IN ACCIDENT ON MONDAY. ------ Military Truck Ran Into Two Autos at the Corner of Wellington and Clarence--Drivers Should be More Careful at Crossings . . Unless the drivers of motor cars|" owl for matricula- use some judgment and slow down wore lllowiag =n been awarded at the street crossings, there is sure by Queen's University: = 0 be a serious accident some of these McLennan Slengarty foundation, rded for meral profi- About four o'clock on Monday Ja awa to candidates frou the afternoon a military truck crashed County of Glengarry--Edith T. into two automobiles at the corner of Sangster, Williamstown. Wellington and Clarence streets, but Grant No. 1, $300, awarded for luckily no person was hurt The two general proficiency only. to vandi- Were given a severe shabing up. and a |d81e8 from the High sohools of Glen- bad scare, and a number of people AREF) ohn ¥. A. Mauciatosh, Alt -- a who, witnessed the accident were|™"a No 9 $260, awarded for| = : : 7 COMFORT GAS 'IRON tes safely and cheaply, It heats rap- y regulated, and i by and evenly. Is easi will not scorch the most delicate fabric. The "IWANTU" saves starting fires ' in summer and thus keeps the house cool, ; One ral lot or Women's patent and gun metal Ox- ords and pumps. ular $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 redicedie Dre ny y0s225 sels eo first reported that a young lady who - was riding in one of the cars had dates from the High sehools of Glen arry---Jean Govan, Williamstown, been injured, but it was stated later | 500 I 135, that no person had been hurt awarded for general proficiency only wis MPhtare Jat the military truck to candidates from continuation or Frederi . - second automobile was going out high schools--Frederick W.- Tor Wellington street, while the third | hee: Kingston. Wilson, '$125, awarded for general (was coming up Clarence street. They met at the corner, and there was proficiency only to candidates' from 3 HOURS for 1 CENT Let me demonstrate this iron to you. DAVID HALL 66 Brock Street. PURE ICE CREAM Best in Kingston. Made Fresh Every Day. SAKELL'S House cars travel it would be almost im- possible to prevent an accident, There are some cars which are tak- ing great chances every day in rnah- ing past the corners in the maraer they do ° Nothing Tastes 'As Nice as a good Chocolate. We have them fresh every week. * Nylos', Patterson's, Lowney's and Ganong's All Canadian Goods, SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41 = Funeral Service Held in Convocation Hall Monday Afternoon. An impressive funeral service was held at Queen's University on Mon- day afternoon for the late John W. Eve, who was the victim of a drown- ing accident on Saturday last, and was largely attended by the staff, the studentssand other friends of the de- ceased. JThe service was read by the Very Rev. Dr. Gordon, principal of the university In a touching prayer the principal commended the soul' of the young man to his great Divine Master. After the service the remains were viewed by his comrades and were then taken to S. 8. Corbett's under- taking parlors, from where they were afterwards forwarded to Bermuda, via New York. The death of the young man has affected all the medical students and staff, who regret exceedingly his un- timely end AN OLD FRIEND OF KINGSTON. J. J. Turner of Peterboro Gave the Whig a Call. J. J. Turner, Peterboro, who has the largest sail, tent and awning factory in Canada, was a Nelcomeli caller at the Whig office on Tuesday. With, his wife he has been paying a short visit to Kingston to renew ald acquaintances. 'Years ago Mr. Turn- er owned the schooner Wavecrest, which carried coal from Oswego to Kingston, and many a cargo he brought to the Limestone City. Un- fortunately a few years ago that vessel - was wrecked and lost. Mr. Rurner has prospered as a manufac- Is in full swing. Any Straw Hat in the Store $1.00 Panamas greatly re- duced. 5 o'clock closing dur- ing August. > Campbell Bros. The house of success- ful hat styles. + The Bek We spend about one- third of our lives. Where so much time is spent the furniture should be both attractive and comfortable. You'll find just those qualities in our furniture for bed- rooms. Coupled with these qualities is a mod- eration in price which must prove an added attrac- tion. See the latest in old ivory and black walnut with wood bedstead to match, at The Sum- James Reid, aries Tas prospered 43 8 manufac The Leading Undertaker. -- and waterproof goods, and his two] mer Girl Personal Services, Phone 147. sons are with him in his extensive She isn't afraid of tan or sun- 0 h ® burn, because she uses NYAL"S , Face Cream Come on over to Cooke's Jt Jecepe the skin soft, white and have a Good Photo the shave -- it's so soothing to [if 'taken. His * studio is the shave it soothing to 159 Wellington street, near - Brock, right next to Carnovsky's Fruit | Children Cry for Fletcher's Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been use for over 30 yeais, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pere sonal supervision since its infancy. A Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good *' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Ex; e against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops and Sosthing Syfubs. * Is is pleasant. I contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipati Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALwars Bears the Signature of quite a crash. An axle on one of the the Couutivs = Lennox id Adding. cars suffered quite serious damage, McDowall, $125, awarded While the front of the car was smash- general proficiency only : dates from continuation or high A crowd gathered at this corner, i and quite a few comments were |" no0ls-- Veta R ines, Qiugsten, care. 'However, this is only one of the many corners where care should J ohn F. A. Mcintosh, Alexandria. be taken. At the speed some of the Coie R. Young, Napanee. Jean Govan, Williamstown. " Veta K. Minnes, Kingston. The highest standing does not ne- cessarily mean the most valuable tain distriots, STILL ANOTHER FIREMAN The senior scholarships results will 'DROPS FROM BRIGADE. |® "nounced in a few days. Tc ) THE LATE J. W. EVE. x Fire Chief Armstrong Will Next Opera { Have to Recruit for His : \ Department. commence a recruiting campaign to fill up the gaps in his department. On Monday the chief was minus four men, and to-day he found that he had lost another man. The latest firefighter to jump the golden west to help gather im the crops. He says that there is no use ~4staying' on the fire department at $1.60 per day, when far more money is offered for helpers in the field. The question of securing men for and light committee, MARRIED ON TUESDAY. A Quiet Ceremony in St. George's v Cathedral. ; A quiet wedding was solemnized Whalley officiating, when Gladys Bessie, daughter of the late Rev. W. W. and Mrs. Burton, was united in marriage to Charles Wilmot Living- ston, of the legal firm of Denison, Miller & Livingston,' Toronto, elder were unattended, the former wear- ing a smart travelling suit of nigger brown taffeta with hat of same shade brightened with old gold ribbon. A corsage bouquet of lilies of the val- ley and sweetheart roses finished a Mr. and Mrs. Livingston left on the business. afternoon boat, and after a honey- ATE Tare re moon spent in Muskoka will reside TWO BOWLING GAMES in Toronto. - The cathedral was very charming- ly decorated with flowers, the work ing have full matricula- heard about the danger at this corner Ho Totlows e standing: -- . 9 if the drivers do not show proper F. W. Torrance, Kingston. x ai p S Edith T. Sangster, Williamstown, scholarships, becayse the majority of . the scholarships are limited to cer- : & If conditions do not improve, Fire Chief James Armstrong will have to Job is Andrew Porter, who was taken on ast April. He is leaving for the the fire department is a matter that will have to be dealt with by the fire in St. George's Cathedral at four o'clock this afternoon, Rev. A. F. C. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. LivingSton, Kingston. The .bride and groom most becoming costume. Immediately after the ceremony, of the many lady friends of the sweet bride. NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Neatly Done. We make a Specialty of Ladies' Work M. F. PATTON, Prop. 119 SYDENHAM STREET Near Princess St. Phone 214 Were Played at the Queen's Green on Monday Evening. ,Two scheduled bowling games were played at Queen's green on Monday evening. A. A. Turcott won from W. M, Campbell by 15 to 11, and Dr. D. Buchanan from C. F. Smith by 18 to 7. The rinks: J. Mortimer, William Moore, W. A. King, A. A. Turcott, skip. E. Hartrick, D. A. Givens, H. Price, W. M. Campbell, skip. J. W, Power, F.' Kinnear, O. Boyd, Dr. D. Buchanan, skip. C. C. Hodgins, W, M. Baillie, L. Sleeth, :C. F. Smith, skip. Keep the Water Clean. That the fountain at Clarence and Brock streets is being used by citizens for the testing of automobile tires, and that the water is thus made very dirty for the horges who want to drink, is the complaint made to the Whig. "This fountain is quite handy for some of the people who want to find where the puncture is in their tires," remarked a citizen, "and they just go to this fountain, rip off their tire, and put it into the' fountain. It is not fair to the horses, as it is impossible to keep the water clean, and the practice should be stopped." * BUY A JAR, 25¢ and 50c the skin. ° Stere. (J In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought (|THE CeMTAUR A NEW YORK CITY, F. ba Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church Special Inducement for 'Summer Months a Montgomery Dye Works For the Best in Fredch Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing. It Is Earlier and Better in the| J. B. HARRIS, Prop., New York Skirt & Suit Co. Central Part of 'the 225 Princess St. 208 Wellington Street. Province. THE to be central Ontario's general re- port. This is especially true of the It ik thought likely that four rinks from Kingston will go to Belleville on Wednesday to play some friendly games with the Belleville bowlers. ------------ Cash Contributions, The Kingston Branch of the Red Cross Society acknowledges the fol- lowing contributions from 'July 15th to August 15th: Previously acknowledged $12,924.04 Grand Trunk Employees Patrotic Association .. Refund t duty ... Spencerville Women's In- stitute . - We will make you free of charge An ecextra skirt with every suit you Parcels For 'War Prisoners. Skirts sport coats made The next shipment of parcels to and "He ® oe prisoners of war in Germany will be made from the American consulate on August 21st. There are 226 names on the list, and if all'are to be remembered, more funds are needed by the U.S. consul. A lady has sup- plied money to buy the pair of boots required by a prisoner of war.' ONTARIO CROP YIELD WILL BE ABUNDANT. ram A 50.00 40.16 LONDON DIRECTOR! With favorable weather, the end of this week should see Ontario's 28.00 wheat. - AL bac Ta . be. a : -- | Dinin R FURNITURE! Dining Room ! Of the very latest design and finish in Mahogany, black 3 Walnut, golden Oak, fumed Oak. We have a large stock of Buffets and Tables in stock at present with chairs to match. Every one good value. Rugs, in Wilton, Axminster and Brussels; all sizes ta suit all rooms. : : ; o WTA A 1 Q J)! A. Red Cross Workers, Sand Hil | | 25.00 26.00 17.16 15.10 15.00 10.00 5.00 Miss Dupuy \ Archdeacon Dobbs 8. B.'No. 4, Wolfe Island Mrs. Snelling Mrs. James Rigney Total cash to date .. Expenditure . . «+.$13,175.67 12,613.71 Cash balance ++.8 661.96 August 15th, 1916. E. Macdonell, Hon. Treas., The captain of the French cruiser Amiral Aube issued at Boston a formal denial of the report that he was informed by the captain of a that the latter had rine Deutsch- 28 Sydenham street.| sunk the on fine crop practically all cut. 'Re- ponts from the central parts of the provigce are most promising. The cutting of oats and spring wheat is general, and the crop prospects, afe reported to be excellent.™ Some fine yields are in anticipation. This re- port is in marked contrast with that of a month or so ago when the outlook was anything but bright. That 'the crop this year is earlier and better than other years seems RHEUMATISM . GOES IF HOODS 1S USED The heavy early rains, fol- lowed by the general heat wave brought the spring wheat along rapidly. The farmers on the whole are progressing well with their har- vest: despite the scarcity of [abor and the continuance of the present weather will allow many On harvest hands away in time to go west and give assistance there. The corn crop this year will be an immense one. "It never looked better," is the general report. Pas- tures have 'benefitted wonderfully from the recent rains. 2 Here on a Visit. Mrs. W. 8. Carson and her daugh- ter, Miss Gladys, Chicago, are spend- ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. William Anderson, Barriefield. They will proceed to Boston from here, where they will visit Mrs. Carson's niece, Mrs. W. B. Wright; at her summer home. : In the British Commons Premier Asquith i that the coming bill extending the franchise will in- The clude women, « (Published Annually) 8 ol3 enables traders throughout the world to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in each class. of Besides be- ing a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Direc. Loe contains lists of HXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Colonial and Foreign Markets they supply; i : LINES arranged Sader Ports to which ey , E Shey Indienting the approxi - PRO of lead and industrial Kingdom. |. Dealers Agencies can ad- ior av arae crs 10£ 40 ot Jar. ger ! E advertisements from p= 35, Abchureh Lane, London, B0r :