| pn rt lery, at. Bore) CA antian reeruits have applied and have bee forwarded to Kingston, . | Among the recruits who. have bee accepted recently, are the following: ¥. C. Johnston, who is @« member, of the staf of the lead office of they 'Bank 6f Montreal. Mr, Johnston ia battalion-sergeant-major of the 6th Royal Highlanders of Canada, and thas seen over twelve years service in the Canadian active militia. Jocelyn Payne, another recruit, is manager of the Insurance department of the Royal Trust Company, He is company-gergeant-major of the 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada, and has seen fo rs' service with them, Previous to this he saw ser- Te | vice in the Territorials in Grenada, report on potatoes is that they are also a very poor crop, although the late potatoes may pan out very good. The farmers are hoping that they will, There was so much rain and the very hot weather.which fol- _.Jowed baked the ground and made __ conditions very unfavorable. ." The grain crop will be prety fair; gt there is one thing the farmers ve- an abundance of and that is hay, for there has certainly been a bumper crop. Threshing has commenced on Wolte Island, but throughout the County of Frontenac generally there has been little threshing as yet. "Potatoes are potatoes this year, all right," sald another farmer the Whig was talking to about the crops. "The ground got so hard that when you go to dig up the potatoes you almost need a pick and shovel to get to them. The weather was ( rtainly against a good crop of potat. 2s." +. TORONTO. EXHIBITION Headquarters of the Independent Order of Foresters. One of the most popular resorts on the ground is the Independent Or- der of Foresters' headquarters, where they have erected a magnific- ent tent, beautifully furnished and decorated with palms and flowers, and where every comfort is offered to the many Foresters, friends and visitors whom they will receive dur- ing the two weeks of the fair. This will be a much-sought-after spot, as there are so very few places of rest. When visiting the tent vou will be received by G. A. Mitchell, AS. C.R., assisted by two able Deputy Supreme Chief Rangers, Brothers Fellman and Harvey Lloyd. A most attractive calendar has been prepar- ed for distribution, and several other _ novelties will be given to all visitors. It vill be well 'worth while for the many admirers of this great order ' to make a call at this tent and learn "more about the great fraternal work the L O. F. are doing, and to listen to the stories they tell with reference to caring for the orphans---the little children wuo have lost their mothers and fathers--and also the great work they are doing in their sanatoriums in treating their members who are a lcted with tuberculosis. Do not forget the spot, at the head of Soflety Row, Lake Front. LA R MOVE. ' To Fix Boat Fares "That Will Operate : Against Children. "No half-fare ticket sold." This is the annotmcement that has appeared during the past week in the Canada Steamship, Limited, advertisement with regard to its weekly excursion te- Ogdensburg, an all-day trip that families like to take. But there are families that cannot afford to all go when the little ones are charged as much as adults, To fix the fare so that it will operate against the child- ren is not a popular move, and the . Whig hears a good deal of comment on the big company's action, : Searchlight Excursion. Last of the season by 8. S. Thous-| and Islander, leaving at 7. 45 p. m. 'on Thursday. Fare 3bc. Quite. a number of recruits have come in who have Had previous artil- lery experience; on of them, Thomas Gordon, a mining engineer, has prev- Hously had a term of service with "DD," Battery, Royal Field Artillery, and John Fishbourne, a St. Lambert re- sident, has an honorable discharge from the 11th Battery, Imperial Field Artillery in England MORE MALES BOR: THAN PEMALKS HERE. The theory that in war time more males than females gre born: continues to hold good in Kingston, Se far this year there haye been '397 births reg- istered at the City Clerk's of- fice, Of this number 212 were males and 185 females. Sree sts sss bess sesssssitese ses esesst ead * RETURNING HOME. dipper R. L. Germaine Was Wounded at Service at Front Word was received in the city to- day that Sapper R. L. Germaine, of the 6th Field Company, Queen's En- gineers, is being invalided home. He sailed from England on August 23rd on the 8.8. Scandinavian. Sapper Germaine was a medical student at Queen's University. He enlisted in Queen's Engineers in 1914, and went overseas with the second contingent. He was wounded three months ago in Belgium, and will arrive in the city any day, where his many friends will welcome the young hero home. He is nineteen years of age, and the Son of Mr. and Mrs. D, Germaine, 10 Alwington avenue, BARNS WERE BURNED. ---- v Severe Electric Stcrm On Wolfe Island. Several barns on Wolfe. . Island were burned on Wednesday night as the result of an electric storm. 'The buildings were on the estate of the late George Horn, now under lease by Dexter Keill. Barns, contents, vehicles, etc, were destroyed. The loss will be about. $3,500, and the in- surdnce about $1. 900. Self-Denial Contributions. The president of the Board of Trade acknowledges -the following contributions to the Belgian Relief Fund from the Kingston Christian Endeavor4/nion;-through self-denial: Bethel Society $11.50 Sydenham Street Methodists. Princess Street Methodists. . Brock Street Methodists First Baptist Society 4.05 Kingston Business College; head of Queen street, commences its fall term on Tuesday, September Gh. |'adian Press Association, Rites ol moderate. H. F. Metealfe, principal. 'Phone 440. J. G. Elliott, president of the Can- left for To- 'ronto to-day. At the press day { luncheon, given by the directors of the Canadian Natfonal™ Association, on Friday, he will be one of the, speakers, i Hove Yous a Photo Taken in Your Own Front Room? We try to please. Prices trom 87 to $35. nave a idan ner sxbnse, a sroupsapeciaition, BLAKEMORE, Stuart Street, City. Library and Den Furniture We largé stock of all kinds of liv- ing room and library furni- ER ture. The very best values to be aie sell i is BORE wie -- vi Riad > found have an exceptionally anywhere. We have n very careful in selecting 'our stock for fall. Carpets, rugs and Sinoleums. We: had such a large stock for you to choose Call and be convitieed. NN During the last three weeks over 100 | Aight Railway Behind _Allied Lines. Lient. H. R, Wilkinson, son of rs. H. Wilkinson, Bagot streét, ar- rived in the city Wednésday to ook over the district far recruits for the 239th Battalion. This battalion is the only unit recruiting Jp Canada it the present time for men to do rail- way work exclusively at the front. Closé to the firing line most of the railway construction work is done at night, and while there is quite enough he element of dang- er to satisfy. the adventurous in- stinets of the average man, the con- struction battalions do not needless- ly risk the loss of their men, and in the battalion already in France the casualties have been only six. Motor transports do not provide the carrying facilities demanded by the plan of the Allies for pushing forward rapidly the big drive at pre- sent.on, and it is stated that 30,000 miles of light railways are ngw in operation back of the lines, Each company in the 239th Bat- talion, for which 500 men have al- ready been recruited, will be com- plete unit with platoons of construc- tion men, trainmen, including engin- eers and firemen, for operating the trains, trackmen, repair men and railway bridge builders. The battalion, which -has been given permission to recruit) through- out' the Kingston military district, may open a recruiting office here if results merit. In any event, Lieut. Wilkinson will be in the city for a few days. KITC HENER'S FAMOU S LETTER Tuck. & Sons Have Published It In Most Artistic Form. The famous letter of Lord Kitchen- er, calling for 300, 000 volunteers, which recently realized the enormous sum of £6,000 when sold. for the benefit of the British Red Cross, has' been published in the nfost artistic | form by Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd., Moorfieids, London, Eng. Messrs, Teck & Sons make 10! charge for their sercices; the entire] bitrary, Fire Mar- - shal's Aeron ri Toronto, Aug. Ba strong criti-|S Telsm of the "autocratic" control ex- ercised by the Canadian Underwrit- ers' Asfociation in vegard to fire ia surance in Ontario features the re- port presented by the Provincfal Fire Marshal, E. P. Heaton, to Mr. Justice| Masten, at the opening session.of the Fire Insurance Commission, In re- viewing the fire insurance situation: generally, and the relative standing of the tariff and non-tariff companies! S Mr. Jigaton. arrives at the following| 3 conclusjons.' That practical control| = 'of the fire insurance in Ontario is in the hands of companies' members of the Underwriters' Association. That the main proposal of the association has been the maintenance of insur- ance rates, no company having per- E mitted to insure below the rate made on every risk made by the associa- tion; strict adherence to rates is en- forced by a detection scheme put in operation in certain importint dis- tricts; that with the unexpected, but obvious object of restraining com- petition the . association prohibits business intercourse with non-tariff companies, and with a similar object in view has extended its rules ti sup- press or limit forms, clauses and con- ditions advantageous to the insuring public, readily granted in other countries and acceptable to com- panies here if allowed to exercise their own judgment; that the atti- tude of the association to the insur- ing public has bebn arbitrary -and autocratic, and that the association has made no serious éffort to obtain reliable statistics by which the ade- quacy of rates might be judged. WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC EXTENDS TO ORIENT New York Revelations of a Startling Character--Big Exposure Predicted. New York, Aug. 31.---The ten- tacies of New York's great white slave traffic reaches into the Orient | for victims, according to the belief | of Assistant District Attorney Smith, | who is to-day investigating the ar- rest of Lee Lai, a Chinese woman, The arrest, the district attorney be- In Sale Friday a $1. 65 About 45 pairs only Wonienfs Oxfords and pumps, patents and gun metals, sizes mostly 24, 3 and 34, 5} and . 6. Not many 4, $3.00 to $4.00. ABERNE 4} and 5. These goods were regular Friday only Nahas nan $1.65 THY'S SHOE STORE profits from the sale will go to the | lieves, may uncover a great traffic in Red Cross Fund and the Lord Kit-| women of the oe Spout tulle In, 'chener National Memorial Fund.|through Canada for immoral pur- The facsimile of the letter is printed | poses. Evidence that Chinese women at various prices, ranging from one are won and lost daily at gambling Pon you'dress well you are trying to numbgr, shilling to forty-two shillings, It is | most appropriate and artistic, and is | sure to make a wide and striking! appeal to public sentiment. The fac-simile letter is an exact) replica "of the original - for which | £6,000 was paid at the Red Cross Gift House Sale by Mr. Fenwick Har-| rison, 'who generously presented it to} the Nation. It is in every respect identical witih the original letter, and is re-| protluced by special permission of! the War Office on the official letter | paper of the Minister of War, on| which Lord Kitchener wroe his me-| morial appsal which was instrument- | . al in creating an army of five millon, men by voluntary enlistment, achievement unprecedented in history of the world. The fac-simile letter is placed in a cover designed throughout by one of | Britain's greatest artists, Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A., and is accompan- jed by a brilliant monograph on the great soldier written by Sir Arthur] Conan Doyid; and a dignified tribute by Lord Kitchener's private secretary | and , intimate friend Sir George] Arthirr, Bt. * the| WHAT A WORLD! Boston Globe f you.don't go tn church you are not good. | If. you go to church you aré a hiypo- crite. If you dress shabbily you are a fail- ure. bluff. 4 you don't give to charity you are a tightwad, If yeu give to charity you do it for show. If you don't drink you 3 are no kind of u regular guy. If you do drink you are not a de- Hirable person to know. If you wear a beard it is to hide a homely face. If you are smooth shaven it is to try to look younger. If you let your wife waste your money you are a fool. « If you refuse te let your wife waste your money you are a brute. If you are affectionate to your wife in 'publi 'you are mean. If you lose a lot of money you are idiotic. If you make a lot of money you are a crook. If you tango you are frivolous. If you don't tango you are a back If You are poor you are no good. If you are rich you got it by rob- bing others. If you .die you dissipate. If you live to a good old age you attained it through laziness. If, when you die, you go to--it is [because you deserved it. Shel you die, you go to Heaven you" got there by mistake, Sc what's the use, TTS ------ RA FTE Harbor Records The water in the harbbr is rapidly receding according tq Harbormaster William McCannon. At the present time it is two inches below zero, and at the reading taken on August 9th was four {nches above zero. The highest water -yet recorded this year was on July 4th when it was ten inches above zero whieh is a remark- able height for the water. b= F. W. Sutherland, of the St. Thom- as Journal, was in the city on Wed- nesday, and left on Thursday for To- ronto. ~It was his first visit to Kingston and he was charmed over the & Deruty of the place. Mx. rn Mrs. Charles Gilfillan, their Ll a | ing in | most startling heard in the er "| first practical tables has been unearthed by immi- gration officials. Indictments have { been found against 18,men traffick- women. Poles officials be- | lieve that at least 20 more men soon will be under indictment. Social circles may get a shock be- fore the investigation is over. The | district attorney's office is investigat- | ing the operations of a man of social standing who is claimed to furnish women for rich men. ' A 365-page affi- davit in the hands of the district at- torney discloses features of a dinner orgy given by a millionaire artist which may lead to arrest. The affi- davit, made by one of the women "entertainers," shows that a '"'Sep- | tember Morn" tableau was one of | the bits of diversion. 'Other dis- closures made are said to he the fminal courts building since Evelyn Thaw bared her relations with Stanford White to save the life of her hus- band, Harry Thaw. PAPER FROM MARSH GRASS. | William Heffron, Syracuse, Nego- tiating for Manufacture. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 31.--The 'test as to whether | marsh grass and reeds can be used lin the. manufacture of white paper | will probably be made in this city. William Heffron is negotiating for the purchase of the Montezuma marshes and the plant of the Monte- zuma Company'Earlier experiments at_this plant showed that a satisfac- tory fibre could be extracted that would answer all purposes for cer- tain classes of paper, and that an abundance of material grows in the marshes in that vicinity. While this very- excellent corrugated paper. On account of the insufficient plant it is understood that the 'pioneers at derstood to have plans in mind for will be utilged and corrugated paper manufactured and placed on market. There is a good field for this product and with the men be- will be successful. Prince of Korea Seeks For Bride. Tokio, Aug. 31.-----One object of the present visit of Marshal Cound Ter- auchi, the governor general of Korea to Tokio is sald to be the seeking of a bride for young Prince Yi of Korea. The parents of the young prince, Grand Prince and Princess Yi, and his brother, Prifice Yi, the former emperor. of Korea, are all anxious to see the young prince at least engaged if not married in the next year or two. It is said to-be agreed among high officials in the Japanese court, Hothers, that the young prince should be one of the Japanese princesses of the blood. Mr. and Mrs. William le, 88 Barrie street, have returned from a three weeks' visit in Montreal." SEVERE RHEUMATIC - PAINS DISAPPEAR Risumation depe depends an-seid in the blood, " affects fhe pulp would not be suitable for news || print it is claimed that it makes af this point in the business were un- || able to put their concern on a pay-|j ing* basie__The mew company is un- || a complete plant in which grass pulp |} the | Ji hind it predictions are made that it}} members of the privy council and 'married-thet- {the central powers. Fall Hats are arriving and are ready for your in- spection. XQ We are still selling the balance of our $2 and $2.50 straw hats for $1.00 Camphell Bros., The house of success- ful hat styles. Bring Back That Lost Hair Getting back lost hair is a pretty hard proposition. Saving the hair before it is lost is much easier. Use Lubin's Scalp Remedy and stop=the hair from falling, nourish and fertilize the hair roots and you need fear no hald spots. It is a fine lotiow, for |. ladies' hair also. 50c Bottle Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church Balance Summer Suits and Other Stock. Mast go rexardless of cost, to make room for our BIg TAI} stock.. 'Wome In and see the many bargains: x Blue serge sults, special at ... $13.50 Worsteds, fine value, at .. $12.00 Ostend Shoes, patent and only Big supply of strong shoes for school children mow In, Prices vineng. Buy now and save money. 271 Princess Street. THE END IN SIGHT. m Correspondent Pregiicts War's Early Collapse. London, Aug. 31.--The Daily elostaon correspondent at Rotter- dam sends the following: » The possibility of startling develop- ments following Rumania's entry in- to the war is foreshadowed br the Berlin correspondent of the Tyd. In a despatch which must have passed through the German censorship, he suggests the early colla of the war by reason of a Russian advance through the Balkans to nstanti- nople and the complete isolation of The openseason for ducks will com- Re PURE ICE CREAM Best in Kingston. Made Fresh Every Day. SAKELL'S Next Opera House Phone 640 - ha NWHer © hg oy y To refurnish your dining room in handsome man- ner or to secure pieces that may be lacking to com- plete its equipment. We are offering tables, chairs, china closets and' buffets, etc., of unusual styles and finishes at prices within reach of every house-keeper. At the busy store with the large stock. at ole . ames Reid, The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Personal Services. Nothing Tastes As Nice as a good Chocolate. We have them fresh every week. N ¥ los' » Patterson's, Lowney's and Ganong's = All Canadian Goods. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE * Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41 -------- A merchant in a Canadian city once ile a dis- covery. He had purchased some goods that did not turn out as he thought they would. Instead of advertising "Enormous Bargains" he simply said, "I bought therh to sell at $10.00, but they are not worth it; in fact I cannot recommend them at all, but you will find them worth $4.00." He sold them ail and made ysome new customery; who Wers sutivineed of his sincerity. othing new about it. Truth is as old as the hills and he simply told the truth. He discovered that honesty is the best policy, and d fortunately 3 yery many advertisers are making the same dis- ; covery, jiigncs 0a Sept. 154d clita on Dec. i wn Shp --