THEATRICAL News || wee with this: Whitewear ~~ Now on Sale Good, full, generous cut, dainty trim- mings, excellent style and workman- € ' 8 RPT ; : "three years in the R. C. H. A., bas : enlisted with the 73rd Battery at \ 8 Barriefield Camp. , | The recreation tent of the 155th ; Battalion at Barriefleld camp was Blews down by the big wind of Sun- At the Grand. : | y night. = >i A Selishitul entertainment was ---- ; ~M Seen by many at the Grand i | og Di" Ce, 0 ar Sth, a po Delegation of Conservatives to Wail UDR iicutenant in the P. A. 8. C. Lieut.: EI¥e™® Production, "The Thousand Kerrison has been accorded this hon-' Husband," Blanche Sweet ap- Sir Robert Borden. © jor for making the military school of P°ered as a Swedish maid of ali work -- A s | cookery such a success. "He has 0 @ college boarding house. How : an fathered the scheme of a training She suddenly becomes wealthy and (|i school for cooks since its organiza- SeCUres a husband, was shown in a Hj Will NOT ; ACCEPT PROMIS tion. ; { very unusual manner. Other pictures ||} ; Military District No. 3 has had the Sen were a tworeel Universal -- | et school of cookery, bu} owing to Jeature Het Jetier Self, La Lowel, - its practi¢al valu dis- ver a Stocking," and the Para- FROM PREMIER TO TAKE MAT-| i PU 6) (eine other milary dls- unt Topical Budget. Especially TER INTO CONSIDERATION, - Lieut. -Rerrison started his mili- worthy 6f commendation was "A Bit {l - x tary career thirteen years ago in ©f Irish," presented excellently by If Sir Robert Refuses, the Delegation | England, but has been in Canada Flynn ahd Howard. Barney Flynn Threatens to Start a nine years, the most of which time did a stiff leg quadrille that made a Aghiint the Ad on Which ; he has acted as caterer for the Royal kit. With everything in this act re- an ministy Military College. .& | freshingly Irish, the audience was Maintains Hughes. His ability as a 'cookery instructor put in good humor. (Special to the Fohig) | Was recognized when Major-Gen. S.! or Ottawa, Aug. 15.--La Yeme OF | L. Lessard took him as an inspector At the Strand. Montreal publishes to-flay the follow- | 5¢ the cooking conditio of the Lionel Barrymore and Irene How- ing story from Ottawa: troo 3 . A n "Sir Robert Borden has returned a 2 oy utern. Catal' last Yuar. » J ho SveyuN Metre feature "A fo Ottawa and an embarrassing dele- | ment gave out an order that nine- . -- Fea | ¥iare y 3 wr 8 Lgation will: wait upon him on Wed- i teen officers would be proceeding ov- an inte man w a 8 on 1 e yerge nesday or Thursday. This delega- | erseas in (the near future. This or- OF, SulC : saved 3 Tous Ripa od tion wil be composed of representa-' der was to-cover the discharge of as- a despairing gir » t yan 8 » th= tives of Hamilton, Kingston, London sistant adjutants, signalling officers, Cor either seeing the o ure acs, and Toronto associations, and will and tfansport officers. The remaind-' nen meeting without Tecognition # "| include several Conservative' mem- er of the nineteen is made up of sur- fer many strange adventures, 1s bers and representatives of Conserva- plus subalterns in this military dis- 22 inspiring human document whic tive associations, trict. The names of the officers se- DRloased the largo audience. .TOe a will demand from the lected for the draft are as follows: SCUE Weekly and other goo - Prim inister that the name of J. L. Mitchell, 139th; C. R. Abbott, jects were also on the bill. Same General Sir Sam Hughes as Minister 155th; W. G. Bailey, 156th; T. H, Programme tonight. 4 of Militia be struck from the list of Warren, 38th; E. C. Rainboth, 77th; 150 Women's At Griffin's. Here are suits that will be swe to put a "smile that won't come off" on the face of the men who wear them. We're out of the rut. Our clothes are different. $15.00, $18.00 up to $22.00. Livingston's, TTT All the Best English and Cana at less than present mill Plain and Twilled Pure Bleached White ing--Fine even weaves free from dressing, all the best imported and Canadian makes, 13, 2, 2} and 2} yds. wide at . . 25¢, 35¢, 40c, 50c and 60c¢, : ' . . Horrockses Celebrated Linen finished Sheeting, extra heavy weight, the best made, has the appearance of linen and 'wears better, 13, 2, 2} and 2} yards wide, at 40c, 50c, 60c and 75¢ a yard. . Hemmed and Hemstitched Sheets, ready for use in single, three quarter and dou- bl jZes, at .... ... v5 00 ; e pod sizes. 8 0, $1.50 and $2.00 Pillow Cottons in circular and plain, all the wanted widths and best makes at cv ++ +. 18¢;20¢, 25¢ and 30ca yard : Pillow Cases, ready made, plain, hemmed, "and hemstitched, 40, 42, 44 inches wide at ." 15¢, 20c, 25¢, 30¢ and 35c. /aldron's +] Ls = Gr. and Mrs. George Donaldson and son, Wesley, of St. Lawrence, N.Y., were interested visitors to Barriefield camp on Suhday. Sergt.-Major Beale, S.S. Battalion, Heaves on Mgnday next for Ottawa to qualify as an officer in the me- chanical transport. Lieut. Johnson, of the infantry school, is now the proud possessor of a motor eycle. Lieut. J. H. Potts, S.S. Battalion, Ministers of the Borden Cabinet. They will Insist upon a definite re- ply from the Premier, and will not accept a mere promise to take the question under serious consideration. "In case Sir Robert does not Satisfy the demand of the delegation, these men will express to the Prime Minister their intention of undertak- ing at once through Conservative or- ganizations of Ontario and the west a propaganda against the adminis- tration which maintains Gen. Hughes as Minister of Militia." In Bigouac And Barracks , (See also Page 13.) Lieut.-Col. E. C. Arnoldi, artillery, Petawawa, was in camp over the week end. delighted with the situation of the depot artillery brigade and seemed rather anxious to have such a fine body of men in training at Petawawa. The big tent of the 155th Bat- talion blew down in a big wird on Sunday night. ! Gunner Gordon Fleming, 72nd Battery, who has been in the field hospital suffering from the results of vaccination, is expected to be dis- charged and returned to duty in the near future. Lieut. O'Leary, recruiting for the 73rd Battery in Ottawa, is expected $l to arrive with more recruits for the battery. Lieut. 73rd 'Battery, is taking eight team to the Capital. also in Ottawa on duty. Miller, men as' a recruiting Lieut, Quain is has his little son as batman for him Lieut, Benton, 146th Battalionede- ported to Capt. J. M. Wilson, A. D. D. 8., on Monday for duty as a dental officer. He has been detailed to Petawawa camp. The Royal Military College opened on Wednesday. - ' Retreat is being sounded this week at 7.40 p.m. Queen's Field Ambulance Corps required. about fifty more men .to complete its strength and about one recruit is coming in each day. Capt. Kennedy has received authority to recruit in Hamilton and will leave this week for that city. The band of the 155th Battalion certainly knows how to play that wonderful "William Tell" overture and its execution of it is subjected to much complimentary comment. A concert will 'be given in 154th Battalion recreation tent on Wednesday next. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Orr of the city will entertain the boys on Friday. Capt. Robinson, i adjutant, is getting the battalion; orchestra ready for both events. | the Rev. 0. CLEIMtt, St. Thomas. who was the I speaker in the; "Y" tent Sunday evening will give: another address on Tuesday even- ing. Frank Fisher and Thomas Pearson of the "Y" staff, owing to pleuretic attacks are resting a few days. _ The Military "Y" choir sang splen- didly at the Artillery concert. : The individual work of "Billy" =| Mattheson, is one of the strong fea- =itures of the "Y" camp. | Theres wére 458 men of the 154th! Battalion (almost half the battpfion) on farm furlough at one time. Al large number have already returned! to duty. { E| In spite of a typographical "bull'" in Saturday's issue, camp headquar- B= ers are quite satisfied with their first =| impression of Lemoine's Point. 1 S Albert Perry, Renfrew, who was | convert men. R. E. Lyon, late of the 77th and 109th; A. V. Lanos, 146th; J. A McQuarrie, late of the '109th; A. M. Scott, late of the 109th; J. E. Find- ley, 45th Regiment; G. D. Gillie, 154tl; A. D. McDonald, 154th; W. Miller, 139th; A. J. McMillan, late of the 80th; H. M. Jakeman, 136th; A. H. Currie, 156th; H. R. Kincaid, 156th; W. B. Wilson, 156th, and Lieut. Wilson, 146th. { WILL BE INVESTIGATED. Auto Accident in Which Three Cars, Figured on Monday. It was rned on Tuesday morn-, ing thgr'the military authorities had, | ordep€d an investigation into the ac- cidgfit which; occurred at the corner | ellington and Clarence street, on | nday afternoon. The automobile; men claim that the military truck, which smashed into the two autos, ! and was coming on Wellington He expressed himself as street, was travelling on the wrong ' ers, Gertrude Robinson and Alexan- side of the street, and that the other two cars, the one going out Welling- | ton street and the other up Clarence street were on their right side. ! W.«Y. Mills was the owner of one of the cars which suffered $50 dam- | age, and a taxi driver named Boyce was the owner of the other car, which was damaged to the extent of $150. A law suit may follow as a result of the accident. 4 The Music Men Obliged. The steamer Thousand Islander was well patronized for the regular Monday trip to Kingston, says the Brockville Recorder. Seventy-five passengers from Brockville took in the trip and crossed on the Bigelow to Morristown to take the steamer there on account of the coasting laws which forbid a steamer of American register taking passengers from one Canadian port to another. When the ferry was ready to leave it was found th#t with those who were al- ready on board going elsewhere, the steamer had two more than the num- ber allowed by the inspectors. Two of the Kingston excursionists, mem- bers of a party who had planned to spend a few hours in the Limestone City, were obliged to leave the boat, but were recalled when a happy in- spiration struck someone to suggest that the orchestra of two 'leave the boat for one trip and allow the ex- cursionists to go over. This was carried out and everybody was happy once again. tr arinseseaioen Visiting Boats Here. The power crusing boat Roamer, of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto, with Dr. Patton and party on board, called at the Kingston Yacht Club wharf on Tuesday{--aiso the motor launch Nokomis, of the Ottawa . Boat Club, with Mr. Mec- Lean and party. " Firemen Called. At three o'clock on Tuesday after- noon the firemen were called to the home of Thomas Blomeley, 67 Col- lingwood street, where some escap- ing gas in the cellar exploded and set fire to some paper. It is understood the damage was slight. | Theda Bara will appear "In Destruc- That wonderful Fox production, "A Soldier's Oath," featuring the world-renowned = William Farnum, will be presented at the Griffin Theatre for the last time to-night. Yesterday's record attendance is the best advertisement. for another house to-night, Commencing to-mor- row, "The Plunderer'" will be the feature, supported 'by other good at- fractions, including the first motion picture song hit ever offered in Can- ada, "Kentucky Home," sung by R. E, Willis and illustrated with a mov- ing picture. For the week end tion," a production of breathless ten- sity. As a. Woman Sows, This is a special five-reel feature secured under considerable expense, and no young woman can afford to miss this drama of "Love and Retri- bution." The well known star play- der Baden, take the leading roles. In order to witness this feature from beginning to end, shows will com- mence at 7, 8.15 and 9.30 Wednes- day and Thursday evenings. As many as possible will kindly attend | in the afternoon and avoid the crowding at night. At the King Ed- ward Wednesday and Thursday, usual admission. Lake Ontario Park. t There was a large attendance at) Lake Ontario Park last evening. The | new programme was an ideal one. | Miss Gertrude Gardiner, the Scot-| tish nightingale, sang "Memories," "Mother" and 'The ' Letter That Never Reached Home," won favor. Tom McNally, comedy juggler, put up somé fine stunts. The pictures were "Canyon De Muerto, Naxagot Reservation," "Out of the Quag- mire" 'and Pathe News showihg stir- ring war scenes in France and some views of Jellicoe's bull dogs in the North Sea. The same bill will be} given tonight. | Wednesday is children's one-cent day on the cars with matinee at 3.30. ONE HUNDRED MEN | WANTED AT ONCE. A Great Demand For Men Sounded by a Kingston Merchant. A hundred men wanted to buy Men's Dress Shirts in all the new- est patterns. Regular $1.25 value. Sale price 98c. Come while the picking is best. The Lion Clothing House, In Rogers' Jewellry, Old Stand. King street. H. B. MILLS LEAVES KINGSTON 4+ To Take a Position at Portland, Maine--His Successor. H. B. Mills, who has been in the steamboat business at Kingston and Clayton for the past fifteen years or more, is leaving here to take a mer- cantile position at Portland, Maine, and is succeeded by George S. Meag- her, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Mr. Mills was with the old Folger Company, ' Hear the 156th and 155th Bands At the lawn socials of Y. W. C. A, | Friday, 18th, and Monday, 21st, at 8 p. m. Admission 10¢. -- -----_déQo «visit the Thousand Islands. ' The de- and is widely known to pepple who parture from Kingston of Mr. and Mrs. Mills is regretted by {many friends. NIGHTGOWN quality fine English cotton; three sty- broidery and beading; with embroid- ery, lace and beading; set in sleeves or choiceat. . ... . 1 o* Slip over style, made from a good les; with lace and beading; with em- Kimona sleeves. Your $1.15 - garment At .. .. 100 Women's Combinations Made from an English nainsook cot- ton trimmed with eyelet embroidery and ribbon. Hand embroidered de- sign. Sealleped edge, : $1.00 at... .. «a as 50 Women's Combinations With solid hand work design and rib- bon trimming; a very dainty 1 50 f: \. J -_ Ivory White Japan: ese Silks! Very fashionable for street. evening and house dresses, for waists and for underwear. 36 inches wide at 36 inches wide at .. .... 36 inches wide at 36 inches wide at ) ANNOUNCEMENTS. Notices of any character re- lating to future events, where an admission fee is charged, are inserted in-the advertising. colifmns at 10c a line for first insertion and bc a line for each consecutive insertion; or 10c a line each insertion, if reading matter. . Announcements for societies, clubs, or other organizations of future events, where no admis- sion fee is charged, may be in- serted .in this column st one "If the Church has any reason for existence at all it is surely to It will never really believe in its own message until it puts it to the test. . The war brings us a direct challenge to preach the pel which alone can break into repentance and enthrone Christ" --Principal Selbie, Mans. sel College, Slord. * | ear Billy theson preach the gospel Tuesday, Wed: Thurs- | dayat Son YI W. C. A. lawn. ¥ Somewhere in France - WHY NOT SEND THE BOY A PAIR OF SERVICE They will be.apprecia ted, BOOTS? : and our Slater Shoe fits every ¢ 1