a apd courteous attention at nen of Bank of Toronto, plete fo Iles and connections are.cares fully gnaininined for the wansaction of a lassen of business accounts, Every convenience is afforded to Savings De- powitars, Small or large sums may be deposited and interest is paid on balances, 114 Branches ia Conads, wa STEADY READING Reading, Writing or Figuring often produce EYE STRAIN It can be overcome only in one way, by wearing glasses to relieve the straln on the nerves of the eyes. R. J. RODGER Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician. 182 Princess Street. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." ' You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat= tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and bé convinced? - I. LESSES "hone 1045 507 Princess St " Pree pupection of any battery at any time ak | Montserrat Lime Juice tack Welch's Grape Juice Was Made Upon the oases] Which | Raspberry Vinegar Lemonadd Gurd's Ginger Ale. Gordon's Grocery, .|Cor.- Bay and Montreal St. Phonan 88. 88. F100 JOHNSON-FLORIST 115 B FRESH ouT | FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS | Riley's Celebrated As- sorted Toffee The Vessel only Escaping by a hairs Breadth. We have been successful in| Seturing. pare of the _eurgo. Must be | npprecinted, all fn only 40¢ per Ih. vars, | beig's rug Store Nynl Quality Store Branch Post Office i in ! | | | Kingston Watts. Florist Ontario Home Grown CELERY, LETTUCE, POTATOES, APPLES, and BERRIES. Choice Groceries. FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division St. Phone 545 Prompt Delivery EGGO DEMONSTR TION Mrs. Greer will bake bread and Ske daily at BON MARCHE GROCERY Call and see the demon-| stration. e ORE LIVE FOWLS WANTED |Fat live hens Ovew'5 lbs. 17¢ Caverly & Bradshaw | _ Over 4 lbs. 16¢ - Fat roosters, young or old : 13¢ Fat live turkeys, young visit 2 Fat live ducks; old . 12¢ Fat live ducks young 13¢ Fat live chickens 3 1b 20c Above prices svol till Friday, Aug. 11th, Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Sts. Phone 438 or 1846 { | | { | | | CHOICE GROCERIES TEAS & COFFEES COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD, JOS. AHEARN, JR. 270% MONTREAL STREET, Phone 860. BUILDERS ! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER It Saves Time P. WALSH' 'Barrack St, Charm Ceylon Tea Black, Green, Mixed. Packed in King. ston by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. At All Grocers # ¥ st. and W. J. Cliffe, Gananoque, were in Kingston Sun- August always when the moon is ing it now. ' Miss Lena Wheeler, Napanee spent the weekend with Miss Pearl Richards. Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald, niversity avenue, returned on Sat- urday from Boston. . On Sunday the death occurred of has a cool spell full. 'We are hav- the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Granger, 45 Aberdeen street. H. Cunningham, plano tuner, 21 ton |". street, Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store, Ontario fall wheat will bring ton] ow, prices. Dealers are offering $1.25 a bushel for carload lots. Dr. J. €. Connell and party have returned from an enjoyable motor trip through the New En land states Mrs. (Dr.) Robert Tweed, came out of the hospital' 'on Satur- day, where she had spent several 'weeks. Eighteen parcels for prisoners of war at Fort Henry reached the Am- Sriean consult's office Monday morn- ng. i Mrs. Willlam Bassam and dane ter, Miss Bertha Bassin, are spend- ing a couple of weeks with relatives in Ottawa. On Saturday John, the two-| months' old infant of Mr. and Mrs} Hogan, Chatham street, died after] a short ilness.. Miss Marion Lyons, niece of Dr. McCarthy, who was called here by | the fatal tliness of &er mother, has returned to Chicago. Mrs. W. H. Henderson and child- ren, Pembroke, are spending a few! days with her sister, Mrs. J. A | Smyth, Bagot street. | A beautiful enlarged photograph, | 24 x 30, of Harold Bell Wright's sum-| mer home is shown in the windows | of the College Book Store, Miss Stella McConnell 4 moved from her home on Road to the Hotel Dieu in eid's ambulance on Sunday. Major W. H. Craig of the 59th has | been ordered to France. Other of-| ficers of the 59th have been ordered | to hold themselves in readiness. { Alaskd \McCaulley, Syracuse, N.| [., has beejl spending a few holidays! in the city /with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mec- Rory, 60 Clergy street west. Lieut. Roe Emery, 146th Bat- talion, Valcartier camp, is spending] a few days' leave with his mother, Mrs. G. F. Emery, Bagot street, Mr. J. Hincliffe and little daugh- ter, Mamie, Clarence street, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and] Mrs. Joseph Liddle, Bath Road. Miss Annie M." Bond played the! organ very effectively in Queen street | church yesterday in the absence of Mr. Chase, who is having a few weeks! holidays. Miss Mildred McQuade, Ordnance street, has returhed from a visit| with Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Fitzgibbons | nd Mrs. Davis, at Rockport, on the! Lawrence, { Mrs. Murry, A Kingston, and her| two daughters, Mrs. Taylor and] Mrs. E. Dainard, with several grand- | children, are stopping at Case Dain-| ard's, Point Petre. | Fire Chief James Armstrong, Kingston, was re-elected secretary | of the Dominion Fire Chiefs Asso-| ciation, which will met in Port! Arthur next.year. Dr. R. K. Kilborn, King street, who has been in poor health for some time, was seriously affected on Sun- day afternoon, but showed signs ofl improvement to-day: Queen's Medical College re-opened to-day after two weeks'. Holidays. | The course which is being taken by 135 students, will continue until the | latter part of October. Bombadier Leo Gleeson, wa Camp, is visiting i Mr. and Mrs. John Gleeson, King | street west. He expects to leave for! overseas the-first of next month. A big can of milk was spilled on| Princess street between Barrie and! Clergy streets on Monday morning,} and when the watering cart passed over the pavement became spotless ly white. Dr. and Mrs. W. A, Jacquith and | son Arthur, J. Wilde, Mr. and Mrs.! C. G. Booth and 'daughter, all of! New York City, arrived in the city Saturday en route for Sydenham to! spend holidays. Capt. James F, officially reported gressing very favorably. Capt. Ad- ams is twenty-seven years old, and a | graduate of the Royal Military Col- lege, Kingston, Service over the remains of the late J. W. Eve, drowhed on Sat- urday, is to be held in Convocation | Hall at five o'clock this afternoon by | Principal Gordon. to be sent to Bermuda to-night. | Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McClymont| and daughter, Miss Mina MecCly- mont, who hdve been visiting in| Toronto, wounded, is pro- Adams, day, making the trip by automomile. The crew of the sailing yacht! Temeraire spent Saturday in city and left at midnight for Des-: eronto. Among the crew were men from New York, Chicago and Lock-| port, N. Y. They had a jolly out-| ing. Provost, Brock street, has this| year an extra fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his | order clothing' department. His | ready-made clothing and gent's. fur- nishing department are well assort- | ed with n goods™ George ollitt and little son, Robert, of Brantford, came to Kings- ton for the week end Mr Pollitt is superintendent of the composing] room of the Brantford Courier, and | was formerly of the Whig newsroom | staff CASTORIA For Infants and Children 1 bears Atwars 7 Spe of | nearer to Kingston. | ment, Pw ue Pi Pim, 3 The $1,000 Had New protnd other Fhotopin Any Seat TO-NIGHT, TU and WED, Metro Vict Present The Gifted Dramatic Stars LIONEL HOWLEY: 4h AND IRENE "A Yellow Streak" Also other 500d subjects. GRIFFIN'S er ERE EVERYBODY GOERS xX, nh AL TORY & TUBSDAY The Santon and other big a » WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY E PLUN i FRIDAY & SATU Theda Bara in "Di UOTIgN" Matinee Se; Evening, 10 and 13e. PARK TONIGHT "frei 7308030 2 "Free Shows Nightly 2: . Vaudeville--Photopla; Thé Pathe News | ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS | Wed, Chlidrea's 1 Cent Day on Cars. A --------------------------------r------ FREE DEMONSTRATION OF Egg-0 Baking Powder By MRS. GREER Caverley & Bradshaw's Cor, King and Eur] Streets LAWN SOCIAL | { i | | Lake Ontario j First insertion, 1¢ a word. Each con wecutive insertion thereafter, hall- cent 8 word. Mislmum charge for 'one insertion, 235¢; three aertica; | Boe; six §1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED _ APPLY A NIGHT WATCHMAN, Angin & Co. KITCHEN W WOMAN, APPLY AT ove to Hotel Royal | KITCHEN PORTER oque Inn, Apply A COOK. APPLY IN THE EVENIN 10 Mrs. Howard 8, Folger, No. 'Ernily street. A GOOD STICKER Apply Fronten Glass Co, Ltd. HOUSE PARLORMAID, chen woman. Aply evenings, King street oad FOR _ GANAN-| Hotel Frontenac, | MAN, GOOD WAGES Moulding ALSO KIT- | 164 | { } ' . Boy Wanted. Apply te John 4 Laldlaw & Son, Bek, Pe de WANTED AT ONCE, GIRL OR wo. | man to work In lasadry. Apply! Kingston General Hos- | | _ laundry, ploal GIRLS WANTED Experienced bindery girls and and press feeders. Apply Supt. Wiig Job Dept. Phd 4 9 4 4 i | TWO MEN, GOOD WAGES, STEADY employment; must be strictly tem- | perate.: Apply Kingston General Hospital 2 | | FAatassttstnsassattotaatte Experienced Salesiady for Fur | # Department. Apply at once io & George Mills & Co, "K + Famous Fur Store" er SPP REI STEADY WORK FOR GOOD. MEN AT the county stone crusher. T. Graves, a the plant near Rail- and | | FURNISHED HOUSE BY SEPT. 1ST. | STORAGE FURNISHED, - Apply | FURNISHED, one week | TRIE TrIRORY on three Lhe 4d ps CASH SALE, CHEAP, IMMEDIATE Williams Cabinet Grand Prano and 4 or 7 betwee: ot hen 3 TE In eva iy Sond oi Somriog. PLE Duhning, Pox 306, Cape Vincent, N.Y. Sinker Sen ogre pir Seated oh tenac street, ST 00 par week. TRE ! dd, 121 Princess street, | CHALMERS CAR FIRST CLASS ! A a po tire and rim; | 2a FOUND $ pom. at 92 GENVINE selections; oasn ndsay, CUFF LINK PICKED UP IN Post Office. Owner may have same by calling we Je Post- master's office ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and Risking to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. Tie adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. five extra tubes. Apply Morris Garage, foot of Princess street. fo electric OTe, ugh te Bis im i rane "Monten street. AN EXHAUST VALVE OFF A MOTOR, eyele. 1 Return Ww 2 22 20 Colborne St. fx WILL THE BOY "WHO PICKED TR the lady's hand bag on Montreal! street at noon Friday, comtathing stiver Sutch and other JS | 'please return the same to 98 ne) ve A. 1916 FORD © ALMOST __Street and receive reward. datest. Te owner gone i away for 'his Mh, Sna Ne Yylck buyer. Apply Hox 148 NEW, T0 LEX FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, children, 396 Princess street. i. TWO GASOLINE LAUNCHES; ONE uaranteed twent Infled an hour. st class condition 2roly Ta usseau, R. v E. du Pont Barrac "TWO HOUSES, BEACH WITH ONR acre of ground. Suitable for gar- den, Ah three lots, all in city limits. Rtasunable = ces and els terms. Apply riendship, 42 Albert street. -------------------------------------- | w E WAVE A LOT OF CAMP STOVRS an a few very large ranges; will sell chaap. kinds of furniture, Eood mAttresses and beds. J. Thompson, 3133 Prin- cess street. Phone 1600. No | Apply 152 Sydenham street. | BED ROOMS AND SITTING ROOMS opposite Oity Parki 123 King St. cor West. | FOR FURNITURE, = SEP. | arate rooms. McCann, $2 Brock street. OFFIUES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- | bers. Apply to A. B. Cunt A 79 Clarence ret STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN "dry, alry rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's Clty Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526d. FOR THE SUMMER /months, Calderwood, the residence lof Col. end Mrs. Giles. Apply to --B. Wajkem, 93 Clarence : 119 EARL STRERT, twelve rooms, Spasious Elounds on ne sides, nice wooded. Apply i 12 Brock street. r HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE' ahi ment of high grade bicycles, are offering special bargains or same. Also a large stock of Dunlop tires. George Muller, 378 King street. Phone 1032. WE LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, COU. ches, stoves, men's clothing, mil- tary boots, also new middy waists, We buy all kinds of new and sec. Phone 32 Experienced stenographer for temporary work; must be accur- ate and speedy. Apply Box R. R., Whig Office. io | In Ald of the Presbyterian Church, Glenviile, Henry Swerbrick's Lawn] Thursday, Aug. 17th Pipers' Band of 154th Battalion In at-! tendance. EVERYBODY COME. $18 A MONTH; ALSO aged four- App wl 1011, { mal MAID, for one child, $18 a month P.O. Box HOUSE a nurse teen months, Mrs. Mainwaring, Brockville, Ont. | i -------------------------------------------------- E XPERI ENCED SLUBBER AND . tenders, ring spinners and | ers; good wages paid to learn- Apply Dominion Textile Co street ers OFF 8 ond hand furniture. S. Shapire, 4% 1oB, Seation. FLOOR, CONVEN- Princess street. Phone 133 lent 1 UBURBAN HOUSE, $15; WITH % acre garden 0. A. BATEMAN, street. : EIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE, GAS and electric lighting, all modern improvements; large lot and shed; excellent locality, near business centre, Owner leaving city. Ap- plv Box 74 Whiz Office 67 CLARENCE PERSONAL TAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS DRESSMAKING and all growths and skin blem- ishes remqved permanently, with. out scar; 30 years' exper fence, Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Throat and Skin Specialilt Bagot street, PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measure, desiguing, trimming, ete; three don including system. Madamgp w York Dressmaking Cataraqi Welch's GRAPE JUIOR At all Grocers, Druggists and Soda Fountains. Bay it by the case for the home, FENWICK, HENDRY & CO, ators INFANTILE. PARALYSIS NEAR | CASES REPORTED: AND THERESA, N. Y. Dr. Williamson, Medical Health Ofi- | cer; Has Requested Dominion Gov- | ernment to Require Health Certifi- | cates of Children from All Parts of New York State. No} Infantile paralysis is drawing] Four cases at | Oswego and one at = Theresa, | Clayton, N. Y., are reported. consequence of this, Dr. A. R. Williamson, Medical Health Officer, | has requested the Dominion Govern- |... through the local Inspector of | Immigration, to increase its precau- | tions. For the past ten days all children from New York and within | a radius of forty miles of that city, | have been required to produce a | | health Rdertificate on entering Can-| 'ada at this port. Failure to pro-| duce such a certificate would result | in their detention in quarantine for] two . weeks. As yet/ no children | The remains are! have been detained, all being able| - bo toypresent a health certificate. All fldren under sixteen are required | to produce a certificate, Now, infantile paralysis having Kingston and vicinity the past three| proken out in different parts of New | thanks to the congregation for the weeks, returned to Ottawa on Suf-|'york State, Dr. Williamson has re-| many kindnesses quested the Dominion Government to | { place all the state .under the ban, requiring health certificates from all | children under sixteen years of age | no matter what part of the State they | come from. The immigration officials, to whom | M the request was made, promised to} write his Government at once. PRINCESS STREET MEHODIST. | Final Sermon Preached Sunday by Rev. A. W. Stewart. * "Billy" Matheson, ex-pugilist and! saloon-keeper, occupied the pulpit! |at Princess Street Methodist Church | on Sunday morning. Taking as his! text "They hated me without! j cause," he spoke on the necessity of! {& mew birth and the need of forgive-! Otis he evening 'Rev. A. Stew- | uth tery. wha has Gt ex-| ng pastofates with the Rev. | | han E ie for the last six weeks, ! | preached his farewell sermon to a' other tn Use For Over 30 Years a onEreeaton. The hia 3 {chose as his text "The grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you all" Before the close of the sermon, | | AT OSWEGO | " au AL IFIED BOY WANTED We have snothér splendid op- portunity for a ed to learn the printing trade. He should be fifteen years of age, bright and active. To such a boy we Riou ise & bright future. ply Supt. Job, Dept, British W hg, ENT PERSON MAY | m nthly ) _canv for new Press Syndi- pers Send for particulars, , Lockport, TEACHERS WANTED. [L ADY TEACHER FOR JUNIOR ROOM of Elgin I lie School. Ste ate qual- ifications 1 experience to H. 8S Davison, , Elgin, Ont la ALAFTED TEACHER FOR JUNIOR | room, 8 8. No. 3, Har row smith; Duties to commence t information apply to A. E. shaw, Sec.-Treas., Harrowsmith TEAC R WANTED FOR SCHOOL | m No. , Padmerston; salary | per annum Apply, stating | experience, to James Sec. Treas. -- avant station, Ont PROTEST FEMALE | - teacher, for Union 8S. 8 Ne 2, fort: | land, or 25 Camden, two miles east of Yarker. Apply, stating exper. | fence and salary required to Lake, Sec.-Treas, Harrowsmith, R.! R No, 2 FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE FINISH- r drop a card. 23 John Ont, DRISCOLL, aly DENTAL BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, Office, 258 Princess. street. 662, DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, "DEN-, | tists, 159 Wellingston street. G. C.| Dewar, D.D.S, LDS, assistant. Phone 346. Phone LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, Law office, BARRISTER | n. 79 Clar- | | and solicitor ence street, Kingston. | Mr.: Stewart expressed his heartfelt | { which had boon | shown him and his family during their stay in the city. Mr. Stewart | | and famfly will return to Bateson {on Tuesday. In the morning special music was) fendered by Mr. Hudson, 'of the Y.|. 'C. A. and Miss Pargott, and in| the evening G. H. Gibsqn, Ottawa, | rendered "Oh Love T Will Not | Let Me Go" in fine Queen Strovt N Methodist, Rev. F. A: Read, of Sydenham, preached Pwo interesting sermons in. | Queen St. Church yesterday. In the | morning his subject was '|Love One | Another," and he decla that love was the greatest thing in the world. At Bethel Church. At the morning service of Bethel | ce. 3: Shrouzh the atoning blood of church C. J. Stevens preached a { forceful and lucid 'sermon on the | need for plain, pointed sermons, op-| | ening up the great truths that serve | the needs of the present day. flowery language, or polities, or any * irrelevant thing . but God's | plain 'words are needed to bring the | minds of the people to think upon | the saving of their souls. In the evening the pastor spoke on true dis- men have registered here for harvest of pleship, ttt t,t GRACE PEARL corresponding i = 3 | AWNINGS, = tents ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CAR. WM. McKinnon, | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, WER- ROOM AND BOARD WANTED i» 149 Whig Office ieee | BY RBLIABLE | to Box $14, Whig Office \ |smcoND-HAND | WE eating a ilar. dine Ne, a ati es A mn) tne 3 iin: | wood | =n Féceive prompt, attention * Shop | } Princess street, corner MUSIO ap. 3 -- E. CLOUGH, L.T.C.M. PIANIST. Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- servatory examinations in piano- forte and theory Address 23 Pine etreet, A. NESBITT, L.T.CM, VOICE Pupil of Dr. A. 8. Vogt. in piano. Puplls prepared for all examinations. Studio 449 Johnson street. Phone 1944. BUSINESS NOTICES VERANDAH CURTAINS, anvas, skiffs for outboard folding boat seats, Ashing ete. Frank W. Cooke, street. -------------------- FIRST CLASS BOARD AND "moons every convenience; central looa- ton. Asply 34 343 Brock street. } 4 . and organ BUSI ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; no canvassing: be your own boss Send for free booklet; tells how. Heacock. 2.969 Lockport. N.Y. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVES ment Soelelys | incor orated 126 i resident, olonel . & M nt, W. F. Nle- i sid Sie Oi. x C. "Money "lasted on eity kle, and A proj A py munietpal and country ebentures; mort. gages purchased; deposits received Interest allowed. . C. Cart wright, manager, 87 Clarence. Bt. Kingston. R. C. CARTWRIGHT Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street, LIVERPOOL, LONDON 'AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the poMcyholders have for security the unlimited ability uf city property, 'insured at ldivest possible rates. Before reneWing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Ages, : Phone 326, Clarence péntering or jobbing of any des- cription, drop a card or call at Wm, 141 Colborne street. Phone tects, Phone 608. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Streets. WANTED GENERAL FOR quiet locality Apply Box young married lady: and in private family. T14, Whig Office AN EXPERIENCED DRESS AND SUIT maker wants sewing by day or at home. Apply 8 John street or Box A MODERN Qentral Apply PARTY, seven or eight room house location; about 15th Sep} MEDICAL A. HOWARD, LATE OF WEST. port, physician and surgeon, 317 University Ave. UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or In part payment of new planos and Victro W. Lind- say, Limited. 121 Princesa street mei -- BUY OLD RAGS AND RUDBERS ¢« and pay highest prices, osen . wholesale dealers, 168 Low- er Bagot street. Phipne 1849, ¥ SEPTEMBER IST, SMALL FUR- \' nished house or about four fur- \ nished rooms, for family of three adults. Positively bes of care guarantéed. Address Box 87. Whig Office. PABENTS BABCOOK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs, Estab, 1877. erly Patent. Office Examiner. of Patent Laws. Book, tection" free. 99 St. James St. real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. QUALITY AND SERVICE We offer you the utmost in \ both. Just think a minute over this; it means somethi le ; - you in dollars and cents. now at prices. trade oi THOMAS COPLEY Telephone os, to 19 13 Pre atraes whes | A New Lot - walnut chal ana " airs, sofas, Huot be got often at TURK'S Furniture Store Phone 705 of bia tables new work; lis hire. ors or all kinds. All orders ® Oneen street At Vancouver about two Thousand | work in Alberta and Saskatchewan.