» 1| §T11 : ] Pp ' -b _ No wonder the Scotch kirk clock stopped on Monday night--in that old stronghold of Toryism.," The residents of Nelson street whose flower beds have been destroy- ed should set out submarine traps for the vandals. ! oo 74-year-old Yarker lady is re- ported as catching some big fish. Belleville ladies of that age could only catch.a cold. At Grit headquarters it was of- ficlally announced that the smoke which enveloped the town on Wednes- day was the smoke of battle from the Toronto cngagemen: of Monday. With Barriefield Camp boasting the finest cooking in the country, Gen. Hemming should see that no more officers are brought to Kings- ton hospitals suffering from indiges- Rn. "Bob" Reid, the furniture mer- chant, is like the man in the parable who prepared to tear down his old barns and to build new ones to hold his harvest. : Those Grits have the audacity to liken themselves to the Entente Al lies which are now proceeding to victory. They say down on King street that 1917 will be victory year for both. Well, this is hay fever time, and if this ailfent had to be reported along with contagious diseases, Kingston would produce a goodly list of sneezers. ' . The Lampman hears that the old people down at the Home .for the Aged know poor tea when they get it, and were not elated over a brand recently served them They thought that some contractor was "putting one over" on them, and investigation proved that they were right. It tikes the old folks to judge tea. "Work is progressing rapidly on the new Orange Hall," says a news- paper item. Have the Orangemen a pull in the labor market? Some one ig growling because to- matoes sell at 30 cents a peck in _ Toronto, Aug. 25.--High prices not only for r, but for all other raw materials 'for bread-making such as sugar, shortening and malt ex- tract, and increased labor costs pro- duced a falling off in the profits of the Canada Bread Company last eyar, The company operates plants in To- ronto, Montreal and Winnipeg. The. statement for the fiscal period ending June 30th just issued, shows manu- facturing profits of $228,771, which compares with $287,195 earned in the year 1915, $254,096 in 1914, and $142,499 in 1913. In spite of the adverse conditions, however, the company earned its bond interést and preferred divi dends amounting to $169,321, and was able to write off $50,000 for de- preciation to set aside $12,600 for the bond redemption fund and re- tain a balance from the year's oper- Sion of some twelve ba rs. " Mining Dividends Make New Record. New York, Aug. 25.--Record divi- dend disbursements were made by American mines works last month. According to the "Mining and BEngin- <i MONEY ORDERS issued for any amount, payable throughout Canadd, Great Britain, and all foreign qountries. SAVINGS BANE RRPARTMENT N BRANCH, &8T'D 1873 KINGSTO L : : THE LIGHTS OF 65 YEARS AGO are still doing duty in the shape of EDDY'S MATCHES eering world," 56 companies looking -five years ago the first Canadian made Matches were to profits from American mining op- made at Hul: by Wik and since that time for materials and eratigns paid dividends totalling $14.- striking qualities, have been the acknowledged best. 217.160 Added to dividends pdid 5 ' previously in 1916, brings the total for the year to $152,783,255. Since incorporation these 56 companies have total disbursements to their credit totalling $1,154,951,516. This is a return of §269,549.655 in excess of the companies outstanding capital. * Bethlehem Steel New York, Aug. 25. -- Estimates of Bethlehem Steel éarnings in 1916 ; place thé net for the common stock . a " at fully $52,000,000, or equivalent Es fk it would not be surprisifig 1f the dc- SH HRI x tual returhs were nearer $400 a -- share. These estimates are made after due allowance for all charges and the estimated loss 'from the re- cent explosion, ~ New Industries in Japan Numerous. Ottawa, Aug. 25.-- The Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce has re- ceived information to the effect that in the fourteen months ending Feb- ruary 1916, there were new indus- trial enterprises started in - Japan Ladies' pumps in gun metal; ladies' pumps in patent leather; ladies' 4- buttoned gun met- al oxfords; ladies' 4-buttoned patent leather oxfords. Regular $2.50 to $3.00, for $1.99. with an aggregate capital of over KEEP THE TOWN SPIRIT ALIVE Pi d 60 cents in Kingston Is our town on the down grade? Are things slackening up? Are the The difference represents the pleas. ¥20,000,40. ids commencing to grow on our main thoroughfares? Do people, shun' Sqr "vos I» Kingston instead of our community ? Maybe it isn't as bad as all that, and yet we feel it is BE: 2 tot of intelnciuai. tomers. abe right. The hustle and bustle of business is wanting. We don't get together sorry they aid not study medicibe as of ten as we used to. Each man is keeping too close to himself. If this is| write out" boose prescriptions. for 80 our town needs a tonic. We must get after ourselves. | Upward Trend in Dividends New York, Aug. 26.-- Dividend de- velopments showed a decidedly up- ward trend. Two Companies fnereas- ed their rates, and there were initial and six extra dividends. There were four stock dividends, four acecumu- lated dividends and one company re-| = IEEE EEE EA R 'aicohol famine. themselves in the coming period of rbd 3 We must start campaign in the int money well spent. now. "oo The "Community Builder" the following well-known and ABRAMSON LOUIS, 336 Princess St. Gents' Furnishings, Men's and Ladies' Boots and ANGLIN, 8. & CO., Manufacturers of Fine Woodwork, Sash and Doors. : ANGROVE BROS. Bagot and Queen Sts, Auto- mobiles and Supplies. ASSELSTINE, J. 8., D.0.S., 842 King St., THE MAN | will eventually consult about your Eyes and BA , GED. A., The ou Reliable Insurance a FID. ia. Lite, Accident, Plate Glass In- surance; Oustoms Broker and Money to Loan, 67 Clarence St. BEST'S, the Popular Drug Store. BRITISH WHIG, 806-810 King Street, East, Printers, Publishers, Binders, Embossers, etc. CARROLL, J. K., AGENCY. Real Estate and Insur- ance; 56 Brock St. Thome 68. CLOW, M. & SON, 471 Princess St., Carriages, Wag- We: Son: Agents for McCormick , Machin- Bros'. Sanitary Stable Equipment BOOK STOKE, Stationery, Music snd TOGGERY SHOP House Block. pbell "Clothing for the best CREAM SODA BISCUITS. [ILE CO., Manufacturers of Cottons, : Hy favor us with UR orders 2 8 for 1910, we will do our' Real Representi h America Assurance Co, Toronto, for over : ] Best H Made oRnUR jon Pinos 5 Hos Home HALLIDAY ig IN, J. O., Insurance and Real Estate, 18 Market OTHIN Agents for Fashion of home trade. Dye Works : For the Best tn J B. HARRIS, Prop., it is surely idea is endorsed and approved of by, among others, reputable business concerns: + ~JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE w»I1UKE, 70 Brock Bt Phone 1246. We specialize on Men's and Boys' Solid Leather, Fine Boots and Shoes. KINGSTON BPRIUK & TILE OO., Manufacturess of Brick and Tile, 611 Division St. KINGSTON PAPER BOX 00. J. G. Brown, tor, King Street West. Manufacturers of solid and folding boxes. KINGSTON ICE OO. LTD. Phone 1307. Pure loo. KINGSTON HOSIERY CO., Manufacturers of high grade "Imperial" Underwear and Hosiery. LAIDLAW, JOHN & SON, Dry Goods, 172 Princess St. Phone 397. LATURNEY'S CARRIAGE WORKS, 800-392 Prin- cess St, Carriage and Wagon Building. Auto and general repairing of all kinds. MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE 00. M: G. Johnston, district manager, 58 Brock St. MULLEN, J. E., Monuments! Works, cor. of Princess and Clergy Sts. Leéttering in Cémeteries a Specialty McBROOM, W. F., 42-44 Princess 8t. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Flour, Feed and Grain. McEAY, JOHN, LIMITED, 149 Brock St, Furs. "From Trapper to Wearer." McGOWAN, G. A, Oigar Manfg. Co. Milo, 10¢; Peel, Be. - McINTOSH BROS., cor. Princess and Wellington Ss. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Notions and McKELVEY & BIRCH sell the Happy Thought Range. There are 4,500 of these in use in and about Hingston. McPARLAND, JAMES, 3839 King St. Wholesalé and Retail Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Cigarettes. McRAE, W. R. & 00, Golden Lion Grocery. Where you get extra good value for your Dollar. "'Lead- ers in Tea and A NEWMAN & SHAW, the* Always Busy Dry Goods Store, 122 Princess O'CONNOR'S LADIES' EXCLUSIVE STORE, 260 2 Princess. im We must keep our town alive at| all costs. Even if it does cost money to keep the town spirit alive, There's no use in waiting. y We must make things hum Had 'the "mermaids" appeared earlier in the geason at Thousand Is- land: landi placés the Lampmgn ursion boats would flourishing busi- need not think it where. girls sit on in costumes that : girls envious. E WATCHMAN. DENY FATHERHOOD. CHICAGO GIRLS Dead Wife Said a Millionaire Was Father of Her © Girls. Chicago, Aug. 25.--Two girls, Anna and Alice Burnstein, 16 and 18 respectively, were trying to figure out to-day who their father was. Yes- terday they though he was Joseph Burnstein, a junk dealer. To-day they were not so gure. Recently both girls were adopted by Edward Morrison, reputed to be {worth $8,000,000; The adoption of {the girls got into Federal Judge {Landis' Court, when it became jknown that all of Morrison's money | gobs to the city on his death if he leaves no heirs. The city and creditors of Morrison had filed a petition to have 'his af- fairs placed in the hands of the re- ceiver. " Questioned by Judge Landis, Mor- rison said he had. adopted the Burn- stein girls as a favor to their mother. . "Il knéw her for sixteen years," said ; '"Hé wasn't really addpting any- body." said Burnsteip, who was call- ed to the stand immediately after Morrison finished testifying. "They were his own children." Burnsteir sald his wife told him on her death bed that he was not the father of Anna and Alice. "Their real father js Edward Mor- rison," Burastein sail she told him. Burnstein said Morrison adopted the girls when he threatened to bring suit against him. Morrison enjed fie was the father of the he Out of the high rent district. The¥:hildren. store with the small prices. PERCIVAL & GRANGER, local Agents McCormick Mig. Oo. All kinds of Biscuits and Confectionery, REDDEN, JAS, & OO., Grocers, 176 Princess St. ROBERTSON, GEO, & SON, LIMITED, CHARM f SAKELL, T., Best Ice Cream in Kingston by Govera- ment Test, Come on over to Cooke's and have a Good taken. His . studio is 159 Wellington street, near Brock, right next to Carnovsky's Fruit KAISER TO DECORATE CREW. Decorations Upon Them. Amsterdam, via London, Aug. 25. ~"~According to a despatch received here from Berlin, Emperor William has sent the following telegram to the swaem of the submarine Deutsch- and: Will Have Bestowed the submarine liner Deutschland. I "With sincere pleasure I have Just |} | recrived news of the safe return of [Jill sumed payment Sold For $7,000,000 New York, Aug. 265.--One of the most remarkable stories of a bus- iness successs achieved through the changing industrial situation of the United States since the outbresi: of the war came to light yest'~day with the announcement that the American Vanadium Company of Pittsburg, a $700,000 corporation, formed in 1906 to mine and sell vanadium, fas been purchased by a group of \eastern capatilists for $7,000,000. At the head of the syndicate which takes over the young company, are J. L. Replogle, who became a million- aire almost over night through his coup in Cambria Steel. and Kuhm, Loeb and Company. With them are associated @assett and Company of Philadelphia, Chandler itros. and Co- mpany, Harrison Williams and half a dozen others. Regpole, now vice- president and general manager of the company, will be made president after the conclusion of the sale. James J. Flannery, head of.the pres- ent company, will become chairman of. the board. A year ago American Vanadium | stock was considered worth 152 a share. The last sale reported was! made at $800. The syndicate is of- fering $1,000 a share, of which $650 will be paid in cash and $350 in six per cent. notes in stock of the new company. 'The new company, which | will retain the name of the old, will kdve a capital of $13,500,000. H. JENNINGS, King Street HHH Is Absolutely Good It is made from leaf tobacco that has enough elast- icity against the teeth to keep it together, instead of granulating in the mouth as most plug tobaccos do. It has a delicious non-irritating, palate-tickling sweet taste--be- cause medical authorities agree that the ordinary "strong", unsweet- ened plugs are injurious : It is not affected by artificial heat or old age--does. not get hard--because it is protected by a highly glossed tobacco leaf envelope. ® "Made in Canade by Expert Canadian Worlkimen"" 10c A Plug Everywhere Rock City Tosacco Co., LiMrrep TETTTETT-- New Locomotive Order. | New York, Aug, 25.--American | Locomotive Company's order for pixty | locomotives from the Malian Govern- | ment, the largest order placed by! Italy since the beginning of the war, will amount to in the neighborhood | of $2,000,000, Since the company reported orders on hand totalling $6,-| 019,437, as of June 30 last, the new business will bring current orders up! {° over $63,000,000. In addition it| 8 likely that the contract to furnish | Russia with 500 locomotives, costing | around $15,000,000, will be closed | shortly. This would bring the com- pany's business up to $78,000,000. ¢ Dominion Government heartily congratulate the owners and builders of the vessel, and mand." tention of the Emperor to bestow decorations on members of Deutschland's personnel. A -------------- Montreal, Aug. 25.1 have come to the conclusion that if we have ons bushels of wheat in the three Canadian Northwest provinces; that 'is, all that. can be expected," sald James Carruthers, one of the leading grain men. of Montreal, after a five weeks" trip through the Can- adian wheat belt and to the Pacific will raise only about half the ¢ it did last year." 8 , the brave |} B's com-=[}] The message also expresses the in- i the} 163,000,000 Bushels. Al "There is no doubt that Manitoba ||} ! Arp lica ived no 5% Bonds in de- "nominations of $100 and up, contingent on the terms offered for Wanted: Agents to represent the Canada Life Assurance Com- pany. Liberal contract offered, along with a course in Life Assur- ance. iency means large earnings. Special values i houses for sale. Apply to 18 Market St, --- 8 Telephone 703 ;