Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1916, p. 11

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ESTABLISHED 1858 Your . g Business I receive eareful and courteous attention at any B Brann of the Bank of Toronto. plete facilities and connections are care- fully Pialntained for thé piTansaetion of all classes of business accoun Every convenience is AfTorded to Savings De- poritors. Small or dare sume may be deposited and interest is paid on balances. 114 Branches in Canada, Tae BANK or TORONTO | GEO. B. McKAY, Manager AY, MET ~ FOR SALE Albert Street, brick ...............,.. $3100 Alfred Street, frame - . .. $2300 Centre Street, frame . . .. $3700 Rideau Street, brick |. .. $2600 * Rideau Street, brick . hn ening J.K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 STEADY READING : Reading, Writing or Figuring often produce EYE STRAIN It can be overcome only in one way, by wearing glasses' to relieve the strain on the nervés of the eyes. R. J. RODGER Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician. 182 Princess Street. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." . "5 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you comein and be convinced? I. LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time A Daring Submarine At| SummerD rinks k | Montserrat Lime Juice ta | 'Welch's Grape Juice Was Made Upon the Vessel Which | Raspberry Vinegar rangeade spi.» _| Lemonade Riley's Celebrated As Gurd's Ginger Ale. sorted Toffee Gordon's Grocery, Easel, Sul) Muquuite. by.2 hats; | COT: Bay and Montreal Si. Securing part of the cargo. Must be Loo Phone 88, C1 88. tanted. to be Appreciated all hovors E130 I JOHNSON--FLORIST only 40¢ per Ib. * FRESH OUT CcuT FLOWERS, Hoag' $ Drug Store| - PALMS AND FERNS Nynl 1 go oes Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets, "n Kingston Ontario ec, reliable regulating ua ine. Sold in three de feos of {renee 1 1, 85 3, $5 per box. oi drogaiecs; or sent on eoeiph of Jrics COOK MEDICINE CG, TORONTO. ON (Farias Winder. Watts-F lorist | FRESH OUT FLOWERS PLANTS ARR DAILY. Bedding Stock Ete. 179 Wellington St. Phone 1763 A PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK STREET Phones: Office 322, House 611. We furnish: Auto Supplies, Gasoline at 33c. Motor O11, Bon Marche Grocery Keeps Choice Groceries: Sel- | ect Cured and Cooked Meats; | 'Seasonable Fruits; Fresh Veg- | etables; 'Pasteurized Milk and | Cream.' i and Prompt ate | ; tention. Laver & Bradshaw Dominion Fish. Co. Cars for Hire. Washing Cars: Large, $1.00. Small, 75e. Efficient Service guaranteed. Give us a eall, E. Paradis, Prop. mmm FRIENDSHIP'S for Prompt Delivery. of all kinds of pro- ducts and groceries. Phone 5457 ay AAA A AAA MANA NINA IT IS ADVISABLE For Ladies to place your orders early so that | can devote more time to their exicution and have the gar- ments finished at the required time. The authentic styles are' recoived early in the season. Each garment is man-tailored thoughout and shows the highest perfection in artistic work oo Best Work: Correct id WINSTON | Happenings In the City and Vicinity . ==What the Merchants Offer to the " 'Readers of the Whig. "Johnson's Baby Powder, son's, ! 'Buy your vinegar and spifes at Pickering's. - H. Gracey and Wilfred Grey, Gan- anoque, were in the city on Friday. . Miss Rose O'Connor left to-day for Juronto to attend the millinery open- ng. "Ice: Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. Mrs. Charles Emory, Kingston, was in Napanee on Wédnesday on her way to Buffalo, N. Y. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store, Fred, Graham returned to Napanee from Kingston General Hospital, where he underwent an.operation on his arm. " "Ice Cream Bricks' at Gibson's. .On Friday night the six-months-old son of Charles Elwin, 42 Johnson street, passed away of cholera in- fantum. "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. - Charles Grafam was removed from the General Hospital to his home in Portsmouth on Friday night in James Reid's ambulance. "PalmQlive-SMmpoo," Gibson's Thére are now twenty-eight young ladies' at 'the Hotel Dieu Training School for Nurses. This Is the larg- est school on recod. "Shaving Cream".at Gibson's, | mperatures on Friday: Kingston, 76; Torontp, 80; Buffalo, 72; Mont-| real and Quebec, 74; Calgary, 70; Winnipeg, 64; Port Arthur, 66 "Shaving Cream" -at Gibson's. Miss Lillie Hartman, Kingston) * Gib- visit with her parents,| Mr. and Mrs, George Hartman. Pure sugars, spices and vinegars | of all kinds at Pickering's, 490 Prin-| cess street, Phone 530. "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. Lieut.-Col. H, J. Lamb, a Royal | Military College" gaduate, gets a D.| 8. O., and several other Canadian] officers Military Crosses for valor in| France. A Kingston taxi driver has been | summoned to appear in the Police Court, Gananoque, on a charge running an automobile while under | the influence of liquor. "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. | Mrs. R. E. Morrison, Lanark, un-| derwent an operation for appendicitis | in Kingston General Hospital. Fav- orable reports to her condition have been received. "Palm Olive Shampoo," The fireinen were given a run to the home of Miss Sarah Wright, 303 King street west, at 5.30 o'clock Fri: day night, where a chimney gave some frouble, but no damage was done. "lee Cream Bricks George Munro, manager of the Brockville baseball team, has been invited by the managers of the Alex- andria Bay team and Baltimore In- ternational team to umpire-a game in Alexandria Bay Sunday between those two fast teams. "New Tooth Brushes," Gibson's. Provost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his order clothing department. His ready-made clothing and gent's. fur- nishing department are well assort- ed with new goods. | --- | Moonlight Excursion. { 8. 8. Thousand Islander will leave| at 7.45 p. m. Saturday for evening excursion. Fare i three weeks' as Gibson's, at Gibson's. 3b6e. Adjusted the Loss, During the recent electrical storm | 4he barn-6bwaned-by Arthur A. Ward, | Harrowsmith, was "totally destroyed by fire. The loss was covered by insur- ance in the British-America Assur-| ance Co.. whose agents, W. H. God-| win & Son, on Friday adjusted the loss. A ----------_------ | | Kingston Paper Box Co.| IC RANI DAILY Prices: Any "The Little Shepherd of Bargain Row." The story of a di Wo THEDA BARA § iy rie GALES SLAVE Ne | The on Sunday, of | pose the Ferry dock at. nally ee ---- a An Announcement | PEARL GRACE TAFT, FORMER Continmess Performance ure Vaudeville 'Fim, 3 ug Feature "Peggy «Saints and Sinners" And Othe 5 Phetoplare, -10¢ Erdaine ons Te New nay. TUES, and WED; he Charmin Child Actress MARY MILES MINTER in OF STORK'S NEST? Also Oother Good Phoetopiays. GRIFFINS Where Everybody Goes All cars stop here for the matinee at| 2 pom. and evening a7 and ® pm | "THE FasL STAIN" id current k-eud bill. Moning and Tuesday ing young business Also on these dayw, English War Weekly. Louesome Luke, Homey King, and LN og is ursd Alm Te PI Lake Ontario PARK TONIGHT iro Na 130 & 830 | ' 2 Free Shows Nightly 2| | Vaudeville--Photoplays The Pathe News General Hospital, is in Napanee on a ADMISSION TO PARK FREE BY CARS| Wed., Children 1 Cent Day om Cars, ERGENT MEETING wen of Cataraqui Lodge, #2, AF. & AM, GRC, are hereby sum- moned to attend an Emergent meeting 27th 'August, for the pur- of attending the funeral of our W. B. Card, at Wolfe Is- Brethren will semble at 12,45 oc k p.m. good standing frater- No. | iate Brother land. The at JAN Masons in invited order of W. M By ROBT. aster: HENDRY, Sec'y, FREE DEMONSTRATION Egg-0 Baking Powder By MRS, GREER at 'GORDON'S I I It nounce opened is with pleasure that to my friends that a Tailor Shop at §4 Street 1 would appreciate continued patronage . J. C. Pelletier. MUSIO CLOUGH, L.T.C.M. PIANIST, | 8s prepared onto Con- gervatory examinastong in plano- | forte and theory. Address 23 Pine] street. | an-7 have Brock their NESBITT, L.T.CM., VOI Pupil of Dr. A. S. V «| Pupils prepared Studio 449% Johnson and organ. in piano. examinations. street. TEAC AER IN Petérboro' Conservatory Hon Senjor University ocerti 1 Piano and Theory. Pupils prepar- ed for University or Conservator y| examinations Studio 99 Upper | Willem gtr et NOTICE The Kingston Paper Box Co. will be closed from the Ist to the 5th Sept. for repairs and stocktak- ing. Also we wish to no- tify all of our customers owing to the unusual con-| ditions of the paper mar-| ket, we are compelled to withdraw all former quo- tations. On and after the Ist of Sept. we will be pleased to quote you on all lines in the paper box | line. Our motto: "No-| thing too easy; nothin | too hard." | Kingston Paper Box Co.| ~J.G. Brown, Prop. _ T ---- | | | "Xs Navicnat y At all Grocers, Drogatite and Sods: Fowatains. i te g uy 14 BE. fas dane Tot the homns FENWICK, X & CO, Distridutors | MISS © WM. ' te ANYON | Hom TAVE WOODMAN, SOPRANO, | is prepared to take pupils in Voice | Culture and Theory of Music after | September 8th, at her residence, 185 | Ear] street Pupils prepared in | Theory for Toronto Conservatory | examinations. Miss Woodman will | ital engage- | AROCITEOT NEWL ANDS & cts, ete Offices, Phone 608 SON, 258 Bagot ARCHI- | St. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- | chants Bank Building, corner Brock and WeHington streets. i ~~ BUSINESS CHANCES B NYWHERE CAN STARRY a mail A business at_home; no | ganvassing Fue wn boss ree A let; { Send 100 for tells how H 2.969 Lockport. MANUFACTURING BUILDINGS, ALL sizes, with free rent, or wil dq- nate you, located in 10 different | states. Address locater, South) Main § 2 FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. AP- i ply J. B, Ash, 49 Arch street. TO RENT, BY, OCT, INT, ANS OR? room house, ail modern convenien- , fe8. Apply Whig Office for address. FURNISHED HOUSE oF ABOUT eleven rooms; central vicinity} communicate with Box 825 British Whig Office AN maker wants seWjn® hy "day or at home. Apply § John street or Box 149 Whig Office m------ SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or in part payment of new planos and Victrolas. W. Lind- say. Limited. 121 Princess sireet | TO PURCHASE A WEDICM SIZED myodern. dwelling: in central Joca- | with deep lot and barn Apply | y letter, giving partic ular, tol 375, Wh ig offic: COLL age stamps 200 ald issues; Canadian or UU ferred Give particulags and price first letter. Mention falephone call, Apply Box 713 ne 'Office. WANTED BY COLLEGIATE publls, from sept ht. Ora to June 30th, with respectable widow or single lady, two weN heated furnished or unfurnished bed rooms. wRED of Kitchen for light he suse Restos: Sin e price Apply Box HM Ww Office. JECTION POST. assortment 8. pre- | First Insertion, ie a word. Strand Theatre| | ee ------ ees ee ee YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF A 3 | A SIX ROOMED HOUS CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Each con- wecutive insertion thereafter, anit Sat - Minimum charge for in #, 25e; three Insertions, Soe; six $1; one month, $2. i HELP WANTED ee ---------------------------------------- A HOUSEMAID. APPLY Y,W,C.A. 196 Johnson street. i GIRL T0 WORK IN STORE. APPLY at Marble Hall, 23% Princess St APPRENTICES THE | dressmaking. FOUND A BICYCLE LATE ON WED. nesday night. Owner may have! same by calling at Routley's Sporting Goeds Btore, and © proving property. URSE< CONTAINING sliver, about two weeks ago, at the corner of Union and karl streets. Owner may have sae by proving property at Gil- bert's store A GOLD BROOCH. OWNER MAY have same by applying at 74 Lower Bagot. THREE TEETH ON A PLATE, Saturday evening at entrance SOME TO LPARN Apply at 317 Barl AN EXPERIENCED STENOGR APHER. | Apply in person to Robertsons Ltd. | ! to Cataraqui bridge, Owner i can-have same by calling at 49 John street i A MAN'S STRAW HAT, ON | Princess street, Owner may by calling at Whig TWO WAITRESSES FOR GANAN- oque Inn. Apply Frontenac Hotel eg een COOK, REFERENCES REQUIR- ed. Apply-Mrs. Carson, 72 Barrie street. A same office, ! SMALL BAG ( ONTAINING SOME change, in C.N.R. station. Ap- ply 138 Ordnance St (walking) baby girl. Apply at 47 rl Barrie stfeet A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK. AP- ply in the evening to Mrs. Leslle, ¥ FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- 23 West street, i B | SED FRE NIGHT WATC TouM AN AND NEN TI F y | also oMer boys, Apply YMC. Anyone finding anything and Camp, Barriefield. wishing to reach the owner may triage do sa Sy reporting the facts to | The British Whig: The adver- tisement will be printed In thls | cvlumn free ot charge, | SMART YOUNG MAN TO LEARN SHOE business; must be neat in appear- | ance. Apply Box 826 British Whig YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWLEDGE OF | accounts and business practice. | toe Apply, own handwriting, Box 524, hig, =. { TWO MEN, GOOD WAGES, STEADY | employment ; must be strictly tem- | verate. Apply Kingston General} 1ospital. { SMALL SIGNET RING Macdonald Park and street teward at Miss Beal's, Wellington stree ME ETA L 120 SMALL, WATCH ON +haln, somewhere between Barrie- fie MK amd Macbonald's Park. Find- er Kindly return to this office and receive reward. a s-- { ACTION FINISHERS, "REGU LATORS, | Ls TH and cabinet makers wanted; high- I Life "Insurance Co. est wages: write, telephone or gail { Fadthful Service, WwW. G. Ferguson Gerhard Heintzman her- | Reward, G. Ferguson, Supt, Met- bourne St, Toronto. ih fife, 262 Princess St. SOMEWHERE Earl, Clergy ss streets. - Plain black handle. Finder kindly return to this office and receive reward BAR BROOCH SET WITH PEARLS and emerald in centre, {Thursday evening, either on Ordnance, Clargy or Princess reets; valued as keepsake Reward if returned to 142 Ordnance street 0 hi N or Ap-| AT ONCE, TWO MEN on Dairy Farm, married married men preferred. F. Murton, Portsm ruth WANTED work single; pr G BAR, ENGRAVED | 2pdr bbb bib b bb bb Pr PEeobed | » TWO BOYS WANTED The Whig Requires two boys for mailing department; steady work; good wages, and chances for advancement. Appl) at office, PEN, OUNTAIN wn, Albert, along Un and Pri Wn PERSON MAY corresponding canvassing Rress Syndl- N.Y. Er Stolen. t. New 17 foot varnished skiff, galvanized trimmings, one patr uare butt oars. N L. PEO & CO, Cape Vincent, N.Y. INTELL IGENT earn $100' monthly for newspapers; no Send for particulars cate, 3,969, Lockport, AN i -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCED GENERAL, MUST i | good, plain cook, good Wages, and | comfortable home to reliable wo- | man. ApplyEimiree House, Union street, west corner Alwington Ave, | mer mm ------1 rr aa BOY WANTED portunity for a boy to learn the 1 print trade. He should be > fifteen years of age, bright and TS such a boy we prom. prisht future poly pt, British hte. | FURNISHED HOUSE BY SEPT. Apply 162 Sydenham street. BED ROOMS AND SITTING ROOMS, opposite Obty Park, 123 King St. Vest cor , mt -- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, SEP- arate rooms. McCann, Brock street. | 3 b A 3 pb h be . p TEACHERS WANTED. » FOR 8S, S. N yer, holding a third-olass eer- Al Salary $400 per ann Duties to commence Sept. 4th. Ap- ply to John {Himour, | Vemnachar ont. or) ST. CHAM- CLARENCE Cunningham, ------ OFFIUES IN bers. Apply to A. B. 79 Clarence street Teal JHMER WANTF WITH all 8t FURNISHED ROOM, electric light and 140 Wellington LARGE fireplace, gonveniences STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526b. FURNISHED, FOR THE SUMMER months, Calderwood, the residence of Col. and Mrs. Shes App to __ J, B. Walkem, 3 en t. POSITIC A YOUNG MAN ment by the locality, for stating wages No w ANTS day on a farm in this the harvest Address, to Whig Office, Box DR RESSMAKING PRACTICAL INSTRECTIONS IN dressmaking, cutting by measure, trimming, etc; three system, Madame Dressmaking corner BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade marks, designs. Estab. 1877. : atent Office Examiner. Laws. Book, "F ration free. $9 St real. Branches: MEDICAL CLARENCE ALMANZAR physic jan ard, late of Westport, and surgeon, 317 University Ave. Phone 1801. Help Wanted Drill press hands, slotter hands, planers, boring mill op- erators, milling machine operators, fitters, boilermakers and helpers, blacksmiths, also ordinary laborers. gning, doMars, including Elder, New York Parlors, 263. Princess streel, Sydenham TO RENT. PR, BY SEPT TST. Apply Box 248 Whig Office. Er Highest rate of w ALES; open shop, no labor troubles. Apply, Canadian Locombtive Co., Ltd. Kingston, Ont. FURNITURE FINISHING DENTAL FURNITURE Finish. card. 23 John DDS. ~ B.A, LDS, Phone Pr. DAIS OF, n Princess street. Call or drop a E. KNAPP, t. Office, 258 652 a ------ ------------------------------------ DR. J, LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, cofner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626, A. HAIR, R, MOLES, Ww ARTS, BINTHMARKS and all growths and. skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. out scar; 30 ly Sxpelience Dr, Elmer J. la Ey Bar, Nose, Throat and Shin SSpecialiot, 258 Bagot street. sc mg ---- ata--a MARRY WF LONELY--=FOR RESULTS ry me; best, most successful: hun- dreds rich wish Matriage SOON; strictly confidential; most {lable; ears of erience, desc tions "The Successful Club," Bex Oalcland, Calf. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellingston street. G, C. Dewar, D.D.S, LDS, assistant Phana 248 CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Taw office, 7 n, and policitor, free. 586, MARRY JOR SURE SUCCESS TRY an old responsible club, establish ed many Years. Guarantees satis. faction; over §0,000 members; many wealthy. Testimonials and descriptions free. The Reliahle lub, Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oak- land, gant | remem eee TAKE NOTICE 2 with arms; lid mahog- § dining room ohairs Ireland, a, t are antique and any, made by Hodge, IN ellington | FOR SALE hae a 5 dR ne To] p one week = Td Armes, A Moree os 2 arn, ont suMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE, osLY 5 Bee E Jenkins, 114 Prine cess street, Kingston, $ = CAR, 1915 class condition; quick bayer. GENUINE VIOTROIA AND WEL selections; your own chel $10 span and $0 per week. Lindsay, Lid. 121 Pringess 138 S-FASSEAGAR AUTY ararter electric lights ete. A i bé sold at once. Apply { Laughiin Garage, Montreal street. OUSENIOLD FURNITURE INCLUD- ing piano, Imperial Oxford range, sideboard, dressers, ete, Apply bev tween 6 and § p.m. at 32 Frontenae street. TH CORNER GROCERY RUSINESS IN good locality: long establishéa; steady trade. . For further pak. ticulars apply Box 716, Whig of: on x FIRST CLA ; seats ten; makes , cheap, For partion. ;. H. Warren, §9 WAT table ho ah in Rane. Brock St. {TWO HOU INES, BACH are of gronnd. § Also three ¥p tomits: Reason Nn terms. * Apply . Albert street. oNM gar- nd ens 4 ei ---- a rer VE HAVE A Lov OF CAMP STOVES and a few very large cookin ranges; will sell cheap. Also a kinds of furniture, ood Mattresses and beds. J. Thompson, 333 Prin. cess street. Phone 1600. -- ---------------------- -- WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE shipment of high grade bicycles, and are ering "epecial bargal for same. Also & large stock ol Dunlop tires, George Muller, King street. Phone 1032, LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, COU. ches, stoves, men's om mili- tary boots, also new middy waists. We buy all kinds of new Rnd seo. ond hand furniture. & Shaniro, +5 J Princess street. Phone 1237. CK HOUSE, GAS hting, all modern pM shed: isiness Ap- EIGHT ROOM nRI and electric Ng improvements: large lot al excellent locality, near contra, Owner leaving elty. ply Box 74 Whig Office. 1% MILES EAST OF This farm is in one of the best farming localities In Frontenac, well fenced and waters ed: free of foul seed and with up- to-date buildings. For particulars apply on premises, to Wm. Macfar- land, or R. F. D, Joyceville, Ont. ACRES, Joyceville, FOR SALW BY 6G. A. BATEMAN'S ES- tate Agency. A BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUNE in_a smart country vil , Buit- able. fog, any business or fombina- tion. Yery cheap to & qu ck buy- ey to dlote out an estate. M IN NEW ONTARIO CLAY RELT, AR dwelling, twenty acres seed- ed. Would exchange for city pro-/ perty. BLACKSMITH SHOP IN village, with dwelling, tools, cheap, A NUMBER OF GOOD HOUSES IN THE city, cheap COUNTRY stables, and MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF S300 $500, $1,000, 81, 500 and up 8t reé- sonable rates. 67 CI LAR NCE ST. KINGSTON, PHONE "FOR SALE oR EXCHANGE. MN CARIN GOOD kl fen] or 'a good cere get be ih condition. Apply Box 207. TET FINANCIAL A FIVE condition, apeedy good ONTENAC LOAN INVEST- " Soclety: reir Ja8h: t. Colonel resident, Fr. gr oney Bos on oit pr ties, country es purchased; and interest allow. wright, manager, 8 Kingston. Clarence Financial Agent for Investment Bonds 87 Clarence Street GLOBE LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,216, In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability oF city property, ins at low possible tes. Before renewing old or a ing new usinesh en got rates . from Stacgs. & Agents. Phone 325. BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND D_RopuS) every convenience: look~ tion. Apply 243 Brock ret ROOM VOR SpE MORE. GUESTS SAT the Rostwick Island House: terms Bre. Jute: Capt. Keith, or rs Apply Julia Tureotle. BUSINESS NOTICRS veErANDAR PURITAN tents, canvas skiffs for otors. folding hot se Rant asckle, ote. Frank W. A --=Narenca--sireet AWNINGS, . BEST GRADE COAL; GOOD SERVICE; VALUE. These are the things the buys : er wants. offer you. They are what we Bargain at $75. Turk's Store, Phone 705. e------------------------------

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