. * ¥HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, yd SEP ER 9, 1916. -- HR TEs Cenjral Canada Exhibi- : ___ tion, Ottawa September th to 161k 1916, Return Tickets will be Issued at $2.55 Good going on sll (reine Senigmber 13th nnd nm. tralus September! 14th. Guod to return on or before September 15th, or ny $3.40 : [ Good golug September 9th. to 15th in- elusive. Heturn Hmis five days from date of sale, but not later than Septem ber INth, Reduced one-way second ofist fares will be on wale 24th to Oct, Sth, Inclusive, destinations in Alberta, mh umbin, Cdlorado; idako, M outana, O kon, Utah, Washiugton, Texan, Nevadn, New Mexico and Cailtornia. For full par LEY, C.P. & tario streets. pt AA Ps ticulars apply J. P. HAN T.A., cor "Johnson and On j IAN PAC CANA D Ir 1 OCEAN SERVICES C . ALLAN LINES. Lv. L'pool. Lv. Moutreal Sept. 1 Gr plan Sept. 16 Sept. 8 Co ru Sept, 23 Mept, 22 Seapndinaviag Oct 7 A ---------------- Lv, Londen _ Lv: Montreal Aug. 238% Corinthian Sept, 18 Sept. 13° Slellian Sept, 3 Lv. Glasgow Lv. M Aug 26 Carthag Sept. abt. SInciurien Sew. } CAN. PAC. LINES Lv. Lpoel. Lv. Montreal Sept. 15 Missanahle Sept. 30 Sept. 20 Metagamna Oet. Four Rates Nepirvations Ete. apply Loenl Agents, up AJLAN LINK V., Torente KL . Passport application forms furnished on request. AT riba Recast Wire Railings, Fences, Gates, Flower Border _ and Wire Work of All Kinds to Order Partridge Sons CRESCENT WIRE WORKS \ Phone 3850 i 4 | | { Peaches =~ are the most, valued treasure on the pre- serve shelf, | Lantic | Sugar Pure cane sugar very "FINE" granulation is best for all preserving. 2and 5-1 Cartons 10 and 2("1b Bags "The All-PurposeSugar Send us red ball trade-mark for 8 FKEE book of Prese:viug Labels Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd. Power Bldg. Montreal 63 Near When Avcidence Happened. "A. E. Little, bill poster. who saw CORONER'S JURY ABSOLVES THE | | the accident, sald he heard STREET RAILWAY COMPANY in No Way To Blame For Death of | team turn in on the track. David Wellington McMurter, Who | about twenty-five 'feet away Hed As Result of Injuries Sustain- | Murter was driving along ed' When Car Struck Waggon. \ He was Mce- on proaching the quarry entrance He That the deceased came to his| Was gitting sideways from the track deatn as the result of his waggon Watching a passing automobile. He being struck by street car No, 24, and + Seemed tobe driving rather careléss- 'that no blame ean be attached to the | ly. The witness shouted at the driv- employees of the Street Railway Co,, | er td warp him of his danger, but "in connection therewith, % apparently the latter did not. hear | him The above verdict was returned Coroner'Mundell, in committihg by the coroner's jury which inquired | the case to the jury, said that the [into the death.of David Wellington | death was purely accidental, the rail- | McMurter, a teamster for Roddy and | way employees having taken all pos- [ Monk, who died from injuries re-| sible precautions. The jury unani- | ceived when his waggon was struck | mously decided on its verdict in a | by a street car Thursday afteruons | very few minutes, | at the entrance to the city quarry on = Te ------ | Montreal street. ' The inquest was | AN IMPORTANT POST FOR MAJOR W. H. CRAIG | held in the Police Courtroom Friday | Appointed Commandant of 4th | afternoon, Dr. D.~E. Mundell being the coroner and J. B. Cooke, foreman {of the-jury. W: F. Nickle, KC., " ! M.P. 'was present in the interests of | Canadian School of*In- i he 3 a ai way C 4 he street, Railway Co. J struction in France. = { Cause death, | a SHR | Drv. House! Deu was called] ~ Major W. H. Craig, of this city, to attend the deceased after the ac-| Who went. overseas ~with the "9th | cid nt, said whem he arrived he | Battalion, afterwards split up into [fo him oa to talk. He drafts; has been appointed com- : ms ¢ f the Mana 4 i | thought deaths was -due to Internal audam of the Fink Brad injuries which caused hemmorhages.; 00.0 force in igh = - {The dead man had a wound about | © : v } § | two inches dong 'on the left forearm | | and a few:bruises over the small of | | the back and on left shoulder. i | Edward Leon Dennee, a teamster | employed by Roddy and Monk, who | | saw the aceident, said that he and the | | deceased were approaching the | | | quarry field from different directions. | | | | | 7 Every 0c Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS RE FLIES THAN TH OF ANY Y CATCHER | TINIAN EY 3S | Clean to handle. ' Sold by all Drug. | gists, Grocers and General Stores, A Ww h ol e | In good clothes. Opportanity is never put up at auc- tion. . TORONTO EXHIBITION . Good going Aug Return limit Sept, 13th, Going « ive. than Tuesday, Sept. 12th. For tickets and Purther Ward, Station Agent, or M. FRAVEL IN COMFORT INCISED od - (CANADIAN PACIFIC LOW FARES Aug. 26th to Sept. 11th. . 26th to Sept. 7th, inclusive. going Aug. 26th to Sept. 9th, inclus- Return limit 7 days from date of sale, but not later information apply to R. H. C. Dunn, Town Agent. . SPECIAL FARES TO Central Canada Exhibition Ottawa A $2. turn limit Sept, 15th, 1016. $3. sale, but in no case to exceed Sep 50 Good going all trains Sept. 18th and morning trains Sept. 14th, re- 35 Good going Sept. 8th to 15th, return limit five days from date of t. 18th, 1916. and Wellington streets. Phone 1 All trains arrive and depart Central Station, Ottawa. Particulars from F. Conway, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, Cor. Princess J 197, ot of people seem to | NOt see Mim look to see if the ca v \ | wae ¢ jithink they can serve the Lard better | was coming. "| fifteen feet away when he saw the | | Thdy were both driving along quite | | fast. He saw McMurter turn to go| | into the field, and he saw the street | | car hit his waggon. The witness was | then between seventy-five and ninety | | feet away. The waggons were mak-| | ing considerable noise. The car was | | about twenty or twenty-five feet away when 'McMurter turned to go { into the quarry. The car hit the left] | front wheel, and threw the deceased] | between the waggon and the car. He | did not hear any street car bell, but it was very difficult to hear a car bell | when going fast- with an empty| spread waggon, such as he and the deceased were driving. He estimated that the car went about twenty feet after striking the waggon. To Mr. Nickle witness swore there | was nothing to prevent . MeMurter | seeing the car if he had looked before | | re sing » did : | he drove, on the crossing He d *|a splendid appointment, and, Ma r ( by Meng MAJOR W. H. CRAIG. | Craig is highly honored {chosen for such an important post. | a Major Craig before the war was one | Motorman's Evidence, | . s id | of y lea ; i | Herbert Laplante, motorman, said Of the leading SHricers i Ihe 3h i + PW.O. s, and as Vas i was about | Ww | the car fie was driving regarded as one of the best qualified | team beginning to swing in. He | Officers in Ontario. He is splendid- § |ly fitted for the position to which { commenced to ring the bell and re-|, y . versed the car. The teamster's head | Me has been appointed. was turned in the opposite direction, | » a oa and the team turned into the quarry | SABA S SYRIAN WIFE ; GETS FINAL DIVORCE gate apparenti®tof its own accord. | He did not see the car hit the many The deceased fell off the right side | of the waggon, and it was impossible | Wife Gets Permanent Custody for the car to hit him. . The car was of Her Two Daughters and $6 Alimony. | | not going very fast. ; | C. Stewart, conductor, said he was | = Standing at the.haek of the car when | yyy Ggleelah Hablab Saba. the | he heard ithe bell ringing furiously. | gyrijan wife of John Saba, a wealthy He saw the horses turning in and saw | Alexandria Bay and Dayton, Fla., rug the driver bounce up and out. The] dealer in oriental | merchant and | goods, has just been awarded her! by Justice! | final decree of divorce { Leonard C. Crouch. Mrs. Saba re- | ceives the permanent custody of her | two daughters and is awarded $5 a | week alimony. | Many years ago John Saba mar- | ried one of his countrywomen in | Nazareth, the ceremony being per- | formed by a Methodist. missionary, j and was not recognized by" the Greek | orthodox ghurch. Before coming to America, Mr, Saba claimed he had secured a ceremonial apn#lment of the marriage, returning the dowry his wife brought him and sending her back to her own people. Never before have the courts of (his state been called upon to pass upon a de- cree sanctioned by the priests of the Greek ehurch, the papers being in the form of a letter showing" that Mr. Saba was no longer beyond matri- mon al ties. /N\ Alter 'coming to this country and locating in Alexandria Bay, Mr. Saba married a Canadian woman of Scotch, descent. The couple now have a five- year-old son. Mrs, Saba came to Syracuse and atteaded the trial, ex- pressing her faith in her husband, even when ber oriental rival attempt- pt. 16 London Sept. 16 Glasgow Grampian Sept. 30 [ pool Glasgow Grampian Oct. 21 Liverpool Divect steamers to London will earry cabin passen- wers only. CANADIAN SERVICR: TO LONDON (Via Falmouth) From Yoatrets more wife than the laws of New York state permitted. Cabin and Third Class x The ceremonial annulment absssssssasssnan aya | De Furniture . We have an exceptionally large stock of all kinds of liv- ing room and library ture. The Re found been very careful our stock for fall. nA Carpets, rugs and furni- very best values to be anywhere. We have in selecting . linoleums, We never had such a large stock for 'you to choose { Call and be convinced. 0 1.F. MONTREAL TO BRISTOL - (Avonmouth TOR) Heatrens FOLIA | Sept. Cabin Passengers Only. For Informacion fad " Toca) Fiche 3 en or ' e ober efor 0. Ia 58 Kink Bros East, Toronto , . LAKES THE WAR GAME held to be sufficien{ in view of the to prove that such a decree i3 consid- ered legal and binding jn Syria. The trial of the famous case lasted over three days. But Will Not Be Sorry When Fritz Puts Up His Thumbs, "1 like it fine over here, but I will not be sorry when Fritz puts his thumbs up," says Corporal D. Me- Cann in a letter fom Belgium to his mother, Mrs. J. E. McCann, of West- the motorman ring his bell and saw the| | ed to prove that Mr. Saba had ome |f was | § failure of proof-By.church authorities || DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL! ix == = = see | E-- yy A Few Special Jicr an Jrivme aaie'on the : Wednesday | { an 1 | Lace Shoes, and | Children's to 103. | Todlear.... .. .... | . ® 'About 20 pairs Women's Low a few Pumps, to Red Boots. Sizes 8: i ,. 81.00 and Thursday Only A few odd pairs Women's White Pumps. Toeclear.': .. ...... $1.00 .... $1.65 Children's White Can. Boots, also afew strap slippers. Toclear ... .. heen ~ ---- | ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE The Season's Hat Event Autumn leaves and summer straws turn brown together and all signs point to our showing . of the néw fall ahts. s are we The styles this season away ahead of anything have ever before shown. (! i We sell: i 'CHRISTY'S, | SCOTT'S BARTHO'S ! BUCKLEY'S STETSON'S { HORTON'S, | $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 | || Campbell Bros. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Household ~ Economy This ad. is just to keep our name be- fore you and to remind you that we sell Egg-O Bak- - ing Powder and. recommend-it as a satisfactory, economical and profitable article for the housekeeper to buy. Hendersons Grocery A Square House to Dea] With. 58-61 Brock St. X Phone 279 Cameras | eT ----------------------------------T Supplies The finest cameras and 'the best of supplies for any camera. Ensign quality is always best. port. "The Russians and the Italians are doing splendid work at present. [| ope they keep it up." i ta The "writer says they have lots_of mosquitoes, that the rats are also much in evidence," and that things Are very interesting when half a dozen or so:of the rodemts start a fight on the bed the soldiers are sleeping in. When they go to sleep the rats wag their tails in the faces of the men, and it is not at all pleas- ant, The writer also speaks about the beautiful flowers they have. The red and white rosés are magnificent. . hie I i viki FLIES ! E F ¥ L A I i i PRINTING DEVELOPING Expert work at_ fairest 'cost. Bring all your home and vaca- tion films to us. : Do with your OLD M might what you to do; If It 18 not to your] ST v PURE ICE CREAM Best in Kingston. Made Fresh Every Day. SAKELL'S Opera House Next - | To refurnish your dining room in handsome man: ner or to secure pieces that may be lacking to com» plete its equipment. : Ye We are offering tables, chairs, china closets and '| buffets, etc., of unusual styles and finishes at prices within reach of every house-keeper. ] At the busy store with-the large stock. at James Reid Phone 147 for Personal Services. 8 AID ' : re made. to look like June brides by Batterion, ihe Fhetographer, , 2382 Ontario street, "On the Way to Barriefield." PEN DAY AN NIGHT. | a y. | Nothing Tastes. As Nice 'hocolate, Nylos', Pattérson's, Lowney's and Ganong's All Canadian Goods, .- SARGENT'S DRUG STORE. "Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41 {1 Hil {| HHH Hl Hn | t Scold |