Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Aug 1916, p. 18

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JSIVE FURS HUDSON BAY Insurance Company PIRE INSURANCE Head Ofeg, Roxal Frymace Bldg. Manuur, Gatarts Boon: Forento W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. i Inspection Invited SPROIES HERE Limited (THE HOME FOR THE AGeD RECEIVES PRAISE FROM DR. HELEN MACMURCHY. ---- y Who Made an Inspection Last Month -- A Meeting of the Board Held on Friday Afternoon. At a meeting of the Board of the ome for the Aged on Friday after- noon, at which Mayor Richardson, {R. Meek, and City. Clerk Sands were present, the following appreciative report of the Home was received from Dr. Helen MagMurchy, Toronto, assistant inspector of Ontario penal and charitable institutions. "An official visit of inspection was pald to the House of Industry, Kingston, to-day, July 12th, 1916. "On approaching the house, the Srounda presented a pleasing sight. ne side is a large, grassy lawn, in the centre of which a summer house is placed, and four of the old ladies were sitting in the summer house on comfortable chairs, It was after- wards learned that this summer house used to be at the top of the hill, and it was hard for an old per- son to reach it. It has now been removed to a better position. It is 4 source of pleasure and interest to the inmates to sit there and see what is going 'on. "On the other side, a fine kitchen- garden, with some fruit, has been planted, and four of the men were working with the superintendent in the garden. "A careful inspection was made of the house. The hall, dormito- ries, dining-room, kitchen, sitting rooms, and all other parts of the house were found in good order, "The beds were clean, neat and tidy, but they would be made more comfortable if metal springs, of the kind specially made for Ontario in- stitutions at the Ontario Reforma- tory, could be procured, This is recommended to the attention of the Board of Management as one of the best things that could be done for the comfort of 'the inmates, Four or five springs were seen, but they are of the type in which heavy wood- en frames are used. Experience has shown Abat they are undesir- able, "The toilets and bath-rooms were found - in good order. A shower bath would be a great advantage, and is almost a nece y. "The ventilation is good, The heating is good, but not sufficient in some places, One or two large rooms were seen with only one fair. sized radiator. On enquiry, it was found that these rooms are cold in winter. "There were thirty-seven (37) in- mates: to-day; twenty-two men and fifteen women, -- Inmates Satisfied, "The inmates were seen in the house, in the grounds and when they assembled for an excellent and ap- pétizing dinner. All the inmates are comfortably clothed, and seemed contented. All but three were able to come dowa to dinner, In private conversation, more than one of the inmates expressed satisfaction and gratitude for the kind treatment recélved from the superintendent and matron. "Outside, an excellent store-house for roots has been built, and also a cement ashpit. Other improve- ments such as new roofs on buildings have been made out- Brock Btreet ---- Ni persons' eyes are exact- iy Sie Glasses that correct one person's vision will probably injure another's. Each eye must be examined rately, We prescribe glasses bd Tt mont careful ex- many ; th scientific instra- ments, supply is or each case in You are assured accuracy and service in trusting your eyes with us. Appointme: made for any evening. ASI NOISE, RO EASA LS. A 342 KING ST. Phone 1619 Kingston's Exclusive Optician : At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover Honey In one pound sections, 26¢ each, Fresh California Prunes, nice and juicy, 10e, 12 1-2c, 15¢ 1b Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. for 25¢. or Evaporated Apricots, 15¢ Ib, Sweet, Cider, 40c per gal. W. R. McRae & Co E DAILY St. Paul's--Morning prayer and holy communion gt 11 o'clock. Evening "prayer, 7 o'clock. Preach- er at both services, Canon FitzGer- ald St, Andrew's Church, Presbyterian --Rev. J, H, Mitchell, B, D., of Pet- erboro, will preach at both services, 11 a.m and 7 p. m. All are wel- come, Crusaders' Hear the con- verted pugilist Sunday at 8,15 on the lawn of the YW.C.A., if weather is favorable; if raining, in Sydenham street church, B Street Ohurchaat 11 a.m, G w M.A.; League, Mon- day, 8 p.m.; prayer service, Wednes- day, 8 pm. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street--10 a.m, open session of Sunday school. Lantern slides op "Work Among the Jndidua. Ser- vices at 11 am. and p.m The minister will preach at both ser vices. eorge Koons at 7 p.m., Lieut. Rev, . P. Keough, Queen Street Methodist Church---- Rev. J, D. Ellis, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching service, 11 am. and 7p. m. Morning tople, "The Upper Room," (communion service); eveming topie, "A Univer- sal/Prayer." The pastor will preach | at hoth services. First Baptist Church, cor. John- son and Sydenham streets--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both ser- vices. 11 am, "Looking unto Jesus;" 7 p.m., "The Ark of God on a New Cart." 'Bible school and Bible classes at 9.45 am. Soldiers and visitors in the eity cordially invited to all the services. First Congregaticnal, cornér John- son and Wellington streets--Rev, E. LeRoy Rice, B. A., pastor. Resi- dence, 281 Alfred street, Phone, 1068. On Sunday there will be just one service, at 11 a. m. Billy Math- ewson of London, Ont., will . preach Strangers in the city are invited to the worship, ; First Church of Christ, Sclentist-- Johnson street, between Bagot and a.m. and 7 p.m bh A A SERVICES Stephens will |} ° Bethel Pastor, Chas. J. O'D. § p preach. 11 a.m., Communion service; 2.30 p.m., school and Bible classes; 7 {iH p.m, "One Thing Lacking." Wed- nesday, prayer meeting at 8 p.m.; Friday, Y.P.8.C.E. We invite you. St. 's Cath venth Sunday Don lon; 11 a.m. choral celebra- tion. Preachér, the Dean; 4 pm. Holy Doctorism; 7 p.m, evensong, one hour. Preacher, Rev. Prof. Duckworth. Daily service, 10 a.m. Holy Communion Tuésday aud Thurs- day. Princess St. Methodist Church, cor, Princess and Albert streats, -- Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor, Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.; morning service, 11 a. m. . Preacher, Rev. W. K. Shortt, M. A. Evening service, 7 Pp. m. Preacher, Rey. J. E, Lid- stone. Epworth Leagué, Monday, 8. P. Wm. prayermeeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m, edral--Se fter Trinlty--8 a.m., Holy |} lotic Songs Pub "Pack U, "1000 Guinea Prize Song. Home." the Somme, "There's Someone Wants You," Ormous success. "Roll Up," the greatest recruiting song yet ; PRICE 15¢ Per COPY. Special for This Week sung by Miss played. College Book S CESS ST IN ST. St. James' Church, corner Union [Hill and Arch streets--All seats free, Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A., Rector, Thell Rectory, 152 Barrie street. 'Phone 880. Seventh Sunday after Trin- ity. 10 a.m. Sunday school; 11 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon. Preacher, Rev, C. L. Bilkey, M.A 7 p.m., Bvening Prayer and sermo % Preacher, Rev. C. L Bilkey, M.A. Chalmers Church---Rev. Dr. Jor- dan, of Queen's, wn preach at 11 .{ Subject in the morning, "What fs Religion?" In the evening a special service will be held in connection with the second anniversary of the great war. Dr. Jordan's subject will be, 'History and the War." The public are cor- diallyginvited, Sydenham Street Methodist Church -Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor will preach at both services, 11 am., "The Higher Call:" 7 p.m., "The Sickle and the Harvest." Music by soloists and full choir. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the morning. Class meeting, 9.45 am. Bible school, 2.4 p.m.; Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Soldiers and students specially invit- ed. A cordial welcome to all. Wellington streets. Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.; service, 11 a, m., sub- ject, "Spirit". Wednesday evening testimonial meeting, Public read- ing room same address, open every afternoon except Sunday, 3 to 6 o'clock, Calvary Co Church, corner Bagot and Charles streets.-- 11 a.m,, speaker, J. J. Roberts, Bible Institute, Toronto; 3 p.m., Sunday {school; 7 p.m., Mrs. Carr-Harris; | Wednesday, 8 p.m, prayer meeting. All cordially invited to these ser- vices. Rev. J. 266 Rideau street. ! | side and inside the improve- ments have been very numerqus. The most important improvements are the men's lavatory, which is ex- cellent, with a tiled floor and good plumbing, and the new hardwood Lyall, pastor, floors, which have been placed in| many of the rooms; probably half | the floor area of the building has| been renewed in this way. { "The Board of Management has | done nobly and have been ably sec- | onded in their plans by the superin-| tendent and matron. ~All are to be | congratulated on the improvements, | and also on the acquirement of more | land for a garden, This was evi- | dently a wise investment, value of the crop of potatoes in it this year may probably amount to one-fifth or one-sixth of the price of | the land, if the present market price obtains, | "The citizens of Kingston are! already beginning ' to comment ap-| provingly on the improved look: of | the house and grounds, and no doubt | many of them will be ready to take | an interest in the house, assist it | in the present time, and plan for its | future. ri} "The residence of the superin- | tendent, for example, should be| provided for. The present roo are not suitable and are cramped, and there is no room for him and his family. "It might be well to have the! Kingston fire chief examine and re- | port on the fire protection of the building. { "Where 80 much has been done, it | is encouraging to continue in this| good work, and much more remains | to. do. The result of the inspection | was satisfactory and pleasant. | "The Government grant for the | year 1915 was $922.46." ! | EIGHT QUEEN'S MEN RETURN TO ENGLAND. | To Qualify For Commissions-- | Wilbur F. Chown One of | the Eight. va Mrs. O. Chown, University avenue, | has received a letter from her son, | Lance Corpl. Wilbur F. Chown, who has been with Queen's General Hos- pital in France, stating that he and seven other arts students had arriv-| ed at Shorncliffe camp, England, to] qualify for commissions in the Cana- | dian Expeditionary Force. They | have desired for some time to get to the firing line. The other seven are: James O"Déll, Bert, and Don. McKenzie, Bert, Throop, Third, | Grafie and Mcllqguham. On the| way to England they paid a visit to] the McGill hospital, which was found very busy behind the lines. ---- { ! | § Youthful Vagrant. ! A twelve-year-old lad appéared be-| fore Lieut-Col. Hunter Saturday on| the charge of Vagraney and was com- mitted to the reformatory. He was remanded to jail for eight days in order that the authorities might as- certain who will pay the cost of! transportation to Toronto. J -------------- "Buy Taleam Powders" at uh son's, we hae Men's Straw Hats In big variety, including ev- ery new shape and kind of straw, worth up to $2.50. Sale price tonight $1 k \- Men's Colored Felt Hats Hundreds to choose from, in pearl, grey, green, brown, etc. Worth up to $3. Sale price tonight $1 || : | | | | | | {coaled at Swift's wharf on | [is due {barges Ungava igrain from Port Colborne, and return with the barge Winnipeg to load grain at Port Colborne; the tug . | Ladies' Hats Marked away. down. A great big variety to choose from. Some worth three times the price asked today. i Special value tonight for $1 . All sales for cash. No approval: {Ii Egy ou Pictorial Quart- ed in England in Years Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag," Francis & Day's "Johnny O'Morgan on His Little Mouth Organ Playing Home Sweet Ms song hear) in the trenches from the sea to Dora Lyric, with ep. published in England. Only, 4 for 50c. Come in and hear them oa 5 SRA ore "a Canadian Made Clocks It's surprising to what ex- tent this Canadian Industry has grown. The product is thoroughly satisfactory, and the designs of the cases are surpassed HO= where. (Oak or mahogany, any finish). For kitchen, par- lor or hall, If contemplating the pure chase of a clock it will cere tainly pay you to see these, erly for August It is better than ever. Book and any pattern for 25c. Ladies' Summer Wearables At greatly reduced prices. "To SEE IS TO BUY. Newnan & Shaw, | The Always Busy Store powe-e BUILDERS SUPPLIRS >oey Lumber Large assorted stock. Coni- ferous (cone bearing) or Soft- woods such as Cedar, Hemlock, Pine, Spruce, CLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes irregu- larly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time, United States, daily Grand Trunk, going BRB i Rtasse ue vase 11.30 a.m. Grand Trunk, going west « 1.00 p.m. Do. (Including Western States) ... ... ..su:. 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk and ail west of city .. .. 2.30 pm. C. P. R, 10.15 am. and 5.30 p.m, NR ers ave crs 2.00 p.m, «.12.46 p.m. | ! | | Deciduous or Hardwoods, such as Ash, Basswood, Birch, | Elm, Maple, Oak. | { In Marine Circles Sawn, seasoned) smoothed, in any shape you choose. S. ANGLIN & CO. {i Woodworking Factory, Lumb Yards \., : ) a The sloop Ariadne arrived from Seeley's Bay on Friday night. The steamer Lake Michigan towed down the schooner Sophia Minch from Erie, and arrived on Friday | eeeLumb Cenl a podaccs | night with' a cargo of coal for the . w { Canadian Locomotive Company. | The government steamer Scout Saturday | morning, M.T. Co's. hulletin--Tug Bartlett to arrive today with the and Melrose with will Bay and Wellington Sts. | Oftice Phone 066, Factory 1415 | Emerson 1s due to arrive to-night with two coal barges from Fair- haven, Sm---- Clothing For Belgians. Capt. Frederick Reid, of the Firel' epartment, wishes to acknowledge © receipt of clothing for the Bel- gians from Mrs, G. F. Warren, 179 Wellington street; Mrs. Samuel Me- Cullough, of the Armouries; Mrs. Peter L. Thomson, 165 Clergy street. Capt. Reid is making a.shipment in a few days, and would like citizens intending to send parcels them forward at once. -------- An automobile turning the corner of Princess and Division streets on Friday night was struck by another car which was coming in Diyision Braet, but no serious damage Xo one, as both cars were at a slow rate, song. i No matter whether it is a high grade razor, made of the very finest | Sheflield Steel with carved ivory han-| dle -or the latest safety razor, we | hive it. When yo want a reliable | razor come he } Here are a few: ! Gttieus and Auto Strop Safety | Arnoldi and Ever Ready | Safety | airs, IX, | Wade Al Ithe; best grade and Butcher. | Be razor$ made. | Give us'a'call. WA MITCHELL { to have aw Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. W.F. Gourdier Phone 700 | | i i i Don't Wait until you have business Come and See Us. We buy, sell, exchange, refit, collect rent, and write Fire Insurance. A nice building lot, on Montreal Street, on car line, 66 feet frontage, 132 feet deep, can be bought for A double House on William renting for $198 per year, for $1700. A Grocery Store and Dwelling to Rent for $25.00 per month. EW. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson & Division Sts. ___ Phones 539 and 1456 Picnics and Lunch Pails We always carry in stock a large assortment of Cooked Meats, Potted Meats Canned Fish, Fancy Pack. age Biscuits, EB Bis- cuits, Chocolates, Chod- olate Bars, Etc, J R. B. GAGE. ee EAA A Aa FOR pi

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