: - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY. BEETEMBER 1. 1916. NOOO TO EOE TT TTT TT 2 ARH REE : : ; Ei 1 WAR LOAN = . 'DOMINION OF CANADA - Ls Yielding practically 51-39% WAR LOAN \ Any Mortgage Exempt From All Taxes. Subscriptions Received by J. K. Carroll Agency 56 Brock Street - Phone 68 or 874. + to one hundred million dollars exclusive of t Issue of $100,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st October, 1931. PAYABLE AT PAR AT ' » OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, 7 h REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st APRIL, 1st OCTOBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. - ISSUE PRICE 973 A FULL HALF.YEAR"S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st APRIL, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. , Tar MivisTER oF Finance offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the abowe named Bonds for subscription at 974, payahle as follows:-- 10 per cent on application; 30 " " 16th October, 1916; 0 *" " 15th November, 1916; i * ® 15th December, 1916. The total allotment of?bonds af this issue will be limited amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equiva- lent of cash tmder the terms of the War Loan prospecths of 22nd: November, 1915. The instalments 'may be paid in full on the 16th day of October, 1916, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under_discount s¢ the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when tye will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. v Subscriptions, acsompanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue provisional receipts. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of applieation may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. E @ Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. - In case of partial allotments: the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment.of thersamount due on the October instalment. Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange & for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been payment endorsed thereom the ban money, they may be exc for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as id in full and * receiving the . 0 to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, | without: coupons, in accordance with the application. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The issue will be exempt from taxes--including any income tax--imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without' coupons will be issued in' denominations of *$¥.000, $5,000 _ or any authorized multiple of $5,000." < The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St.. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Torefito, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, or Victoria. "5 The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be. paid on surrender of coupons, Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange' at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right-to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. . The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. ® Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan rospectus of 22nd November, 1915. No commission will - allowed in respect of applications on forms which have not been printed by the King's Printer. Ar s Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. DrpARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, September 12th, 1916. - TREO pee: 0 A OE EO OA AR DOMINION - OF CANADA As with the previous Loan, we pre- dict a great success for this issue. Dur ing this period of stress our Govern- ment needs our help and counts upon our patriotism.. But a chance is given investors of placing their money in se- curities of the highest grade, upon terms the liberality of which will, per-- haps, not be fully realized until the re- turn of normal times. : : If this Loan were issued to yield 41% instead of about 5 1-39, the price would be 105.41 instead of 97.50. A - 49% yield, (the basis:on which Domin- ion Government bonds sold so recently as 1914) would mean h price of 111 for the present issue. 5 We will forward your application, procure your allotment and render other services free of charge to you: To ensure allotment application should be made at once : A.E. AMES & CO. 53 King Street West Toronto, Canada Investment Bankers Established 1889 THE NARROW ESCAPE -OF A YARKER MAN Manly Foster Had a Very Close Shave at the Rail A. Adair, fhe teller, has resigned and donned khaki. Their places at the present are being filled by Mr. Thorne and Mr. Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Winters and William Leishman spent Sunday recently in Harrowsmith the guests of J. Shib- 15 Year 5% Bonds Maturing 1931. Price 97.50 Yielding 5.30% Denominations $100, $500, $1,000. . Applications received and Bonds delivered. to subscribers WITHOUT CHARGE. AUTHORIZED BY THE FINANCE DE- PARTMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIP- S. Folger - 4 Clarence St. Howard Broker - \ ley, their two granddaughters, Helen and Jean returning home with Mr. Vy Yarker, Sept. 11.--Some of the and Mrs. 8. T. Winters for a couple gardens have been touched by the re-|of days. The Methodist church has cent frosts. Sergt. Allan Peters, of |changed its time for service from the 146th, has returned home from [7.30 to 7 o'clock. "| from 100 to 400 bushels. Those who Valcartier, he having got his dis- a ---------- A VERY HAPPY are drawing hay to 'Trenton and charge. Mr. and Mrs. William Greer, of Bent River, Muskoka, have re- : RED CRO88 EVENT | Bettevilte- cannot get-more-than- $10 per ton loose, turned home after visiting "her par- The Inspector tested the milk at All Canada as Your Security and ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Foster, for a iss Stella Stormes has been Hyland factory last week, the tests running from three per cent. to 4.4 a Certain Dividend of 5.30% per Annum engaged if a school at Oak Lake, and per cent. averaging 3.5 per cent. None should show a moment's hesitation. Men--Munitions--MONEY--all are has left for there to assume her dut- Some who have bred for quantity of , ds you hold will be a record of the way you helped your King jes. Fop Outlook Seced: he bunds you & Those from here whe attended fhe . : milk regardless of fat will be hit quite hard, but the plan is a just one, Toronto exhibition were: Mr. J. B.| gajem, Sept. 11.--The Salem 'Red 'Phone or Wire your Subscription or Mail this Form -|8anderson, Misses Mae and Blanche Cross Society held a very successful " Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, William Wood- ice-cream social] on' Thursday even-| only it Is about ten years late in com- house, Mrs, John T. Main, Mr. and ing last, the total proceeds including | ing, as many farmers who a decade Mrs. M. V. Lake, Mrs. H. Cambridge, | tng sale of tickets for a Red Cross| ago, laid the foundation for a herd Mr and Mrs. D. A Stewart and son | ouiif being $95. The ladies - were | producing large quantities of milk, and daughter, Harry and' Teena; very fortunate in securing the ser-| will now have to breed along a dif- Mr Hollade and som," Ellwood, and vices of Mrs. Marion Wood Alyea, John Wright. f Ba i ¥ y City, Mich., spending her holi Frank Deare has returned to Gan- days with friends here, and George anoque after visitifg his father, Geo. Weeks, Melville Mrs. Alyea is a Deare. ate ? : ; h d- What might have been a very seri- a Siorution, and her yo "jous accident happened the = other also the songs of Mr. Weeks, espe morning, when Manly Foster was jally his. pa selections. <n (driving up Main street near the rail- Byron Ada held "the successful =--{Z0ad croming. 'The gates not being ie oni wou the Cullt down, he didn't know the train was » Urals : The dry weather still continues, | distriet meeting arg Elon Parliament, the light showers not having much | C. M, Kemp and Charles Carnrike. . 3. : Fath d cats iving all near, but whén going to cross the To subscribe through us, is to insure your application receiving care. tracks the train. blew, scaring _the| (he Uh ort ot uving. Wek C e 3 .Joseph Binninger, an aged resi- . iy) Xi 0 ization is also t horse. Mr. Foster immediately efficient BAG Ch giancion % Sins at your off the rig and seized the|POtatoes are going to be as light a a er So : Saturday cafternoon. - Foster still hanging on. Mr. Foster went down also. horse regaining its feet, A Telephone Main 7437 | The following khak i fs in a Cle» : yore g at their tive home These Bonds rank the highest of any Canadian investment. Will loa i "be. Teddy Croat, iorsi | {| yield about 5 1-3%, and free from income taxes. details, including final delivery of the Bonds free of any charge. : Fo ' Duty and Dividends! "s call demand pliance but involves no sacrifice. ig 8 sal tor oo i eee cary because amply rewarded. Only a steady stream of subscriptions to Canada's Second War Loan will insure its complete success. Invest your bit and feel the thrill of having done your part. You obtain way Crossing. a i a very poor, ensilage corn.being only GEORGE M. YEREX. from two to three feet high. Farm- ers who had from 700 te 1,200 bush- Fort Henry Was Named After Hi --- els of grain last year, this year have 3 Grandfather. Belleville, Sept. 12.--George M. Yerex, New Zealand, but formerly of Hastings and Prince Edward Coun- ties, is visiting here. Mr. Yerex is a native of Bloomfield, and descended from the good old U.E.L. stoek that has helped to give to the sons of this district the sturdy, distinctive char- acter that places them in the very forefront in various parts of the world. Fort Willlamm Henry at Kingston was named in honor of his grandfather, Willlam Henry Young, who was the first white settler to winter in Prince Edward County. The Readings and Music Were of a High Type--The Dominion of Canada 5%, War Loan Wood, Gundy & Company, Toronto 4 I hereb uest you to record my subscription for $ =. _____ of the Setond 'Dominion. ar Loan in fondle vse the terms.of the Official Prospectus, and | hereby engage to pay the instalments as they shall become due. J N Name. - (State whether Mr, Mra or Mise 7 ferent line, having regard for fat contents as well. But with the price of beef none will lose, as any animal which has to be sacrificed for beef will bring a goodprice. Rev, C, J. Gall has returned after his vacation among the Victoria and Peterboro chain of lakes. He attends district meeting this week at Picton. The delegates from Salem to the Cobourg Officer in France. Cobourg, Sept. 12. Lieut. J. E Leon, who went overseas in Juno with the last draft, from Cobourg heavy battery, has left" England for Frawuce, where he will be with the 97th Canadian siege battery. A draft of eight men who went overseas from Cobourg at the same time were 'also sent to France, A 'Addr 1da Frances Hagerman, beloved wife of 8, Hagerman, Belleville, pas- sed away on Friday as a result of heart failure, . Wood, a Roughten, 80 Brock Strest cat hil | nS" il bhai Tr el hh Gundy & Co. in front of 8. T. Winter's it fall, sad femasananann. ; A ee Bb Cerna, [| EE 'CANADA NEW WAR LOAN ne Canadian Pacitie Railway Building |shed. Mr. Foster's. face : | ' OF | ; w nd subscription for the above loan, whether large or small, will ave - personal So the and we shall be are attend to all gar 1] a if TH it be very anxious for taken in by such hoaxes thé other day, in ) : S are given when P a I: tvided by tw ate: illiam Th 1859: 1888 Joseph. W 1830 184%