Our photographer writes that every day some sick soldier is removed to the hospital at San Antonio. This time it was Sergt. : "Many of the militiamen stationed at the border have been victims of the terrific heat, which scorchies and blisters. Dyson, of the 18th, a Spanish war veteran, thirty years with his company; he is suffering from pneumonia. : Photo shows comrades removing member of 12th Regiment to hospital, after being overcome by the heat. SHARKS KILL TWO AND MAIM ONE. Large mouth and teeth of 'the white shark, which was captured in the Photo shows Albert O'Hara, of Matawan, N.J., chum of Les- The capture of an eight-foot shark by fishermen off Asbury Park, N.J., on Thursday has again been the § ¥ ter Stillwell, who was killed by a shark in Matawan Creek. ocean off Asbury PArk, NJ. The fish weighed 250 Ibs, and measured O'Hara was hit by the shark that killed young Stillwell and eight feet. thrown several" feet. to be a man-eater dnd certainly looking the part, is shown here in comparison with a child. cause of thousands of bathers to forsake the surf for the safer environs of the beach. The shark, said ONE FRIENDLY MEXICAN, AT LEAST. Evéry .precaution is taken to prevent sniping by the M J axicans in any of the Texas towns where » 3 are stationed. Photo Members of the New York 71st make friends with a little Mexican boy at McAllen shows members of the 2nd Regiment of Texas rching home of Mexican in Madero City, T for 'weapons THE HORSES--One humane person in New York has 'hit upon a good CASTRO, former president and revo - ODD MASCOT OF THE TEXAS 2ND REGUL- SIR RIDER HAGGARD S to lessen the heat burden on the city's horses. Just off Broadway, where the lutionist of Venesuela, who is barred from enter . tured when A novelist, who is now .in Ottawa on an emigration mis Atmaflic is always great, he has erected & showerbath, which can be mdved along ing the United States. The Immigrant authori: ARS; a baby racoon, which was cap! sion. He lert England on Feb. 10, and ever since then has the animal, wetting it complete with a gentle shower from head to ties have decided dt. he a an Sndesizhble ele its mother was killed by the troopers, and it been visiting all corners of the earth to find a Dlace where ¥ is far superior to the old, where the water is thrown on the horses ment, and he is now ned at the immigration Englishmen can lay their heads "The 'by the bucketful. - station on Bilis Island, where this. picture was is now the pet of the regiment. The rea superfluous women in England are in industry to stay," taken. . is stationed at Madero City, Texas. he says. "They won't clear out, and the men will" ®