| OF: GERMAN TRENCH WEST OF FOUREAUY . Woop, The Gain Here "Advanced the British Position 300 Yards--British Drive Forward in Conjunction With French. (Special to Pe ¥ Whi Jondon, Aug. Ie for- ward in aE re the French, the British not only scored advances west and southwest of Guillemont last night, but also captured 300 yards of a German trench west of Foureaux Wood, Gen. Haig reported this afternoon, The gain in this re- gion advanced the British front 300 yards from their previous position. East of Mouquet Farm (north- west of Pozieres) British machine guns stopped a German attack. + In Bivouac And Barracks (Bee also Page 9.) Lieut. Ben. Franklin, 146th \Bat- tygMon, Valcartier Camp, is spending a few days leave in town. Major Munitions city. Lieut.-Col, R. Wilson, Major J. Hamilton i. Ln Palmer, of thé Camp Headquarters Staff, are in Trenton, as a board to enquire into the circumstances surrounding a fire in the Armouries at that place. G. L. Goodwin, Imperial Board, Ottawa, isin the There are now ninety-two men in the Special Service Battalion. The officers now are Capt. command and Lieut. Potts, adjutant, and Lieut. Bissonette, paymaster and 38 WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1016, [ TEATRCAL news | Charlie Chaplin at Grand A bill much above the average has been secured for the Grand Opera House, for tonight, Friday and Sat urday. In the Famous Players Pic- ture will be seen "Pasquale," featur- and situations of the present war. Another picture of special idterest is "One AM." with Charlie Chaplin in leads. This picture is absolutely the greatest collection Chaplin laughs ever presented in {wo thous- and feet of film. It's all Chaplin and it's Chaplin at his best. Damico will present his musical act, while Miss Ruth Lattimore, contralto, will be heard In a select line of songs. Emily Stovens at Strand.' Emily Stevens, the wonderful emotional actress, in "The Ho of Tears," is the Metro feature atirac- and Saturday. Miss Stevens is sur- rounded by a superb supporting cast in "The House of Tears," in- cluding Henri Bergman, the noted dramatic actor; Walter Hitclicock, another favorite of the stage and screen, Madge Tyrone, George ers. Other good subjects will also be shown. At Griffin's Photoplay Palace. Never in the history of this thea- tre has more interest been taken in Thorne, in! a photoplay than in "The Plunder- er," the latest Fox masterpiece, ing George Beban, involving scenes || tion at the Strand to-night, Friday | Brennan and other prominent play- [Jill which is playing for the -last time to-night. The entire production is wonderful, and holds the spectator spellbound from the opening to the closing scenes. William Farnum, in a real Farnum part, displays terrific fist fight with a band of ruf- fians. A double love story threads pleasingly the powerful dramatic ad- ventures and enhances the interest. R. E. Willis will again appear in the latest motion picture song hit, Kentucky Home," and along with other good numbers completes a bill which should not be missed by any one. For the week-end, "'Destruc- tion," with Theda Bara, will be the attraction, and on Monday and Tues- day, Clara Kimball Young in "Tril- by." a, Lake Ontario Park. For to-night, Friday and Satur- day of this week, the management of Lake Ontario Park has provided "We'll Have a Jubilee in My Old} We have a large selection of fancy and plain Kimonas made in loose coat style; most comfortable or warm days Starting in priceat .... .... ...}... $1.25 and on up. Fancy Wool Delaine Kimonas Very dainty. New designs at moderate prices. Crepe de Chene Kimonas Very dainty. Here are suits that will be sure to put a "smile that ter! quartermaster. won't come off" on the face of the men who wear them, | -- We're out of the rut. Our clothes are different. | Lieut. P. J. Browne has been de- $15.00, $18.00 up to $22.00. tailed to take command of the Base| ! Company, 156th Battalion, vice |dY, Lieut. H. R. Kincaid, who has been [2nd the Pathe News ordered to go overseas. Gardiner will sing a repertoire of new songs, while "Jack" McNally : ; ill exhibit some hovel. feats in jug- Livin S on 's ai neviabi. proseedins tn pra | 5 _| sling. This bill will be seen each 1851 t 9 fit, an inevitable. proceeding in prac- | oo, i, jat 7.30 and 8.30 o'clock. an excellent entertainment, The pictures dre a three-reel feature, "The Hard Way"; a dashing come- "From Blacksmith to Stone," Miss Gertrude tically every unit raised for over- seas service, ig being slowly carried SPPEFIEPEE IEEE Pb BE on among the members of the 156th y tii Leeds and Grenville Battalion sta- tioned here. Yesterday's battalion orders include the names of seven men of the unit who have been struck off the strength of the 156th through being medically unfit for further service. These men have been grdnted an honorable discharge from the Canadian Expeditionary Force. As against this loss of seven men through medical unfitness, the bat- talion orders report the enlistment of one recruit. Strenirous efforts are being made by recruiting parties stationed at different points in the united counties to bring the units up to strength at the earliest possible moment, but the results of their ex- ertions are not as satisfactory as ==| they might be. Major G. W. Elliott =| and Lieut, Oakes were in Kemptville on recruiting duty recently. i 'e A lsle out of the way, BIvsh Ses. it will pay you to walk WANT THING DONE. (Special to the Whig.) Toronto, Aug. 17.--There was a very indignant deputation from Berlin, Ont., to-day here to urge that the government im- mediately put through the order-in-council~ changing the name from Berlin to Kitchener, as demanded by a vote of the ratepayers. ~The deputation was here yesterday ant again to-day, but owing to the absence of the # Provincigly Secretary Lucas, it could get ho satisfaction as to # what was gaing to be done. TC RTE HE OUT THEY GO ! Serre errr ebb J thin Silk ---- A most fashionable summer silk for those requiring PEPE P RP Pree ree P er + It is a perfectly fast dye. We have only received' It is 34 inches wide and | | black. a limited quantity. Reception to Lieut. Baker. Public reception on grounds of Beulah Church, Bath Road, ten : miles west of Kingston, Tuesday, = Word comes from Valcartier camp August 22nd, at 8 o'clock, in honor that the 146th Battalion baseball|of Lieut. E. A. Baker, blind war team has defeated every other dia-| hero. Collins Bay Ladies' Institute mond organization down there. The| will serve supper in aid of Red Cross =| other day "Jack" Goddard's Engin-| from 5 to 7 o'clock. =| eers thought they could trounce the 146th nine, but "Bike" Young's ar- tists put it all over them. HE REE white and light colored felt hats. QUASHED KINGSTON We put in stock this week another LIQUOR CONVICTION | ot. All the newest shapes and |Special Sale of $1.00 Yard Dresses: Corrigan's. =| Burns and W. Mcliraith . = Held to Be Agents. The cruising powerboat Florence, | = y, of the Queen City Yacht Club, To-|| e em er eh ca or { A special from Toronto to the ronto, and the motor power cruiser} ' dy =| Whig says: Turtle, and the motor launch Black L ) » "Holding that the defendants act-| Puck, of the Rochester Yacht Club, | iH -- a -- i = called at the Kingston Yacht Club's rE -- Ee "" Ladies' Light Felt Hats. We are now selling lots of ladies' "Teepel, od as messengers or agents, Justice Masten to-day quashed the convic- tion and rescinded the fine of three hundred dollars each imposed at Horses for C ME Kiggston against W. Teepel, Pat- Sir Adam Beck has been engaged |} rick Burns and William Mellraith [buying horses for the squadron of for selling liquor without a license." the C.M.R. at Hamilton, which is un- The three men above mentioned|der the conunand of Major Aland were given money by detectives in|Stroud, Kingston. military uniform to buy liguor for them. The men did so, but made| - Thousands of harvesters are ar- They merely. were doing| Fiving to help in the western fields. Notices of any character re- wharf on Thursday. The balance of our stock of summer dresses and sport coats to be sold at a price that means a quick clearance. Muslins, ys and linens, all new this season. Priced regular up to $6.00. Saturday, all - for one price =| no profit. ging : an errand like a messenger, =| peal judge decides. . Reported Injured. A regrettable report coming from =| Ottawa, states that Major W. L. Grant, of Kingston who went over- Inting to future events, where seas with the 59th Battalion, was an admission fee is charged, thrown from his horse i France and || #re Inserted in the advertising seriously injured. No report was columns at 10c a line for first ot in Kingston of the affair ps 1404 6c a Jing Jor sash and @ news came as a great shock consecu insertion; » many--friemds--here---- Major line each insertion, if reading ant, who is a son of the late Prin- . 'was a professor at niversity : before going The report says Prof. Grant had several ribs broken and his head out, - o pro We make a specialty of military equipment, "which can be relied 3 upon as to quality. Sater dor Service Boo Boots . Canadian € Casualties. k : | E| Died of wounds--H. J. Williams, |\_ _ ia Spiral Puttees . Campbeliford. ' Wounded--E. E. Bell, Brockville; Lieut. D."F, Dewar, Pembroke. J} "If the Church has any reason - for existence at all it is surely to A treaty ween Great Britain|convert men. It will never really Sale at 8.30. the Corner Window ie sia aate wi Gibraltarized Trunks for Oversens Sorvice. we ose and the Uni States for protection A insect destroying birds om both of the Canadian boundary was ase at the State Department, 'Washington, on Wednesday by Sec- H1stary Lansing and Ambassador The British registration measure § in not be not be nally dealt with until sutumna, believe In its own message until it} puts it to the test. The war brings us a direct ot Topeutance entiYone|| r! Principal Selbie, field College, Oxford, - pus} Hear Billy ell 'dayst Som ¥Y," €