~% Will receive gareful an an clases' a3 is afforded to Savings Des ors, positor &nd interest is paid on balances. 3 5,000,000 fact Bunk, ot . are care es a connections - a hae the transaction of ail #Mness accounts. Small or large sums may be deposite 114 Branches Ia Canada, J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 Reading, Writing or Figuring often produce EYE STRAIN It can be overcome only to velieve the strain on the. nerv by wearing glasses' res of the eyes. in one way, R. J. RODGER Optometrist and 132 Princess Street. Manufacturing Optician. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." NE ---- You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's mo doubt of quality service. We have Will you established ourselves as experts. come in and be convineed? L LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time pro A Daring Submarine At tack Was Made Upon the Vpssel Which 'arried a Cargo of Riley's Celebrated As-| sorted Toffee | The yommel Onl y Escaping by a hairs. | have been successful in the eargo. Must be reciated, all flavors, Nyal Quality Store x Granen Post Office Cream. Good Service and Prompt At- tention. - Caverly & Bradshaw Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL It Saves Time P. WALSH a 'SummerDrinks | Montserrat Lime Juiee Welch's & pe Juice Oy an Lemdhade Gurd's Ginger Ale, 's Grocery, Cor. Bay and ean St. ~~. Fhone8s = 88. F. J. JORNSON--FLORIST FRESH OUT FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS Rr rook's gaun Kou 8 Sopot ow 3, Ce No. 8, 5 p pet box, Toa on «(Former Wades. a Howe Grown CELERY, LETTUCE, POTATO YH, APPLES, and BERRIES, Choice Groceries. FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division St. Phone 545 Prompt Delivery "-- IT IS ADVISABLE For Ladies to place your orders carly so that I can devote more time to their execution and have the gar- ments finished at the required time, The authentic styles are received early in the season. garment is man<tatlored throughout and shows the highest { degree of perfection in artistic work. Pe and fit. » air Prices; Best Work: -Correct Styles; Perfect Fit. L. WINSTON Ladies' Tailor, 150 Wellington St. Phone 903. D. C. Mi For Biockville Man. Brockville, Aug. 24,-- Corp. How- ard B. Walton, one of the Canadian soldiers mentioned for the D. C. M., comes from Brockville, although he enlisted at Montreal with the Cana- dian Mounted Rifles and went over- seas about a year ago. He has been through some hard engagements, re- ceiving a severe wound in the chest early in June and is still 'n the hos- pital under treatment. The canoe party of the Y. M.CA., which has been on an extended trip, and has been camping at Grenadier Isiand, retuned to the eily .at neon d courteous attention at ] puting it. Su7iie Offer to.the a. of the Whig. - E. Dale of McKay's fur Dain, is in Toronto for his holidays. J. Arthur Jackson, Gananoque, prices was In the city on Thursday, HELP WANTED . APPLY YW.C.A. 108 ] hi. W. E. Bassam and da Bertha, returned from Ottawa yes. terday. There are also rumors 'of another large hotel being erected at Alexan- dria Bay. z Miss Mooney and Miss Mabel were week-end visitors at ass, C. Nash, Collins Bay. H. Cunningham, plano tuner, 21 street, Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store, Mr. and Mrs. John Percy, Cole Lake, are spending a week at her sister's, Mes. Frederick Peters, Queen street, Mrs. Robert Walkéf, Kingston, is spending séveral weeks as the guest of Mrs. Louis Derian, Alexandria Bay, N.Y, A number of old trees have been cut down on the King street grounds which the Knights of Columbus sold recently, Rumor has it that larger boats may take the places of the Toronto and Kingston, these boats to go to Quebec for service on the Saguenay rcute, Dr. E. B, Cays, Oswego, N.Y., who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cays, Barrie street, re- turned to his home on Thursday morning. The annual retreat of the priests TH Metro ren Present Hamilton evelle and Lois Meredith in "AN ENEMY TO SOCIETY" + Also ac Aise Other Goo Good 4 Photbplaye. GRIFFIN'S Extra Special Today R. BE. WILLIS will sing Tip Top Tipperary cture taken In France. Also P Le ono ARK TONIGHT inser 130% 830 2 Free Shows Nightly 2 of the archdiocese of Kingston will Vaudeville--Photoplays open at St. Mary's Cathedral ext] The Pathe News Monday evening. | ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS Citizens were delighted with| ) Thursday's weather, and expressed | »ou Children's #"Cent Day om Cars. the hope that we would have mae TEACHERS WANTED, days just like it. ear teeeet Tomatoes, it is said, sold for thirty | YUALIFIED fo TANT FEMALE cents a bushel at Picton this week, land, or 25 Camden, two miles east while Kingstonians paid sixty to of Yarker. Apply, stating exper- seventy cents a peck on the market jence and Slay fequired to M. XY. Thursday morning. R. No. 2, Ont. " Conrad Schroder comes back to Portsmouth penitentiary for three] MUSIO years for stealing a bicycle in To- ronto. He did three years and si%! months there before. Temperatures on Kingston and Ottawa, 70; and Quebec, 72; Toronto, toria, B.C,, 86; Calgary, 78; peg. 80; Port Arthur, 82. i As a result of the increase in the river excursion business this season, | Ogdensburg may have a larger] steamer than Thousand" Islander running to that port next year. | Robert C. Holland, 496 Edmond | street, Watertown, N.Y., is a son of the late William Holland, Ports- | - mouth. This omission was made at |S DAVE oa DUAN, SOPRANO, the time of Mr. Holland's death, Culture and Theory of Music after The remains of John McCullough, | Septe mber-3 Sth, a her rexidenue, 185 who died in Utica, N.Y, of heart fail- Pheory for Orb Ean ure, reached Kingston on Wednes-| axaminations. Miss Woodman will day and were taken to Verona for in- accept confert and recital engage- terment. His father resides there. After October 1st. Samples of milk examined by In-| spector Timmérman showed that] FOR SALE OR TO RENT. most of the dealers were selling a good article. A couple of milkmen|T? A A RESPONSIBLE PERSON, ' ar 2 ps, wit stock. - are likely to be invited to dispense al nS A a - higher grade of milk. plements ete, about five miles from Kingston. Apply to Dr. G. W. William Portell «will represent] __ Pell. 110 Clarence street. Kingston Counell 3 9 at the C. i B. A. convention, Which meets Quebec next Tuesday, It is said that|® . if the present grand officers are not, BANCCOK & Nn Sienta. trade sustained, Kingston may lose the any Patent Office Examiner. Master head office. ' of patent Laws. . Book, "Patent Pro- | teetion™ free. has this eal Tne GRACE E. CLOUGH, L.T.Q.M. PIANIST. | Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- servatory examina.ions in. plano- forte and theory. Address of Pine street, | PEARL A. NESBUI'T, L.JT.CM., &Y ICE and organ. Pupil of Dr. A. Vogt. | in plano. Pupils prepared Do all | examinations. Studie 449 Johnson streel. Phone 1944 GRACE TAFT, FORMER TEACHER IN eterboro' Conservatory, Honor| Senfor University certificates Piano and Theory. Pupils prepar- ed for University or Conservatory examinations. Studio 99 Upper William street Wednesday--- | Montreal 73; Vie- Winni- | | PARENTS trade Provost, Brock street, on wa. Wasitngton. year an extra fine assortment of * Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his order clothing' department. - His ready-made clothing' and gent's. fur- nishing department are well assort-, ed with new goods. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Bennett have returned after visiting in Baltimore, | Washington, Philadelphia and New York. While in Washington they had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Bennett, Norfolk, Virgin- ia. The curbing on the road on Uni- versity avenue has been completed, and the cement base for the pave- ment is being made, The boulevard curbing has also been completed, and earth is being laid inside, so that flowers may be planted next year. The trains are commencing to carry large crows mow for Toronto Exhibition time is always a busy time for the railroad lines. Egquiries are being constantly made n for the excursion rates at the raildqad of- fices. . Misses Eleanor and 'Alice Plastow, who have spent the past few weeks with friends in Mount Chesney, will return to their home in 'Canton, Ohio, on Sept. 1st, accompaniéd by| the Misses. Rose Webb and Olive Hughes. The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, Sydenham street, was held Thursday morning. Much sympathy 1s being extended to the bereaved parents. The service was conducted by Rev. A. F. C. Whalley, of St. George's Cathedral. Many of the American tourists who | come over on the boat excursions to | the city are quite curious when they | see the Canadian soldiers with spurs. These are quite an uncommon sight for them, as the only time they see men with spurs on is in the cowboy pictures at the "movies." H. M. Nimmo, editor of .Detroit Saturday Night, an influential news- paper of Detroit, was here on Wed- nesday, returning "from-a-trip-to-the White Mountains with his friend, M. BE. McDermott, Detroit. Mr Nimmo left on the steamer Toronto. He liv- ed in Kingston, graduating at Queen's. : { ouncement fit is with Pleasure that I nounce to my friends that I opened a Tadklor Shop at $4 Street. I would uppreciate continued patronage. . J. C. Pelletier. any- have Brock their Egg-0 Baking Powder By MRS. GREER Eeaving 8.30 a.m. Or stop over for day at 1000 Is- | Iand point. Note--No half-fare tickets will be | sold on 'Burg trip. . America Saturday, 2.15 pm. -- For CC ape | Vincent, giving one and shat hours ashore, Sunday---Leave at 7 a: m: anil 2 15 p.m. making trip of Island groups | in arturnoon Ren GREEKS TO S TO RESIST Advance of Bulgarians Towards Seres and Kavala. i London, Aug, 24.---The Gregks| are preparing to resist in force the, advance of the Bu fans toward | Seres and Kavala. Before the pres- sure of Czar Ferdinand's troops the, Greeks have fallen back, but they dp | not purpose to permit a Bulgarian. advance to the Aegean without dis-| "TBe National Drink" A | GRAPE JUICE : Moonlight Excursion. 8. 8. Thousand Islander will: leave at 7406 p.m. Saturday for evening excursion. are Shey | Ray It by (he cnne for the home, FENWICK. HENDRY & 00. Distrivutors ustentied with a Magnificent Motion in | 5 i rss nag ! | HAIR. Noles, WARTS, SEMALD. Johnson street, GIRL TO WORK 1 at Marble Hall, TWO Wa FOR BANAN- | ogque Inn. Frontenac Hotel. A CHAUFFEUR, MUST BE RECOM | Inended. Apply at 144 University ve, nia A -------- YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE oe A (walking) baby girl. Apply at 470 Barrie street. NIGHT WATCHMAN AND JANTTOR, | also oker boys. Apply YMCA, Camp, Barriefield. ------------------------ -- i DRIVER WANTED, STEADY POSI-| tion. Apply Monday. The Wm! Davies Co., Ltd, Phone 597. YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWLRDGE OF | mecounts and business practice N STORE. APPLY GOLD BROOCH OWNER MAY 238 Princess St. | have 4 same by applying at 14 | THRER. TEETH ON Saturday evenin to Cataraqui bri Ow can fave same by cating at aH Hi John street H A MANS STRAW HAT, ON Princess street. Owner may hye, same by calling at 'Whig Ol SMALL BAG CONTAMNING SoOwE change, in CNR, stagion. Ap. | ply 138 Ordnance St. N18 PM. TRAIN, GOR, A ke © e by oy, Owner my: sm alling porter, 1 Frontenac. A 'Bro. CLE IN LAKE ONTARIO Park. 'Can be had by owner applying a: Newpourt, Rocks wood Hospital, and proving property. Apply a ia NOLUD- Apply, own handwriting, Box $24, Whig. | TWO MEN, GOOD WAGKS, STEADY | employment; must be sirictly tem- i Jetate, Apply Kingston General] || ospital. ii SMART BOY WANTED. pects for intelMgent C. W. Lindeay, cess street. CAPABLE NURSE TO TAKE CHARGE | of infant four months old and boy | FOUNTAIN PEN, six years. Apply Mrs. Perreau, | along Union, Albert, commandant's House, Royal Mili-| and Princess streets. Plagn black tary College. i 'handle. Finder kindly return to | this fice and receive _reward. | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- : TISED FREE } Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this il o¢lumn free of charge. eee GOOD FROS- M boy. - Apply 121 Prin- Limited, LOST. Earl, Clergy FINISHERS. WANTED All Kinds of finishers wanted, al. wo machine hands and cabinet mak. ers. Steady job and good wages. Apply quick, stating wages. to the Hespeler Furniture Company, ited, Hespeler, Ontario. Stolen New 17 foof varnished skiff, galvanized trimmings, one pair spruce square butt oars. LEON L. PEO & 00, Cape Vincent, N.Y. T™ LE1 FURNISHED HOUSE RY SEPT. 1ST. Apply. 152 Sydegpam street. BED ROOMS AND SITTIN Sppomite to Park, Tes King St. ACTION FINISHERS, REGULATORS, and cabinet makers wanted; high- | est wages; write, telephone or eall Gerhard Heintzman Co. 75 Sher- | | bourne St, Toronto. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. | Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,968, Lockport, N.Y. SEP. ---------------- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, Brock arate rooms. McO@nn, $2 street EXPERIENCED GENERAL, MUST BE good, plain cook, good wages, and comfortable home to reliable wo- man. ApplyElmiree House, Union street, west corner Alwington Ave OFFIUES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunuingham, 79 Clarence street FURNISHED ROOM, WITH electric light and all Ces. 1400 'W. ellington St | LARGE fireplace, ronve Bee ie oes dhs Bebe FRPP Phi LOOMED FRAME | HOUSE, gas for cooking, in Apply 462 Barrie BOY WANTED 'We have ancther splendid op- portunity for a boy to learn the printing trade. He should fifteen years of age, bright and active, To such 8 boy we prom ise a bright future Anely Supt. Job, Depl., British Whig. Sided Shr PISS SOIR IEE Tere * TREDIVOTRIRD PIANC WORKERS WANTED All Departments SEVEN improvements, good Jocality street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN. dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Sterage, 9 Queen street. Phone 526b. FURNISHED, FOR THR SUMMER months, Calderwood, the residence | of Col. and Mrs. Giles. ply to i B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Ae ne EARL STREET, fons grounds. on wooded Apply Phone 326 or dda SEPP breed | TRTrPPIen Sh b > TTT TTY 0 FURNISHED, welve rooms, pas two sides, nice 33,3 Brock street. ARCLCITEOT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, etc Offices, 268 Bagot St. | Phone 608. | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, - chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "FURNITURE FINISHING 'GOURLAY, WINTER Fm ETE TT 1 & LEEMING, LTD. street. 809 LOGAN AVENUE TORONTO BARRISTER 79 Clar- . CUNNIN and solicitor. ence street, Help Wanted Drill press hands, slotter hands, planers, boring mill op- erators, milling machine operators, fitters, boilermakers and helpers, blacksmiths, also ordinary laborers. FHAM, Law office, Kingston. mn Highest rate of wages, open shop, no labor troubles, Apply, Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd. Kingston, Ont. BUSINESS OHANOCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; no Send Tor Tres bookiet: tails n * Sen: or Te. 00K1st; _ te Heacock. 2.969 Lockport, on DRESSMAKING PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN ressmaking, cutting by measure, esigning, trimming, etc; three doMars, including system. Madame Elder, New York Dressmakin ng Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner _ Sy denhium. WANTED GENERAL FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. ply J. B. Ash, 49 Arch street SECOND HAND STEEL SAFE. be cghedp. Apply Box KK, office. RENT, BY OCT. IST. AN 8 OR 0 room house, all modern convenien- ces. Apply Whig Office for address. { EXPERIENCED DRESS AND SUIT) maker wants sewing by day or at home. Apply 8 John stroet or Box 149 Whig Office | SRCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or In part payment of new planos and Victrolas. W. Lind- | say. Limited. 121 Princess street. WANTED =RY TWO COLLEGIATE | pupils, from Sept. 1st to June 20th, { with oe pOC ARI widow or single | lady, two well heated furnished or i unfurnished bed vos, with use | of kitchen for light housekeeping. | State price. Apply. Box HM. 8 Office. | 7 TO RENT. AP. MUST Whig FE. KNAPP, RA. LDS, DDS. Office, 258 Princess street. Phone 52 A. ttn siete es eet en ei DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, carner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 6 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists; 159 Wellingston street, G, C Sng, wb DE, LDS, assistant. SOM BWHERE | FUR RE IN ED Ot iam, 'eri Oxted Ta ard, dressers, ate. Pp tween § and § pom, at 32 Fri ARI as "Street. a -------- GROCERY BUSIN good locality; long estal steady trade. For further Yeulary apply Box 718, Whi CORNER | | GAsoLaNE: LAUNCH IN FIRST running order; seats tan: | miles per, hour, - lars yy ly to - | Broex St TWO HOUSES, EAC fonts, terms. Apply Albert street. MOTORCYCLE, twin, 7-10 hp. with i ore model, only used four months, splendid condition, che .y. Owner ply Box has not time to use. Office. A LOT OF CAMP STOVES J. AN 823, Whig WE HAVE and cess street. Phone 1 WE HAVE RECmIV shipment of hig and arc offering special Tr for; same. Also a large stock Duhlop tires. George Muller, 376 King street. Phone 1032. LARGE STOCK OF DRESSMRS, Ont. ches, stoves, men's clothing, mill. tary boots, also new middy waists, We bay all kinds of ig and nets ond hand furniture. '8: hapirn: 48 Princess streat, Phone AE EIGHT noow BRICK HousE, © Gas and electric lighting, all modern improvements: large Iot id ahed: excellent locality, wear siness centre. Owner leaving eoity. Ap- ply Bex 74 Whig Office. ripiacnes MILPS EAST OF Joyceville This farm ia in one of the best farming localities in Frontenac, well fenced and water ed: free of foul seed and with up to-date buildings, For particulars apply on premises, to Wm. Macfar- land, or RR. F. D. Joresviile, Ont. - rt Wma FOR SALE BY UG. A. BATEMAN'S s- tate. Agency. A BRIC w STORE 'An STOREHOUSK in a smart country village, suil~ able for any business or ermbing- tion. Very cheap to a quick buy- er to close out an estate. FARM IN NEW ONTARIO CLAY BELT, frame dwelling, wently acres goed. ed. Would exchange for gity pro- perty. BLACKSMITH SHOP IN COUNTRY village, with dwelligg, stables, and tools, cheap. A NUMBER OF GOOD HOUSES IN ™e elity, cheap. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $300 $500, $1,000, $1,500 and up &t rea- sonable rates. 67 CLARENCE ST. KINGSTON, PHONE FINANCIAL ET oe FRONTENAC Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street POOL, LONDON assets $61,187,215, LAV] ompany. Avail In addition to which the policyholders have for: security the unlimited Hability of city property, Insured at lowest Possible rates. Before newing old or giving new oi Siness rates from Stran pir RL ' Agents, Phone 325. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROGMS, every convenience; central loce- tion. Apply us 3 Brock street. rRoOwM FOR SOME" wo B GUESTS AT the Rostwick Island House: terms reasonable. Apply-Capt. Keith or Mrs, Juba Ture Tureoite RUSIN fon SORTS rw NGS, L VYIvANDAR via lenis, 'canvas, skiffs for out motors, folding boat seats. fish tarkle. ete. Frank W. Cooke; £H Clarence street, ARENCY SLWANZEAR HOW. ard, lat~_of Westnort, physician and sureéon, 417 University Ave. Phone 1801. resents ste Miter | A SIX ROOMED HOUSE ny SEPT. IST. Apply BoxX 248 Whig O all growths an oles ary 5 T. eck 3 , Throat Tn Skin Specialiog (re , TAKE, ea § dining room chairs, 2 with arms; are antique and solid mahog- hey made re Hodge, Ireland. a Lo PEST GRADE. COAL; GOOD SERVICE; VALUE. These are the things the buy- er wants. offer you. They are what we "s Store, Ts 705.