PRN "yy East Smie *It is with great that I write to tell you of the' wl benefits 1 have received from taking "Fruita. tives", For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Comstipation and FHecd- @ches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed 40 help me. Then I finally tried "Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Headaches". Mes. MARTHA DEWOLFE. G0¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢; At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. RAILWAY NL IRRUL es HARVEST HELP Excursions | a r= 10, new, $10 to $11; car lots, No, 2, $9.10 $10. Straw, $6 to $7. Re Liver, M 8. --Cas )_Minneagol Aus. Cash wheat, to 2d firm, ®, N.S. A GREAT HOLIDAY ON THE GREAT LAKES Am tte CANADIAN 1.44%; No. 1.41%; No. 1.39%; No. « . 1,durum, to $1.31%: No. 2 durum, 28%. Futures closed: ; December, $1- at Hill Crest, Miss Bgor is spending 'a few owe. oY i . S hips "Assinil ia" and "Kee watin" leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Port Arthur and Fort William. 'Round trip 5 days. 2 CEVILLE. JADE, 7~The farmers have nearly «all haying, aud report an Bt crop. n much need- ed for the benefit of the root erop. Potatges & general failure. John Mundell, training at Petawawa camp for overseas service, was home for a day visiting his parents, i « Mundell. Miss G. oe Feturned Jome after spend & month with friends at Brockville. Stance Murphy pur Chased a new Overland car last week. Miss N. Corrigan, Kingston, spent a 'W days the guest of Mrs. B. Mul- RB. Amongst recent visitors were: Jtessars. Foley and Lavis, Howe Is. : nd; Messrs, Fraizier and Hawley, ] ths Messrs. Woods, Mar- 2 Sin and ning, Cushendall; Mr, : , Sunbury, ---- choice to fancy, feeding, c.Lf. New ' City Tieket Office, Cor. Pri and Wellington streets. Phone 1197, WINNIPEG August 17th and 31st Fare $12.00 Seaside Excursions to Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime Pro- vince Points and New Foundland. Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 3.--Hogs--Receipts| 26,000; market strong; bulk, $9.35 to $10; light, $9.56 to $10.10; mix- ed, $9.15 to' $10.15; heavy, $9 to $10.16; roughs, $9 to $9.16; pigs, $7.90 to $9.50. Chttle--Reeeipts, 14,000 head; market firm; native beef cattle, © $6 to $7.50; ¢ and. feeders, og, TOOLS msdn, (38 10 01 at Se a : ; 3 COD ; cows al 1 3 . Aug. 5.--Thé dry weather con 1.200 A number from a cton, who have been camping on a aria mixed, $10.35 to $10.20; Yeork:rs, daughters spent a tak eck ag os Dhent 3 Lear is vigiting Mrs. Charles Kahnt, 8, Perry eep in Oeatreville after |®"8 home here for a short holiday. | 270 head; Henry Lake. Miss Lauretta]™/xed, $7.76 to $8. i 5a Walter, Toronto, nt the wee 0, Bye deh ond ceipts, 2,780; market firm; steers, New York, Aug. 8.-- Flour market 1 , suffe $ . head raigh and, suffered a sunstroke last week Cal Receipts, © 6.0 fer st ts, $6.25 to $6. Aug. 7.--Farmers are nearly ail] $7.60; grassers, $5.60 to $6.50. $5.60 to $5.80. ° there is rain soou potatoes will be a [ewes "$5-to-$7.25; culls, $3.50 to] $1.78; kiln dried, $1.40 to $4.50, paint, C. Harvey, of Ottawa, is a Hogs-- Receipts, 7,233 head; mar- Barley--Market firmer; N.Y.; Mrs. M. Doddridge, of Water.| $8.75. Wheat--Spot market weak; No. 1 Btewart, of Morton, were all week- $1.58%: No. 1 Northern Manitoba. --8pot 3 downe, called on old friends on Sun- Yellow, 97%e¢, ci.f. New York. 3, days at his home. Mrs. K. R. Tate $10. b ¢ . ; butchers, $7 fo 3 [10 98.25; cows, $4 to $7.25 : Veals-- ' ; mar-| tinues, and everyone is wishing for eS " ' Tin. Misses Louise. Alice and May Kel Bective; $450 ad: har Thursday at Bon Echo. ket active; heavy ' : P., Mrs. Bdwards [Dear Island, have returned to their : $10 to $10.40: home in Bifgckville, Miss Armelia , 5 '$9 to pigs, $10 to '$10.15; ugha, $9 to rs ; and Master Rockport. William Hoffman, New 3s 20; Stags, 95.500 9% . 1 _ Perry have returned to | YOrk. has joined 'his wife at her fath- $7 to $11 25; Jur Mr. and Mrs. Westley McNeal, Ivy Hues. $5.50 10 Fr bivongh ihoy + Were recent guests of Mr, apd] 5:20; ewes, Be Senecal, New York, is home for a | -- » New York. visit. Mrs. Nelson Powell d * Ale 303 New York, Aug. 8.--Beeves--Re- New York. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Wil- Hams, "Delbert Root, Grenadier 1s-| $7:65 to $9.75; oxen, $6.50; bulls,| firm; spring patents, $7.15 to $7.40; $5.25 to $7.26; cows, Jikto '$7.25.| winter patents, $6.55 Ja 46.90; wint- He is ing. W recovering : market stedy; veals, $9 to $13; culls,| , Rye Flour--Market firm; fair to LYNDHURST. $8 to $8.60; skim milk calves, $7 to ood, $5.25 to $5.50; through with the haying, and eve Sheep and Lambs--Receipts, 186,-|. Cormmeal--Market steady: fine one Sos a 000 a8 Uhre 940 d; market weak; sheep,| white and yellow, $1.95; coarse, fallure. R. G. 'Harvey fis improv- $4.50; lambs, $10 to $11.75; culli,| 'Rye--Market firmer: No, 2 west- Ing his residence with a. coat of $8 to $9. | $1.14, it. New York. Meck-énd visitor with his parents. ket steady; heavy to medium, |76c, and malting Bominal, Misa Jessie Blackman, of Sidney, | $10:4¢ to $10.50; pigs, $10; roughs,| york. town, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | Jurdm, 31.43%; No, 2 hard, Doddridge, Buffalo, N.Y., and Mrs. J. $146%: No. 1 Northern Duluth, end visitors at R. R. Tate's. Mr. $152, 1.0.0. New York. and Mrs," William Hislop, of Lans- Corn market easy: No. '2 day. . Luther Galloway has a new ts--Spot market easy; No. car. A. C. Diale is spending a few White, 49 to 49 %c. Spent a/few days last week in Broek- ville visiting relatives, Mr. and Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 8---Wheat--No Golng dates " © WaNaceburg. HARROWSMITH. . 7.--The annual lawn social the Methodist church grounds ob Suy 28th was a decided Bsuocess. @ proceeds amounted to about $110, Frederick Patte son family, of Toronto, are spending the week end with his brother, Frank Patterson. Mrs, C. Nicholson at Isaac Carscallen's; Miss M. Pook, at Rev. W. J. Humphrey's, has return- ed home to Forfar. Lieut 'W. Bur- ton and Privates F. Jeffrey, A. Arm- strong and Percy Charlton spent last week with their families here, it be- ing thelr last leave of absence. All have returned to Camp Valcartier, Mrs. Alexander Charlton 1s still very low. Mr' and Mrs, Bert Cook have returned' home after a two weeks' visit with friends at Chatham and Mrs, Ann Patterson and daughter, Mrs. L. L. Gallagher, have returned home, after spending the past week with Wilton friends, Miss Phyllis Bradshaw is expected home this weék after spending the past month with friends ain Detroit Mich. Harry Walker had a valuable beef killed by the C.N.R. express on Thursday night last. Miss Grace Thompson is spending her holidays with friends in Napanee. Miss Francis Humphrey is visiting friends at Newboro. Mrs. (Dr.) Lockhart and children, of Toronto, are at Mrs, . McLean's, 3 SHARBOT LAKE. Aug. 7-~The Red Cross concert held under the auspices of Grades I. and II. of the Summer Model School on Wednesday last was a decided success. A fine programme was given, consisting of male quartette, recitations, wolos, duets, pantomime, and an Irish play, which took welt, A very fine talk on the Union Jack was given by Mr.Hartley, principal of the school. The Methodist choir held a lawn party on Monday even- ing. George Johnston and Freder- ick Johnston, of Ottawa, are spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Medanet. Mr. McDonald, Toron- J to, tage. Miss A. Cameron, of Ottawa, has returned home after visiting Mrs. T .McJanet. B. 'F. Record, who has been spending his holidays with Mrs. Record at Fern Bank Cot- 'tage, has returned to New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davies, of Floral , New York, and Mrs. Andrew Thomson and Miss Florence Thom- son, of Alexandria Bay, who have been staying at J. Thomson's, have returned their home. M. T to family at Cherrydale cot- tage. Melville Golder landed a sal- mon weighing 16 pounds. on Satur- day. Bush fires must be raging : here. The atmosphere is very och with smoke. Mrs. M. T. entertained a few friends on evening. Miss Sadie But- hel, of Trenton, is visiting at Mrs. Long's. Wilfred Campbell, Tren- ; ton, his. holidays here. Ay t, of Westport, is alias P. R. station. Mrs. Jacked T. Newman spent afternoon in Kingston. Golder to, spent the week-end Mrs. William Sheffield and son spent Saturday and Sunday at Redan. ---- PHILIPSVILLE. Aug, 7.--Orasio King, of Swift Current, has 'fust made his brother, Auldjo' King, a long visit, They had hot met in many, many years. The former has returned home, He is a large landholders at Swift Current. Haying is a long drawn out crop this year. No one can remember such a €rop, "and it is all being cut and housed or stacked so far without any rain. Many of the farmers will not have any corn to fill their silos, so the heavy hay crop will help make up for the corn. The late sown grain is a partial failure owing to the drouth. Miss Addilia Haskin, of Appleton, Wisconsin, will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Pulnun, for a few weeks, Moses Seed, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm for some time, has returned home. His wife and daughter will stay until the first of Séptémber. Mrs. M. Dwere and family have moved from Athens and have occupied her own home here after an absence of four years, All congratulate Miss M. E. Dwire in passing all her edafhinations, Shé is now entitled to enter the Normal. A boy came to the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. Myers, A boy also came to make music in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cevi Raison. Word came from the hospital in Smith's Falls that Mrs Harry Coon is not improving very fast. W. A. Coon filled his silo with sweet and red clover mixed. He put it all through the corn cutter. $6.90 to $10.45; stockers and Teed- ers, §6 to $7.85; cows and heifers, $3.50 to $9.25; calves, $9 to $12.50. Sheep---Recelipts, 116,000 head; market steady; wethers, $6.75 'to $8.53; ewes, $6.50 to $7.75; lambs, $7.50 to $11.50. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 8. --Butchers ecat- tle, choice, $8.50 to $8.75; do. me- dium, $6.50 to $7.50; do. common, $6.00 to $6.25; do. choice cows, $6.75 to $7.00; do. medium, $5.75 to $6.25; do. bulls, $5.50 to $7.25; canners, $3.50 to $5.50; milkers, choice, each, $80 to $85; do. com. and med., each, $70 to $75; spring- ers, $60 to $65; sheep, ewes, $7 to $7.25; bucks and culls, $6.50 to $6.75; lambs, $11 to $11.50; hogs, off cars, $11.75 to $13. Toronto. | Toronto, Aug. 8.--Choice heavy Steers, $8.15 to $8.50; good heavy steers, $7.75 to $8.00; butchers' cat- tie, good, $7.90 to $8.15: do. med- iam, $7.25 to $7.50; do. common, 35 to $6.60; butchers' bulls, choice, $7.25 to $7.50; do. bulls, $6.65 to $6.75; do. rough bulls, $450 to $5.00; butchers' cows, choice, $7.10 to $7.40; do. good, $6.75 to $7.00; do. medium, $6.90 to $6.25; stockers, 700 to 850 1bs., $6 tp $6.40; choice feeders, dehorned, $6.30 to $7.00; canners and cutters, $3.50 to $4.50; milkers, choice, each, $70 to $80; do, com. and med., each, $40 to $60; springers, $50 to $90; lHght ewes, $7.65 to $8.65: sheep, heavy, $4.50 to $5.35; spring lambs, per 1b, 10c to 1le; calves, good to WOLFE ISLAND. Aug. b,~-Municipal Council met at 10 am. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting confirmed. Steamboat, agcounts paid: Capt. Me- Donald, ong menth, $70; J. Gray, one month, $70; J. Markey, one month, $560; G. Rattray, one month, purser and steward, $200; J. Rus- sell, one month, $40; A. Ryan, 19 days D, H., $15.80; G. Rattray, sun- dry accounts paid, $15.98; H. Brown, 12 days D. H., $12; J. Allinson, 2 days D. H., $2.50; H. Marlow, 8 days D. H., $8; George Taylor, help clean- ing boiler, $1.50; Kingston Laun- dry, 120 pieces, $2.78; W. F. Kelly Oil Co., oil for June and July,$25.18: James Swift & Co. coal, $226.50; McKelvey & Birch, account, $24.78: Booth & Co.' coal, June, $63.10; Woodman & Cramer, coal, $2.40. Township accounts paid: J. Weir, work on road, $19; 0. Yott, jr., work on.road, $15; Woodman & Cramer, account, $4.15; George McDonnell, stone for road' $190. Moved McGlynn-Orr, and resolv- ed, that each pathmaster be notified to have all wéeds cut on his beat. The bank statements showed Aug. 1st, $2,095.55 to credit of township and $3,832.70 to credit of steam- boat. Council adjourned to first Saturday in September at 10 a.m. et Us Convince You t% Let us prove to you tonight that every corn is 'needless. Get Blue-jay at your drug store; Apply it in & pain will stop forever, And'in 48 hours jifty. The Corns choice, $10.50 to $11.50; do, med- ium, §9 to $10; hows, fed and water< ed, $12.25 to $12.85; do. weighed off cars, $12.50 to $12.60; do. fo.b., $11.60. GRAIN QUOTATIONS) Torento. Toronto, Aug. 8.-- Manitoba wheat --Track, bay ports--No, 1 Northern, $1.46; No. 2, do. $1.43%; No. 8, do., $1.39%. . Manitoba oats--Track, bay ports --No, 2 C. W,, 53%¢c; No. 3, do., 523% c; extra No. 1- feed, 52% ¢; No. 1 feed, 52%c; No. 2, do., 62¢. American corn--No. 3 yellow, 95 %c¢, track, Toronto. Ontario 'wheat--No. 1 commercial, per car lot, according to freights out- side, $1;05 to $1.07; Ne. 2, do., $1- 02 to $1.04; No. 2, do, 96 to 98¢; feed wheat, $1 to "2c; new wheat, No. 2, $1.10 to $1.12. Ontarlo oats--No. 3° white, ac- cording to freights outside, 48 'to 49¢. Peas--No. 2, nominal, per car lot, $1.75 to $1.85; according to sample, $1.25 to $1.50. : Barley--Malting, nominal, ouf- side, 68 to 68¢c; do., No. 2 feed, nom- inal, 62 to Bic, Buckwheat--Nominal, 70 to 71e. reo, 1 commercial, 96 7c. Manitoba flour--First patents, in Jute bags, $7.50; second patents, in jute bags, $7; strong bakers', in jute bags, $6.80, Toronto, Ontario flour--Whiier, new, track, to ing to sample, $4.70 to $4.80, in jute bags; bulk, seaboard, $4.90 to $5. treal--Shorts, $25 to $26 per ton; bran, $22 to $23 per ton: good feed flout, per bag, $1.75; middlings, $26 E004 | uo nd- picked. Toronto, prompt Shipment, accord-| Militeed--UCar lots. delivered Mon-] $ red, old, $1.34 to $1.36%; No. hard, new, $1.34% to $1.36: No. hard, new, $1.32% to $1.34 %. a Corn---No. 2 yellow, 85 1% to 863e; No. 4 yellow, 843%¢; No. 4 white, 84 to 84%e. Oats--No. 3 white, nominal; stand- ard, 44% to 456%ec. $1.03 to $1.08, 2 red, old, $1.35% to $1.38%: No. 3 2 3 ) Rye---No. 2 new, Barley--#64 to 86c. Timothy---Nominal. Clover--4$7.00 to $14.50, Pork--$26.25. Lard--12.92. Ribs--$13.40 to $14.00, GENERAL TRADE. Produce in Toronto. " Toronto, Aug. 8.--Spring chick- ens, dressed, 26¢ to 36¢; fowl, dress- | ed, 1b, 22¢ to 28e¢. Butter--Fresh dairy, cheice, 28e¢ to 27c; inferior, 24c to 25e; cream- ery prints, 31c to 82c; solids; 30¢ to Sle. Eggs--New-laid, 29¢ to 30¢: do. in cartons, '83¢c to 35c. Beans--34.50 to $5, the latter for Cheese--New, large, 18¢ to 18%¢; twins, 18% ¢ to 18%e; triplets, 18 %¢ to 18% ec. Maple syrup--$1.50 per Imperial gallon. Dressed poultry--Chickens, 26c to 27¢; fowl, 23c to 25¢, Potatoes--Vipginia, new, barrel, $3.76 to $4. Produce in Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 8.--Cheese--Fin- est westerns, 17% c to 18¢; do. east- erns, 19¢ to 173%c¢c. Butter--Choie- est creamery, 32c to 32%c; seconds, 30%e to Bic. Eggs Fresh, 36c; selected, 33¢; Neo. 1 stock, 30c; No. 2 de., 26¢ to 27¢. Dressed hogs-- Abdttoir-killed, $17.25 to $17.50. Pork--Heavy Canada short mess, barrels, 36 to 45 pieces, $34 to $35; Canada short cut back, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, $32 to $83. Lard Compound, wood pails, 20 Ibs net, 13%ec to 13%; pure, wood pails, 20 Ibs. net, 16%e. No \ Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 8.--The foreign de- mand for wheat to-day was indiffer- eit, and the prices bid were 28 per quarter out of lime, but the demand for oats and barley continues - good and a geod business could hs worked it the ocean grain room was avail- ahie, A sale of 20,000 bushels of Manitoba No. 3 barley was made at 88¢ per bushel, c.i.f. Corn--American. No. 2 yellow, 93% to 9eyue. Oats--cCanadian Western, No, 2, 54% to 63¢; do. No. 3, 54 to 54%e; extra No. 1 feed, 53% to bide. Barley--Manitoba feed, 73% to Téc. Flour--Manitoba spring wheat patents, Tirsts, $7.60; do. seconds, $7.10; strong 'bakers', $6.90; winter patents, choice, $6.45; Straight rollers, $5.70 to $5.75; do. in bags, $2.50 te $2.60. Rolled oats --Barrels, $5.05 to $5.45; Bags of 80 lbs, $2.40 to 2.60. _Millteed--Bran, 23; short, $25; middlings, $27: mouillie, $30 to $32. Hay No. 2, per ton, car lots, $17.50 to $19. ------ Duluth. Duluth, Aug. 8.--Wheat--No. 1 hard, $1.41%;: No. 1 northern, $1.38% to $1.40 Hi No. 2 northern, 136K to 31.37%; September. $1,88%. Linseed, on track, $2.08 1% to 09; to arrive, $2.08%; Sep- t > $2.08% bid; October, $2.10 10 $27 per ton. ~ R - _Hay--Baled, No. 1, track, Toron- bid; November, $2.10 asked; Decem- ber, $2.08 bid. 4 | GERMANY MUST FACE 3 LE lish dominate in Flanders." The Dally Mail's Rotterdam corre- i ig in this commec- » For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A., corner John- son and Ontario streets. August 18th to 21st inclusive. Return limit, Sept. 6th, 1916. [ET AUSONIA ... From A Aug. 9 .... FELTRIA FO For information apply Ant oF the Robert R traced back to a desire to get even, the failure of other men. i von Tirpitz's fulmin-|" CANADIAN: SERVICE; MONTREAL TO LONDON T . Aug. 10 seve Aug. ®1 CABIN 'AND THIRD CLASS CARRIED . TO BRISTOL (AVONMOUTH DOCK) Bristel From Montreal «oss Aug. 26 LIA Sept. 2 ONLY CABIN PASSENGERS . CARRIED local Ticket eford Co., Lim 50 King Street Bast. Toronto From Montreal Te Pretorian Aug. 12 Glasgow Corsican Aug. 153 Liverpool Going Trip West $12.00 TO voor pea TL | WINNIPEG deter WE MUST HAVE ReturaTrip East $18.00 " ge Yt of HELPY! . '¢ 5 "tL f Siellk Aug. 24 London Seandinavian Sep. 2 Livp1 Carthaginian Sep 13 G'gow Grampian Sept. 16 pool Pretorian Sept. 16 Glasgow Corinthian Sep. 17 London flany a man's downfall can be Many a man owes his success to Montgomery JOHN M. 8 Dye Wor For the Best in _ i French Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing. J. B. HARRIS, Prop., et Wanted ' "$12.00 TO WINNIPEG SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Leave Toronto Union Station 11 p.m|, Aug. 17th, 19th, 31st, and + THROUGH TRAINS WITH LUNCH COUNTER OARS ATTACHED » EXCURSION DATES - From Toronto east to Chaffey's Locks and Kingston; also north to Thornlea. RETURN FARE. AND : X 'That i€ due to a chemist who has studied corns for 25 years. He has found a gentle, certain way to end them. { the halo Americans is G a sigual an attack. do am ol rice No soreness, no inconvenience. Blue-jay is a wax set in never have Stop them a8 soon as they start. But Millions of eo or corny, simply because they e-jay &x ra "7 15 and a | MEAS Be and New York & , ete. position superior to that London, A & The : Post's co t at Berne quotes from a letter written te the Berlin Maring howdy Die at by For- mer Ministe r von Tipit as Jonows; Raith "May r country grasp clearly the fact Germanism tan: not hold its own | unless meins of) 8 this position; if we do not ® Count Reventlow makes it the of a sermon, in which he says: ." Wi Tirpita's me oa the right moment to warn those who per mile ( mum §0¢) to Winnipeg on or be- fore Nov. shh. 19186, plus $18.00 from Winnipeg to ©