mime | anny | { 3 CLEVER FURS That Wear and Give Satisfaction. Call for our new book showing the - up-to-date styles. John McKay Limited. The Fur House. ; 3 | /|FIN OF A MUDCAT CAUSES MAN'S DEATH William B. Tryon, Tamworth, | Dies as the Result of a Scratch. While William B. "Tyron was ¢lean- | ing a mudcat at his home in Tam-| worth last week he happened to] eatch the fish- by. the 'head and one] of the pectoral fins pierced his finger. | A sharp pain was felt, but he .gave| the matter little consideration until in the latter part of the week whén the finger began to swell and the 4 hand became very sore, | He consulted with a physician, and | he was brought to the General Hospl- | tal on Saturday." He received care-| ful treatment, and every means was | taken to prevent the poisoning. spreading. It did not avail anything, | however, and on Sunday he died. The deceased was born in the township of Kennebec forty-eight years ago. He was a well known farmer in Tamworth and was mar- ried. The remains were sent to Tam- worth. 5 een " MOTOR AMBULANC EB CORONA! Folding Typewriter Weight, 63 Pounds The ideal machines for per- sonal use. Equipped with every up-to-date feature. Used by the aviators of the Royat Flying Corps. it's It. Come and 'see it J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Underwood Agents, 1] Clarence Street. ARRIVES For the Firm of James Reid, of This City. The fine motor ambulance, which was ordered by the firm of James Reid some time ago, hak arrived. It is thé latest design in motor ambu- lances, and was manufactured py the Overland Automobile Company.' It is very large and roomy; having a bed and two chairs, so 'that the patient may be accompanied by friends. The ambulance is lighted | by electricity, and also has a num- ber of electrical donveniences. Thé interior is finished in oak and has a hardwood floor, and is lighted by a soft white light in the top. The exterior 'is of a dark red color with light red crosses on the sides. The steps at the rear reclines as the doors are closed. The vehicle is equipped with an electric gong. The car is capable of great speed, and should be a valuable addition to the ambulance service in the city. The ambulance was purchased by three brothers, Samuel F. eid, Frederick C. Reid, and Francis C. Reid, a progressive and enterprising firm running the furniture and un- dertaking business which was con-| ducted by their ' father, the late] James Reid Ihe kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL s good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. Booth & Co., Foot of West. St. Gets Military Cross, | King George at Windsor last Fri- | day decorated with the Military Cross Captain George Speer of the 21st] Canadian Battalion. | 0' Flynn, Belle-| Capt. and | Mr. and Mia. F. ville spent Sunday ed Mrs. Doyle in Kingston. Individual Eye 6 { | OUR PLES OF RUGS "are an embarrass- ment of riches to those in search of a fine floor covering. The patterns and designs gre all so bandas he color® so rich and the quality 86 uniform- ly good that choosing is not 80 easy. But when yoy finally decide you can be confident that you could not have obtain- ed a handsome rug or greater values anywhere else. ns' eyes are exact. Neo two that 's ison will Hike. one person injure Each eye must examined rately. We be gga L Sifter the most careful nation with scientific ates ------ LE R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse Now is the Time | To secure a Home or Investment at Bar- ther, Walter lyears of age, vand was a son of the | Ald. |New York, via Toronto and Buffalo, | EB | Eminent Saskatchewan Jurist Pays| Hotel Dieu suffering from STRUCK BY A STREET CAR) * ' = = | SUFFOCATED ON A RANGH WALTER W HITNEY FOUND DEAD | REGINALD [BY SON, WHO HAD. CLOSE CALL. | FIELD, 1S BADLY INJURED. Norma sesidont" of Pictsburgh® Car Ran Into His Wagon, Killing! Township Victim of Sad Accident | at Coaldale, South Alberta--Mov- ed Away From This District Thirty Years Ago on lower Bagot street shortly before | Frederick Whitney, of the Whitney | Mine o'clock ou Monday morning, otel, received the sad news on Mon- | and as a result Reginald Baillie, Bar- day morni t his youngest bro-} riefield, suffered painful injuries to} xander Whitney, of | his head and arms, Lethbrid had died at Coaldale, 7 Mr. Baillie, who is a brother of | Southe of be woe as a result of be. Chief of, Police William Baillie, was ing suffocated with gas while asleep | coming down Ordnance street in a in a tent on a ranch. His son and a! cart with some milk cans, and when herder Madu ser) Barrow mmeupe |" stest cax, No. 24: ran Into the Jecease was ou fy- { Mvmalay "3, Sig about fifty-three | Rorse, killing it instantly. The horse late Benjamin Whitney, of Pitts-| ¥28 carried about forty" feet, and ah: Prwrng 2 away | Wag thrown to the side of the street. burgh 3 Shik nip He moved away | The cans of milk were scattered over fron: Kingston thirty years ago, but| "oo "and the cart was dragged is well known to many people in this {to Bay street, where the car Yas |Sgesiee ea Were Yory sonsy 0 learn| | stopped. Mr. Baillie was thrown out of tife rig and w tunr by the Mr.-Whithey Was out oa the ranch effects oe fall. as seunted 8 working with his son. They were iv. He was carried into the home of ing in a tent, and gas escaping from|y pn B. Gage, 359 Bagot street, gnd la stove caused his death. Hig son, it| pie injuries were temporarily dre and was very| ed. ors arily Removed to the Hotel Dieu. An unfortunate accident occurred ng appears, awoke first, Corbett's ambulance was sum The herder, who was in the yoneq, and the ~ injured man' wa tent with them, also awoke very ill. tajen to the Hotel Dien, where he {Mr, Whitney appeared to be asleep, | was attended by Dr. 8. J. Keyes, but when the son went to awaken| Jt was found that Mr. Baillie, who him found that he was dead. is sixty years of age, had suffered The late Mr. Whitney is survived| from severe bruises and cuts. ' He {by his wife and 'nine children, al%¢¥| hag a number of scalp wounds, and {gix brothers, Frederick, of Kingston; | his shoulders are bruised consider- {Thomas, of Barbington, Ohio; W In. ably. Benjamin and Albert, all of Leth-| The car which ran into thie rig bridge; and one sister, Mary Hender-| was the same which struck the late son. | David McMurter. It was in charge sick. bg Baker. These are not the same DUKE OF CONNAUGHT | men who were in charge of other car. COMING TO KINGSTON, It is alleged that the car was go- ing at a fast rate of speed. The old gentleman, however, may not have | heard the gong, and the car may have struck him before he had a | chance to check his horse. | ~The wagon and the cans were re- | moved about an hour later by J. O. { Finnigan, Barriefield, to Mr. Baillie's home. The horse presented a sorry sight, as it was struck in the head and wassbleeding profusely. Mr. Baillie was dble to leave the s-------- To, Inspect Troops at Camp-- A Route March to Belleville. The Duke of Connaught is coming to Kingston on Wednesday of next] week to make an inspection' of the | Royal Military College and Barrie-| fleld Camp. Brig.-Gen T. D.R. Hemming is going to Ottawa on Wadnesday and will likely return with Major.-Gen. Hodgins, Adjutant General of Can- | ada, in time for the exhibition of bayonet fighting and physical train-] ing at the camp on Friday next, to which the public are to be invited. The troops will leave early Satur- day morning for Gananoque and will return by Monday next. The mext route-march will be 10 gown cases to deal with on Monday Belleville, leaving on Thursday © norning, but he put them through in next week and returning probably | quick. fashion. A number of week- the following 'Wednesday. end drunks realized that it was blue Monday morning with them. Michael Ryan, an aged man, who has a good home, but who prefers to It Will be One of the Best in the wander around the city, was up for District. vagrancy. Constable Armstrong | found him early Monday morning. Storrington Township fair, which| po wag given another chance to iwillcbe held at Inverary on Wednes-| prose up. day next, promises to be one of the Nalgon Woodrow paid $10 and best district fairs in this Jocality.| costs for striking a boy under four- Among the attractions will be twoO (ean years 6f age. The lad has been baseball games. Two of the strong-| employed in a shoe shine parlor, but est city teams are going out to. play. | ghould be at school, and there will The brass and bugle band of the jjkely be trouble for his employer. 155th Battalion, Barriefield camp, {will be in attendance. TInverary fair Fawcett-Sproule Wedding, has for many a long year been well, , pleasant event occurred patronized by Kingstonians, and no | Trinity chureh, Wolfe Island {doubt there will be a large influx this| | Sept. eth, whed the maria . t E from the city. 'The officers have | ge of lva Fear 3 Hazel, second daughter of William Fawcett, Wolfe Island, and Wilfrid been untiring in - their efforts to make this one of the best fairs in the| , A 1'T. Sproule, Westbrooke, was solem- history of the township, { nized by Rev. Thomas Leech. The ARR} | wedding march 'was played by Mrs. MOTORED TO NEW YORK. | Leech, wife of the rector. The bride r was attended by Miss Ida Sproule, . | sister of the groom, and Montgomery Cover 1,200 Miles. | Fawcett, brother of the bride, assist- A, H. Fair, youngest brother of | ed the groom. The bride was given Ald. W. J. Fair, who has been visit-| away by her father. The happy cou- ing Kingston for the last two months | ple left on the noon boat for Toronto {with hs wife and dpusher, Litjan, and other western points, On their El Ete, Hy [Ty er wt ite a Woe as sa rooke. by 8.8. Adriatic last Thursday. | W. J. Fair motored all the way to dgy morning gnd was driven to his home in Barriefield. He is now rest- ing easily. POLICE. COURT BREVETIES. Half Dozen Cases Before the Magis. trate on Monday. Magistrate Farrell had a half F AIR AT INVERARY. W. J. Fair imd His Brothel County Constable W. W. Smith, inburg, has returned home from some twelve hundred miles, arriving | Kingston, where he so suceessfully on schedule time. | captured band of gypsies who were ------------ causing a lot of trouble in the vicin- JUSTICE T. H. H. McGUIRE HERE. | ity of Elginburg, Latimer, etc. | William Pinlan, Trenton, is in the typhoid fever. * Thomas Nicholson, Portsmouth, went. to Ottawa on Monday. Visit to His Old Home. Ex~chief Justice Thomas H. Ms Guire, of Prince Albert, Sask., is | Kingston for a few days visiting " latives and renewing friendships of old days. Though up in years, he is in splendid health, 'Justice McGuire will proceed later in the week tof Montreal to join his wife and proceed | BATLLIE, BARRIE-f the Horse--Mr. Baillie Was Temp- | {J} Motorman Brooker and-Conductor| | Hotel Dieu at eleven o'clock on Mon-| | High School Books lis Weceived High School Latin . . Book-keeping, First. Course (revised edition) Pitman's Shorthand Course -. Pitman's Key to Course FOR THE SEPA RATE SCHOOLS Bible History (special) . " Catechisms . . ce OCTOBER AGAZINES NOW ON SALE Cosmopolitan, Blue Book. Smith's, Top Notch, Snappy Stories, People's, Breezy Stories, Photoplay, Motion Picture, Metropolitan, Pictorial Review, Live Stories, Popular. The College Book Store Open Nights ~ 160 Princess St. » | IN PEARL RINGS WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SHOWING AT PRESENT. Yovsdherper : » Get your supplies while prices are normal. Yoalls "bre sidiiip uid uh bought now from supply on hand, will grow in value to the owner, considerably. Hemmed Sheots PEARL RINGS FROM $5.00 a8) uP, Hemmed Pillow Cases, Bedroom Towels, Bath Towels, Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting, Plain and Circular Pillow Cottons, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses ra Flannelette Blankets, Bed Spreads, Wool Blankets, Dresser Scarfs, Pillow Shams, l You can save money NOW. We have the coat or suit that you are looking for -- Beauties. W.F. Gourdier Phone 700 Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store ) Improved Headache Powders A quick, safe and certain . ture for headaches of all or- igins, 'whether billous, nervous, or hysterical. Also a positive relief in neuralgia. . These powders are made from the purest ingredients and dre guaranteed free from «ll dangerous drugs. 25¢ a box. BUILDERS SUPPLUDS ewww Silos CLOSIN! G OF MAIS s mall el * irregu- wel. 7. ntormation hos posted 4 at P. . Lobby from time to Gray States, Sally .. 12.48 pm. ran run = "E neam arand Trunk, going Deo. (Including Western Salen) 'a hd Trunk and sll west © QP. R., 1018 am. mE N. R Prepare for the corn crop. It . y makes & better todder than hay 'and can only be preserved in . 1.00pm. its juicy state by a good silo. 2.30 p.m. .30 pa. Ask for our special let with her to California to spend the winter, Music at Sydenham' Church, Lieut. Daniel Cameron of the 155th Battalion, Barriefield Camp, sang "Resignation" at the .Sunday morning service of Sydenham Street Methodist church, Lieut. Cameron is possessed of a strong and clear bass voice and his solo delighted the congregation. "Ernest Madrand, a pupil of Miss Minnie Shaw, Clergy street, played the concluding march in Sydenham Street Methodist church on Sunday evening on the organ. 'The march was of Mr. Madrand's own compos- ition and was a credit to the ability of this well-known young musician. Red Cross Special. - The Whig has received a copy of the Canadian Red Cross Special, which is a very bright four-page edi-|§ "Is has a fine account of the} ed-down to Montreal pamph on silos and consult us before in Prepared only by Dr. Chown's Phone 343. In Marine Circles The Steamer, City of Hamilton passed up to Toronto, from Mont- real, on Sunday. The steamer City of Ottawa pass- S. ANGLIN & CO. Bay and Wellington Sts, __Ofiice Phone 60, Factory 1415 1gronww on Sunday. The schooner Julia B. Merrill ar- rived from Sodus and is unloading coal at the Waterworks' wharf. The steamer Jex arrived from Sodus with coal. The schooner Abbie L. Andrews has cleared for Oswego. M. T. Co's Bulletin The tug Bronson arrived from Montreal, light, and cleared light for Fresco; bo 1 take down some barges to Mont- Tr socclamber, Osal snd Woeosdooon SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS. A Orack at Toronto * Montreal La Presse. Toronto boasts of having furnished its proportional of the 500,000 TE volunteers auth by the - jan Government. It is known that the Queen City has paid td debt loyalty towards the Empire chiefly at the expense of its immigrants from TE £ if; : & 5