Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1916, p. 11

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LIVE STOUK QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, Aug. 15.--Receipts at the Union Stock Yards to-day were 2,784 cattle; 273 calves; 2,022 hogs; 691 sheep, The cattle trade was firm with prices steady. Hogs were low- A Export cabtle, choice, $8.40 to $9.00; butcher cattle, choice, $8 to $8.25; do. medium, $7.25 to $7.75; do. do. common, $6 to $6.70; butcher choice, $7 to $7.25; do. me- a to ,86,50; do. canners, $4 to 0 do. bulls, $450 to $7.50; ag Stedve. $7 to $7.50; stockers, Sone 6.50 to $7.25 do. light, $6 to $6.80; milkers, choice, each, $70 to $90 springers, $70 to $90. Sheep, ewes, $8 to $8.75; bucks am culls, $4 to $7; lambs, $11.50 to Hogs, fed and watered, $12.50. Calves, $5.25 to $12. Montreal, Montreal, Aug. 15.--A further ad- vance in the price of hogs was the feature of to-day's cattle market. 'One déalergold a carload of choiep stock at the reeord figure of $13.35 a bundred pounds. Round J of stock were quoted this morning at the following prices: Butchers' steers, $7.50 to $8.35; medium steers, $6 to $7.50; cows, $5 to $7; butcher bulls, $5.25 to $7; canning 'bulls, $4.60 to $5; canning cows, $4.60 to $56; milk calves, 8c to 9c; hogs, $12.50 to $13.25; lambs, 1le; sheep, 7c. The day's receipts at the West End Market were: 1,400 cattle, 3,200 sheep, 1,200 hogs, and 700 ealves Recelpts for last week wera: 1,700 cattle, 4,800 sheep, 2,- 900 hogs and 12 calves Chicago Chicago, Aug. 15." -- Cattle--Rec- oipta, 18,000; market steady; native beef cattle, $7 to $10; stockers and feeders, $5 to $7.85; cows and hei- f $3.60 to $9.35; calves, $9 to!p $1305. Hogs--Receipts, 45,000; market slow; light, $9.80 to $10.45; mixed, $9. to $10.50; heavy, $9.45 to $10.40; Toueh $9.45 to $9.60; pigs, $8.20 to $9.60. market Receipts native, $6.50 to $7.80; wast- ern, $6.75 to $7.50; yearlings, $7. 40 to $8.50; lambs, nafive, $7.25 to $11.10. 25,000; Buftalo Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 15.--Cattle, receipts, 6,300; active; shipping 'steel $9.50 0, $16.60; butchers $7 9 Sages $6 to $8.50; cows, $4 |9.75; bulls, $5 to $7. 35; stock- d "feeders. $6.75. to $7.25; k heifers, $5. 50 to $6; fresh cows 85e to $1.15. . . 1,300; active and $60 to $13. ceipts, 12,000; active; f mixed, $10.65 to §10.70; .70; pigs $9.35; stags. ar 75. a and lambs, receipts 3.000; lambs, de to 1k 35; iH ewes, | Res sheep, mix 7.76 to §8. 'creamery 32%c to "OA Ifs So.Cold" laid eggs 356c to 36¢; No. 1 selected eggs 33c to 34¢; No. 1 candled stock 30c to 31¢; No. 2 candled stock 26c to 27c. Cheese quiet but frm. Finest western colored 177%c¢ to J8V%c; finest western white 17%c to 17 %¢; finest eastern colored, 173%c to 17 5c; finest eastern white, 17% c¢ to 173%ec. ATL. Butter active at higher prices. Finest creamery 33c to 333%c; fine 32%c; under- finest dairy fine dairy grades 3le¢ to 31%c¢; butter 26%e to 27%c; butter 24%e¢c to 25%e. Maple produet quiet, with change in prices to note, maple syrup, 8 Ib, tins, 85¢ to 90c; pure maple syrup, 10 1b. tins, $1 to $1.10; pure maple syrup, 13 1b. tins, $1.25 to $1.30{ extra choice syrup, 13 1b. tins, $1. 40 to $1.50; pure maple sugar, perJdb., 9c to 12¢. Beans unchahged and the feeling is very firm, Canadian hand-picked, car lots, $6.75 to $7; three-1b. pick- ers, $5.75 to 26; five-lb, pickers, $5.60 to 35.65; six to seven-lb. pickers, $5.26 to $5.50. Potatoes. New local potatoes $1.60 per bag of 80 lbs, and American po- tatogs $3 to §3.25 per barrel. no Pure Produce at Toronto. Tordhto, Aug. 15.--Dairy produce Butter, choice dairy, 26e to 30; do. creamery prints, 32¢ to Ade; new laid, 3 eggs, doz, 29¢ to 3: Live poultry---Turkeys, *.. 16¢ to 18¢; fowl, 1b, 16¢ to 17¢; ducklings, .. 14c to 16¢; spring chickens, 1b, 18¢ to 20¢; squabs, per doz., $4. Dressed poultry--Turkeys, 1b., 19%¢ to 28¢: fowl, Ib., 17¢ to 1%9¢; duck- lings, 1b, 16¢c to 18¢; spring chickens, Ib, 18¢ to 21g; squabs, per doz, $4.50, Grain-- Fall wheat, $1.17 to $1.20; do. $1.15; goose wheat, bush., 55¢ to G5fe. Hay and straw-- Timothy, new, No. 1, ton, $10 to $12; mixed and clover, $9.50 to $10; straw, bundled, $15 to $16; do. loose, $8 to $9. Fregh meats--Hogs, per Ib., dress- ed, 15016 16%c; calves, per lb, dressed, 151%¢ to. 16%. Fruits-=Can, contaloupes, per bkt., $1.25; thimbleberries, box, ldc; black currants, 11-gpt. bkt.,, $1.25; red currants, 1l-qt. bkt., T5c: blue- berpies, 11-qt. "bkt., T75c; 'apples, large, bkt., 40¢ to 5c. Vegetables--Cucumbers, bkt., 18¢ to 20¢; corn, doz, 17¢ to 20c; tos matoes, 11-qt bkt,, s do. 6-qt. bkt,, 40c to T6e.l ; GRAIN QUOTATIONS. tl Toronto, Ont., Aug. 15.~Manitoba wheat, track, bay ports--No. 1 gor- thern, $1.53; No. 2, $1.51; No. 3, $1.45%. . Magiteha, oats--Ne. 2, 5b¢; No. 8 p; Wo. 1extra ht, Nic bush., $1.12 to oats, new, old, $1.05; ¥ 2," nominal; No. 3, track Toronto, 96c. Ontario oats, No. 3 white, 5lc to 52¢ according to freight outside. Ontario wheat--No, 1 commercial, $1.15 to $1.17; No. 2, commercial $1.11 to $1.13; No. 3 commercial, $1845 to $1.07; feed, 96¢ to 98c. Peas--According to sample, $1.25 to $1.50; No. 2, nominal, car lots, $1.75 to $1.85. Barley---Good malting, 66c to 68¢; feed barley, 62¢ to 64c. Buckwheat--70c to Tle. Rye---No. 1 commercial, 86¢c to 97¢. v | Manitoba Sour--First patents,. in jute bags, $8.10; second patents, in jute, $7.60; strong bakers, in jute, $7.40, Toronto, Ontario flour, new--Winter, $5.50. to $5.60, in bags, track, Toronto, ac cording to sample; seaboard in bulk, $5.40 to $5.50. Millfeed--Car lots, delivered at Montreal, $26 to $27; bran, $24; good feed flour, per bag, $1.75; mid- dlings, $27 to $28. Hay--Baled, No. 1, to, best grade, new hay, to $11; $0 track, Toron- car lots, $10 raw, $6 to $7. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 15.--The foreign demand for all lines of grain was slow, and no business was réported. The domestic trade was quiet. Flour firm, with a steady trade passing for local account. Demand for-mill- feed. continues good, of which the offerings are light. Butter con tinues strong, and prices have secor- ed a further advance of 3% to %c per pound, with a good demand for both Jocal and export account. Cheese firm and more active. Eggs! fairly active and firm, = Corn-- American No. 2 yellow, 96 to. 97¢ Oats-- Canadian western, No. 2, 67%¢; do, No. 3, 57¢; extra No. 1 feed, ©67c. Flour--Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts $8.20; seconds, $7.70; strong bakers', $7.50; Win- ter patents, choice, $7.00; straight $1.87% to $1.43%. Corn--No. 2 yellow, 853%c to 873%c; No. 4 yellow, 83 to 84%c; No. 4 white, -84%c. Oats--No. 3 white, 42%c to 43 %c; -standard, 43¢c to 44c. Rye---No.-2 new, $1.14 to $1.16: Barley----70c to 98c. Timothy--Market nominal. Clover--3$7.00 to $14.50. Pork--$27.00. Lard---$13.37. Ribs--$13.86 to $14.45. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Aug. 15.--Wheat fu- tures closed: September, $1.44%; Deégember, $1.43%. Cash wheat un- available, Liverpool. Liverpool, Aug. 15.--- Spot wheat closed steady, unchanged; spot corn closed firm, %d to 3%d higher; spot codts closed in Lowdon unchanged. Quotations: No. 2 soft winter, 14s 4d; No. 1 Northern Manitoba, 14s 6d; Australian, 14s 8d; spot corn, American mixed, 10s 634d; spot corn, La Plata, new, 11s 514d; oats in London, Canadian, 32s 6d. CANADA IS TO KEEP 100,000 SOLDIERS During the Winter -- Camp Borden 'May Be Kept Open all Winter. li-- Ottawa, Aug. 15.--Infantry forces are now moving overseas at the rate of about ten thousand a month, and this pate will probably be maintained until autumn. About 100,000 troops will be kept in Canada during the winter, continuing the training until the troop movement récommences in the spring. There is a possibility that Camp Borden may be képt open during the coming winter, and the troops who are still left there in October put into winter quarters in the 'permanent buildings at the camp. 'The queétion Is being considered by the Militia Council, but no decision has yet been arrived at. In favor of the proposi- tion it is urged that the expense will be less than would be the ease if the troops were distributed as last' win- ter at Toronto and other central points where convenient quarters can be obtained. It is dlso main- tained that better discipline can be kept and better training secured by keeping the men at Camp Borden. On the other hand it is urged that the mep themselves would prefer eity or town life for the winter, and that recruiting would be stimulated by their presence. , . SENT INTO RUSSIA. Germans Force British Prisoners to Work in Occupied Territory. London, Aug. 16.---Large numbers of British prisoners of war in Ger- many have been sent into that part of Russia held by Germany to do menial labor, Lord Robert Cecil stated In the Commons yesterday. He said that representatives of the Unit- rollers, $6.20 fo $6.40; do., bags, $2.90 to $3.00. Rolled oats, bar. | rels, $5.65 to $5.75; do., bags, 90 Ibs, . $2.70 to $2.75. Bran, $24.) Shorts, $26. Middlings, $28. Mouil- lie, $30 to $34. Winnipeg. | Winnipeg, Aug. 15.--Wheat--No.| 1 Northern, . $1. hi: No. 2, do, 41.43%; No. 3, do, $1.38; No. do., not quoted; No. 5, $1. 28%: No. | 8, $1 16%; feed, $1.11%. Oats | No. HCW. 48%ec; No... '8, 0. ! 461; extra No. 1 feed, iii: No 1 feed; 468%: No. 2, do, Bar- lay<-No. 3, 80¢; No. 4, 76c; reject- ed, 68c; feed, 68c. Flax--No. 1 N-W.C.. $1.94; No, 2 C. Wg, $1.90%. Chicago. Chicago, Rug. 16---Wheat--No. 2 red, $1.43 to $1.34%; No: 3 red, 1.38% 'to $142% No. 2 hard, Ba to $1.44; No. 3 a i Britain Places Ban on 443 South Am- ' | nounced in" the Commons yesterday hard,' ke ed States embassy in Berlin were not allowed to visit these prisoners. NEW BLACKLIST ISSUED. erican Firms. London, Aug. .15.--Lord Robert | Cecil, of the Foreign ' Office, an- that the Department of 'Foreign Trade has issued whother blacklist | containing the names of 333 South | American firms having con- nections. 'Kiripps Piincidise Coppér Wie. 'The Hague, Aug. 15.--The Fratk- furter Zeitung learts from Vietna that the Arthur Rrugy 'Wetdl Com- pahy has acquired the Mittetberger Copper Mine ny. By this ac- uisition, the Kr ot Esten be- cpme Independent of the Stpper 4 Mar- Belleville, Hyacinthe, Que., tertown, N. Y., Utica, N. Y., 1080.0 Taking "Frutti" Because They Did Her Geed Rocuox, P. Q., Jax. 14th, 1915. "I suffered for many years with ter- rible Indigestion and Constipation. I had frequent dizzy spells and became greatly run down. A neigltbor advised me to try "Fruit-a-tives". 1didsoand to the surprise of my doetor, I began fo improve, and he advised me to go on with "Fruit-a-tives". I consider that I owe my life to *"Fruit- a-tives" and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or Heddaches--'try Fruit-a-tives' and you willgetwell", CORINE GAUDREAU. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.5), trial size, 25¢. Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ELBE SY HARVEST HELP Excursions! WiEG August 17th and 31st Fare $12.00 Seaside Excursions to Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime Pro« vince Points and New Foundland. Going. dates, August 18th to 21st inclusive. Return limit, Sept. 6th, 1916. For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, ©. P. & T. A., corner John- son and Ontario streets. fay: eH ¥ 2 YL OAT ERVIOR MONTREAL TO LONDON (Via Falmouth) Mo: AUSONIA From rs Cabin and Third Class MONTREAL TO BRISTOL (Avonmouth Dock) » From Briste! From Aug. 9 . FELTRIA .. POBIA ... .-.... Cabin Passeagers Only. Mentieal . Sept. 1 Sept. 12 For information apply Loeal Ticket Agent, or The Robert Reford Co. Linvitea, 50 King Street Kast, Toronto. From Montreal Teo Pretodian Aug. 12 Glasgow Corsican Aug. a Liverpool Sicilian Aug. London Neandinavian = 2 Livp'l Carthaginian Sep 13 G'gow Grampian Sept. 16 I'poel Pretorian Sept. 16 Glasgow Corinthian Sep. 17 London For full information apply local agents or THE ALLAN LINE Cheese sales: London, 852 at 17¢; 2,065 at 17 13-16¢c; S PAGE ELEVEN w gramme Tn a Prices trom #7 to 835. Have » BLAKEMORE, FE. Stuart Street, City. 'Excursions Going Trip West $12.00 | winniPec Farm Laborers Return Trip East bury to, but net includ. | From Toronto, alse 900 at 17%e; 8.000 at 5 3,900 at 15%ec. , = il La | li Hill i i | LA, [eth A GREAT HOLIDAY ON THE GREAT LAKES A cool, short, pleasarit holiday through inland seas at moder. ate cost. The Clyde-built greyhounds of the CANADIAN PACIFIC with verandah cafe and perfect appointments are as. good as Atlantic liners. Express Steamships *"Assiniboia" and "Kee watin" leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday, Thursday and Sxudhy for Port Arthur and Fort William. Round trip days. Particulars from FF. Conway, CJA, City Ticket Office, Cor. Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1197. Aug. 17th and 31st and 1eaflet vat NI 40,000 Farm Laborers Wanted $12.00 TO WINNIPEG : SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Leave Toronto Union Station 1] Puy Aug. 17th, 19th, 31st, and pt. 2nd. THROUGH TRAINS WITH LUN EXCURSION DATES From Toronto east to Chaffey's Locks and Kingston, also north to Thornlea. DESTINATION TERRITORY Tickets one-half cent per mile (minimum 50¢) till Sept. 1916, west of Winnipeg to any station east of Calgary, Edmonton and Tannis, Alta. "For Gckets showing number of Bly to Bearent C.N.R. Agent, o + B. H. Ward, 8 NOH COUNTER CARS ATTACHED & A iH RETURN FARE AND LIMIT--Ope-half cent 30th, {ll 'per mile (minimum 50c) to Winnipeg on or be- il will Nov. 30th, 1916, pits $18.00 from Winnipeg to origin} starting poin aon Annet or M. TE na Rt wages paid, ap-

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