Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1916, p. 4

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---- South-West Toronto fs ordinarily 2 ; conservative, overwhelmingly so. : The fact that it has gave a large ma- ' Jority to a liberal candidate shows : that it has no further use for the Hearst government and all that it traitor to my own science, and unworthy of the brave sons of Canada that are fighting, Day their men the rate for an eight- bleeding, and dying for freedom and hour day which they have paid for a a | tes-hour day and pro rata for over- |time, all outstanding grievances to ;| Over one hundred and ffty-fx fac- J had been earning from $2 to $8 per be passed upon by a commission which he would appoint. Lest the companies, through their managers Or presidents, hesitated, he added that which amounted to a threat, namely, that a refusal to accept his Proposition would encouragé the de- mand for government ownership. The change means an additional expense of from $50,000,000 to $100,000,000 a year, In the second case the workers<n| tories struck for a living wage. They Week of ten hours each day, in places which were damp. dark snd unsani tary, and on the ground that the Batton) is OLUNTARY § A Therq is certainly no desire on the part of/the Whig to' prejudice the measuye which the government has passed, and which aims at a stimula- tion of the recruiting in Canada. But the Whig eandidly cannot See, by what has been made public of the © order-in-council, wherein the regis- tratioh is to be made very satisfac- tory. : It has been pointed out that the registration for which provision has been made is voluntary in its cha- racter, that it mainly favors those who cannot qualify for service those Are entitled to wear exemption badges. The director of recruiting In each district will be authorized to adjust the recruiting conditions and distinguish more 'clearly between the men who are needed for industrial purposes and those who are fot, but the work, to be discriminate, must be carefully done, and without the system which was inaugurated in England and followed there success does not seem to be possible, The registration will not amount to much which does not account for every man in the district, his age, his occupation, his fitness or unfit- ness for military service. It is this registration for which the Whig has contendéd all along, and the regis- tration which, if in force, would speedily give assurance that Canada would supply her balance of 500,000 men. ------------------ Yes. G. Howard Ferguson's idea is that it is a shame to hold bye-elec- tions during a war. Well, why order them? Mr. Ferguson has essayed, with Garry's assistance, to dictate the policy of the government, ------ RESULT IN TORONTO. What was the issue in Toronto where, in thé south west division, an election occurred on Monday? Mr. Dewart being 'the member-elect it [follows that what he advocatéd rep- resented the views of the People. He did not champion prohibition. He did not oppose it. He let it be gen- erally understood that it was in ag- vance of the times, and that a great change in public sentiment would have to take place before the people were ready for this drastic measure. He certainly gig not want to see it enforced until the People had voted upon it, and it alone. Meanwhile he left it severely alone. Had the electors been swa the temperance legislation, bromise of it, they would have sup- ported Mr. Connor, who was a labour Tepregsentative and a Drohibitionist, and as such he bad the Star's assist- ance. Or, if opposed to prohibition, they would bave given Mr. Waldron their votes, and he came out as the emphatic opponent of the measure. Had they heen in the middle-of-the- road, or what used to be termed a mugwamps, they could have given Mr. Norris the lift he needed in amending the prohibition law, and i providing for the abolition of spirit- ous liquors as beverages, and allow- ing the sale of beer and wine. yed by or the ___Disavowing all these specious} the pleas the people seem to Nickel trust.' The "Stamese Twins," As Or. Maclean, of the World, and Mr. Dewart, the liberal candidate, "were had the call with the ¥ le, and have led them into a re. _ Yolt against the government, and South West Toronto may be said to @ expressed the mind of the pro- biects, . 1 trade would not permit of it better- ment was not promised. Moreover the gangsters of New York, the young ruffians who graduate Into criminals nad so occupy the gaols and penitentiaries of the country, in- sulted the girl strikers Jp the streets. They have no rich or répresentative men to plead their cause and com- mand a settlement, For the poor box workers there shohld be redress as well as the rail- road men, and it is distressing to in- fer that ome siady Is favored because a great organization is behind it and not behind the other, There should be a way of providing for a living wage for every class of employment, and the great American nation's unpreparedness could not be more signally proven than in this case. "Oh for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is still." Such is the wail that re- sounds throughout the parliament buildings in Toronto to-day: A WIN FOR SIR ADAM. Sir Adam Beck is probably one of the happiest men in Ontario to-day. His troubles began with the death of Sir James Whitney, He was, next to Sir James, the most pcpular man in his party, and the members of the government realized this when they came to select a successor to Sir James. The fact that Sir Adam had the Union of Municipalities behind him, that he was the man of power in more senses than ome, made him the envy of Ferguson and McGarry, and they hastened, having disposed of him as a candidate for the pre miership, to humiliate him otherwise, The acts of the last session by the legislature will be remembered. The Seymour power plants were acquired by the government,independent of the commission, and as a government enterprise, The control of the com- mission, and of its<appointed work, was limited. A controller was chosen to see that the commission's finances were properly administered. An end for the time being wa$ put to the radial railway scheme of West- ern Ontario. All the plans were laid to crush Sir Adam Beck. The chairman of the Hydro-Elec- tric Commission suffered long and patiently. He bided his time. In this respect he has done well, He has lived to see the McGarry-Fergu- son-Lucas faction thoroughly scored. They have backed down before public opinion. They have professed the greatest friendship for Sir Adam and his schemes, They have repudiated the idea that they desired to rob the people of their ownership of the power privileges for which they have paid. They claim that the govern- ment, by order-in-couneil, provided for the radials "right of way," though the Union of Municipalities has not yet heard about it. They climbed down, during the recent bye-election, from their high horses, and wanted it to be known that they and Sir Adam Beck were ini perfect accord. Mr. Dewart's challenge, however, went unanswered. "Let Sir Adam," said he in effect, "appear upon any platform and repeat the assurances of his presumed masters, and I will retire from the contest." Sir Adam did not appear, and Sir Adam has been vindicated by the election of the 'Liberal candidate. : EDITORIAL NOTES. . The Hearst government is waking up. It has lost the fid of the people. The sooner it passes in its checks the better. : What about Hon. Mr. Hanna? Like Joel Chandler Harris' Tar Ba- by, during the present bye-election "he lay low and say nuthin'." --K rity of 600 for Mr. Dewart in South,West Toronto means a w repudiation of the men who presume' to rule in the local government. implies, : some, f for us. "I fear not the verdict of this day or of future generations; I am con- tent to await, and will await with confidence, the verdict of 'the people when the right time comes for them to render their verdict, - And I am satisfied that th§ Conservative who, in years to come, réads ) his party we are writing to-day, will {have no cause to blush as he reads." (Applause.) . Blush! Blush for the record of Premier Heart's word and deed on April 4, 1916? No! But for the re- cord of last week, when the Hearst Government gave the lie to Heart's every word, all decent Conservatives and all law-respecting Canadians -- ) Comg'home, Mr. Hearst, come d begin housecleaning at cGarry and Ferguson and Lucas hdve been deluding you. The people wi | PUBLIC oPNION | Get Sir Sam (Toronto Star) So it's munition making they need speeded up in Ontario. How would he to have Sir Sam tackle the ol cause to blush when the whole trea- ---------- or is disclosed, a Failure (Port 'Arthur Chronicle) Registration failed in Britain and New Zealand and gave place to con- scription. So far Australia clings to it and it may succeed in Canada. A GRAB THAT I8 NOT APPROVED Toronto World (Conservative), An effort was J ) The war may be far from ended; James Whitney's death to drag the there may be disasters for the Allies yet to come, But the handwriting on the wall is becoming ominously plain. ful. Had there been no politics in -- the attitude of the Government in Surplus Help i (HamiMon Times) The katchewan Labor Bureau says that'there is likely to be a sur- plus of harvest help up there this Season. Similar reports come from other sources. ; Don't Envy Him. (Peterboro Review.) * "I do not envy the man who has the responsibility of this war upon his conscience," says the Kaiser. Just when did Wilhelm first lose his admiration for himself? Surely Not. (Toronto Star) While Sir Sam Hughes is in Eng- land John Wesley Allison has been stripped of his title as Honorary Col- onel. But there's nothing to pre- vent Sir Sam making another Hon- Col. of him as soon as he gets back. ing the municipalities obtaining radials, there would have heen no need for the Guelph protest, and Mr. J. W. Lyon's piercing words. would it have been necessary for Hon. Mr. Lucas to climb down and tell the electors that if a mistake had been made it would be corrected. There is also a radical principle in- volved which the Government has given no assurances about. This is the question of ownership at municipalities, under ernment, it was pointed out, was un- der no responsibility, and whatever happened would lose nothing. Now. when the munieipyities have rent is making motions\ toward Suggestive Thought (Ottawa Citizen) M. Clementel, French minister of commerce, reminds the Allies that amongst other commodities they con- trol four and a half times the hemp supply that Germany does. Which may sound rather significant in Ber- lin. IKINCSTON EVENTS] 256 YEARS AGO Benjamin Webster Folger and Matthew Henry Folger (bankers), Frederick Augustus Folger (agent3, and Michael John Grady (contract- or), all of Kingston, and James Hammond, of Fort William (hotel- keeper), form the Matina Iron Com- pany, Limited, with a capital of $100,000. The Chatham fire engine was to- day taken out to the spile dock on a Kingston and Pembroke Railway flat car to test the suction Pipe there. An addition is being built to the House of Providence, trustee of the property with sole con- trol. Skulduggerv would have been the lightest word used by the pre- sent ministers of ' Ontario had the Liberal party been in power and 'at- tempted a similar grab, KHAKI IS NOT FOR SALARY GRABBERS Toronto Telegram. Canada should not put khaki cov- erings on the civilian hides of every salaried appointee who is called to the discharge of lucrative and com- fortable duties in connection with the registration of this country's reeruit- able population. If public money is to be spent in salaries every salary should ga to a wounded soldier. Canada's first contingent and other contingents at- tracted many of the ablest men in this country. The high ability of the Canadian army is represented by returned survivors of service at the front, not sinecures at the rear. These men are just as competent to administer a system of national registration as lawyers and other civilians who have never risked their lives on active service, It will be time enough "to put khaki clothes on civilians and to put more civilians on this country's pay roll when there are not enough wounded or returned survivors of battle to go around the supply of Jobs that are to be created in con- nection with the registration scheme. MURDERED TWO PRIESTS. Eskimos Who A HUMILIATING SPECTACLE A Toronto Globe. Is the Attorney-General standing before a Government candidate com- mitted to "a wine-and-beer" amend- ment, declares that "there are ab- surdities in the liquor license bili| passed last session"--the very bill he and his Government framed-- | "and legal weaknesses as well?" And he was Attorney-General last session! The province's specialist in law! And | there he stands smiling and blinki to that anti-prohibition crowd as says: * "If you elect Mr. Norris, what does it mean? It will mean that you say to the Government of the province: | 'We think you went too far in this legislation; we think Jim Norris is about right, and we put up a good majority for him." And you pile up 3,000, 4,000, or 5,000 majority, and do you think my friend Ferguson and I won't have our ears to the ground!" "Ears to the ground," forsooth! long ears! and stuffed with--what? And those are the Government ears; Lucas' and Ferguson's, that heard in April last their own premier, speak- ing in Parliament for them as well as for himself. "In this day of national peril, in this day when the future of the Bri- tish Empire, the freedom of the world, and the blessings of demo- cratic government hang in the bal- ance, if I should fail to listen to what I believe to bé the call of duty, if I Committed Crime Caught After Long Chase. | Ottawa, 22.--~In the far DE | reaches of the copper mine country he | op the Arctic regions two missionary priests, Fathers Leroux and Rouvier, were murdered in November, 1913 by Eskimos. Since that time the long arm of the law has been after the murderers. A North-West Mounted Police patrol, headed by Inspector Lanause, set out in pursuit and word has been received by way of Nome, Alacka, that they have succeeded in appre- hendng the two Eskimos guilty of the crime. They are now at Her- schell Island, and will be brought out to one of the western cities for trial. In a leading editorial "The Great Neutral," the London Times takes the ground that the Un- ited States has forfeited pose-bellum rights, which might have been enjoy- ed if a different attitude had been assumed early in the war. It all tombstones told the truth his satanic majesty would have a fire sale and go out of business. Rippling Rhymes hod of bricks clear up a lad- than fuss 'around in polities, when summer heat is blazing strong. A candidate fomes up to me, and hands me out his little card; "I'm out for coroner," says he, "and need your vote, you old fat bard. Your influence I now beseech; wish you'd boost me to your friends, and tell them, al that I'm a peach, pursuing patriotic ends." entitled T'd rather pack a der nine miles long, -------------- Who is the master of the local administration any way? Hon Mr. Hearst, or one of the men who pre ferred him to Hon. Adam Beck and helped him into office. Three defeats in as many suc cessive local elections--in Peel, North Perth and South-West Toron- to--afford the clearest proof that whack a span of steers, or dig earth, than drum into the people my sterling worth. 1'd rather the scuppers of a guano ship, a job, and of my shining mer some, boresome skites we dai the buttonholing candidates worst. How beautiful upon the hills, that mem who hews or weaves or saws or tills, and asks no 's ears, a yarn about take a mop and swab than beg the voters for ts yip. Of all the tire- ly meet, at every verst, are easily the rancid ber of the working clan, help of any man! A A son to temperance and to public hon- {|} made after Sir I Hydro-Electric Commission into poli- 1 tics, and it has been partially success- (1 passing its disallowance bill, prevent- | | money for the necessary purchase at |} this time of rights of way for the | Nor |} the |} | the original|{fi policy, owned the system. The Gov- i borne the burden and heat|of the day, || and success is assured, the Govern-|f cwnership, and announces itseif as|¥ eee een nook , . | thereby causing 'the confiding pros- The Store that Keeps the Prices Down. the record of |} blush to-day and may have darker fH Néw Pinch Back Models: have the best $15.00 suit values in Canada. q We are selling agents in Kin hoe. Same old price, $5.00. -- Yong Men's Suits at $15.00 New English Models. We claim to i { - Young Men's Shoes gston for the celebrated Just Wright ww Limited = Men's and Boys' Wear Random Reels %Ot Shoes and Ships, and Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kings" they are not alike in anything except ot their appetite for gasoline, lubricat- The 1917 Model is a whole-souled ing oil and garage bills. The 1917 effort to make the owner of a new model has a number of expensive automobile wish he had waited a refinements and is worth the money. few weeks and saved the .price of four non-skid tires. This effort al- Ways proves a success and causes the garages of our country to be crowd- ed with late purchasers who are look- ing for a chance to punch the inter lining out of the proprietor. The 1917 model is usually brought out on the first of July; in order that the man who bought At the old price on June 15th can enjoy the Fourth with a glad heart, It requires true religion for a new driver to read a two page advertisement in three col- ors, offering his car Tor $100 less money and offering to throw in a tire pump, without falling on his knees and hoping somebody will set the factory on fire in seven distinst spots. More murder is committed a long distance by the practice of short- ening the price and lengthening the wheel base of automobiles on the first of July than by the treatment If fewer people of Americans in Mexico. $2,000 worth of Once in a while, however, some price of a doéubl manufacturer who was caught in his it would be easi | stocking feet by the European war without | raises the price of the 1917 model, The only ing an automobi® holds off in his THE 1917 MODEL AND REMEMBER PLEASE NO OTHER CAR Ws ou 199 wreel Base, Peart HANDLE STEERING WHEEL GENUINE CUT GLASS DOOR. KNOBS, SOLID . MAHOGANY HAT RACK AND SEVENTEEN-JEWE MONKEY WRENCH The 1917 model has a number of expensive refinements, would try to get automobile for the e shovel cultivator, er to fun a garage contracting senile dementia. n who gets stung in buy- is the one who wisdom until the into the top of an pect who was waiting for W drop to utter a piercing roar of wrath. This price has vaulted unfeeling act has created more anar- elm tree. chists than the steady upward flight The 1917 model is a source of joy of the gasoline schedule. When & to the dealer who has a hang-over manufacturer raises the price it is of ten cars bought the fall previous, always attributed to the Battle of This enables him to give away a Verdun and the scarcity of transmis- Juicy slice of profit and alsa to wish sion grease cups and is fully made that he had taken his wife's ad- up by adding a few inches of stream- vice and remained on the home farm, line body and throwing in a ton- where the price of mess pork and neau light. veal calves would turn in more mon- The 1917 modelslooks a good deal ey than a me like the 1916 pattern, but in _peatity vest Home pic "- THE JINGLE OF -___. SHE TIN McLeod's =. == Drug Store Special attention given to the dispensing of YourPhysician's We do our best to keep a full stock of pure drugs and eI Our Own Special Blend makes perfect Iced Tea and the price the same as always, 35c¢ the Ib: JAS. REDDEN & CO IOAN W. PATRICK "brellas, . { repaired promptly, Locks repaired; Keys fitted, All makes of Lawn Mowers and repaired. 149 Sydenham Street pil vs A self-made man imagines that he used up. all the really good material McLEOD'S DRUG STORE Robt. J. Fursey, Phones No. 1600-931. 35-37 Montreal St, near Princess e---------- iy | Something Good English Sauces & Pickles | English Malt Vinegar, Prime West | ern Beef, at the Unique Grocery and | | Meat Market, 400 and 492 Princess | Street. Phone 530. | | C.H. Pickering, Prop. Brera $650.00 Piano Player, Spot Cash bay 8320 | WEESE"S ART STORE QUALITY AB.Some men see it, our national RE -------- Bame Is any sort of 'a skin game,

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