Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1916, p. 11

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[. ------ vy \ 2 Some Ottawa Glimpses ~ Special A 5 \-- ,Ottawa, Sept. 9--What is now happening to the Ontaria Govern- ment is exactly what has been hap- pening to every Conservative Govern- ment in Canada since the war began --it is tottering. tering, it's pottering, : It takes it day about--one day to potter, ithe next| day to totter, It is making good on both jobs. : 3 Nothing has been sald about nickel since Hartley Dewart was elected in South West Toronto. Naturally the pargel of village cutups in Queen's Park want to forget all about that. It makes them nervous to have the thing mentioned when the boss is around. is the boss and he is none too pleased needed with the mess his naughty By their blundering they have draw attention to the fact that the Ontario Government, is owned body, bones and breeches by the Nickel Trast, good In shaking out the worst class of operating through the Minister of Rallwlys at Ottawa. This close con nection with Ottawa is not a good thing for the parcel of county law- yers who corfjtitute a Cabinet-afraid- of -losing-itg- Mb in Queen's Park. It gets themn inte a lot of trouble. It threatens to send them all back to |g the bush and take them out of minor league company. The last thing they want to talk about is nickel. They would rather talk about hydro-radial, unwelcome as that subject is, A belated anpouncement is made that the Ontario Government will spend $1,300,000 on hydro. This is another cage of pottering. They are prepared to potter that much to keep | ready taken a suite of offices in the| from tottering any farther. Since the events in South .West Toronto, [/Church street, Toronto, Imperial Oll | {aa eher. they have seen a new light on hydro | being John D RockefeHer's alias in| jeq a new milking machine, radial] They are going to love it from now on. That is to say they are prepared to go through the mo- tions, hoping that an opportunity will offer, sometime, to give the cause of public ownership a kick in the slats, by way of an order -in-council or something like that. How the $1.- 300,000 iy to be spent nobody knows It's a safe bet that there's a string' on it. Where the $1,300,000 comes from likewise nobody knows. t is probably part of the thr mil dollars excess taxes/filched ¥yom the people of Ontario as war tadgg and then diverted to other purpose Thé one sure thing is that it will be handled in the way best calculated to do the most harm to Sir Adam ,Beck and the project he cherishes. Some Conservatives see in Sir Adam Beck a chance to regenarate the party and provide it with a new premier that will he more in touch with the common people. But the Queen's Park bunglers don't see it that way. Sir Adam is the last man they want to look at, Sir Adam may consider himself passed up. He is too popular. The thing the Ontario government | chooses to potter with most is pro- hibition. So far as we ¢an see from where we are sitting now prohibition is to get the hinky-dink from the Hearst Government, or rather from the remodelled Government which succedds tflis one when Premier Hearst is hearsed by being made a Correspondence by H. F. Gadsby. - { Ontario Government Is Tottering. When it isn't tot-) boy mage of it in South West Toren | want aE oo bonehead plays during the Dewart election, but his heart is in the right place when it comes to befriending | booze, so he is a handy man to have around. He makes himself generally useful and fairly dotes on the Hon. Frank Cochrane. it is on the cards that the Ou present form no longer than the next session of Legislature, when it will be amended to provide wine and beer licenses for the bars, full licenses for the shops and the removal Of irri- {tating restrictions from the clubs. The reasoning will be that it was in-| ténded as a war measure and that a The Hon. Frank Coohrane three year war measure is no longer to Kingston for a few days. because the war is within six months of its end They don't the Ontario Temperance Act tario Temperance Act will rétain its | Frontenac CROSS LAKE Sept. 8--A delightful shower came yesterday, which cooled the air nice- ly. The machinery of the new bridge has been moved from the north to the south shore. Miss Olive Vande- water ls staying with her mother at the idge., Mrs. William Newton was at her daughter's, Mrs. John Newton's, yesterday. A number of men are engaged working on the new bridge, which is progressing nicely. Mrs. Wm..Baker and son, Geo., went lon the excd¥sion train to the west, John Winters and wife passed through this vicinity em route to | Cloyne. A picenie will be held on.the |lake shore. A number from here at- {tended the Hornoritée meetings at Arden. ~~ ") HARLOWE Sept. 5.--Corn cutting is the order of the day. Mrs. C. Miller has gone i Mrs. | Rintoul, and children, Eva and | Charles, are.spending a week at | Perth. A large number from here 1 i & > © oy N y | littering up fhe place after the war ia attended the camp meeting at Arden over. 'Meanwhile, as they will point lout, the Act will have done some isaloon-keepers and leaving the busi- ness in the hands of the real hotel men, Of course this right-about- face will result in a loss of prestige by the Government, but what is loss {of prestige as compared to the loss lof its job by a Government which | makes that its sole aim in life? {© The Hon, William Hanna, who Is creflited with possessing most of the {brains now extant in -Queen's Park, | doesn't care very much what his col- leagues do. He is going to drop out lanyway. He can havé a better time {and make more money following up his profitable connections with the Standard Oil Company. He has al Oil Building on new Imperial i these parts, | Meanwhile the Ontario government { continues its pottering in regard to Ithe fire policy in New Ontario. The | salutary regulation which was the {outcome of previous fire--namely, that' no town should build within a {mile and a half of the bush---has not been observed. . Lumbermen have | been allowed to leave their slash ly- ing about and the settlers to make [ fires to clear their land without tak- { Ing the stipulated precautions. While {the great fire was in progress the | Provinéfal Fire Marshal was in To- ronto, dashing about in an automo- | bile. The fireg, are still raging and millions of dollars of standing tim- | ber are being~destroyed. The fire ranging is a joke. It is.in the hands of college students on a ,holiday, or ribbon clerks from the city, who seek to build up their health by an out- door life. These novices never wan- der from the right of way for fear. of getting lost in the bush, When they go into the bush rockets aré sent up to light them home, because that is the only way they understand of | finding the path out. -~H. F. GADSBY. . A man may léad a woman to the altar--after which he becomes a fol- lower. CASTORIA 1 of the 27th August. Mrs. C. Hilller | is spending this week with her grand- | som, C. Thompson, Northbrooke. Mr. land 'Mrs, Rintoul and children spent {Sunday at CC. McGregor's, Myer's {Cave., The scheols have re-opened {with 'Miss E. Marshall, tf<former | teacher, in the Union school and Miss G. Wood, Northbreoke, in No. 4 school. Misses E. Marshall and M. McGregor and Frank Thompson visited on Sunday at T. M. Thomp- son's. Mrs. E. Wood is spending la few days at her mother's, Mrs. T, Perry's, Myer's. Cave. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wise, Cloyne, were the guests of | her mother, Mrs, E, Scott, on Sun- day. WESTBROOK. | Sept. 9.--School re opened on {Tuesday with Miss Sigswerth as J. L. F. Sproule has instal- W. L, Grass is buying cattle in the north- and Mrs. P. Nuton Ames ern townships. Mr. Wright, Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. J. Mundell attended To- {ronto exhibition. G. Gates and daughter and Mrs. D. Macdonald, Mountain Grove, are vigiting friends at Saskatoon. James Lambert, of the R.C.H.A., Kingston, spent Sun- day at D. Sheehan's, Mr. and Mrs. Hauphin, of Philadelphia, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. M. McDon- ald, Kingston, were recent visitors with friends 'in the village. Mrs. Nellie Smith, of Kingston, accom- panied by Mrs. Thibod and Mrs. Byron and little daughter, spent Tuesday last with Miss Katie Shee- han, Mr. and Mrs. Rees, Water- town, N.Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ames. Mrs. E. Sproule re- turned home Friday after the past two weeks with friends in Kingston, Wilfred T. Sproule, of this place, and Miss Fawcett, of Wolfe Island, were married on Wednesday last. Miss Lorraine Smieh returped to Kings- ton on Monday to resume her duties on the sehool teaching staff. Miss Edith Saundercook is spending some time a Mrs. E. Johnson's, Cataraqul MOUNTAIN GROVE. Sept. 7,--The school fair yesterday Was a success in every way. The ex- hibits, while not so many nor per- haps as good as last year, were good for the season. The Ladies' Aid and Women's Institute realized a nice sum in the dining hall and booth. Mr. A great shock was given the many friends of the late Bert Mills, when the news of his death Dy being thrown from a, ladder in a.munition factory in Torofito reached here. His wife and gon, his brother George and wife accompanied the body to Moun- tain Grove. = Deceased's father died last Easter. ._ The funeral yesterday | was conducted by Rev. A. Webster from his mother's home. T. Arm- strong, Zealand, is' the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. McDonald: Miss Evanela Price left on Monday to take charge of Mallorytown school and Miss Agness Price for Peterboro nor- mal. James McDonald kas returned from Toronto fair and J. E. Price from Brockville-fair. Mr, and Mrs. D. Cox and Mrs. Webster are among those attending Toronto fair. Mr. Cowdy is visiting his brother 8. Cow- dy. Mrs. Hughes and little niece are at D. Youman's, Mrs. Freder- ick Wood's mother and sister and other friends have réturned to their home at Utica, N. Y., after spending a few days here, Ptes, Zine Kellar and Alexander Emberly accompanied their wives home from Valcartier! where they were spending a few days. Miss Florence Abbott has left to take charge of a school near Roblindale. Mrs. George McKeiver, St. George's Lake, is with her daugh- ter, Mrs, J. D. Clark. Misses Jeff- ry and Drew are incharge of their old school. The north schoel op- ened with Miss Anderson of Brae- side in charge. Miss Marion Coul- ter leaves on Saturday for a month's stay in the city. Her mother will accompany her. Leeds "a -- BREWER"S MILLS 5.~--~Rain is badly ded in A number of farmers have finished harvesting and com- menced threshing. A few of the young folks attemded the dance in Seeley"s Bay on Friday evening. T. Deir, Warburton, has returned home Sept this locality. port.and Kingston. and Misses Myrtle and Arley Purvis were recent giests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Webster, Warburton, '4 H" his choice in bicycl e tires. White Diamond Tire-- > an aristocratic t ire of white | rubber--the All-Weather- | Tread as strong as it is! handsome--the de luxe. bicycle tire) $3.00 erett spent the week-end at Rock- | Central Canada Exhibi- " PAGE ELEVEN 4 TNE =) S IES, NT RR LS) $ tion, Ottawa September Sth to 16th 1916. Return Tickets will be Issued at '$2.55 Good going om all traing Seuntember {13th amd a.m. trains September 14th. Good to return on or before Septem BEF 13th, or at - $3.40 Good going September Sth to 15th in. clusive. Retarn limit five days from | date of sale, but not later than Septem. | ber 18th, Reduced ' one-way second-class Col- | onlst fares will be on sale daily Sept. is a careful judge who makes Goodyear " White Diamond" Claude Purvis after spending/ a few days at P. Milne's, Mrs. J. Murray is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. Reid, Lans- downe. D. J. Murphy is attending Brockville Fair. PURVIS STREET. - Sept. 6.--Many from here attended the Brockville fair, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss May opens school this week for the fall term. James Manhart took in the excursion to the west this fall.. Mrs, Frank Chick and son, Ford, spent a few days in Brock- ville last week. Mrs. Bolton, of Gra- hamton, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. George Herbison, Mrs. Wiliam Baile and Miss Addie! Baile, of Brockville, were guests of Mrs. Norman Baile. Mrs. W. A, Warren and daughter, Ora, Lyn, were last week guests of Mrs. James Manhart, Miss A. Horton, of Lynd- hurst, spent last week' visiting Mrs. Wellington Earl. Miss Florence Quinsey ajtended the Toronto fair. | the Toronto fair. Odessa, conducted the service in the Methodist church here, on Sunday last. day for a visit Guelph. Monday for her school in London.. School 'commenced on Tuesday with Miss Walker, of Toronto, in the place of Miss Singleton. son and Miss Florence Calver were married in St. John's church on Fri- day evening last. Smith has returned friends in Picton. Lennox & Addington BATH. ~H. Covert is attending R. W. Anglin, of Sept. 7 Miss Mary Killen left on Moan- with friends in' Miss 'Mary Nash left on he same staff, with the exception of Ronald Steven- Miss Hyacinth from visiting Mrs. M. A. Chick and Miss Winnonia Chick spent last week at Mallorytown and the river. PLUM HOLLOW. Sept. 1.--Misas Breezie Leverrettr, Frankville, has been holidaying here, the guest of Mrs. William Gifford. Miss Evelyn Kilborn has returned home from Elgin. Mrs. B. Barber is in Brockville, the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Livingston. Mrs. L. Jack- son, Delta, is visiting friends here, Private E. Bogat has returned to Barriefield after a month's absence 0 | Township _ Councils Minutes of last Accounts paid: work on county grant on Freeman road, leading to Perth road; $16.05, Thomas Hagerman, shovelling snow LOUGHBORO. Sydenham, Sept. 4.--Council met t 2 p. m. Councillor Sills absent. meeting adopted. $50, John 'Banks, n Sixth and Seventh Concessions _ Hearst and appoint somebody who and Mrs, Carr, Fortland, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. William John- ston. Mjssss Vera McDonald and Annie Price have left to attend Syd- enham high sehool, Miss Barra- ger, Smith's. Falls, has arrived to take charge of Williamsville school. For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years - judge or being otherwise suitably in-| terred. ¢The frame-up is to retire has not made personal enemies of the Mquor interest, perhaps the Hon. (. Howard Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson deserves premature burial for his » '| Poole. son Herman have returned to New York after spending the summer at make a quick shipment of the goods. And suppose your loses the sale | line is busy, and through the delay, he loss of on the farm. with Miss teacher: Mrs. "Delmer Williams is On Saturday evening last, a social event had been planned for Private M, Barber at his home here, but owing to no passes being issued that week it had to be post- poned indefinitely. Private Barber came down, on Sunday for a few hours and a few friends waited on him and presented him with a ster- ling silver wrist watch and an ad- { dress, POOLE'S RESORT. Sept. 7.--School has reopened, Acton, Brockville, as spending a few days in Kingston. boat from Bert Dutfield. guest of Mrs. William Poole, Jr. his home at Montreal, accompanied by his grandmother. Mrs. William Hoffman and her father's house here, ed at W. E. Williams' Leonard Williams, Montr recent guest at his home here. Mrs. R. E. Poole, Caintown. Louise Poole, holidaying grandfather's, 8. D.-Wi ed home on Sunday. tile paralysis of Allan Wescott. Sept. | day with Miss Mina Pri ens, as Ford Davjs has qpmurchased a. motor Mrs. Bru- see, Addison, is spending a week the Moster Robert Poole has returned to Mrs. Robert Misses Rita and Lucella Andress, Kingston, ital. last week. , was a Miss Edna Wilcox is visiting her sister, Miss at her -return- A case of infan- has developed on Star Island, the victim being a little son ~ JUNETOWN. -8.--8School re-opened yester- roads; $4, H. W. Guess, lumber; $34.40, William Kennedy, work on North Shore road; $15, Loughboro school fair; $367.94, S. '"H. Alport, pay list for work in connection with By-law 78A om road leading from Switzer's hill. C. W. Lake was 'or- dered to arrange with Barker to place: an electric light at Mrs. Shorey's corner. C. W. Lake was ap- school corner. C. W. lake was ap- + Via Cape | Vincent i Via Cape Vincent Via Cape Vincent $2.60. Round $3.85 Trip. Tickets include transfor between Syracuse and the Fair Grounds Grange Day, Tuesday, September 12 $2.15 Rand SYRACUSE Round 11 to 16, inclusive. Good September 11 to i September 9 to 16, inclusive) Return limit September 18. Trip. Tickets > * Ka-Noo-No Karniv: Every Night Except Saturday For tickets and further information, con- sult local ticket agent, VEY 24th to Oct. Sth, inclusive, to certain destinations in Alberta, British Col. umbia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Ure- gon, Utah, Washington, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico and California. ~ For full particulars apply J. P. HAN- . LEY, CP. & T.A, oor Jolinson and On- tario streets. . es} tet CUNARD 2g | ------ SE -- CANADIAN SERVIOR MONTREAL TO LONDON (Via Falmouth) From Montres' ASCANIA ......o0sennsnms «<8 AUSONIA . Cn d Third Class MONTREAL TO BRISTOL (Avonmouth Dock) Frem Bristol From Montreal FELTRIA ,.Oct. 12 Cabin Passengers Only. For information apply Local Ticket Agent, or The Robert Refora Co, Limited, 60 King Street East, Toronto, Sept. 16 London Pretorian Sept, 18 Glasgow Grampian Sept. 16 pos! Stellian Oct. 4, London Seandinavian Oct, 7 L'pool Scotian Oct, 14 Glasgow Glumpinn Oct. 21 Liverpool Steamers on London wser- vice carry cabin passen- Kern only. For full information agly local agents THE ALLAN LINE 96 King St. West, TORONTO days, including date of sale. good going and returning same day. J a NEW YORK 3 (GIES END Sr a pointed tax collector at a salary of $90, postage and stationery included, for 1916. The clerk was ordered to submit a motion of the council to the C. N. R. regarding better siding accommodation at Sydenham station, Council adjourned to met Qctober 2nd at 2 p. m. MOVIE STAR SALARIES One Second Heavy Who Believed in Aiming High. Witehngion Star. De olf Hopper said at an al frésco luncheon in Los Angeles: "The biggest f in the theatrical world today is the cinema star's salary, Why, if you believed all you hear you'd think every Tom, Dick and Harry in the cinema world made balf a million a year. "I know a second heavy who be- lieved these cinema yarns, amd ap- plied to a cinema manager for a job. ** "What salary do you expect?' the manager asked. ' " 'Oh,' said the second heavy, 'about $525 to begin with.' "The manager pursed up his lips, thought a minute, and then said: - " 'Knock off the odd hundreds, and "Low Fares To cli Central Canada Exhibition Ottawa, Ont. a Sept. 9th to Sept. 16th- $8.85--Good going Sept. 9th to 15th inclusive. from date of sale, but not later than Monday, Sept, 18th. $2.50--Gpod going all trains Wednesday, September 13th, and morn- ing trains Thursday, September 14th. Return limit Friday, Sept. 16th. Children half fare. For Heleits dig further information apply to Station Agent or City Return limit 6 days "CANADIAN NORTHERN | 'CANADIAN PACIFIC | ot SPECIAL FARES TO » .& giv,

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