Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS. *"Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRB INSURANCE Oe OTR Erase Bide. Manear aE 3 BN oronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT, The kind are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal snd we guarantee . prompt delivery. Add wonderfully to the attractiveness of the home. . - * A wonderful variety of new cretonnes,. denims, ~ linen taffetas, shadow cloths, and many other new éffects at amazing] low prices for these hig : (ed po convinced. # { police | In Marine Circles | 'The steamer Turbina is undergo- ing repairs at the skip of the Kings- ton Shipbuilding Company. The bow was smashed in a collision, and on Tuesday morning workmen were en- gaged in riveting the plates. The barge Hamilton went in the drydock of the Kingston Shipbuild- hE Company's plant Tuesday morn- ng. . The government steamer Grenville coaled at Swift's wharf Tuesday morning. The schooner Katie Eccles is all in readiness to clear for Oswego, and will get away to-day if the weather is. favorable. M.T. Co's. bulletin--The steamer India arrived with the barge Selkirk, grain laden, from Port Colborne, and cleared for Montreal; the tug Thom- son arrived from Montreal with the barge Hamilton, which will go on the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's dry dock; the tug Thomson cleared with the barges Quebec and Selkirk for Montreal; the tug Barlett is due to arnive to-night with the barge Burma; the Burma's cargo will be transhipped into barges for Mont- real; the tug Emerson is due to-day with the barges Augustus and Hia- watha loaded with coal from Char- lotte for Montreal. G. W. COMER'S GRANDSON, Won Shield and Medal for Shooting at Calgary. The Calgary Herald says: .Sergt: Jack Comer was presented with the D. E. Black shield and gold medal, representing the championship in the miniature shooting competition of the Calgary Cadets. Jack has been a crack shot for some five years, re- presenting Calgary at Toronto and Ottawa, and at the boys' Bisley in England, where he helped to bring many honors to Calgary. The pre- sentation took place at the closing exercises of the Calgary Collegiate Institute. The boy mentioned above is the grandson of G. W. Comer, of the Kingston custom house. C.P.R, Seaside Excursions. An exceptional vacation 'trip is of- fered by the Canadian Pacific seaside excursions. Tickets on sale, To Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland resorts ~--Good going August 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st; good returning until September 6th. To Maine coast re- sorts, good going August 25th, 26th and 27th good returning until Sep- tember 11th. Very special fares. Full information from any Canadian Pacific ticket agent, or W. B. How- ard, district passenger agent, To- ronto. -------- Refused to Move From Square, Market Clerk McCammon com- plained to the mayor and the chief of Tuesday morning that taxi drivers would not move from the market square, which was needed for farmers' wagons, Taxis are not per- mitted to stand on the square on market mornings. In fact there is no by-law allowing them there at all, {but no objéction is raised to their presence there when -the market is unoccupied by the farmers. The clerk has instructions to summon the owners if they do not move away when ordered. Individual Eye Care ' f made for any evening, -- |. S/ ASSELSTINE, 342 KING ST. Phone 1619 In one pound sections, 25¢ Fresh California Prunes, nice and juicy, 10c, 121-2¢, 15¢ Ib Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs. for 25¢. Evaporated Apricots, 15¢ | Sweet Cider, 40c per gal, W..R McRae & Co :|IF CANADIANS ARE SPENDING gu THE DAILY BRITISH A WOMAN OF FRANCE ASKS BLOOD-STAINED MONEY Prof. J. M. Lanos, of the Royal Military College, has received an in- teresting letter from his sister, Ma, dame J. Bodin, who is performing her part for France in the great war. The following are some extracts: Amidst the woed and tremendous doings of the country, it sounds so small to write about myself, the children or my husband, that I must drop the subject. Dress and pleasure we forswore. long ago. If you hear of French styles, you may take it for granted that they are not for us ~--we could not afford the price it would be heartless derision whilst our men are in rags, fighting, and dying in the trenches. The finger of scorn would follow the woman who would so demean herself when thou- sands are in want. Are there any Canadian women sending blood- stained money on baubles, pursing pleasure, whose eyés have not yet wept hot tears? Happy, thoughtless women! May their country never know what war is as we know it! Hide Suffering From Boches. Societies of American and Can- adian ladies have been sending good- ly sums, clothing, medicines, band- ages, etc. to our National Commit- teeg for distributions. God bless the dear souls! France will never for- et such ge¥erosity. The press is silent about our own sufferings; to let them be known would hearten the Boches, -they say. censical twaddle! It might be the case if we Frenchwomen, our chil- dren and old men were not as de- termined at Joffre himseM or Poin- care to see this thing through. To eat less, to wear old skirts, to work hord and for little or nothing, what is' that to complain about when the world tells us: Go to it! You have the Bochés! You are saving us, too, even as your soldiers do when they mow down the ravishers of your sis- ters at Verdun! LO. CONVENTION OPENED TJ." Douglas, Ottawa; What non-|. ------ ABOUT 150 DELEGATES WERE IN ATTENDANCE. day Noen. Foresters of Eastern Ontario der of Tuesday morning in St. opened gates in attendance, The convention was opened by the High Chief Ranger, G. 'M. Farring- ton, Picton. Other officers present were: P.H.C.R, Alex. L. Smith, Cornwall; H.V.C.R.; J. 8. Eagleson, Ottawa; H. Secretary, G. L. Dickin- son, Manotick; H. Treasurer, J. S, R. McCann, Kingston; H. Physician, W. E. Crain, M.D., Crysler; H. Counsellor, A. L. Smith, Cornwall; H. Auditors, T. Lambert, Kingston, and J. W. McElroy, Ottawa. Appointed--High Orator, R. W. Allen, Kingston; H. J. Secretary, M. J. Mecllroy, Ottawa; H. Organist, Com. Mrs. A. Sweet, Winchester; H. S.W., J. 8. Mix, Brockville; H.8.B., W. J. Gilders, Norwood; HJ.W., W. J.«James, Cornwall; H. Marshal, R. H. Conductor, W. H. Pickering, Kingston; H. Mes- senger, J. R. Balfour, Morrisburg. The H. C. Ranger appointed P. H. C. R. A. L. Smith to confer the High Court degree on the new dele- gates. He aiso announced the ap- pointment of the following Standing Committees of the convention: a Standing Committees. Credentials--L. G. Morgan, Otta- wa; W. H, Bishop, Ottawa; R. 8 Graham, Kingston. Finance -- W. Rankin, Napanee; Dr. Basken, Ottawa; W. H. Lowrie, Russell; C. 8. Metcalf, Cherry Val- ley. Press--J. O. Herrity, Belleville; A. J. Forbier, Pembroke; W. J. Wil- son, Perth; W{ A. Ringer, Picton. State of the Order--T. A. Craig, Kemptville; W. G. McKee, Peter- boro; J. G. McGuire, Stittsville; C. L. Waters, Belleville, Evan Jones, Picton. It may be a little soothing to the Boches to know that we are not liv- ing in clover, but, on the other hand, our friends should be aware of our | needs if they can help us. Is that] not logical? Strange, I who always | lived almost exclusively for my home, find relief, contentment and a sort] of grim challenge to Fate to work | for others, cheer .them up and life | them over the roughest spots. The | German brutes cannot crush our spirit.' I have read books, iwspired by Germany, in which French wo- men appeared as low creatures seek- ing after pleasure, devoid of morals, sickly, silly toys. ' What do Can- adians think of the, picture now? tors? < A Word to Canadian Mothers. My son is only fifteen. I wish I had two to give like you. I admire their mother for being so brave, when, as you say, there are hun- dreds of mothers around her who would not allow their sons to do their duty to country, humanify and God. It is a good thing for these selfish, weak mothers they are-not living here in France. More than their sons would be snatched from them! True, we have no choice in the matter, but no young man would think anyhow of crawling under the barn when the order of the day is to walk to the barracks-. Why! the cattle, vegetables, wool as it stands on the backs of the sheep, hay, straw, wood, automobiles, carts, wheelbar- rows, horses, your second blanket if you own two, corn, oats, etc., every- thing is requisitioned for the use of the army. The poor peasants who could buy a pair of wooden shoes for twenty cents must now pay the equivalent of a dollar and a dollar and twenty cents. Bread will soon be weighed and apportioned, they tell me, then many people will go Will they believe again our detrac-| Pelitions and. Appeals--Dr. J. N. Simmonds, Frankford; J. S. Stubbs, Ottawa; 'T. A, Saylor, Bloomfield, Constitution and Laws--S. J. Willoughby, Ottawa; J. Bennett, Carleton Place; Charles B. Plant, Hastings; D. N. Cornell, New Business--H. Webb, Peter- boro; James Flanagan, Iroquois; H. Williams," Cornwall; W. G. Brown, Ottawa. Distribution Smith's Falls; A. J. Ethier, Ottawa; W. Mc€ullough, Manotick; William Brown, Peterboro; R. Carruth, Ren- frew; W. E. Brown, Ottawa; J. N. Eastman, Morrisburg. Companions--Teresa E. Markey, Kemptville, and all Companjon dele- gates, . Report on Credentials. Bro, Morgan presented the follow- ing report of the Credentials Com- mittee: Having examined the cre- dentials in our possession we find that fifteen officers and three past officers and 116 delegates have reg- istered up to the present. The re- port was adopted. Mayor Richardson paid a visit to the convention and was presented by Bro. McCann to the H. C. R., who welcomed him on behalf of the High Court. His Worship addressed the Court, giving an inspiring address of welcome to the delegates. He spoke at some length upon the aims and objects of the order, and wished the members success in their noble work. 5 Sessions are being held Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednes- day merning. Important Notice. We strongly urge all intending purcasers not to miss the Gigantic Clothing Sale, See 'that $30 fast hungry. With fine weather, how- ever, the harvest of wheat ought to] be good; hay was plentiful; fruit is abundant, but there are no men fit to work left on the farms; the very young and the very old with the help of the women must save these gifts of nature and God. They will do it. I saw & saintly old priest pitching hay one afternoon lately for a man who had gone to the front. » {making preparations for The Germans have stolen and sent to their towns the looms and ma- chinery of so many factories, des- troyed so many of our means of liv- ing, driven so many of Hur expert workers to toil for them over across the Rhine, that our people must BO | naked for want of maberial to make garments or depend on charity Cousin A. B. , who was in the/ Aviation Corp#, was hurt in an en- counter with the Boches; he saved himself and his machine, fortunate- ly; he is now recuperating at the base. Y.M.C.A. CANOE TRIP. To Grenadier Island Started on Tuesday Morning. Early Tuesday morning the canoe trip planned by the Y.M.C.A. com- menced. The boys left Knapp's boat house early, and will proceed up the Rideau river to Jones' Falls, where a day will be spent. The party will then go up to Morten and down the Gananoque River to Gananoque; From there they will go to Grenadier Island, where a week will be spent camping. on the island the boys wil corhe home by the St. Lawrence River. Those who left are: Andrew Paynter, Bert. Sutherland, Leonard Thompson, Kenneth Monerief, Mel- ville Wildér. Harold Trotter and Donald Thompson will join the party at Gananoque. The "trip is being supervised by C. R. Powers, physical director of the YMCA Garden Island Event" The residents of Garden Island are another "big day" -at the island on Saturday, when the older folk, as well as the "kiddies" will have a merry time 'an various sports. One of the most in- teresting events will be 'x hundred yarda®dash between two of the pro- winent residents of the island, indigo blue serge' suit, guaranteed, during this sale, $22.50. Also the newest checks in worsteds. You will have to see these suits 'to ap-| preciate their value ~ The Lion Clothing Housé, In Rogers' Jewellry, Old Stand. Arr A -------------------------------------- The Hat Store SOFT.HATS Sl * Suitable & Season- able. | : I | Address of Welcome Was Delivered! {i * The sixteenth convention. of the|l} High Court of the Independent Or-|Hfi George's Hall, with nearly 150 dele-|}i Cornwall. { - BE. B. Vandusen,) The Publishers of Harold Bell Wright's en a Man's a Man an the first edition £ 800,000 completely i exhausted: A sec- ond edition is now Teprting. a If you have read "That Printer of Udell's" "The Calling of Dan Mat- thews," "The Winning of Barbara Worth" and "The Shepherd of the Hills" by, the same author, you will want to read. : - When a Man's a Man Special price for this week $1.20. 'Regular Net Price, $1.35 Postage 10c extra. a Store 160 Princess St. it | The College Book Smith Bros. have arrived and they are certainly beauties. Keep us in mind when you are in need of a suit. We show only styles that are pleasingly dif- ferent and at popular prices. . SR Pictorial Quarter- ly for Fall Now on sale. Book and any pat- tern for 25¢. 1 Newman &Shaw J------ TO RECEIVE OUR BEST ATTEN- The Always Busy Store i, NONE TOO LARGE FOR US TO HANDLE, Buying, Selling, Ex- changing Renting. TION. -- reese BUILDERS SUPPLIKS aay Lumber Large assorted stock. Coni- ferous (come bearing) or Soft. woods such as Cedar, Hemlock, Pine, Spruce. Deciduous or Hardwoods, such as Ash, Basswood, Birch, Elm, Maple, Oak. Sawn, seasoned, smoothed, in any shape you choose, | { OLOSING OF MAILS | -- British mall closes frregu- larly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from: time to time, United States, daily ,.12.45 p.m, Grand Trunk, going A brick store and dwelling, well situated, containing hot water fur- j ance, electric light and gas, storage { building, store fixtures, together | with horse, rigs, to go with pur- chase. Receipts run about $500 per week. This is a good opportunity as this {Is a money making progosition. I$ Houses to rent. E. W. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson & Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456 Picnics and Lunch Pails w est of city. .. .. .30 p.m. >. RB. 10.15 a.m and 5.30 p.m. VR Wes aie ae « 2.00 p.m. FOR HIS OWN GOOD to Sober Up. "I am sending you to jail for a | month for your own: gqod,". said fMayor Richardson to a man inthe Police Court on Tuesday moriing. { The man has been on spree for | three months; and is in sugh a cop- dition that it would be ipipossible S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking. Factory, Lumber Bay and W. Sta. Office Phone 66, Factory 1415 An- W.F. Gourdier | Phone 700 7 After spending 'the week| {for him to carry on his work. {other sad part of the story is that { his wife is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, due to 'his conduct, and a daughter is also quite ill. The man wanted a chanee, «put the Mayor, who is acquainted with all the facts of the case, felt that it would be bet- ter to have him go to jail for a month, so that he could get the liquor out of his system. These are the days that a nice soft felt hat is much pre- ferable to a straw, especially in the evenings, We have the new soft hats yeaay = El Shapes and shades a ar. ces from 50c to £5.00. Re -- values are } "$2.00 and $2.50. One dollar buys a good straw hat now. A Soldier Weds. The marriage took place in this 11 Wallace, a former member of a Brockville battalion, recently trans" ferred to, Belleville, and Miss Jean Sutherland, Harrowsmith. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. E. R. McLean; pastor of Cooke's church. They are spending their honeymoon across the border, the groom being a former resident of the States. To Erect Brick Residence. William Snowden, the well known contractor who recently purchased the large lot on King street near to nights of Colu building, city on August 8th of Pte. Grover Hi} eseclumber, Coal and Woeoleose Sheflicld Steel with cary die or the latest safet: have it. When you want razor come here. are a few: We always carry in stock Cooked Meats, Potted M 0. eats, Po eats - Canned Fish, Fancy Pack- age Biscuits, E cuits, Chocolates,