OUR GREAT ACHIEVEMENT IN'YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONS You can readily grasp the superiority of our suits "for the younger set," at a glance. They show the style, grace, ani- mation of color and design, these are truly clothes for the young man, designed "from the heart," created to 'make the most of athletic figures. \ ~ $15, $18, $20, $22 x ° : ) Livingston's - & 75-79 BROCK STREET A little out of the way but it will pay you to walk AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK ON THURSDAY EVENING. Fined by County Magistraté Huutef] ~Wife of Soldier Overseas and Mother of Five Children, Her husband overseas and the fi} mother-of. five children, the young- i} est. of whom is only fifteen months old, a woman appeared before foun- ty Magistrate Hunter Friday morn- ing, charged with being drunk and }| disorderly at Lake Ontdirio Park and was fined $2 and costs. This she will be able to pay out of her al- ---- Mary Pickford At Grand. Loud were the praises which the entertainment at the Grand Opera House last night received from the many who attended this popular centre of high-class photoplays and polite vaudeville, The Famous + Players offering was "The Eternal i@rind," a drama of humanity, in | which Mary plays - the' 'sympathetic and touching role of | the overworked, hard-driven little slave of the machine. Others seen Battalions . henceforth recruited in Canada are to' number thirty-two officers and 1,040 men, a reduction of four and seventy-two respectively. [fi This will lish strength, The boys who are on the bivouac [I at Lemoine's Point were practically to a man in for a swini in the lake on | Thursday. 5 lowance from the Patriotic Fund, Inj Were a three-reel Universal Photo- all she gets-about $66 a month, but| Play, "The Upstart," a comedy, the sudden prosperity was too much! When Lizzie Went to Sea," and the or her, causing her to fall into evil Paramomnt Travel Serjés. The ays, particularly into intemper-' headliners in the vaudéville bill ance. - The magistrate exacted a] Were Seymour and Dupree. Sey- promise from her that for the sake! hour dees some phenomenal leaping of her husband and children she and Miss Dupree does some Swiss would endeavor to lead a better life.| dances which were well received. The evidence for the prosecution Good singing and playing on vari- derly vaudeville at the park. She! act a decided hit, Same progremme threw chairs around, and, with| to-night, sleeves rolled , up, . walked about, A showed that she put on some disor-' ous instruments helped to make this 7.3 (CleanSweep Sale Saturday 'ALL OUR FANCY MUSLIN DRESSES, LINEN DRESSES AND SUMMER SPORT COATS "at a price that means a quick clearance. Every one new this season, good assort- 'ment of sizes. Priced regular up to $12. All at one price . baturday $1.98 § Corduroy Skirts 56 only of this season's smartest models with side pockets and large pearl buttons, made from the best quality of cotton cor- duroy. Sold alii at $3.00. Satur- day for $148 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ron's HHH EH looking for someone to fight. She was finally taken in charge by the military police, but was rescued by {a gallant soldier, who himself was arrested. - The woman made her es- {cape and went to sleep on the track. | Fortunately she was discovered in time, and, placed on a car, was brought to the city police. station, where she was locked up. THINK THEY CAN RUN | A COAL YARD HERE. Trades and Labor Men Discuss the Co-operative * Plan. A special meeting' of the Trades 'and Labor Council was held on Thursday evening. Great -prepara- tions are béing made for the Labor Day picnic and the holiday this year will be celebrated with big festivi- ties, The report 'of the committee on the commencement of a co-operative coal yard in Kingston was brought in. The matter was thoroughly dis- cussed, and it is thought that the | project can be accomplished 'with | Success. Lots of Replies. "You may discontinue my adver- | tisement for furnished rooms," said {a new arrival yesterday, "as I have | obtained just the room#® that suit us | to perfection. Say, you should see | --and of course you did see--all the | replies 1 got. The Whig is certain- ly a wonder. Wife and 1 had our choice of dozens of fine locations and answers to that ad. are still coming in. I am now finely located and hope to enjoy life in Kingston." Thus spoke a gentleman who ad- vertised in the Whig lately under the initials of "J/M.N." 3 - e-- DARLINGSIDE DOINGS. The Rain Will Do Much Good to the . Crops. Darlingside, 'Aug. 10.--We had a splendid rain here yesterday and a good shower last night. It was much needed, and will do g world of good, as. pastures, gardenfand grain were withering up for thefwant of it. The Anglican church people of Rockport had their annual church excursion to Ogdensburgh to-day by steamer Missisquoi. It was well patronized. Miss Brimble, trained nurse at Toronto General Hospital, is visiting at Robert McCullough's. Mrs. E. Haig and her daughter, Miss Jessie, of Gananoque, visited | Mrs, (Dr.) Wallace at Berwick Is- {land for a few days last week, Mr. Redpath, of Montreal, is at his sum- mer home, "Dot Island," for the sea- son. I never saw a night ' So dark there wasn't light, Somewhere about, if I took care To strike a match, and find where, out THE LATE ALLAN ROBINSON. Burial Took Place at Cataraqui Cem- etery Friday Afternoon, The funeral of the late Allan Rob- inson, King street west, was held on Friday afternoon. The service "was conducted by Revy Alfred Brown; pastor of Sydenham Street Methodist Church, and was attended by many of deceased's friends, who grieve at his untimely and tragic end. interred in Cataraqui Cemetery. Those who acted as pallbearers were John Davy, Robert Smith, Stanley Gee, Charles Ryan, Charles Bailley, and Paul Shetagne, Tournament Over, Miss Fargy won the ladies' single championship in Queen's Summer School tennis tournament, defeating Miss Buchanan. ' The finals Jor the mixed doubles were not completed. The men's singles were won by Mr. Johnson and the men's doubles by Torrie and Hendry. Home-grown Nutmeg Melons, Southern Cantaloupes, Water- melons and Egg Plant at Carnovsky's. "After Shave Lotion," at Gibson's. Joseph Dwyer, son of John Dwyer, and Miss Mary Carty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry ' Carty, South Crosby, were united in marriage in the Roman Catholic Church' at Elgin on Wednesday. Buy Talecum Powders at Gibson's. The fishing at Newbord at present =| is reported to be the best in several years. ; "Huyler"s Week End Sweets," Gib- son's, : A great many men make their mark in this world because of their inabil- =! ity to write. Buy Taleum Powders at Gibson's. It is denied .that anthrax epidemic in Ontario. "Huyler's Week End Sweets," Gib- son's, ue After the service the remains were | Af The Strand. ~ * "Greater Love Hath No Man" in five superb acts with that sterling stage favoriig Emmet Corrigan in | the leading role was shown to a very appreciative andience at the Strand last evening. "The Great Degeit", gta. a .2-reel Essanay drama; "Her: ug ie event and the QDoys did excel Quarter of an Hour," featuring Lil lian Walker and "When Wifie Holds the Purse Strings," starring Ford Sterling and Fred Mace, complete as strong a bill as has ever been pre- sented here, Same' programme to- night. a Lake Ontario Park. i There was 'an immense crowd! at Lake Ontario Park last evening. ! Miss Hart, the popular young so- prano, sang sweetly "Until," "Like a Rose," "There's ' a Long Lone, Trail to You." Victor Faust, the rube musician, sang "My Girl Irene" and played "The Mocking Bird," "Silver Thread Among the Gold," "Most Endearing Young Charms," and danced "The Chicken Reel." The | pictures .were excellent, especially | "Diana of the Faron" and the Pathe: News, specializing war scenes at the | front The same bill will be repeat- ed to-night. CAPT. R. ROBINSON PAINFULLY INJURED While Boarding Train to] Come to Kingston to Attend Brother's Funeral, { As soon as Capt. Robert Robinson, | Paymaster of the 146th Battalion, received the telegram announcing the death of his brother, Allan Rob- | inson, he netiaiely Made haste to | get to Quebec from Valcartier Camp. | He had very little time\to catch the | train and after speeding to the city ! saw the 'train pulling out as he ' reach -the station. i Just as he was jumping on the ! train his cane got in the way and he Bs thrown off receiving painful in- juries to his legs and knee cap. | He was forced to wait six hours "for the next train but arrived in time for the funeral of his brother Fri- | day afternoon. 1 er -------- i Anzac Slang. | The vocabulary of some. of the Australian and New Zealand tro ps { would puzzle Solomon himself, judg- | ing by some of the specimens givea in that entertaining periodical, The ' Gazette of the 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth. The follow- | tng dialogue is quoted by a transport officer lately in Gallipoli: "Halloa, chum! some bonza news." "What! Another furfie?" . - "No, dinkum oil this time; the | boys have imshied the Turks on the (right and got fifty prisoners, who | say they have had mafeesh tucker for | two days." Bonza corresponds with our "rip- png' 'or "'tophole." A furfie is aru mor, drinkum means "genuine," and |dinkum ofl "authenticated news." | mshi is Gippy for "clear out," and mafeesh, which {is borrowed from |the same téngue, means "nothing." When an Australian wishes to ac- j duire something he 'shakes it," | whereas the British Tommy either | "makes it" or "scroungs it." | Tommy's slang is largely derived { from Hindustani, and includes such | words as "'chipperow" for "shut up," | but some jildi into it," weaning "hurry up," and "let's have a | dekko,"" when he wants to have a look at something. : Pozzy is jam-- cherb, beer--rooty, bread--dough, money---jippo, 'gravy --muckim, buttey -- char, tea. { "Swinging the lead" is pretending or deceiving. When an article is "spare it means that it is not wanted. I've just.heard ------------------------ Shakespeare's Benefactors, Of the millions who keep Shakes- ,beare's memory green to-day, how | many have even heard of Heminge and Condell? Yet, to the faithful labors of these two poor players we jowe the first attempt to . ive the world a complete edition of Shakes- peare's plays, No collected edition of the poet's work was issued in his lifetime, nor did many of the plays even find their way to print, until John Heminge and Henry Condell, Shakespeare's intimate friends and fellow-actors, took the task of pub- lication in hand, disclaiming "'ambi- tion either of self-profit or fame in undertaking the design," and being moved solely by desire "to keep the memory of so worthy a friend and fellow alive as was our Shakespeare." Prizes for Hyphen War Babies. According to the latest newspap- ers, the German Commandant at Libau has announced that the Ger- man Government will give a bounty of $4.75 for a boy and $3.00 for a girl bora of a Lettish mother and a German soldier father. ' ------------ i Pretty Bad, : The Jord must be in a pretty bad way 0 even the promoter jsa't faithful to his trust, ¢ 2 j camp. It was planned to have every man | cook his own noon-day meal on Fri- ||| day, the instructors of the School | of Covkery acting as supervisors. | The plan worked out on Thursday | night was as follows: The out-posts | consisting of one company from each | of the three battalions "were on | watch from 4 p. m., Thursday. About | .30 p. m., a party of scouts was | taken to th Road and left with | { instructions fo work their way into | When the out-posts found! them shortly after 10 o'clock the | assembly was blown and every sol-| dier had to waken and get dressed. | The batjalion rushed to the relief of | the outposts after which an inspec- tion was made by the headquarters | It was a splendid night for lent, By a clerical mistake at Barriefield Camp Headquarters it" was an- nounced in orders that Lieut. V. Lan- os had been attached to the head- quarters staff. It is Lieut. J. M, Lanos, father of the first named, who is attached to the staff. = Among officers who hve returned to Canada on leave is Lieut. Gerald | Belfie, Gamarioque and Seeley's Bay, who went overseas to join the Royal Army Medical Corps, and has now completed his year of service in that branch of the service. Lieut. Gillies, of Gananoque, has also reached Can-| ada on his return. Gets a Medal. The latest 'issue of the London Gazette contains the name of Sergt.| Stanbridge, of the 21st Battalion, in| a list of thirty-seven Candian N.C.O"s.| and men who have been awarded the military medgt for bravery in the! field Reference was of Sergt. Stanbridge. Wedding. 823 Davison-Shields W. Irving Davison, of street, and Miss Katherine of 546.Cooper stret, Watertown, N. Y., were Quietly married Tuesday. They left for Kingston and western points, where they will spend their honeymoon Mr. Davison is the son of William H. and. Charlotte Davi- son, Roblin, Ont., where Mr. Davison was born. Mill Straws For $1. Worth, $2 and 2.50, Mills & Co. to-morrow, at George Buy Face Creams at (ibson's. He's a wise man who makes the mistake of guessing a woman's age too voung. "Ice Cream Bricks," Gibson's. How disappointed most men must feel every time they look 'into a mir- ror! Buy Face Creams at Gibson's. The man .in the moon is the only chap who seems to thrive on a high | ball. "Ice Cream Bricks," 'Gibson's. A homely girl is always pretty in| the eyes of the man in. love with her. | metal ANNOUNCEMENTS. Notices of any character re- lating to future events, where an admission fee is charged, are inserted in the advertising columns at 10c a line for first insertion and 6c a line for each consecutive insertion; or 10c a line each insertion, if reading matter. Announcements for societies, clubs, or other organizations of future events, where no admis- sion fee is charged, may be in- - serted in this column at gne cent a word, with a minimum of 26c for one insertion. i a Crusaders' Corner | General . Taylor, while staying with Lord Roden, was frequently! observed gazing upon a vers€ over! the mantel | 'IMy sins deserve eternal death, | But Jesus died for me." { | * One day the earl said, "1 should | think, Taylor, that you gust know | those lines by heart." 2 { "l do indeed," said the general, | "my very heart has grasped their] meaning." : | made in de-| {spatches some time ago to the work Shields, ! correspond to the "Eng- || | | | | fl \g! 3 - i New charming styles, good full roomy cut, excellent workmanship. = -- Slipover and high necked styles, made of good quality nainsook or cambric, trim- med with dainty embroidery or lace. Dozens of different styles to choose from. $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and up. = E EE Corset Covers New and pretty designs in fine nainsook cotton, lace or embroidery trimmed, 25¢ to $2.75. 3 Crepe de chene Camisoles, from $1.25 - and up, in good quality silk crepe de chene "in shades of flesh, pink and white. Silk Camisoles, black or' white, with 1 sleeve, and trimmed with dainty lace edge. From $1.25 up. : Fes Summer Kimonos A thumber of new and very pretty styles in crepe de chene, in wool delaine, in Ser- pentine crepe. 'The wool delaine kimonas, in plain Yhades of sky, pink, copenhidgen, mauve, grey; also in cream ground with floral de- signs, $5.00 and up. Serpentine Crepe Kimonas, in plain shades and in fancy designs, $1.50 and John Laidlaw & Son Special Pricesto Reduce Stock We are offering our summer shoes for women in white can- td vas and patent leather, at greatly reduced prices. All new stock but broken run of sizes. Patent Colonials and Pumps White Canvas Oxfords .. .. Patent Pumps, colored tops et Se orien cerns 31.98 Ss aote 0 00's >» : The Lockett Shoe Store