that eczema cases, which have de- fled all other treatm-at, yleld to Zam-Buk? An fllustration of this 4s found in the case of Mr. J. L. - Frenette, of Nigadgo, N.B. He writes: -- "My head was entirely covered with eczema, and although I tried numerous remedies and received medical treatment, I got no bene fit, Then 1 heard of Zam-Buk and tried it. The first few applieations stopped thé burning. Gradually the inflammation was drawn out, and before long the gores began to heal, Perseverance Heh Zam Buk re wulted in a complete and perman- ent cure." Zam-Buk 1s just as good for ulcers, ringworm, running sores, blood-poisoning, plles, cuts, burns and all skin injuries. All druggists 60c. box, 8 for $1.25, or from Cp., Toronto. : ery 10¢ Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS CITRIC TY | IY A L413) Clean te handle, Sold by all Drug. gists, Grocers and General Stores. DIZZY, NERVOUS Health Restored by Lydia , E. Pinkham's Vegetable: Compound. Jamaica, N. Y.--*"1 suffered greatly with my head and with backache, was TT weak, dizzy, ner- [Hm vous, with hot i' flashes and felt very I miserable, as I was HH irregular for two HHH if|4 years. One day 1 i when I was feeling | If unusually bad my ih sister-in-law came Ww in and said, 'I 4 wish you would try Lydia E. Pinkham's "Com * Bol began taking it and I am now in good health and am cured. I took the Com- pound three times a day after meals, and on retiring at night. I always keep 8 bottle in the house." -- Mrs. L. N. BurnEAM, 85Globe Ave., Jamaica, N.Y. Women who recover their health nat- urally tell others what helped them. Some write and Row their names and photographs to be published with testi- monials. Many more tell their friends. If youneed a medicine for Wo- men's Ailments, try Lydia E. -Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Write Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co. (confidential) for any- thing you need to know about these troubles Summer Footwear Many styles to select from in Canvas Pumps, Oxfords with Rub- ber. Soles, Kid Pumps, Tennis and Sport Soft, comfortable hoes for Warm Weather, Shoes for All Occasi '| Kemp on Wednesday afternoon. ' Shoe Store | 212 PRINCESS ST. Promoter on Battlefield, Cohourgy Aug. 17--From word received here it is learnod that Sergt, Geo. Duckett, formerly with -the ©. P, R. engineering staff here, and well- known in sporting circles, has been promoted on the fiéld to lieutenant, Jac LAVANT STATION. v Aug, 15.--Mrs, 8. B. Jacob and daughter, Marjory, spent a few days | In Renfrew last week. Quite'a nuin- ber from here attended the funeral on Friday of the late Mrs. Chatham, | Folger. A. blackberry social will be | held here on Friday evening, August 18th. Mrs. Doig and three children, of Vdncouver, spent Sunday at W: J Boyd's. Miss Sarah Jackson, Buf- falo, is visiting her brother, A. KE. Jackson, lavant Hotel. Norval 8. Lee visited friends in Lanark last week end. a C 8 CALDWELL'S MILLS : Aug. 15.--Mrs. J. Clelland, who!D has been visiting at Sunbury, has re- A turned home again, 'Mr. and Mrs. | iF Murray spent a few days: with friends at Calabggib. Miss Maggie Stewart spent the week end at her home here, Mrs, Charles Craig has! gone to" spend some time at Ren- d frew. Archie Gray, Renfréw, is] visiting at his home at' present. Jas Moffatt is home again from Arn-|U prior, George Easton is again visit- ing*at his home here. Ptes. Wilfred andand John Elliott, 4th Pioneer Battalion, S§ Andrew's, visited at| their homes there for the last time! before going overseas. Lennox & Addington SELBY. Aug. 15.--Mr. Richmond took the service in the Methodist Church on Sunday night. Mr, and Mrs. A.| Frisken and son left last Tuesday to | visit friends in the west. The Sun- day school intends having excur- | sion to Picton. A number attended | the Red Cross meeting on Tuesday. | Mrs. Hane and daughter Thelma of | Napanee spent a few days with Mr | and Mrs, F. L. Avery. Mrs. Wil- liams and daughters spent Sunday at | Croydon.. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Hudgin and family at A. Wood's Mrs. K, Weese at C. Arnold's; Pte. L. Innes at home; Mr. and Mrs. U. an | derson at H. Abbott's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudgin at U. Winter's; Mrs, Win- fer and M Me¢Cormick and Mrs. Sexsmith at T. Edgar's; Miss Mec- Cracken at E. Doidger's; Miss Lynch at J. C. Hudgin's, ---- TAMWORTH. Aug. 15--Mrs. Cross, who has been vigiting at the parsonage, left on Monday last for Toronto. Rev, Mr. and Mrs, Roark, with their family, left on Thursday morning to visit their son at Camp Borden and also their old homestead in the western part of Ontario. Mrs. D. B. Floyd and daughter, Eulalia, are visiting friends on Wolfe Island. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne left on Friday last for Montreal. Mrs. (Rev.) Postalweight is visiting her brother, Hix Logk- rage The nion picnic held" at Broon Lake on Wednesday was a grand success, W. J. Paul and wife returned on Monday last after hav ing had a pleasant trip in the north- west: . S i Prince Edward | 3 | CHERRY VALLEY. Aug 14 --Farmers have got all their hay in. Mrs. A, Taylor is visting her father, D. Kelly, Mrs. C. Snafford is very ill Harry Walkins taining visitors from Toronto Stephens is very {ll Raspberries are all done, There will be very few appl in Prince Edward th year All ¢ glad to see the change in the weather Mrs. Frederick Smith has gone to Ottawa to attend the fune ral | of her brother-in-law. i SALEM. Aug. 12 On Wednesday last the ladies of Salem W.M.S. gave an "At Home" in Salem church," when. the neighboring auxiliaries. were invited A pleasant and profitable time was spent. Papers were given by Mrs (Rev.) Gall, Mrs. E. Spencer and Mrs. C, C. Wannamaker. Recitations were given by Mrs. S. Alyea, Bay City, and Mrs E Alyea. Victorian luncheon was served. Mr, and Mrs. F. .Henesey left on Thursday for a motor trip to Ottawa. Mrs. L. Parliament and daughter, Vivian, and Mrs, S. Spencer, Oshawa, are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reddick are entertaining friends from Toronto. Mrs. C. Hawley and Mrs. G. Darling have returned to Roblin's Mills' after a few days at Arthur Parliament's. Miss Dorothy Barton has returned home after a week's visit with her aunt, Mrs. D. Vancott. The Red Cross Society meets at the home 6f Mrs. C. M, : BONGARD'S, Aug. 15.--Quarterly Sacramental service was held in the Methodist Fe hare hereon August oth, with a good attendance. Mrs. Kemp, Tren- ton, was for a few days a guest at James Bradley's. Mrs. P. Thurston and children have gone to Hadden's Point to spend some time with her husband. Mrs. H. Kingsley and the Misses Johnson, Detroit, were guests of Mrs. Thomas Bongard. Miss Thompson, Eldorado, a former teacher, has been renewing ac- quaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stevens; Greenbush, visited friends here on Sunday last. Miss Vincent and Miss Osborne, Bethel, Ard guests of Mrs, J. Shepard. Rev. P. N yse, Guelph, aceompanied by Mrs. Mayse and small daughter, are with her i parents, (Mr. and Mrs. . L. Pierce. Walter Hanley spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison, { Bongard, Chicago, motored to the! Sand Banks on Sunday and the day, ter spending a iew days with friends Ha Forfar, her cousi made a trip to Alexandria Bay Mrs, daughters motored to Newboro in R | Les or T college Burns Mr N. Misses Jennie and front. AbysMr.and Mrs, 3. B, UNGAE 1OM 3 Bossa woman.) ; Hi \ -- np ---- COUNTRYS] Eone to spend 3 few spent | aunt, Mrs. Earl Lake and Mrs. Wallace ana "3 Wright Shanley F. B. Taber's, Leeds _ _ MALLORYTOWN i Aug. 16.--A number of young men {are preparing to help take in the hat- {vest excursion. A miscellaneous MGRTON. | shower was given Mr. and Mrs, Leon Aug. 14.--The Misses Hazel and Hagerman at their home on Friday ay Wiltse have return€d home af-| evening. Gilbert Root and Frank An € gone to the west with Miss Eva Dewolf, [a car of | es. Norman Darling has spending a few days with i broken his arm. Many from Mallory- n, Estella Sly. H. Talbot, town attended the ice cream social at Henderson, and J. C. Judd ! Rockfield last Thursday evening, on | Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McDonald. are and | camping at the river. Miss Florence two "Boyd i siting at Mall town, Pte ith Battalion, owe, of the 1 {who has been helping A. W. Mallory and harvest, has gone n the haying Visit to Brockville and days with their Battersea. Mr. daughter and spent Sunday at -- } t Smith's Falls, «Cs aturday last, C. B. N. Hende R. fon Taber and iéacy's car on Sunday last. Miss my Coon 'has returned after spend- | ig the past few weeks attending !on a few days' at Guelph Mr. and Mrs. [Algonquin before going to camp at Simpson, Jones [alls -spent |B ld Mrs. F. M. Purvis has unday with Mrs. Simpson's parents, red trln a visit at Webbwood,} and Mrs. J. Stewart, OO. C. Hen- Miss Price, a former teach erson ang H. Talbot made a trip » Brockville one day last week. B. own public The Henderson made a business trip annual Bible Society meeting is to be ) Brockville one day last week. The held at the Me ist church Sunday Pearl York have' evening, 27th, Wn, is 16 be the princ ipal school. 3 Gary & Practical. Home Dress Making Lerronr Prepared Especially For This Newspaper a Ni | ¥ Ke by Pictorial Review The Tailored Suit in Faille. its at the raised walstline and mmed with a fancy collar of white subject of today's lesson is lk tailored costyme. It truth- can be styled the all-around for it is used for morning nd if a dressy blouse is ngded » afterpoon, it takes on semi- This design, in i requites 63; yards 4- inch erfal. The circular collar is of » faille, with plaited sec- tion standing high at the back. The jacket is laid in plaits at the raised waistline, bait the front and back hang in flat effect. "To cut the Jacket, place the back and tHe cape on the fold of material first. Then opposite these, on the upper row, place the sleeve, the front, the under- facing and rever. Now, going back to the bottom row, place the cuff, collar and second cape into the posi- tion, the first on a lengthwise thread and the last two of the lengthwise fold of the faille. Opposite the second cape lays the back skirt sec- tion, on a lengthwise thread. H "the "Jacket be desired with deep open front, cut off the front edge of ront, 3 inch forward of line of perforations and omit ing. If desired pointed at , cut off the lower parts of front, back, skirt section and underfacing along indicating small "o" perforations. ' The front of the jacket may be finished simple with revers and a The feature of 'his tailored cos- flat collar, if this be preferred to the tume in faille is the jacket, laid in more elaborate effect, "CUTTING GUIDEG 7 39 t 1 BE 'o y A" SLEEVE FRONT deo" Tv Ary dX: : C , FOLD.OF 54 INCH MATERIAL WITH NAP d Apel 30, Pictorial Review Jacket No. 67 39. Sizes, 34, 88, 38, 40, 42 and Inches bust. Price, 15 cents. Skirt No. 6787. waist. Price, 16 cents. ~ Paten 4" Slzes, 22 tto 82 inches THAT ENDLESS PARADE OF AUSTRIAN PRISONERS. An every day scene in a small, town just behind the (Note the Austrians who hive left the ranks to buy % . " So a NE " Let the kiddies have their own music --at their partipssin the nursery, before the bedtime hour. Nothing 80 en- livens their imagination or gives more enjoyment to their games than the songs and rhymes recorded expressly For Little Folks Here are a few of many such selections on the Victor list FIVE TEN-INCH, DOUBLE-SIDED RECORDS--90c¢ FOR THE TWO SELECTIONS: Humpty Dumpty (2) To Market The Tar Baby Part 1 Humphrey | j-gqq 3 Crooked Man 4) Tommy The Yar Baby Part Il Humplivey ) Tucker 15) Mother Hubbard Elizabeth Wheeler | 18574 Sing » Seng of Sixpence 2 § aan itt'e Pussy Household Hints (2) Cot-tails ) { 15026 3: Daffodils Olive Kline | 1001 3) Georgie. | Gingerbread Man . (2) Jap Doll | ie 4) Pussy Cat 5 | Olive Kfine of Lanterns E. Wheeler Mr. Duck and ir. 3) Six Little Puppies | 4 Little Birdie Olive Kline | Tiddlely- Winks and Tiddlely } Wee (2) The Chicken 3 } The Bunny 4 Mr. Squirrel Olive Kline J Olive Kline / Bring the children to hear them at any "His Master's Voice' dealers ¢ Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited ove L Blue Bird 12 The Turkey es' Party (2) Thanks. | giving Song Elsie Baker | Land of Nod (2) Tracks in "®18074 the Snow (3) Jack-o-Lantern 1777 Rur-oor Assy ca WHERE RAVE yOu Barn fo! 5 "How Does "2+ ) Yo 6YmTums C/ seem vo : SEGASTIATE ? Dealers in Every Town and City Victor Records Made in Canada Lindsay, Limited "so A A A A A A Pt PN it, PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST 3798-306 A The Wrigley Spears are constant friends to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. : od Women workers, relish the refresh- ing, comforting influence of this toothsome, long-lasting confection. Its benefits are many -- its cost small. That's why it's used around the world. Nothing else can take its place. Chew it Write Win. Wrigley Jr. Co., after Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto, ete every ' for the funny Spearmen's meal' Mother Goose