A ga Who wears our clothes is dis- tinctively dres- sed. The Wise Man takes no chance on his appear- ance, - He Knows the importance of being pro- perly dressed; the advantage of looking pros- perous. . Our attractive priced clothing ' permits every man, regard- less of his in- » come to look hie best and therefore feel right © among well dressed men anywhere. ' In either style, fit or fabric you cannot get better values at any price. | Fine suits and overcoats $15.00, $18.00, and $20.00. Come in and look at the ex- cellent new models that are making such a' hit with the young men this fall. Livingston's, A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk YOU WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE ~ (Choosing Your New Suit or Coat FROM OUR LARGE AND WELL AS- - - SORTED STOCK Only the latest and smartest fashions are here, carefully chosen from the best manufacturers, correct in every detail of Plenty of plain models for conservativ dressers as well as more extreme styles. Every garment brand new this season and where, very moderately priced. EEE EE Suits for ladies and misses from $15.00 to $45.00. style, workmanship, fabric, and trimming. { and all information many exclusive styles not shown else-' ~ in the C: Walker has enlisted * The bapd of the 155th Battalion played at headquarters mess on Sun- day evening. 3 Lieut. G. F. Newlands, 146th Bat- talion, who is in the General Hospi- tal, is progressing satisfactorily. Lieut. F. L. Smith, 146th Battal; ion, was in: the city on Saturday. Lieut. E.. B. Smith is spending a féw days in the city. Sergt. J. R. Strachan, signalling sergeant, Battalion, was in the city Saturday. Capt. W. J. McManus, accompany- ing the mén of the Special Service company who left for overseas, went i> far as Montreal with them, a in The depot brigade did not strike its tents owing to weather conditions and this work fell on the men of the Special Service Company. : The Y.M.C.A. is arrangi for an exhibition on Friday evening next to follow an exhibition held in the af- ternoon by the Bayonet Fighting and | Physical Training Class. | -- | Pte. A. Levech, 155th Battalion, is in the Field Hospital with a sprained knee," R. Horsfield, evangelist of. Coney Island, and Dr. Mason, B.M.C., are | giving addresses to the men at the camp 7 LieutgCol. Putman, 155th Battal- jon, was expected to arrive back from Northport on Monday. Lieut. McKignon, headquarters pay staff, had a muster parade of the 156th battalion on Saturday morn- ing Capt. Herbert Scandrett, who has been in Kingston on leave from the front, is on his return to duty, and sails for England on Monday: The appointment of Brigadier-Gen- eral' J. C. MeDougall, "commanding the Canadian Camp at Shorncliffe, to be major-general, is announced 'in Canadian military orders. _ At the m#itary championship meet at the Toronto Exhibition on Satur- day, Capt. N. Bawlf, 154th Battalion, was one of the winners. The Barrie- field camp athletes did not shine brilliantly, In the standing broad jump final, Pte. Weaver, 155th, took third place, ""BBITUARY. . The Late Richard McMillan. Richard McMillan passed away at his home on First street on Sunday afternoon in his seventy-third year. The deceased wag taken ill only about two days before, and passed away at three o'clock in the after- noon. The late Mr. McMillan was a well- known resident of the city, and throughout the country was recog- nized as an authority on pianos. He was born in Ireland, but the greater part of his life was spent in this city. . He is one of the oldest piano man- ufacturers in the city. In 1862 he was connected 'with the F. C. Fox Manufacturing Company, the pioneer piano manufacturing compa in the city. He worked with all the princi- pal plano' manfacturers up to the present date, and was a partner in the firm of the W. H. Wormwith Pfyno Company for some time. esides his wife, six daughters and four sons are left to mourn his loss: Mrs. S. E. Chown, Mecan, Ont.; Mrs. James T. Stroud and Miss Ila, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. C.. O, Laidlaw, Walkerville; Misg Florence and Miss aroline, at home; Frederick, Walk- erville; Robert, Toronto; Earl, of Kingston, and Neil, of the Mechani- cal Transport Department, of the C. A. 8. C., at Barriefield Camp. NEW CANADIAN ; WAR LOAN 188U Stephen Roughton, 60 Brock Street, Will Receive Subscriptions. 8. Roughton, 60 Brock street, is authorized to receive subscriptions to-the Canadian War Hoan. Applica- tions may be obtained at his office in connection with same free of expense. . INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes and Items of General Interest. - The husband of Mrs. John Ward, who claimed that she had not been getting patriotic or separation allow- ances, has not enlisted at all. Rev. D. Magillivray, in church, on Sunday urged his con- gregation to support the new Tem- |W. P. Archibald States That It Is . P. Arch on At the Grand. To-morrow #&nd Wednesday see one of the most elaborate pro- | gramme of vaudeville and photopliys | | ever. presented to patrons of the! |. Grand Opera House. William Far- | num, the celebrated actor, will be; | seen in a most masterful production, | "The Man of Sorrow." In this pie-| tire: Mr. Farnum is supported by a | galaxy of stars well known on both | | the screen and the stage. A two-reel | Universal photoplay, a comedy 'pic- | ture and the famous Pathe News will | also be shown. The vaudeville is al-; so something out of the ordinary, {and w Toscia and Toscia| nov »t, and Joseph Cun-| {ningham in a comedy singing act. Molly McIntyre in "Silent Sue" The regular theatrical season at | the Grand Opera House is upon us. {It will be inaugurated to-night | by a new star and a new play and {an all-British company. Under the [eircumstances, truly an auspicious {and pleasing announcement from a { patriotic point aw, and equally {as pleasing when it is known that | the new star, is to be Miss Molly | McIntyre. Yes, sweet dainty little | Molly" McIntyre, the bewitching little {lass who first charmed us with her delightful chgpficterization of 'Bunty" {in "Bunty J ulls the Strings." But | this time if is not as a Scotch lassie | that the fair Molly is to charm us, for | her new play entitled "Silent Sue" lis entirely English, as regards its 10- i lcals' and environment. "A Pair of Silk Stockings." | "A Pair of Silk Stockings," that | | clever and engaging comedy, will be, | presented here at the Grand on: | Thursday, September 14th. In pre-| senting this delightful play the! Shu- berts are 'sending a splendid company so that there is a positive assurance that thé cemedy will be up to the " { usual high standard set by this firm of producers. "A Pair of Silk Stock- ings" is from the pen of Cyril Har: | court. It had a record-breaking run in London and was revived again as an antidote for the war gloom. In the company will be such capable ar- tists as\Langdon Bruce, A. E. Win- ington Barns, Charles Esdale, S. Ww. Sproston, F. Forrest, Miss Ida Strat- ham, Miss Stella St. Andries, Miss Maud 'Buchannon, Miss Phyllis Stuc- key and Miss Barbara Allen, \ At the Strand. The bill for joint at this popular theatre con of a Metro wonder play in five acts, "The Cowboy and the Lady," featuring S. Miller Kent, famous as Mr Raffles. A three-part Essanay drama, 'The Jester," a Ka- lem comedy, "Their Taking Ways," est current events. * At Griffin's. Commencing to-day with an entire change of bill every Monday. and its new policy of yaufleville in addi- tion to its usual programme of high- class pictures. Nothing but the very best in both forms of entertainment | will be shown. The opening vaude- ville act, Marion and Thompson, a! high-class musical number, comes highly recommended from the metro- politan centres of amusement, and is bound to please. The fiction pie- ture, "Tlie Badge of Courage," is a very powerful and absorbing drama of that always interesting land of mystery, the mountains of the far west. There will also be shown a Daniels comedy, sure to please all, and one of those interesting and in- evening's entertainment, one that will surely please all patrons. NEW DOMINION WAR LOAN NOTICE, ized to Receive Public Subscriptions. broker, [ \ Howard -S. Folger, 44 thoried by the Finance Department ceive subscriptions for the new Do- that full particulars and prospectuses, will be available to the public Tues-) day next, September 12th. Official announcement as to the terms, ete, will 'be fully published in the press pared to accept subscriptions com- mencing Tuesday, September 12th, and will deliver bonds to subserib- ers without charge for. his seswices. THE PAROLE SYSTEM. Well in Canada. In the report of the inspector of penitentaries for the fiscal year end- ing March 31st, 1916, appears an interesting report from W. P. Archi- bald, Dominion Parole Officer. Mr. Archibald stated that the entire num- ber released on parole since the in- ception of the act, sixteen years ago, was 7, 776. The total deliquency for the sixteen years was 489, or 6.3 per cent. A total of 6,412 men had completed their probation on parole and occupied positions in good citiz- enship to-day, and 875 prisoners were now reporting and had in pros- pect the completion of their .proba- tion on One hundred and} thirty-six were paroled from the} Portsmouth Penitentiary during the || past year. aan i | |] Queen's Hospital to Move. 1t is likely that Queen's Stationary H , which is now on Northern France, will be moved farther south ji before the winter sets in. It is too} WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 19 NEWS | will] i and the Selig Tribune showing lat- Thursday this theatre i§ introducing structive pictures, a Pathe Gazette, ! jj} the whole making a most complete [iii H. 8. Folger Has Been Author- Hl Clarence street, who has been au- |i} of the Dominion of Canada to re-jj minion War Loan, advises the Whig |} Mr. Folger will be supplied with ap-}}§ plications blanks, and will be pre- HL * JOHN LAIDLAW & SON | Smart Suits from $15 to $30. The new suit. This is the subject uppermost in the / / To find a smart suit of good material at a moderate minds of many women. price is a timely problem. many styles from $15.00 to $50.00. We cannot-describe them all; cannot. mention even all of the prices. But we do wish to impress upon the many women who pay $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 the fact that our collection of suits at these prices is unrivalled, Our large stock of women's autumn suits includes "New Fall Coats A great collection of the newest styles. only one or two coats of a design. Many with » Stylish coats for slim women. Stylish coats for the average figure. Stylish coats for stout women. Stylish coats for young girls. The October Delineator Has arrived. Call for.your copy. _-- . Butterick's patterns for October now ready. Hundreds of the newest things shown. oa _- J Neolin Soled Shoes .