W 12 PACES | | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1916 ' GEN. SIR SAM HUGHES ENJOYING HIMSELF IN OLD ENGLAND. They Are First to be Lost in Very Hazardous and Neces- sary Undertakings. London, Aug. 22.--In the Dogger Bank fight last year, and on several less important occasions, the enemy a submarine trap, but, although our ? > he : : 3 pursuing ships often enough found : \ % Satur A pe Re CS TEUTONS HAVE LOST POWER light cruisers as the Falmouth and . TORY FOR PROGRESSIVES which they were engagéll is essenti- -------- . ally one for which they were primar- 3 Air Free of Their Aeroplanes, and = y long as possible. any superior hos- the Sleepers in Queen's Park--| 10" oc with which they may com | Allies' Movements Are Well, Hid- H. H. Dewart (Liberal) .... 2,705 | North Sea and both were mentipned is | i New York, Aug. 22.--The Tri- J. A. Norris (Conservative) .. 2,062| in Admiral Jellicoe's Jutland des- {bune's London correspondent cables Gordon Waldron (Ind. Lib,) 131] of the vessels which at about 6.30 at- ' It is evident that the recent Brit- tacked the crumpled head of the en- ish and French intensive efforts vote of all three opponents | oy which are eating the heart out of combined .. .. .. .. 67 NOTHING DOING, | the German third line. The most Hai 3 x | sages yesterday is that the Germans stantial majority of 643 Hartley, Ta | have apparenty lost their power of Dewart, K.C., Liberal, defeated | The British Cabtnet Will Not James A. Norris, Conservative, in| be Filmed for the on er to HIE Wool 2a ie , | e ) h ' Movies. x ~~ | only hours after they lost them, place to fill the vacancy caused by ft ; " : : t a g (Special to the Whig.) | \ the death of Hon. J. J. Foy, Attorney-| London, Aug. .22.--The British . -------- ; 2adbaen_sticmpted the counter-at- the seat at the last election. was 3,- | 22" %ithis afternoon. T lier in the Semme offen- 763. oe Mrs. Asquith, wife of the Prime | Thauek: 'eapliér | nme om throw a in the legislature in twenty-six years i a u > '(to war. charity, The fact that Pre- 5 rate In 1890 4 ras | oi re a : . seem unable to scrateh up a brigade ineeph Tait, Liberal, was|gigent Wilson had posed for movies Sir Sam is a hero in England, where he Is being cheered a nd dined every day. Photo shows him acknowledging the | within the space of 24 houfs, tried to lure the British forces into by French. . : themselves in a nest of U boats, they never before suffered loss therefrom. the Nottingham is distinctly unfor- WINNER CALLS RESULT VIC.| tunate, although the operation in OF EFFECTIVE COUNTER-AT- TACKS THEY FORMERLY HAD Tory Toronto Deals 's Heavy Blow at | ly designed, namely, to shadow as Great Rejoicing by the Liberal in contact. Both lost cruisers tough? den--New Offensive May Open on Voters. in several earlier actions in the # | Alsace Border. J: McA. Conner (Socialists . 445 | patches, the Falmouth being one | as follows: Majority of Dewart over Norris 643] emy's battle cruiser line with torpe- have weakened the German morale Majority of Dewart over the does and gun-fire. and made possible these great gains, ay { 8Q ™ significant point in Gen, s mes- Toronto, Aug. 22.--By the sub-| SAYS A ul | | effective counter-attack. They made | but - one effort to reclaim the tren- yesterday's bye-election in South- west Toronto. The polling took y sod b Around the Leipsie redoubt nothing General in the Whitney administra-| op; ' { rion 'abinet won't appear in the movies he pr " ' in t ton. The Conservative majority for | upior all, Premier Asquith announced # -- ' <i i ; | tack is oie ae Brat aught ju tho IM Mr. Dewart Is the first Liberal ister iv idea 1 Minister, conceived the idea of film- recapture elected to represent a Toronto 8eat| ins the ministers, the proceeds to go ht gon thon Bet Bre elected with E. F. and H. E. Clarke, | was ne a - 5 Conservatives. Mr. Tait sat only for plot nsed Wy wn ArEuent out the! cheers of the large crowd gathered on the embankment afte r a visit to the captured German submarine mine layer at Valuable Ground Gained. In thé present circumstances this is the more noteworthy because the ground the British have just gained along the watershed from Pozieres | They Have Been Showing Surprising toward Peronne is extremely valu- { able. It incloses a space where a | Activity, (Special to the Whig.) | large striking force could be gather- Paris, Aug. 22.--In the fighting| ed without observation by the Brit- north of the Somme the French cap-| ish. ; : The added fact thgt German aero- tured two more German cannon south of Guillemont, making a total planes now scarce dare show them- of eight eaptured there. A number selves completes the German ac- Russian Troops Have Been Landed It of prisoners were taken in the opera-| duiescence in the British gains, amd , . ] tions south of the river. North-west 8 Perhaps the first striking proof Salonika For Service of Soissons a French surprise attack of the decay of their strength. Ap- . . drove the Germans from a trench on parently they had specially concen. the Vingre Plateau. A French air trated troops for attacks at Verdun squadron hurled seventy-nine bombs last night, and the heavy repulse the FOLLOW THE ITALIANS at the railway station at Noyons and French inflicted on them gave new ' | Tergnier. A French pilot brought Proof that the latter hold the up- -- * {down an Albatross machine near] Por hand. Infact, they Seem. now Nesles.' In the same region'a French | able to dictate where and how (he AND ALL WILL BE IN ACTION gquadron drove back four German, PBttle shail be joined. VERY SHORTLY biplanes attempting a raid aver the - an French lines, The Russians Artived Immediately she term. At that time the city vot-| ought down a storm of talk that] Temple Pier. as a whole, and Mr. Tait was the |i was a most undignified thing to third of the successful candidates. do, The newspapers say it is all tachments moved forward on the - The Beutost the Liberals ever came | yor, height to the Pozieres-Miraumont . Blecting a member since that time Pt road, One ghousand prisoners were was in 1901, when H, H. Dewart, | War Tidings r 3 taken. ho now goes to the legislature, was It is again said that Roumania is In the Lepzig redoubt salient, Hoo > the late a Wl Marter 10 about to join the British Allies. | northwest of Pozieres, the British Bont by & majority of 34, Terrific bombardment of the | extended their gains to within one ' | German positions along the Somme { thousand yards of Thiepval, taking Nt] AAA Pr, nin, THE FRENCH WINNING, Blow at Government. i River continues, {1,000 prisoners. i The immense turnover, coming a5! RPritish troops in German East edereoeedededs deiddilod defod ATTACK BY RADICALS. PhP err br rb ere it does from the largest and most cos- ¥ i < rar { ( rp. ok HUBS AfFica have besieged the town of Kil- | mwopolitan riding in Tory Toronto," | geeq and made important advances. Move Forward on Half Mile Front North is regarded as a crushing blow to the| Indications are that Austria is | poarat Administration, following on paarly exhausted for men and sup- of the Somme. Sul wr 3 the ao the luftaver in orth plies ~ 2 (Special to the A) mie) rih. ie condemnation of the itis : i it week | London, Aug. 22.----Leaders tish eo Ities for the last week ; 3 ' Government by the electors is ma in pa D. sasuallion for U 1 among the Irish Radicals at- more direct and emphatic by the act-| ------ EXTENDED THEIR GAINS: tacked the Government's policy ive and jightly participation of! poi ------ ! towards Jedlund ugais suis a abinel ministers in the campaign. | EN ER J ---- | ternoon during a debate in e Hon. G. Howard Ferguson under- | SPEND WEER aT SPA NE THOUSAN | House of Commons, when the took to handle tie whole platform | yw, Shih erm TO WITHIN ONE OUSAND | + Government stated that the gampaign, and brought hi sid - Wonnded Canadians P ited YARDS OF TRIEPVAL | Irish editors had been warned Eht to his assidt-| yi je Fleet While Recuperatin ance the Attorney-General, Hon. I. We I RB. y - not to print matter likely to Now on Defensive. No better eriterion of the relative condition of the French and Ger- man armies has yet appeared than the fact that the French can attack with fury after six months warfare B. Lucas, and the Provincial Trea-| London, Aug. 22.--Wounded Can- | Other Detachments Moved Forward cause disaffection in Ireland. -i hh a o surer, Hon, T. W. McGarry, as well adian officers convalescing are per- onthe 'Height to Pozieres-Dirau- | After the Italians Had Disem- CUFTING OFF SUPPLIES a8 toine siX or seven legislative mem- | mitted, if they so desire, to visit the " " a. Jy bark n r . a" ha ' ' nt Road-- Sa Se harked--The Unity of the Allies bers. Mr, Dewart, the Liberal can-| British fleet and spend one week at mo a Two Thousand Pris | i Constamt 'Fire and Railway Damage TO GET SAME RIGHTS. rrr TET nm The Leading Undertaker Princess , . . ¢ Is Demonstrated by the Nari didate, conducted his platform cam-| sea to assist in recuperating A oners Taken. ! Cheese Sales--Kemptville, 910 at 3 arious Affects - Germans, : § 8 ran > § ! . ass fois | . re > 7 5B N . 2 > KR . oe at Verdun, while the Germans are PAIL piactically unaided, but in the | number are availing themselves of (Special to the Whig) { 19¢; Watertown, N. Y., 5,600 at ationalities Fighting: Side by (Special to the Whig.) completely thrown on the defensive was taken into the Jutland battle. of the Somme last night and estab- | It is stated that five hundred wo- Athens, Aug. 22.-- Russian troops Sections of the Bapaume-Peronne| n 3 'g > Warning to 'tory Forces. mei sen lished themselves at the highway men of Grey County are doing the {have landed at Salonika to join the| railway, considerably embarrassing | do Nel interbst_was atifaciod ra Streets last night as to the signifie- HUN BATTLESHIP { i hav a A $ 8 ported this aftédenoon. Other de-' Battalion. J Allied transports arrived with here to-day. French | ave remove ance of the result. "The ' Hearst LKELY SUNK ANSPOris arrived: with the 1 rench long range (jon from the districts of Nancy, president of a ward Conservative as- 5 \ i 0 socfation, frankly, "and unless the (Special to the Whig.) . pret Hime sinee the beginning of the Comble 8, The highways leading in- sace. border, beginning about fifty Colors For the 1 th Battalion ar the troops of six Allied nations | to Combles are under a steady fire, | miles south lof Verdun, and would 46 . bians, Montenegrins French and, Mans to supply their forces fighting! ernment will go after it." The HOARSE ¢ ¢ iti 3 already ona 2 Clorv: and ng 8| aimed, to redeem the lost provinces people have lost confidence in the made a successful attack The contributions are coming in nicely for, the purchase of British are already engaged on the In the Clery and Guillemont salients. | 014" be launched. . tion, as it is composed of Kingstonians and Frontenacers and men laction within a short time ---------------------- | rp ft - their 8 F reCORsiruC ' " A ira liv 1 : A { TURKS RETIRING. Shei 4smand for a speedy recanstruc- % Saturday! the Admiralty from Lennox and Addington. To have let them leave without flags || It is not fikely that any large body Bobo ddd bhp Fre pos] Ee ee 3 A able that no Con announced this morning. {of Russians will be transported to {Have Given Up Job of Attacking ted 3 . His personal popular- ship was sunk. the silkiest of silken flags being flown by them. | purpose of demonstrating the unity _ y was expedted, they claimed, to She was first attacked Mrs. Norman Blakley, Camden East, sends along $15 towards ||of the. Allies. : (hpecial to the Whig.) = # cations that the Turkish Army on Petrograd, Aug. 22.--A bill #| Sinai Peninsula is retreating toward criminations against Hon ae | The Forces Have Clashed. Ferguson and Lucas for ers came to her rescue, We gladly do so. We trust other places in Frontenac and Lennox Longoredal to ok andl other Russian subjects will bo %| The despatch refers to the Turkish and Addington will aid thé good cause. | Bulgarian forces have clashed in the introduced in the Imperial %| ferce which was recently engaged in was generul in the disappointed Con I y < | has i i 1 rie . } jritish ©. . boat broke : > {has been going on since Monday servative ranks that the manner in t British Whig 8 morning, said the Exchange Tele-| ed e J : Green Bros, RENT > ie Suleiyise had much to do with ship.» / - Dr. James Third led. The Greek commander is sum THE FRENCH ADVANCE | _ Bee top of page 3, right hand corner ult, Jonservative canvassers The battleships of the moning all the neighboring re -- | for probabilities : - at Several Points. | 24tt provineial matters. Camp Borden 18,602 tons each. and 5 x : pe A 3 2 : Blakley GERMANY HAS APOLOGIZED. (Special to the Whig.) rr and the Hughes-Allison- an § . i ghes-Allison-Borden as were built aboul nine 10.00 os ' 7 + 4 { f Barrie and Rag- R the River Somme last night making | mornthg, at Sur. o pe a { . . . i } Road, Fell Lennon, aged : crew of About. Poo and Newlands, William & Son 5.00 ¥ Yeo Hogue, ¥ia London: Aus. 23 an Road, Felix Bn Dean hepa, | has twelve =ncu guns, College Book Store ) 5.00 It is officially anounced that the : ES 4 v can campaign on the Hydro-electric and J. H. Sutherland & Bro.s.. ........vvennnnnn 5.00 struck by a German torpedo and has nickel issues, and succeeded "in show- | # A TALE FROM BERLIN. 7% At his first meeting Mr. Dewart de-|® Berlin, Aug. 22.--The Bul clared himself to be the people's ® garian and German forces have nightly uebate made a sorry spec-|the privilege. One Canadian hap- London, Aug. 22.--British troops|16%e¢ to 16%e¢; Ldndsay, 548 at Side, The Hague, Aug. 22.---Raids bY| after seven weeks of the Franco- There were no two opinions on the [-------------------------- junction outside Mouquet farms, | farm 'work because 'their husbands|Allied offensive. Despatches from |!he German communications behind | gywiss sources report the French Russians as the first Italian contin-| Buns are playing havoc with the Luneville, Bacarrat and St. Die + i %, 0g ' A ) Camp Borden and Hughes-Allison London, . Aug. 22. will be fighting side by side. Ser- making it most difficult for the Ger. | Government, and several Conserva-/|] On & German battleship Balkan front, and the Italians and|The German rear lines in the rear of | 2 be 2 would have been deplorable The soldiers are full of praise for : blamed the candidate, Jas is believed the battle- lave teen geploran' 3 . F {the Balkan front. The appearance British af Suez pull the Governn rough. There | Ly i | : a yw the ' submarine and h Ta s. Bhe asks the og : ; the purchase of colors. She asks that the result of the contributors to abolish the pale and give 3 its base, says an exchange telegraph + guage and the character of the \up- and were escorfing her : | ) rhe 3 Sg | : These subscriptions have been received: { uma when that body convenes | battle with the British forces defend- i i », y ir 1 a Q i which these ministers had dealt with rough their lines and Craig, W. G. 0. x {graph despatch from Athens to-day. | bd Shido FRERE IPI E EEE | + in the residential districts also com- Crawtord & Walsh 0 Serves. They Haye Taken Trench Elements! Lawn Sodial in McGarvey's Grove, Paris, Ang. 22.--French troops sociati ov avy Macnee & Minnes | - , a on at Ottawa Pbroved a heavy | Admitted Torpedoing Ship Carrying ! progress toward Clery on the north| sixty years : 2 . elements southwest of Estrees and ™n didate, entered the contest but eight No Bell, Dr. George W 5.00 German Government has admitted | caer of Savecourt, it was officially | T J. REID ing the defences of Hon. Messrs. % (Continued on Page 8.) |% defeated the Allied troops on Samuel G. Sutherland; St. Lowi w. tacle oi the minsters of the crown. | pened to be aboard at the time, and advancdd on half a mile front north|18%¢c; Utica, N. Y., 3,800'at 16%e¢ (Special to the Whig.) '| Allied victors have destroyed long! British effort on the Somme northwest 'of Poziéres, Gen. Haig re-| and sons have enlisted in the 147th |Salonika to-day reported that the the Somme front, it- was learned the civilian- popula- Government is gone," said a former / 1 rE gent was 'disembarking ,| Germa ans service i ] gent was disembarking. For the! German transport Service near| his ig the territory along the Al-~ mess is cleaned up, the Borden Gov- British submarine E-23 {be the line from which an attack ] P colors for the 146th Battalions The unit deserves worthy recogni- Russians bably 'wi s seen in| Combles have suffered se time workers were outspoken ini] of the Nassau class on 8 probably 'will be seen in 8 haye suffered severely, In fact they commiser It the Whig in taking up the matter, and they hope it will result in {of the Russians is probably for the | 1 | London, Aug. 22.--There are indi- were, however, many bit party re- pie, : y | ---- . damaged.- Five destroy- he published as evidence that the money has reachied the right place. to Jews the same rights as despatch from Cairo. peals they had made, and the feelidg back to harbor, when the {region of Serres, and the fighting in November t ? e #! ing the Suez Canal, * Sir Adam Beck and the Hydro-Elec- again attacked the battle- A number of Greeks have been kill DAILY MEMORANDUM plained * that, ,while they were not Nassau - class 'displace Camden Fast. Residents, por : | epee ide Mount Cheshey, Thursday evening, Aug ars ago. Each carries a advanced their lines on both sides P| LON An Kingston, on Tuesday, load to carry. years ago, I. ] 10.00 A " Food to Belgians. bank and capturing several trench | Funeral notice later. pita ini------ A y ~ | 2 > v i4 v days ago. He instituted a whirlwind | PPP PPP OI H. W. Newman FKlectric 5.00 [that the Dutch steamer Rijndijk was gnnoiinced to-day. (er + Lucas and Ferguson to be ridiculous. | # (Special to' th8 Whig. A Ar rtp ze : 1~iElection of Dewart in To- |% both wings in the Balkans, cap- re : ' "\!# turing positions from both Ser- THE WHIG'S CON 7 9% bians and French, was offioiatly 4 announced this afternoon. +* ; R. J. Bushel George Mills & Co. A. Kinch WwW. W. PrberreDen 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 {apologized and offered to compens- |ate the, owners, a Rotterdam ship- |ping firm. The Rijndijk was beach- led after being struck. | The Rijndijk was torpedoed, off the | Scilly Islands last April whilg bound {for Rotterdam from Portland, with {a food cargo for the Belgian Relief {Commisgion. The Dutch Shipping! Council, which examined pjeces of metal found aboard found that they were parts of a Whitehead torpedo made in Fiume, Austria. BASEBALL ON MONDAY. National League. Chicago, 5; Brooklyn, 3. St. Louis, 1; New York, 0. Boston, 2; Cincinnati, 1. | | Phone 577. Pittsburgh, 6-2; Philadelphia, 3-1. Ameriean--F Boston, 4; Cleveland; .0. . New York, 6; Chicago, 3. { Detroit, 7; Philadelphia, 1. Tonto; SEHL Another Biotish || SSSEbPIEEPESIEPE ELSI S044 St. Louis, 4; Washington, 1 J. O. Hutton, Advance; German Morale ---- me : TWENTY BODIES RECOVERED 'Wenkens: Allies Fighting. 0. V. Bartels 100, = 5 a " lost them yesterday. 3-Exonerates Grey; The Horse Factory Explosion, McCammon, William (Market Clerk)....... 1.00 : ' h i London, Aug. 22.----A despatch to ------ en ii | Among the lowing of the herds, the The ldberals Rejoicing have been recovered from the ruins Prof. Matheson | + B--Annouficements Amusements, explosion yesterday, Minister of sche Allgemeine-Zeitung, the Ger- STEAMER BURNED. B-4HAd a Close Call; -Military of Commons this afternoon. There Anita' Sutherland i Barriefe we fatal {lack of impartiality. 'What,' asks Sarnia, Ont, Aug. 22.--The + Among the clover scented neial Matters e exact location of the i - t.the disaster has Mrs. William Cochrane NedFines for ts Speeding: {on Germany and {ts serville expres-|# was totally destroyed by fire in 4 here drowsy Y 13--in the World of Sport | gang cn the Grand Trunk at London {public opinion of Denmark, it gives & : | 2-ddqguor Men: Jubilant: Hit - 1.00 ATTACKS DANISH PRESS International League. German Official Organ Makes Furious, Baltimore, 8; Buffalo, 5 Are Ania | his ' Terma ro - { Toronto, 3; Providence,-2. | Among the fields above the 4 Editoriale: Randon Reels. (Spectal to the Whig) Simmons, A. Alfred ! hy i 3 Reuter"s Telegram Company from rustling of the trees, $=Lasern Ontario District |i of the Yorkshire munitions factory 1. 8S Ro MeG + 8. R. McCann ¥ {man official organ, prints a furious! # | The foolish fears of Matters: Theatrical. - Ni anstal Ma a: Mews. The St lneation the newspaper, 'is the Danish press! # Northern Navigation steamer ong the new A England's Rich War James Doherty was overcomes by {sions of sympathy for our enemies.| # the Georgian Bay. The crew | Where ill thoughts v ON eee J | and It Is stated canuot recover. , = - _, {food for serious reflection.' ** | HEREC EERE EMEP IER | | ier in the Eye; Mortality | pom Ruins of Yorkshire, Munitions R. J. Reid 1.00 air Montreal, 18; Newark, 5. . |The lttle cares that. fretted . me, Criticism. Rochester, 11-12; Ri 3-4. ong the winds at play Ten Cases Are Dismissed; J| London, Aug. 22. Twenty bodies Mrs. A. Strawbenzes C aster 1 12 chmond, 3-4 play, ate Copenhagen says: "The Nord-Deut-| : | he. Forum. Munitions Montague told the House R. E. Kent -- - attack on the Danish press for its (Special to the Whig.) + I cast them all s--Barriefleld War Camp News: were less fatalities than were feared. James B. Cochrane Woman's Sphere. vea WL {driving at with its continuous attacks) % Saronic with a cargo of wheat $| Amang the rustling Prices the heat while at work with a oridge {If the Danish press. éxpresses the! & was saped. * is H | =. t a.