- CROWN MUST PROVE Besos a Physician \THE INPROVED RUSSIAN " HUSBAND IS ALIVE st oT greatest or five year course leading to the de- Bree of Doctor of Medicine aad Sur- Bory, For catalogue address: Secre- ary, 3830 Riodes Ave. Chicago, IL ~ dealing with the morals of the Rus-|the case. of a charge of bigamy pre- | sian troops, says: "The recent fight- | ferred against Alice Hogg, of this |ing has shown that German shells and |eity, The evidedce submitted went {German numbers could not blast or|to prove that on March 17, 1915, | bayonet. the Russians out of their po- She was married in St. James me a he He i i | something w which to: shoot, an 6 I ron. {could at last listen to the music of [this unit went gverseas Alice begame ttheir own shells bursting over the fatal i 2 Nis Frenchman | "Peuton -lines. vonh A , * v There another mati rogard | membes o the 16374 Fialon Sie to the morals of thé army this year: Cuaou 'ig ia by 3 : to which General . Brusilof himself | EVER her preliminary hearing this | directed much attention. Now, as he . : \ : said, the morals {8s a hundred times FR Mactoynid, Svunty Srowa su {more vital and deep-ropted than dur- marriages, wanted her committed for |ing the early successes in Galacia ini al, but Mr. C. L. Dynbar, her coun- [1914. Then the soldiers fought sel, objected He argued that the {through discipliné and with a meagre law said the Crown must prove that {realization of what it was all abot. | ne first husband was alive when the | This wear it is quite different. What | second marriage ceremony was per- | was at the beginning of a war be-|formed, This the Crown could not {tween governments has now become |q, (Col. Macdonald did not agree {a war between peoplés, and there is| with the magistrate in his interpre- not a soldier in the army who does | tation of the law, holding that recog- |not understand now that he iy fight- | nition must be taken of the presump- {ing a hated enemy, and willfhg to [tion of the continuity of life, in view |die, if need be, to dislodge Germany |uf the fact that no proof exists 'of {from the soil 6f Holy Ruslan Jt is| the death of George Wilson. He this 'conception which, brifigs™™ the | held that Alice Hogg had no right to troops forward- singing and longing.| contract the second marriage one to get at the Germans. This feeling | year after her marriage to her first against the Austrians is quite differ- | husband, unless she had a.reasonable ent--perfunctory hostility, I should | belief in the previous death of her call it. first husband. Such presumption of "In addition, one now notes an im- | the continuity, of life would not ter- provemdnt in technique in every [minate for seven years. branch of the Rusian service, Their] The magistrate, however, took the trenches are as good, 'if not better, [3amé view of the.case as did Mr. than those of the Teutons. Their | Punbar, and declined 10 commit the transport-is infinitely better organ- defendant for trial. She was dis- ezed than ever before, with the result | charged. that there is a saving of time, which she dan certainly has Increased its efficiency | GRAIN FROM RUSSIA SOON AVAILABLE fifty per cent. The same is true of Russia Can Easily Spare 560,- the ammunition eolumns, and every other branch of the Russian service »-000;000 Bushels of Wheat Alone. Public Health, Chemistry and Allied s offer the greatest opportfun- y Opportunities 1) work way through CREASED FIPTY- PER CENT. Discharged at Guelph-- v The Chicago' Hospital College of || Jolene Married Two Soldiers. medical centre of'/the world, with aa Q faculty, facilities and equipment un- Better, Than Those of the Teutons, . London; Sept. 2.--A Timed corre-|{came up in the police court this : oy - - : > A Dutch luncheon was given at the Re) : @ : SL ® 4d Country Club bn Wednesday when ; : those: present * were: . Miss Lilian} : - Kent, Miss Blanche Kent, Miss | ; i | Medieine, Surgery, Bacteriology. ] | EFFICIENCY AND MoraLe IN- [Woman Charged With Bigamy ities to ambitious men and women. : yo | + BL F ? ; ~ Medicine, located in the Their Trénches Are As Good, If Not | MONDAY -- LABOR DAY -- STORE CLOSED ALL DAY. ' x 9 : 2 : surpassed, offers a recognized four Guelph, Sept. 2--A nice legal point - y , ) . a | spondent, in a despatch from Rovno 'morning before Magistrate Watt in Bessie Sanderson, Miss May Rogers, Miss Mildred Jones and Miss Mar- jorie Pense. * r - » . From 7 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. Percy Pottér and.daughter, s Gladys, Kingston, are the guests of Mr. and Mis." Frederick "Pony NEW YORK WAISTS : Na : , Mr. Sherlock, Canton, Ohio, who . 180 dainty lingerie voile waists, all white and colored combi. as been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. - bi ya . tions. Many new frilled and embroidered organdy effects are to be seen, in sizes 34 to 44, regularly priced from $1.50 to $2.00. Tonight .. .. .. . esi alent Oe W. H. Horning, Elginburg, has re- turned to his home. Mr. and Mrs, 8S. J. Hoag and fam- 'NEW CORSETS BEA 300 pair Steacy Special four garter French coutil corsets, with elastic support in the back. Regular $1.50. Tonight . ..:. 89¢ ily have retuyhed from their summer cottage, Wolle Island. Miss Lulu Chapman, who has been LINEN NAPKINS : : Si t * 50doz. only damask napkins, hemmed. ready for use; size 23 x 23. Regular $3.00 doz. Tonight .. . ... . weve are 31.69 visiting friends in the city for the past two weeks, left on the steamer Kingston on Friday for her home in FLANNELETTE BLANKETS = » , 50 pair only, 12-4 big double bed size grey and white flannelette blankets, Reg. $2.00 values: Tonight.... ., ..... S148 Rochester, NY. JUST ARRIVED T6DAY : : A number of very attractive Suits and Coats. Also a bi ment ofthe latest novelties in neckwear. Do your M. shopping tonight at ™ Will cure any headache in 20 min- utes, will nips cold in the will relieve monthly pains Women, and in every case it Leaves you Feeling Good. Elma Lake, Alfred street, returned on Wednesday, after a two weeks' visit at Bay' View Farm, Port Milton, and Picton. Hiram Ferguson, Toronto, is spending the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fergu- son, 370 Brock street. . Misses Helen'and Annie Corrigan, Johnson street, left yesterday to at- tend the Ursuline College, "The Pines," Chatham. Miss Robertson, who has been visiting . Mrs. Henderson, Clergy street, left for her home in Ottawa on Wednesday. . The shortagé of photo chem- icals for finishing films does not - 'affect us as we have supplies on hand to carry us till the new supply arrives. '6 are finishing more films Y many times over than all other local dealers combin- ed, Six finishers cannot keep up with the work. We are selling and guaran- teeing the best film on the mar- ket and still developing at 10 cents a roll. Mrs. E. J. McLeland and daughter, Miss Margery, Alfred street, returned yesterday from Brackley Beach, Prince Edward Island, where they spent the summer, Miss Hilda and Marguerite Mullin Johnson street, arrived home on Fri- day after a trip through the Ottawa Valley and the province of Quebec. Miss Myrtle Leader and Miss K. Knight have gone to Toronto to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rolph, 15 West Roxboro street. Mr, and Mrs, Newman with Mrs. Boyd motored to Charleston Lake for the week-end. The previous week they motored to Caintown, N.Y. crossing the border at Prescott, assort- onday's I have seen. And last, but not least, we have shells and rifles." PHENOMENAL RISE IN CUSTOMS INCOME Receipts for the Month of Au- London, Sept. 2.--1It is almost r tain that Russian grain will be avail- able in large quantities before tlle end of the season. The, indication is that European and Asiatic Russia gust Show Increase of will secure a harvest of 90,000,000 | quarters (720,000,000 bushels), $3,610,000. {which is well aBove the average of Ottawa, Sept, 2,--A further pheno- | the last ten years. It is also indi- | menal rise in customs indicating the |cated that there is a large reserve | maintenance of this year's remark-|remaining in Russia from the two able tradé increases is shown in the [Previous crops, and a balance from nionthly statement issued to-day, by |the crop of 1913. Hon. J. D. Reid, Minister of Cus-| It is safe to say that Russia can toms. The August revenue from cus-|Spare 70,000,000 quarters (560,- toms reached a total of $11,941,000[000,000 bushels) of wheat alone, as compared with $8,330,000, an in-| Without counting maize, barley and crease of $3,610,000, oats. For the five months of the fiscal | . Once this is available, Noth Am- year the increases in customs re-|erica, will no longer be able to dic- venue has been $21,723,000, the re-|tate terms. Of course, the question ceipts having risen from $36,731,-|of shipping will be a difficulty until 000 in 1915, to $58,454,000 during |the end of the war, but even if the the present year. Turks are not compelled to open the ; Dardanelles grain could be shipped WHAT ONTARIO FOLKS SAY. from Salonika once the Allies drive the Teutons from North-eastern Ser- 'Hamilton, Ont.--" This is to state that I have received » - . . Roxie Ellis, of Listowel, is W, 8. WHEN YOU - Miss the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Ellis, Albert street. Miss Edgar, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R, K. Hicks, Collingwood street. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Taylor John- ston street, returned from Toronto on Friday. Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Barrie street, was hostess at the tea hour on Wednesday in honor of Miss Mild- red Macmorine. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Stuart street, left to-day for Toronto. Miss Elsfeth Shortt, Staten Is- land, New York, is "the guest of Mrs. Atkinson in Brockville, and will later come to visit friends 'n Kingston. George Proctor, of Montréal, 1s in town for the week «nd. Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Livingston are expected from Toronto to spend Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs, C. Livingston, Barrio street. Dainty Pork Sausage 12)5c =. 18¢c 20c 18¢ The Wn. Davies' Co., Ltd. Phone 597 Homemade bia and the western half of Bul- garia. DEATH I8 DEOREED IF HIRE REJECTED ered 2d | Carranza Orders That Work- men Who Refuse Thirty Cents a Day be Tried. El Paso, Texas, Sept. 2.-- Decrees have been issued in many of the Cen- tral and Southern Mexican States by the Carranza government ahnounc- ing that workmen and laborers who refuse to continue work at ten pesos a day (thirty cents gold) will be tried and if found guilty will be promptly put to death. This is the information brought to the border by several Americans. The arrivals say that already several peons have been shot because of their refusal 8 i ark under the exisling. con hraet, eturned fron Toronwo on The workmen and laborers in many | ¥ 1deY. a of the sections of the country have trea) d Mrs. : S. Smith, Johnson | gone out on strike. . Railroads, light- hi are spending a few days in| ing plants. smelters and other fn-|*°T0%t0- = _ dustries have been compelled to shut down because of the strike, and many large cities, including. Zacate- cas, Gomez Palacio, San Luis Potosi and other places, are in darkness at night bécause the electrical workers and other employees are out" on strike, The workmen say they can- not maintain, their families on the meagre wage 'given them. TROOPS IN EGYPT --Easy.to Apply --Wonderful Results Economical because used with water; easy to apply if direc- tions are followed; makes the old look new. These are three rea- sons why (Made in Canada) is in daily use in thousands of Canadian homes. We guarantee every bottle, If not satisfied, your gealer wil Irefund your money. For (leaning and Polishing hard- and all Try New England Little Pig - Weinerwurst - Mrs. Noble and Mts, Robert Noble, who have been.spending the summer in Kingston left on Friday for their home in Petrolia. < Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, Earl street, and Mr. and Mrs. H. 8S. Rich- ardson expect to motor to Toronto early in the week. = Mise Nora Notter, who has been stay/ng at Mrs, Clirk's, Collins Bay, left yesterday fo: her home in To- ronto. i Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Princess street, entertained at the tea hour on Wednesday in honor of her mother, Mrs. Dennistoun. . Mr. 4nd Mrs. W. W. Gibsor. Union | NEELEY Jr, M. 0: D. 0 OPTOMETR! AND OPTICIAN, 22¢ Street. - wood floors, furniture woodwork it has no equal it at our risk. From your dealer, 25¢ to $3.00 Channell Chemical Co., Ltd. Toronto, Can. fs if 2 I 5 3 11 : : 2 5 ~~ NET'S GON - Canadian National Exhibition Mrs. J. H. Birkety, Bagot street, | Aug. 26th to Sept. 11th asked a fow people to tea on Friday | "Federation of the Empire" routo, Who is her guest until Mon. [| - py GorSoHs Spectacle Srmbolcing Imperial Unity and Cos , > esion ; performers; 10 massed: bands; chorus of 60 Il Mastupies of Stagscratt and Pogeatry Miss Eldred Lane, Gore street, left | yesterday to visit in Toronto for a Model Camp of Overseas Troops; aerial' battles bet birdmen and land batteries; destruction ween few weeks. of by tor- pedoes and undersea mines. Thrilling ry aoahipn y | informally at the tea hour on Friday afternoon. i Miss Ethel Kent, King street, left | on Friday to visit friends in Wood-| stock | o : ; fi] Ai; it i 2 07 7 ¥ | 1 - i Mrs. Harry Guess, of Sydenham, | was in town this week the 'guest of | Mrs. Leighton Guess Mrs, McGill ahd Miss Amy McGill came down from -Toronto th<day to spen! Labor Day witn Miss Daacon. Prof. Fowler and Miss Annie Fowl- er, Union street, 1eturned this week from Little Metis. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott and Miss Ficrence Elliott, Barrie street, ave in Toronto. . yi Mrs. Savary, S.. James Rectory, entertained at a ohildren's party on F:May in honor of Messrs. Reginaid Savary's birthday. Sa "1 Miss Katharine Hodgins, Welling- Pe ¢ re ton street, is sponding the week enc | ! in Toronto. : Mr, and Mrs. Porritt and Master H Oscar and: Miss Dorothy Porritt, of Montreal, are spending a couple of weeks at Mrs. Clark's, Collins Bay. Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick and her Lassie Kirkpatrick 'returned from Muskoka this week. * Miss Frances Sullivan entertain i i i g 5 i i : | i BH : Hi | { i ! k RIGHT SIDE UP OR UPSIDE DOWN 8 & » ' § oe 8 Mrs. J. Doney, McLeod, Alberta, | were guests at K. N. Storms for a few cays, las: week. Mrs. J. B. Clarke has ratutned to New-York; -after-visiting-her-mother; Mrs. L. Whalen, Aberdeen avenue. Mrs. C. B. Bell and son, C'inds. af Biggar avenue, Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bennett. "8 se Mrs. E. Day, Harrowsmith, and | naval fights. i i iz ; 3 i d E Jenkins' Boys' Suits Stand the Test. i : i Fk NEW MIDWAY -- WORLD AT HOME SHOWS AND PAWNEE . Mrs, W. St. Plerre Hugc?: and] BILL. : Mrs, John Gzowski, who have deen in ! : a : . London, bave returned to Fommiane] ; : : : |] Reduced Rates on All Raways "LET" S. GO!" Army uarters of the British While they are marvels of grace and beauty, they are tailored to stand ev- is very much less than e among the population 'been attained by]: where they will spend the winter, « Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Wet street, returned from Cobourg to-day. Mrs. Dawson -and her daughter, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, are in London, ed in hat the ra London. ~ 'This result has ery emergency and keep the boy well clothed. Every boy buying a suit - 16th, 1616 Western Ontario' Popular Exhibition tion &t London's Exhibition. Any ¢ of Attractions Daily. ARG Tres 4x0) the British '| Craig, Union street. England. » Mis: Kathleen O'Hara, of Ottawa, fe the puest of her aunt, re. Arthe: Mrs. Robert O'Hara has returned from ("iawa, where she Nas been | vigiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Hara and is again at "The Belvidere" Hon. 3. P. Graham, of Brockville, will spend a few days this . We are pr fall forth atest. Price rom 33.50.10 36.30, ALL red to supply you with the best in i See our window % Hp wear at ®i 2k oy