THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1916. " ye, Ressssaspssncatense, \ ¢ sa - 3 5 | In the World of Sport|... 5%... . y . can you obtain 80 much real smoke es - ~-- | LACROSSE PLAYERS {BASEBALL BRIEFS. | WE BACK UP OUR CIGARS - i ' judge a cigar by its price the Peel cigar wil not appeal to ypu. * But if ~ you judge by flavor, arofna, smooth- ness and mellowness, "then you'll most surely make the 'Sir Robert Peel, the cigar ce. Bargin eek 8 only ladies' hygenic cushion frames; the finest TURF GOSSIP. John E. s | N. L. U. President Decides to - Await Outcome. of Charge: > Madden has purchased '® | joy for so little money. If you. | PLEAD NOT GUILTY | It the Yankees do not finish on 1 bicycle in the world. : 3 only gents' Brantford cushion frames, the elds re- top théy probably will receive credit in Boston for knocking out the White Sox. - vin Pitre's Case: . Didier Pitre and Olivier Secours, -. Nati 1 y - Brooklyn can boast of a pitching the two National lacrosse players ac another Rock Sand colt from August Belmont, which he will send to Ken- tucky for stud purpasesx This is:the black colt, JLord Rock Vale IIL, by Rock Stand, out 6f the great brood that made the 5¢ famous your favorite smoke after the first' trial. . cal Sha Furs wih the Bee ng Sad 2 Jom enemy. of Corpus | game from a pitching staudhoiat, but | acting as judge of play in Saturday's | hie! that is ot all. 1e Brooklyn pitch-| patch at the Maisonneuve grounds,| Jockey Robinson is fourth in the €rs are 'more dangerous with the both' appeared before Judge Lanctot|list of leading American jockeys, J. | stick than are any Sunes set of box: | 5¢ Montreal and pleaded not guilty. | McTaggart is the leader, { mem in the major. leagues. | They were remanded until Septem-| Jockey J. Butwell has been re- | ber 13th for enquete and were re-|leased by his contract employer, An- leased on personal parole. Both de- |drew Miller.© This followed the de- {nied having wilfully assaulted the feat of Roamer by Stromboli on! {Judge of play. . { Monday, in the Municipal Handicap, | the Yankees') Pending <the case against Pitre, | at Belmont Park, in which Butwell's { President St. Pere, of the N. L. U.,| handling of Roamer dissatisfied Mr. | effective is the | wi)} take no action in his case, 80 | Miller. : \ | by | that the player in Question will be! | {able to play against the Shamrocks | | in Saturday's match at the Mile End the Cincinnati Reds the team has | 51 uhds, Vien the championship will juke party many clon games. bi) wins Mepenand for th season and As 'the N. L. U. head will recommen The last day of the season should be| ty." his' suspension be extended | K| very welcome to Matty. | through next season as well. Had pe | De > is case in St. Pere's Bill Carrigan's expert handling op| Lonenny lef Hig ase likely have the Boston Red Sox stands out. He | drawn a suspension, too, but when says that he will not be satisfied with | sp. cornwall official took the matter [ Have You a Photo Taken, in Your Own Front x ? Rew : . @ degoalt required. We try to lease. - Prices from 87 to $35. Have a égutive taken at our expense' ome N N He portrature and groupaspecialties. BLAKEMORE, Stuart Street, City. mare, Lady Violet, liable Red Bird, 24-inch. The first six customers gets these beautiful $55.00 .. $2.50 each bicycles for $45.00. Goodyear Blue Streak Covers at . Dominion Chain Tread Coversat .". .. . $2.25 each - Highland Covers (made in Scotland) at $2.25 each Dominion Inner Tubesat .. ...... .. $1.00 each Dominion Inner Tubesat .. .. .. ... $1.25 each Dominion Inner Tubes, at .. .. .. ... $1.75 each If you will need anything in bicycles, tires or tubes ~ "this year, now is the time to buy, as everything is going up, but we bought large quantities of these tires before the raise. The White Sox on on the. run, They have lost their air of confidence and seem greatly worried. reason why pitchers are so knowledge imparted to them Donovan once a star pitcher himself. One There will be no steeplechase | races at the Durval meeting. The | course is not in fit condition for | i racing. | f2=o5720 Dining Room Furnitur i797" 88 = Tables All Latest Designs and gf HAKI RUGBY LEAGUE APPEARS A CERTAINTY | h Battalion Has Good Ma-/ terial and is Ready to | ' Treadgold Sporting Goods Co- CLS Con YI, E> nf class IL Ts ILLS Saal ries | 207 a lead of less than six games when ee se ae oe the world's champions go west next 88 Princess Phone 529 to the courts, the N. L. U. president | | feels that the case has.been taken | Join. my IO TO ET OT SYMBOLICAL ; hit MONUMENTS ' ¥ spéeial design are made here with xpert care as to all details... No de- gn is beyond our skill, none too simple to receive less than our best ttention. We can copy any memor- 1 or will submit special plans if you request, ' JAS. E. MU Cor, Princess & C Clergy Kingston. Phone 1417 athieu's SYRUP oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in georcrous size bot:les by cll dealers. : THE J. L. MATHZU CO, Prcps., SH OOKE, P.Q. Makers also of 2cthien's Mervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Nev ro! a, and feverish colds, "ren aah Loti OUR STOCK THAT WE WERE EXPECT- . ING HAS ARRIVED ===. V And we are now prepared to show intending | purchasers a fine selection of Scotch Granite onuments to choose from. +» MeCALLUM GRANITE CO. 397 Princess St. - Navy Plug. # Made from pure, nch : ! tobacco, every ounce of which is carefully selected, King George" Pi "NAVY PLUG Has a delicidus, non-irritating sweet "it Is univer ally. . | that is much more healthful than the old unsweetened plug. 4 1 lave. kong, lingering lava and guard the tect fom the savages of "acid mouth", the cause of nearly all tooth decay. | "Made in Canada by Expert Canadisn Workmen® 10c A Plug Everywhere To chew King George fashion "strong {against the Giants in 1911 and 1913 month. He figures on beating the White Sox on their own grounds as easily as he did the last time the Beaneaters played in Chicago. over his Lead and will await the judge's verdict before taking action, -- MODERATE BETTING The Giants of 1916 will be re IS NOT GAMBLING Members, as the team that played "streaks.' HE They started off at! This is the Decision Handed the Polo Grounds by losing almos all their games and then went away | Out by a Southern from home and won 17 straight, the Judge. best record ever compiled by a team s away from home During their last Judge V. J. Stentz, of the New home stay McGraw's men were very Orleans City Court, in a decision on successful, and now on their last held" that moderate i filer yesterday, eaten ir Jhey ste being kicked | petting on baséball games does not he defegdant . Sr------ OPPOSED TO THIRD tiff's cash that the Green Turties, a TRACK AT WINDSOR semi-professional team, would defeat aspen the Greco Sweets. The Turtles lost Will Make Things Hot | f and the dgfendant stopped payment Li is G ted for .of the cheque, whereupon the plain- cense is Gran New Course. tiff sued. The court said: "Baseball -- -- +is not in any sense a gambling game. It is primarily a game of science, The people of Windsor are just as physical skill and traided endurance. antagonistic as ever in regard to the |The court believes baseball a model third new track which it is propog- | form of physical development and ed to establish opposite Kenilworth exercise which tends to promote skill Park, near here. There is a defect |in the use of the arms, and a bet in the charter of the Devonshire | thereon, if not excessive, is recover- Park Club, and they are relying -on able." influence from Ottawa to influce the Ontario Government to issue a license to an association which is ostensibly 4 a Windsor organizatibn, but in real} How the National League Pennant ity a German-American proposition. | Will Be Decided. Manager A. M. Orpen, of Kenil- | Boston, Brooklyn and Philadelphia worth, who has been unwillingly will settle this pennant among them- drown into the selves. . Which is to say, the games controversy, stated! J yesterday in reply to criticism by the | they still have 'left with each other Devonshire Park-people that Kenil-| Will be the conclusive test. worth was a Toronto and not a Wind-| This has been the factor that sor track, and said: "Kenilworth | Yanked Brooklyn back at such speed. Park track is at least built, owned, | and conducted by Canadians only. It | found themselves unable to stand up is not promoted by Germans, but by! before Boston a Canadian born-in Toronto sixty-!' ¢lubs with which they still have eight two years ago, and is being run in| Bames. Which makes it seem that the best interests of Canadians." | Boston and Philadelphia are to settle One of the authorities from the | the ultimate crown in their remain- Provincial House at Toronto has been | Ing contests. For all three eastern hobnobbing around Windsor, and.| clubs, Boston and Philadelphia es- also Buffalo, N.Y., of late with the| Pecially, are likely to win about the promoters of the third track. |same number of games from the Work of avery temporary cha- | four western teams. racter is in progress at the new| Boston and Philadelphia are track, but the plant is of the-flimsiest | World's series twins. They have been nature imaginable, practically of the| represented in championship con- fly-by-night variety. Windsor people | tests, one or the other, #4r six of the are generally opposed to the new | last seven years. They have had track, and will make things hot for Seven pennant winners between them Hon, T. W. McGarry if he grants a | Since 1909. license to the outfit. i__And now for 1916 they have no | pennant contenders left except the WORK BEING HURRIED, | Phillies, the Braves and the Red Sox. | i ------ On Construction of Devonshire Park Race Track, Windsor. At the request of Hon. T. W. Mec- Garry, Provincial Treasurer, J. T. White, solicitor to the treasurer, in- Spected the work so far done at the Windsor track at New Deveushite, ark. The track, My. White states, is i i practically complet? stabling for 500 | in Chicago. At that meeting Michaél Horses ided H. Sexton, the present president; Hana ome UF the lines aa] Joga a Creu Job an S - yet only partially erected. Mr. White JohnH. Fatrell was clected secre fl y tary, a position he still holds. In the will return to Windsor in a few days | fifteen years that the association has as soon as the track is finished and' been in existence considerably more present a final report to the minister: | than a hundred leagues have been on It is now expected that a license will | the association's roll, but at present be granted for the meeting. there are less than half that num- prw-- ber. Only six of the circuits enroll- World Series Jack. ed in 1902 are now left--The Inter- If Jack Barry is able to get back national, then the Eastern; the in the game by October and the Bos- | Western, the Southern, the Nofth- ton club wing the American League western, then the Pacific North-west: pennant, thé Worcester citizen will|the Three-I, and the New York State. enter his sixth 1d's series. . Barry played in world'$¥eries with the Ath- letics against the Cubs in 1910, ' jeonstitute gambling. AMONG THEM ¥ MINORS FAST DISAPPEARING. Only Six of Original Leagues Left in Association. 2 It has Leen just fifteen years since the National Association of Profes- sional Minor Leagues was launched EVERS OUT OF GAME. The "Boston Braves Lose Their Star Second Baseman. Johhny -Evers, cabtain and star second baseman of the Boston Braves, is out of baseball for the re- mainder of the season, Manager George T. Stallings announced. A statement from Stallings said: "Johnny Evers is through with baseball "for this year. Neuritis in his Teft shoulder is bothering him as much as ever. To-day I had a long- distance telephone talk with Mrs. Evers at Troy, N. Y. She said Johnny is still in no condition to play, and that the family doctor says it is useless for Evers to think of getting back into the line-up." Pr nen pp rf Jackson Batting Hard. ~The genial Joseph Jackson, count-| ed out the Amefican league batting race two weeks ago, is going great and' throwing" a real scare in the direction of Speaker and Cobb. Jack- aS three ad in four times at. | Thursday, jumped up three notches and against the Braves in 1914. Last season it was due largely to the splendid fielding of Barry that the | Phillies only took one game from the; Red Sox in the annual baseball cf e. : Should Barry get into the world's series this year he will establish two records---that is, he will have played in four successive world's series, those of 1918, 1914, 1915 and 1916, and he will be the first player to share in six_series, Doesn't Want "A Much. Johnny Kilbane, world's feather- weight champion, who Monday knocked out | meet Freddie Welsh 'bout in~ Brooklyn, $10,000 and a pri per cent. Kilbane the nerves that ¢ being wreekad are not across fy bet a $50 chequé against the plain-| In the pinch the depressed Robins | and Philadelphia, | i | It now appears a certainty that Ot- | tawa lovers of Rugby football will | see a couple of games of their favor- | ite sport this fall and they will-he of | senior calibre, 'too, says the Ottawa | Journal. Following Capt. Lou | Marsh's offer to play his 180th Bat- talion team against any Ottawa sol- dier or city team, Lieut. Dornie Ad- ams who played outside wing for the Ottawas last season has commenced to look up the possible football ma- terial in the 207th. He finds that there are -a large number of good football players in the battalion who are anxious to get inta.the game, These include Lieuts. Gordon | Johnstone, Wiser, Dornie Adams, Dug Stalker; McQuaig, Fletcher, Capt. Gaflagher, | ligot, Eddie Roberts, * Billy | Pritchard, Cubertson, Joe | Fisher, Dug Kirby and Capt. Jack] Lewis. The latter played with Me- | Gill, Wiser was a Yale half, Pritch- | ard played with' thegl'oronto Capitals, Capt. Gallagher with Queen's, Flet- | cher with the Vancouver. English football team and Johnstone, Mc- Cuaigz, Adame, Stalker, Harvey and | { McElligot with the - Ottawas. No | | doubt there will be'others equally as good turn up. Lieut. Dornie Ad- ams will get in touch ~ with Capt. Marsh at once, and it is almost cer- tain that home and home games will be played with the 180th Battalion, while there also may be games with the Hamilton Tigers who are all in one battalion now quartered at Camp Borden. Frank Shaughnessy will be invited to turn out and coach the 207th team if it is formed. i | Smith, Breen, | OSHAWA RINK WON | -- In the Big Bowling Tournament at Port Hope. Sixteen rinks, representing Co- bourg, Peterboro, Bowmanville, Mill- brook, Oshawa and Port Hope took part in the grand tournament on the Port Hope bowling green, where play went on from ten - o'elock in the morning until after midnight. A large crowd of spectators watched the different contests with. great inter- est. The grounds were quite elabor- ately decorated, the Union Jack bes ing everywhere in evidence, supple- mented with bunting. A large booth was erected at one side of the green where sandwiches and coffee were served. The first prize in the primary, fine Jaegar blankets, 'went to Stevenson, of Oshawa, while Will O'Laney, of Cobourg carried off the second prize, four very fine club bags. In the consolation awards Hall, of Oshawa, won the first prize, four Jaegar sweater coats, Russell, of Millbrook, was second and received four hand- some casseroles. Boy Golfer a Sensation, R. T. Jones, jr., the fifteen-year- old boy of Atlanta, is the surprise and sensation of the national ama- teur golf championship, which is be- ing played at Philadelphia. The southern youngster worked his way into the third round by defeating F. W. Dyer, the Pennsylvania' state champion, four up and two to play. ribo: Also Football Coach, Earle Neagde, former Canadian League player, and this season with the Cincinnati Nationals, 'has been secured to coach the football team at West Virginia Wesleyan College, 15c. each, 2 for 30c. or $1.75 the dozen. besides Jack McEl- |" A a ttt, who vara. | {ll See our Complete Line of Period Setts. R. J. REID, Leading Undertaker. Phone 57] Save the Babie : EOR THE EMPIRE'S SAKE | USE ONLY PASTEURIZED MILK | Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized and sold . in Sealed Bottles. Phone 845 :: Price's \ we v The Autoist's Delight is a tire that doesn't have to be re- placed for a long time. Michelin Tires fill the bill completely. Ask any car owner who has used them and he will tell you that they are the finest he has ever had and that their big mileage service . makes them the cheapest on the market. Porritt Garage Co., Ltd. Phone 454 Wellington Street Motor Boat and Automobile Supplies Electric Shop, :: 345 King Street Halliday's Phone 94 :: T - Footwear We Are Now Ready To Show You Many Styles of Beautiful Fall Shoes All women who are interested in styl- ish footwear should visit this store and see the new ideas in the art of shoe making. e natty styles are just in from the world's best shoe-makers, and we can _ please you at any price you wish to pay. & 1H Sutheriand&Bro. The Home of Good Shoes | = \