every Sunday brings crowds to this || Deceased was | resort, some by train, but more byl Prouse's | | { i Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church | | | | | The funeral took place on Monday | ------ ow { | last from his home to St. Patviei's| THREE BOWLING GAMES, | | Church and thence to the cemetery agen i {at Ferguson's Falls. Father Carey Were Played on Queen's Green on| | officiated assisted by Father Kean- | Friday Evening. | ey of Stanleyvill. The pallbearers| Three interesting bowling games | were John M. Quinn, Charles Nagle, were played at Queen's Bowling! R. Doyle, William Quinn, Charles | Green on Friday evening. The rink | | Quinn and Thomas Quinn. {skipped by W. C. Crozier won from | i jhat skipbed oy W. R, Givens Dy 18 | Meanwhile the village blacksmith |!0 9. J. M. Elliott won from W. H.| | tan® { Montgomery by 17 to 11, and W. H_| {isn't worrying over the high cost ot Wormwith's ripk, skipped by J. F.| McMillan, won from W. G. Fergu- son's, skipped by A. A. Turcott, by 16 to 15. The teams: W, Linton, George Vanhorn, L. Sleeth, w/e. Crozier, skip. C. E. Taylor, E. Walsh, F. Crozier, W. R. Givens, skip. C. F. Schwab, T. M. Asselstine, J. W. Kelly, J. M. Elliott, skip. J. Murray, W. Burns, L. A Zufelt, W. H. Montgomery, skip. 4 --- A { J. Stanton, T. Lambert, Dr. R. E. Sparks, J. F. McMillan, skip. W. King, A. Hatch, R. H. Steven- ison, A. A. Turcott, skip. i EERE ACH OL 475 Excursionists Were Here. Four hundred and seventy-five ex- cursionists arrived in the city at 7.45 o'clock 'Saturday morning by the steamer Thousand Islander, They came from Schenectady, N. Y., and were" picked up by the steamer at Clayton. The visitors took in points of interest in and about the city, and left at eleven o'clock for a trip among the islands - Sene------ One old bachelor can keep 100 wo- . { his last four games, including {game with the Havana Red Sox, on ii { CLL. HAVE NEW PITCHERS FOR | GAMES ON HOLIDAY. | Gananoque Strengthened Since Their | Last Appearance in This City-- Will Clash With C.L.C. in Two Games. . On Monday, July 31st (Civic Holi- day), the C.L.C. baseball team of the Kingston Amateur League, will play Gananoque two games," the morning game at 10.30 and the afternoon at 2.30. In the morning game the C.L.C. have a new pitcher from Montreal, while in the afternoon, Brockley, the Alexandria Bay pitcher, will work for the CLC. Brockley has won July 4th, in Watertown, which he won by A19 to 7: Gananoque has been strengthened since playing Queen's on Dominion Day, and since then have beaten Alexandria Bay, Gouverneur, Havana Red Sox, Ogdensburg, and played Syracuse 8- 6 in 10 innings. Two good games are assured, and the cool breeze from the lake makes Queen's Lower = Campus, Stuart street, the coolest spot in the city to watch a good game. § Appointed to U Alphonse Des graduate of Queen's, has been ap- pointed to the staff of professors at ffian evessing who 4 going to marry tthe Ottawa University. Congratulg- tions, rn . Staff. Rochers, BA, a' Fresh Air and Sunshine is Essential to Baby's Health. ~~ Te Sulkies, Strollers and Baby Carriages, at : ¥ | THE BUSY STORE FRESH STOCK OF BATHING CAPS F fom 25¢ up; also good stock of English Water Wings, at ; SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41 Save the Babies FOR THE EMPIRE'S SAKE USE ONLY PASTEURIZED MILK Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized and sold . in Sealed Bottles. Phone 845 :: Price's HAVE YOU 'ADOPTED A PERFUME? Have you discovered the one scent, so light and ethereal that have no desire to try another? ; women try many perfumes once--but they never tire of the elusive fragrance of " CORSON'S IDEAL ORCHID You should carry out your toilet harmoniously. Perfume, Talcum, Cold Cream Toilet Water should not be of flicting odors. Corson's delightful Orchid Line is designed expressly for the well-groomed woman, = For Sale at All Druggists. Sovereign Perfumes Lad. 146 Brock Ave., Toronto.