REE en ei Be , ESTABLISHED 1855 swive careful and courteous attention at ¢h of the Bank of Toronto, Lomplete facifties and counections are care- fully maintained for the transaction Clrases ol of business accounts, Every convenlence is afforded to Savings De POBILOrS. Small or Mrge sume may be deposite and interest is paid on balances. 114 Branches In Csonds. < ) or TORONT AY, Manager. : Kingston a -- ---------- SALE ~\ A frame cottage with deep ot on the west side of Alfred street, near Collegiate. Price $2300. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 56 Brock Street. DO YOU VALUE YOUR EYE- SIGHT ? If so take care of it; do not let mon- ey or pride stand between you and wearing glasses. For aid in examin- ing the eyes and dependable glasses, see our optician. ¥ Where the Clock is on the Walk. You 'R.J. RODGER 132 Princess St. Can Count On It 'When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's mo doubt of quality service, We have established ourselves as experts. ~y Will you come in and be convineed? 1. LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess 8t Free inspection of any battery at any time Soldiers, Attention! Has it ever dawned upon ~ you that. there is one place to buy Kodaks, Cameras, and Camera Supplies? That place is Hoag's Drug Store : "Ask to see the Vest Kodak. Opp. YMCA. Soldier's sail Kingston Pocket Autographie] | 'SummerDrinks Montserrat Lime Juice Welch's Grape Juice | Raspberry Vinegar | Orangeade Gurd's Ginger Ale. Gordon's Grocery, Cor. Bay and Montreal St. Phone 88. F. 1. JOHNSON--FLORIST , 115 BROCK STREET. FRESH CUT FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS Pe ON Watts-Florist FRosH CUr FLOWERS AND ire wilting Steck Bic. res EGGO BAKING POWDER will be demonstrated at the BON MARCHE GROCERY : Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday : _ Caverly vy & Bradshaw CHOICE GROCERIES "TEAS & COFFEES COOKED AND SMOKED . MEATS ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD. | SPECIALS ! Home Grown CELERY, LETTUCE, POTATOES, APPLES, and BERRIES. } Choice Groceries. FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division St. Phone 545 | Prompt Delivery Notice . We will pay highest cash price all this week for No®™ dressed fowl and chickens. 500 | pair wanted. ( % Anderson Bros Princess & Division Sts. - Phones 458 - 1846. Have You Tried GYPSUM WAL PLASTER It Saves Time P. WALSH Bartack St. . % - Face Creams at Gibson's. . peangston collection of autos is me as can city in Canada. he found in any Lieut.<Col. L. W. Mulloy has gone to Toronto and Camp Borden after spending toh days in Quebec City. The' parks--City and Macdonald-- and water front had great throngs in them all Sunday. Kin Suniinghag, jane tuner, 21 street, ve orders at McAul- €y's Book Store, : : Mrs, Harold Beaubien, Syracuse, N. Y., is visitinig her aunt, Mrs. Rob- ert 'Baker, Front Road. Bert Couper fs presiding at Chal- mers Church 'organ during the ab- sence of Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs. Face Creams at Gibson's. R. J. Bennett, wife and son, have returned to Toronto after visit- ing Mr. Bennett's mother here. The .Salvation army band, in which a number of ladies play, is reaching a high state of proficiency, Ice Cream Bricks at Gibson's. The ¢hurches were not pverstock- Famous P Film, 5 Reels wn in "The Feud Girl" RE FARK TONIGHT "is: 2 Free S Nightly 2 Vaudeville--Photoplays The Pathe News ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS Wed. Children's 1 Cent Day on Cars. I A ---------- ttt ed with attendants on Sunday. Why not have services in the City Park. Miss Marjorie - Lake, Ottawa, is spending some time with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Lake, Alfred street, Ice Cream Bricks at Gibson's. No Utilities Commission meeting was calléd for Monday as no busi- ness of importance was on the dock- et. Face Creams at Gibson's. 2 Collamer Calvin, formerly of the 72nd (Queen's) Battery, left on Mon- day to join the Royal Naval Reserves at Halifax. ert son's. About two hundred people went on the morning excursion on Mon- day to Brockville whose civic holiday is being held to-day. McKelvey & Birch have the con- tract for the erecting of an iron rail- ing along the retaining wall recent- ly erected on Ontario street. Cold Creams at Gibson's. The sevén-year-old daughter of John Reid, Chatham street, was re- moved to the Hotel Dieu on Sunday in 8S. 8. Corbett's ambulance. "Talcum Powders" at Gibson's. Large numbers spent Sunday down among the islands. Cedar Island was crowded all day, and is becoming a regular resort for canoe- ists and motor boat enthusists, Provost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his ordér clothing © department. His ready-made clothing and gent's. fur- pishing department are well assort- ed with new goods. Ice Cream Bricks at Gibson's. The annual retreat of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu is very largely attended. The retreat is be- ing conducted by Rev. Father De- vine, .of New York city, and will be continued on Tuesday and Wednes- aay The singing is especially beau- tiful. "Taleum Powders" at Gibson's. : : : : + TURNING PART OF WAR PASSED. sd Paris, Aug. 7.--Gen, Joffre expressed the view that the turning point of the great con- flict has now been successfully reached - and passed, and that with the united action of the Enteate Allies on the many fronts they are pressing for- forward to the certain collapse of the German efforts and to an assured victory for tht + Allies' armies. + PF Pee rb ee ite Geb bb bb bbb bbb . +» FEPPPSP IRE dd SPRPPEE PPPS | WHY BREAD AND MILK ARE COSTING 80 MUCH. Bakers and Milkmen Give Reasons--S8carcity of Labor Big Factor. prompted by the recent "kick" by the Trades and Labor Council against the high prices of bread and milk -elicted the informa- tion from the bakers and the milk- men that the prices were as low as they could be if they were to keep out of bankruptcy. The reason given by the bakers for bread selling at seven cents a loaf was the big advance in the price of flour and in the price of flour was about $2 a barrel dearer than 't was a year ago, while there had been a corresponding increase in the wages commanded by bakers. One sead manufacturer informed the Whig that he was paying nearly $1,- 500 more for the same number of men than he paid last year. The flour men, this baker pointed out, were the ones to get after. Flour was constantly on the rise, having increased $1 a barrel in the past two weeks. A wilkman gave various reasons for milk selling at eight cents a quart this summer instead of the us- ual seven cents. Some of the reas- ons were: High cost of living, which affected the milkman as welle as the consumer; scarcity of labor, which meant increased wages; dear fod- der and lastly the high price of cheese, which caused an increasing number of farmers to turn their milk into cheese. aril ee 3 War Predicted In South America, Londo, Aug. 7.--Reynolds News- paper gives prominence to a rumor that there is likely to be a war in South America: "A diplomatic seurce reports,' says the paper, "that Peru and Venezuela have secretely agreed to take vast lands from Colombia and Ecuador, > Inquiries Daniel Alexander Darragh and Miss Eva Field, were married at the bride's home in Elizabethtown, in the presence of a large number of Tan and Sunburn Cream at Gib- | be entitled to vote Ltd. © W. G. Craig & Co, . Sole Agents For THE RATHBUN MATCH THE NEW IMPREGNATED MATCH. NO AFTER GLOW Lights Easy Lessens the Danger of Fire SELLS AT THE SAME PRICE AS ORDINARY MATCHES ] ------ a 1stAnnualExcursion To Experimental Farm Ottawa Under the auspices of Kingston In- dustrial Agricultural Association. Wednesday, Aug. 9th. Special C.N.R, train leaves Kingston 7.40 am, Returning leaves Ottawa 1.15, Aug. 9th, or 1.10 Aug. 10th. Further Information nt ces, or R. J. Bushell, Se and Mgr. Kingston Industri Association. $2.90 Return, Including Two Meals. BAILIFF'S, SALE th, at 10 am, at Montreal street, groceries, can- erator, Waggon, of- 'reas. Fair Tuesday, / Power's Grocery store fixtures, ved goods, sleigh, harness, etc. WIM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS r. and Mrs. James P. Aikens wish to] thank the Union Assurance Co. for thir prompt payment for loss through e. Settlement was made August Ist rough Mr, Wright. Voters List 1916 Municipality of Portsmouth, County of Frontenac. Notice is hereby given that I transmitted or delivered to the sons mentioned in section 9 of the On- tario Voters List Act the copies re- quired by said section to be so trans- mitted jor delivered, of the list, made pursuant to said ac all persons appearing by the red assess- ment roll of the said fnicipality to in the said munici- pality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, snd at munici- pal elections; and sald Hst was first posted up at the Town Hall, Ports- mouth, on the 4th day of August, 1916, and remains there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any enrons or omissions corrected ac- cording ito law y have per. J. W. HENSTRIDGE, Dated August 5th, 1916, Welch's *T8e National Dweingk" GRAPE JUICE At all Grocers, Druggists and Soda Fountains. Buy it by the case for the home, / FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. Distributors in iar EXPECT SETTLEMENT Strike. New York, Aug. 7.--~Settlement of the street car strike, which resulted except Brooklyn, is probable to-day, according to a statement issued by Mayor Mitchel. \ Forty-five per cent. of the normal Sunday ear service was maintained during the day by the companies af- fected. The number of cars running was not so large as on Saturday, but tion existed on any 'Sunday because of the comparatively light traffic. Managers of the various companies. declared they 'they were prepared to provide adequate service to-day. Cyrenus Stowell of the Brockville second birthday on Saturday. Mr. Stowell has been fourteen years In the office. Despite his advanced relatives and friends, A \ some people many years his junior. DAILY gyms Clerk of Municipality of Portsmouth. | Of the Big New York Street Car | against last night in a complete sus-| pension of surface car traffic in all | the boroughs of Geater New York, it was explained that the same sitfia-| customs staff, celebrated his eighty-! years his faculties remain as alert a.) insertion, 1c a word, Each con- ve imsertion thereafter, half- a word. Minimum tharge for EXPERIENCED WAL Albion Hotel eS a eee MAN FOR FARM AT ONCE. HIGHEST Wages. Apply Dr. Black. FANCY TRONERS, AND GIRLS once, at Imperial Laundry. MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP- ply Street Rallway Co, EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER FO grocery store. 'Apply Box 77, Whig office, SMART YOUNG MAN FOR WARE- 2 Ary Kingston loslery AT tee eet A GOOD STICKER MAN, GOOD WAGES Apply Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. Ltd. A ----------»-------------------------- EXPERIENCED CLERK FOR GRO- cery store. Good wages. Apply Box 77, Whig Office. TWO LADIES FOR ORDBR DEPT, salary $9.00. Give aga, church, oc- cupation. Address T. J. care Whig. SHIPPER FOR ho'ise. Good Craig &, Co. EXPERIENCED wholesale grocery wages. Apply Wi. G. Ld. TWO MEN employ perate. Hospital STEADY tem- eneral , GOOD WAGES, ment; must be strict Apply Kingston TWO WAITRESSES AND ONE KIT- chen help, at once. Apply Sgt Tierney, Henderson's Grocery, Brock street EXPERIENCED GENERAL; MUST BE ood plain cook. One ip family. Tigh wages; references required. Apply 199 King St, evenings. FIRST CLASS MALE STENOGRA- pher for large mining company; good salary and opportunity for rapid promotion. . Apply 423 John- son street. ee ee -------- MEN TO WORK ON COUNTY crusher, beginning Monday, August 94th. Apply Tom Graves, Latimer, Ont., or at the Windsor Hotel, on August 12th AN INTELIJGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no _canvass'ng. Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 8,969, Lockport, N.Y. A BUSINESS HOUSE WANTS A RE- turned soldier or a rejected man for porter. Steady position, lght work Write, giving age and -par- ticulars to Box 104, Whig Office. WANTED AT ONCE, RELIABLE MAN of good address with some know- ledge of fruit and horticulture, to act as city representative in King- ston and district, Permanent posi- tion for the right man, Stone and Wellingtor ymen, Toronto TEACHERS WANTED. ee leet TEACHER FOR 8 8. NO, 16, ESCOTT, State experierce, qualifications and salary. Apply to Leonard Donovan R. R. No. 2, Mallorytown, Ont. = ---------------------------------------- QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. S. NO. 6, Barrie. Duties to commence September 4th, Salary year. Apply to Wm. H. Head, Bec retary -Treasurer, Cloyne, Ont ---------------------------------------------------- QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST- ant, for school section No. . Hinchinbrooke. Apply, stating salary, to Geo, A. Smith, secretary, Parham. Duties to commence(Sept. 1st. 1916. \ QUALIFIED PROTESTANT FEMXLE teacher, for Union 8. 8. No. 2, Port. land, or 256 Camden, two miles east wf Yarker. Apply, stating exper- lence and salary required to M. V. Take, , Harrowsmith, R. R. No. SITUATIONS VACANT. FOR PRIVATE Ladies or gents. Profitable, Chip- Darlington, Eng- AGENTS WANTED Christmas Cards. Samples Free, chase, 'Cardex," land ov HAM, BARRISTER fel ~ office, 79 Clar- on. | { B. and sol WANTED GENBRAL | AN EXPERIENCED DRESS AND SUIT | maker wants sewing by day or at | home. Apply 8 John street or Box 149 Wihig Office, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- | say, Limited, 121 Princess street. et tae-- {WE BUY OLD RAGS AND RUBBERS and pay higheat prices. Rosen Bros, wholesale dealers, 166 Low- er Bagot street. Phone 1849, MARRIED COUPLE, WiTIour children, a small furnished house or rooms for Hght honsckeeping Must be centrally located. Apply Box JIM.N.,, care the Whig. BY BY SEPTEMBER IST, SMALL FUR- 'wished house or about four fur- wished rooms, for family gf three adults. Positively best wf care Euaranteud. Address Box 87, Whig Office. SMALL furnished, containing three bed- i rooms and modern coveniences; rent about $18 per month. Posses- i sion by September 1st. Write full partciulars. Address Box W, Whig office, FURNITURE FINISHING ---------------------------------- P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH- L Call or drop a card. 23 John street. | eo : | * A New Lot of black alnut 1: #0! | tables wna hail ry i ihe cannot TURK'S | Furniture Store Phone 705 : THES AT THE OUSE, FURNISHED OR UN- | po A NEW KNIFE WITH WHITE handle. Apply 294 Johnson street, a---- ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British ay The adver- tisement will be nted in 'this column free of charge. FOUND tickets: and Liberal reward if retuvn- 160 Earl sireet RS railway checks. ed to T. Power, AMETHYST AND PEARL between Gore street club or on West street, returned to this office. A PAIR OF GOLD EAR WIRE GLAS- ses in case, in city park, nedr Bar- rie and Stuant street. Finder and Yacht Reward if AUGUST 18T, BETWEEN BREW- er's Mills and Kingston, a tire holder, tire, lamp. and number, Number is 25,326 Finder please notify B. Fodey, Gananoque, R. M. -------------------------------------------------------- FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, NO children, 396 Princess street. BEDROOMS AND SITTING ROOMS, opposite City Park, 123 King Bt, cor. West. . FURNISHED FOR THE months; nine roomed house, Union street west. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to A, B. Cianingham, 79 Clarence street. DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES AND storage for furniture. McCann's Rea tate Agency, 82 Brock Bt PRINCESS floor office, residence and, garage, occupied 8s dentist. Apfly 103 [Raglan street. 163 PRINCESS STREET, SECOND third and fourth flats, and garage, suitable for dentist. Apply 103 Raglan Street, City. WINTER 214 163 STREET, SECOND NO. STORAGE ne FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry coms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 399 Queen street. Phone 626b. ------ rt FURNISHED, FOR THE SUMMER months, Calderwood, the residence of Col. and Mrs. Giles.. Apply to J. B. Walkem, 93 Clarence St. FURN{SHED, 119 EARL STREET, twelve rooms, spacious grounds on two sides, nicely wooded. Apply 30 82 Brock street. Phone 326 or 621. MILES condi- Apply King- SEVEN in good of water 83 Barl street, FARM, Kingston, and ple Watts, AORE frome tio, S.J. 300 ee ---------------------------------- OFFICE, GROUND .FLOOR, CONVEN- fent location. SUBURBAN HOU acre garden. WITH % GEO. A, BATE CLARENCE street, «© RTS, BIRTHMARKS hs and skin blem- permanently, Bimer 1 ars' experience. . /A4gke, Eye, Ear, Nos Throat and Skin Epeciallat, 25 Bagot St tate ete -- MARRY IF LONELY, FOR RESULTS, try me: best and most successful; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; Striotly confidential; most reli- able; vears of experience; descrip tions free, "The Mrs. Purdie, Box Calif. 556, Oakland, please return to General Hospital. | |= | CONTAINING SUM OF MONEY | baggage | BROOCH, | BICYCLE CLASS CON Dron, flor sale cheap. Apply 507 Albert street. SMALL BLACK POMERANIAN DOG, with gree. Avply any time af- ter 6 p.m, at 96 William street. MCLAUGHLIN ROADSTER IN GOOD condition; snap for quick sale. Ap ply 340 Johnson. Phone 300. AY, SUI'PABLE FOR TOP DRES- «ing, free for cartage. Apply Wil liam Street, between Bagot and wellington, WO py ne | an FORD USED ON months, will sell hg A Pappas Bros, corner Princess Montreal streets. GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE « selections; your own cholce, $38.50; ip easn and $1.00 per week. . indsay, Ltd., 121 Princess street. 1915 BS-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE-- Starter, electric lights, etc. Must be so at once. Pp Mce- Laughlin Garage, Montreal street. TWO SEATED SURREY AND ONE set single harness; also Victrala and records. Will sell cheap. Ap- PY 8 James street, Owner leav- ng city, TWO GASOLINE yarantced twenty jnlles ah Skt. rst class condition. poly u, C. Ho A, Tete rracks. hea LAUNCHES; ONE n hour. G. du E O . Pont Ba DOUBLE FRAME SE, 851 AND 329 Montreal St. cor, James; six rooms; bath and all conveniences; pewly decorated Apply §3 Doug- lass St, Hamilton. y BACH WITH ONE TWO HOUSES, Suitable for gar- acre of ground. den. Also three limits. Reasonable lots, all in eity {ces and easy . terms. Apply J. 42 | Albert street. Friendship. A LOT OF CAMP STOVES an large Seoking ranges; Also kinds of furniture, g eds. J. cheap. and bi Thompson, 333 - cess street. ne S600. HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE shipment of high grade bloygles and are offering spacial 8 or same. Also a ge 3 Muller, unlop tires. Geor King street. Phone 1033 LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, COU- ches, stoves, men's clothing, mili- tary boots, also new middy waists, We bay all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. S. Shapiro, 4 Princess street, Phone 1237. EIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE, GAS and electric lighting, all modern improvements; large lot and shed; excellent locality, near business centre. Owner leaving d¢ity. Ap- ply Box 74 Whig Office. 1% MILES EAST OF Joyceville. This farm is in one of the best farming localities in Frontenac, well fenced and water- ed: free of foul seed and with up- to-date buildings' For particulars apply on premises, to Wim. Macfar- land, or R. F. D, Joyceville, Ont. $4200 FOR A SOLID BRICK, dwelling, Johnsin street, 150 ACRES, 8 ROOM modern near Collegiate. JAMES ST. A PROPERTY RENTING for $264 yearly, price $2200. y EARL STRERT DWELIANG, RENT. ing for $318 yearly, $3500. BOND, 2¢ FRONTENAC STREET. hone 7 DRESSMAKING PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measurh, designing, trimming, ete; three dollars, including system. Madame Elder, New York Dressmakiug Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. BOARD AND ROOMS, FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS every convenience; central loca Successful Club," | Apply 243 Brock street. -- -- sem MUSK -------------------------------------------- GRACE E. CLOUGH, L.T.CM. PIANIST, Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- servatory examina. fong in forte and theory. Address 23 Pine street. PEARL A. NESBITT, L.T.C.M., VOICE and organ. Pupil of Dr. A. 8S. Vogt in plano. Pupils prepared for all examinations. Studio 449 Johnson street. Phone 1944. BUSINESS NOTICES -------------------------------------------------------------- AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINAR tents, canvas, skiffs for outboard motors, foMing boat seats, fishin tackle, etc. rank W. Cooke, §¥ Clarence street. ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CAR- pentering or jobbing of any des- cription, drop a card or call at Wm. Dean, 141 Colborne street. Phane 638. Estimates given and satisfac. tion guaranteed DENTAL E. KNAPR, BA. iD Office, 258 Princess street. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 169 Wellingston street. Dewar, DDS, LDS, ass Phone 346. T ARCHITEOF & SON, ARCHI. es, 368 Bagot St A. D.S. one 852 DEN- G. C. istant. Phone & SON, chants Bank ARCHITECTS, J . Bullding, corner Brock sand Wellington streets. piano- | = ERE CAN START a mall order business at home; nn canvassing: be your own hoss, fend for free booklet: tells how. Heacook. 2.969 Lockport. N.Y. ti iden Fb ANYONR ANYWH FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; t. Colonel H. R. Smit : vice-president, W. F. Nie- K.C. Money Issued on oity farm properties, municipal country ebentures; mort. es purchased; Japosils recsived interest allow: BR C. Fat- 7 Clarence Bt, - and od wright, manager, # Kingston. EO. CARTWRIGHT Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBN Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187,215. In addition to holds for rity the unlim bility of city property, Inbured at lo + ol Re renewin or giving ne ® rates from Strange . Braces Phone 235. which the poli rs_have t ble rates. Bofors Agents PABENTS + et -------------------- -- BABCOCK « SONS, Patents, trade Marks, Design BEstb, 1877. rar. Examines ants Paten i. erly t of Patent Laws. K, tection" free. $9 St. James Sth Mont. real 1 Ottawa, Washington, , you QUALITY AND SERVICE We offer you the utmost in + both. Just think a minute over this; it means something in dollais ahd cemis, Win- ter orders now at tablished a to es-