. v#& PTE ER i 1918. a FAMILY WITH A RECORD™"*vooreace vesunsoav GREAT BOFILEDUP FLOOD sd FIVE Daughter of Methodist Minis= IYMENSE QUANTITIES OF LIQUOR [ARTHUR HOLLAND | o aa A or ad BEING PURCHASED. BROTHERS AND SISTER IN WAR.| ter Weds Son of Presby- 3 NH | terian Clergyman. - . z » { Become a Physici Probs: Showers tonight and F riday, turning cooler. a Physician Medielne, Surgery, Bacteriology, Public Health, Chemistry and Allied Selencey offer the greatest opportuns» ities. to ambitious mien and women. Opportunities to work way through. The Chicago Hospital College of Medicine, located in the greatest medica] centre of the world, with faculty, facilities and equipment un- surpassed, offers a recognized four or five year course leading to the de- gree of Doctor of Medicine and Sur- Eery. For catalogue address: Secre-~ lary, 3820 Rhodes Ave. Chicago, IL 'Wood's Great English Rem Tones and invigorates the w! nervous system, makes new Bloog in old Veins, Cures Nervows ity, Mental and rai 1 % oss of Kmergy, Palpila ai Mi . Price $1 per box, sis wi ease, Mix will cure, Bold bysd | for $5. druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on | ceipt Ve hiet maiied free. THE W Biss Soap pap Nad free Ce] A tet A NP NN em ---- Notice! The shortage of photo chem- Ieals for finishing films does not affect us as 'we have supplies om hand to carry us till the new supply arrives, We are finishing more ims today many times over than all other local dealers combin- ed, Six finishers cannot keep up with the work. We are selilug and guaran. teelng the best film on the mar. ket and still developing at 10 cents a roll. No Place in Cellars for Coal--Supply of Intoxicating Beverages is Pro- mised After Prohibitiop Comes In- to Effect. : {Would be at the Front, Too, But is Unable to Pass Medical Test---TPWO |" 4p 030 000 Ton o'elock on Thurs- ' The Smartest New AUTUMN SUITS | for Women and Misses or Women and Misses Revealed in a multitude of lovely imported models, which show her collared to the ears and often cuffed to the elbows and emphasiz- ing the slender lings of the new silhouette.. A VERY ATTRACTIVE MODEL OF BROADCLOTH AT $24.50 ian style, belted effect, comes in navy and black ngly trimmed with black rabbit fur around the ¢ol- lar, cuffs and bottom of coat. A very swagger model, worth at least $35.00 in the regular way. \ OTHER MODELS FROM $18.50 TO $65.00. May we have the Pleasure say, tomorrow Brothers . and Sister Served in| day morning Miss Dear} Richards : Far. jwas united in 'mafblage to Murray : i Soath rican War, | one Wilson, B.Se., of Rosthern, Sask., ; It is estimated that within the yast taking thelr part in thé great war| Son of Rev. Thomas Wilson, Presby- |[ew-days enough liquor h 8 been 50 4 ~ |with Germany, Arthur Holland, a|terian minister, Walkerton, at the n Kingston to cause a veritable f 00 well-known Kingstonian employed as| home of the bride's mother, Mrs. should it be released at once. Coal bo Arias ng Canadian Express| Thomas Richards, Earl street. carters say. it Is almost impossible to edy | Cv driver for Be ry ot 11 { John-| The happy marriage was perform- find a Place in the cellars for the] Bole | Company, and resi nber of a fimily] ed by Rev. Samuel Shibley amidst |black diamonds. 'Those who are in a son street, i's a member of 2 nh a profusion of palms and ferns with position to know state that if the god hat has every reason to J which the home was decorated. The of thirst were instructed to destroy] row oF Shels record . ~.| bride entered the parfor Ito te every houge in which liquor could not nereé is jus a ve om | Strains of 'Mendelssohn's Wedding (be found in the cellar, the destruc- eeping' Arthur ! the firing line, and t i Holland aya ou} March, played by Miss Annie Bond, | tion. would 'not be sufficient to cause alto te $18 Lact and was given away by her uncle, a stir Ia the building circles. Of {that he has been unable to pass the} a pt. Hawley, of 'Napanee. She course, the great majority of citizens medical test; otherwise he would be/ loked very sweet in a gown of|are laying ina supply of liquor pure- overseas'doing his "bit" with the Test! duchess satin with a train and dainé|ly for medicinal purposes; at least, |} {of the family to put down the Kaiser's: 0 trimmed with pearl. A shower [that's how they explain it; but if rule. Two of his brothers now tak-| bouquet of roses and lilies of the|that's the case, they are certainly| {ing part in the war, also seen service: valey lent beauty to her attire. The [anticipating a-lot_of sickness. Scores {in the South African war, and his| bride also wore the jewels worn by wha signed the petition for prohibi- j sister, who is. a trained hurse, also her mother on her wedding day. ition are among the most active buy- served in South Africa. The family | Following the ceremony the lers They profess now to be sorry is of English birth, but some of the guests, numbering about twenty-five, [they signed the petition, and they de- boys have lived in Canada for 4! sat down to a dainty wedding break- [clare that they would never sign an-| number of years. : . | fast. At noon the happy couple [other one. They signed it, they say, Reference was made in the Whig oo. on a short honeymoon trip to because they had been signing pro- on Wednesday to the fact that. one|ypovnireal the bride wearing an Afrl- hibition petitions all their life and brother was in an hogpital, suffer | can brown gaberdine suit with hat {nothing had ever come of it, and they . did not think that the one they sign- ing from shell shock. He is Pte.l 16 match, Thomas Francis. Holland, rand , the! = yo Wilson will be greatly missed [24 last winter would amount to any- telegram. fronr Ottawa stated that he Sydenham Street Methodist thing. But that's where they missed was now in the Second Eastern Gene- Church, wheré she has been an ac- | their guess, ral Hospital at Brighton, England, | {ive worker, and has also been. a| having entered that institutidh on valuable acquisition to the cholr..| Supply Still Hols Out. ag Sher pazkiculaty re he Naa Pilgughter 1 he fate an "While the demand for intoxicating expected later on, | Thomas Richards, who for a 1 beverages is ul . t and In addition to the five -brothers| ,¢ years was a Methodist minister. ig he Siented, sad | arr } resent gr sat! So . | ol 8 A now taking part in the present grea { well exhausted; neverthéless the bars | ) struggle, another brother, James | . ; y 4 3 w NIB opi Pi and liguor shops hope to be able to Hollard, paid the supreme sacrifice Kind' of liqucr 1a ai) ] : | 8 y sor in the South African-- war, having | Australian Mémbers of the Parlia- | S3PPIY pro Saturday evening dt 7 batd Killed 18 aetion whe. nas] mentary Delegation. o'clock, when prohibition comes into I as , I Australian members ' 3 . The of the |effeet. " just been wounded, is married, and| i ie " . : has a wife residing in' Montreal. He [Parliamentary delegation which visi The dispensers say that those who enlisted with the 58th Battalion at|©d Great Britain and the battlefront. [have not had an opportunity of lay- Niagara-on-the-Lake. arrived in Kingston this jing in a supply need not worry, be- Pte. Matthew Holland is at the | afternoon There are in the cause there will be plenty of liquor {front with thé 13th Hussars, a Bri-|delegation:--Hon. Henry | Watkins, [of all kinds, including ale, beer and sister be Del dency, one " a Is made in Russ only and is fetchi ARE IN KINGSTON. Am mn Best's The Popular. Drug Store Open Sundays " | big oi owas 1 New South Wales; Hon. Henry De-[porter, available after September k tish Regiment, He was in India largie, West Australia; Geo. A. Palm- 16th, and that the . prices will be | when war broke out, and has been a mn | * "a SEE USE } WHEN YOU ARATE We Maintain the Highest Standard of quality inf Sight Testing, Lens. i and Eye Glass fitting Our Charges are moderate Our work is guaranteed KEELEY Jr. M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, 226 Princess Street. . { 8 goers above the Opera House Calls attention to ginger in our boys' suits and bo coatd. Boys' navy blue coats for al in fol from two years to 14 years. Girls' coats in same sizes with trimmed from last season, but 50c than they will be. ; : army for a veteran of member of the British twenty-one years, He i the South African war. Just recent- ly he met his brether, Pte. Frank Holland, at the ffont, and this meet- ing was the 'first the two brothers had in many years. Pte. Frank Holland went overseas over two years ago with the heavy er, M.P.,, Victoria; Hon, Barker, Victoria; Hon. Thomas, New Seuth Wales; Reginald and Hon. Alfred Hampson, They came from Brockville by government stéamer, and were great- lv impressed with the beauty of the Thousand Islands. W. F. Nickle, M.P., is-one of the Canadian delega- Joseph to feel dull and heavy when we arise: | .| putting more food into the stom- ach. artillery from Montreal, : A Jeut, George Holland is a mem- | tion looking after their welfare. They ' Gus are on their way to Vancouver en her of he sugs Lite sands, and route to Australia The delegation Wilfred Holland is with the Lanca-| id not"stay here any time, taking shire Fusiliers, | steamer at onee for Toronto. : Miss Eleanor Holland is serving| Mr. Palmer, one of the.delegation. as a nurse in Egypt, and also served | €XPressed his conviction that the war in the South African war. { had brought about a bond of union ---- | between South Afriea, Australia, New Iniversi | Zealand and Canada that not only Wig 3. Duncan, Uuiversity or | binds them closer to the Motherland, Westport, to spend his vacation, | but to each other. "I feel," he said, Prof. Duncan is a graduate of] 'that two countries, possessing such Queen's and John Hopkins Universi-#& splendid type of manhood, should ties. | be brought into closer diplomatic, + Miss Arloid Haffner gave a mis-| Political and commercial relationship cellaneous shower at her home on|bY the forming of a treaty of recipro- . Ida | City. s Tuesday evening in honor of MisaIda * "From what T have béen able to Baker, the bride of this wek, ERO of 1h shear, Bo ants. Glass of Hot Water able to the Canadian people, and I Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit ie emphatically state that as far as {the Australian people are concerned, Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away 'the poisonous, |resources untold and imniense op- portunities." 8 | BANK AND PASS | BOOKS DISAGREE | Harrison L. Humphrey Brings { Action Against the Bank of {such a treaty would be ufitversally {aoproved. We think that your Can- stagnant matter. I ada is a wonderful country, full of Those of us who are accustomed splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, | | Cape Vincent. foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom- -- ach, lame back, can, instead, both When the books in the bank and look and feel as fresh as a daisy al-| t1® Pass book in the hands of the de- ways by washing the poisons and |POSitor disagree what is the court toxins from. thé body with [Enac® to do? That is the question hos- phated hot water each morning {that will confront Justice Edgar C. a ; ) Emerson, when he passes on the ac. We should" drink, before bs K-| arrison fast, a glass of real hot water with ion of Harrisow L. Humphrey, of . , Cape Vincent, against the a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate | Cape 'Vincent, es the en in it, to flush from the stomach, liver. | N.Y. 'Standard. The case. by quite kidneys and ten yards of bowels, the apn interesting one, and throws light previous day's indigestible waste, | onthe method of d6ing business in sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus |the Cape Vincent bank™ cleansing, swetening and purifying The pass book which Humphrey the entire alimentary tract before! had and which was put in evidence on the trial before Justice Emerson shows that June 14, 1909, there was a balance to his credit of $500 and that each year thereafter up to the death of Block there was credited on the book in what is claimed to be the handwriting of the late S. 8. Block, interest to the amount of $20. The hooks in the bank show that 'Humphrey's account was balanced June 14, 1909, and that on entries were made after that time. = The claim of Humphrey was presented to the receiver of the bank after its failure and was rejected. The action was then brought to recoved tue amount as shown on the pass book which Humphrey holds. The action of limgstone phosphate and hot 'water on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans oul all the sour fermentations, gases, waste, and acidity and gices one a splendid appetite for breakfast and it is said to be but a little while be fore the roses begin to appear in the cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will cost very little at the drug store, but is suf- ficient to make anyone who is-bether- ed with bilfousness, ' constipation, 'st¢mach trouble or rheumatism a real haat on the subject of internal sanitation. Try it and you are assup- matter was held open to allow ed that you will Jook better amd|the bapking department to present feel better in every way shortly, _ | further &vidence if it so desired. Stephen | practically the same as they a1 | Hon. | custom Birchall, West Australia; |brewers and distillers in Ontario will Vietoria. (ship direct to their patrons in the { now, The trade is getting right after ers, and it is reported that the province, provided the orders are first sent 'out of the province.. It is rumoréd that arrangements are now being made to have men in Kingston look after the distribution. All the liquor shops in Kingston, with the exception of Rigney & Hick- ey, will continue to do business after Saturday, selling two per cent. beer and porter amd other soft drinks. Rigney & Hickey, it is understood, will retire from this line of business, after having been engaged in it for about sixty years. Many of the hotels are undecided what they will do, but f%& big ma- Jority are expected to keep open their bars for the sale of tobacco and soft drinks. "INTERNED GERMANS WELL CARED FOR" Chief E. J- 8i State~ ment After Inspecting Fort Henry. "I can't see how the manner of treating the men in the detention camp at Fort Henry, Kingston, could be improved," said Chief of Police Edward J. Singleton tp a Watertown, N.Y., Standard representative upon his return from a visit to the camp. "The men with but few exceptions are cheerful and are given every op- portunity to enjoy themselves. When I was there some of the prisoners were engaged on the courts in games of tennis. "The cheerful manner of adapting themselves t¢ circumstances seems to be in. proportion to the prisoners'| education, the more intelligent the more cheerful, and less educated the more morose. = "They get the same food as the! Canadian soldiers. The quarters where the men sleep are clean, sani- tary and comfortable. Really, I can't see how conditions could be improv- ed. - I was surprised to find the con- ditions so satisfactory." y With the Bowlers. In the two rink games that were played at Queen's bowling green on Wednesday night W, H. Montgomery won from 'W. C. Crozier and R. S. Graham from J. F. McMillan by 14 to 12. The rimks: A. A. Turcott, Dr. Cartwright, R. H. Crooker, W, H. Montgomery, skip. IL, Sleeth, G. L. Vanhorn, W, A. King, W. C. Crozier, skip. C. C. Hodgins, W. Moore, W. Jack- son, R. 8. Graham, skip. H PF. Price, WW. J Jamieson, J. F. McMillan, Taman, J. skip. 'A scheduled doubles match was also played in"the-afternoon. William Jackson and D. A. Shaw won from Ww. M. mpbell and C. C. Hodgins by a score of 16 to 7. ¢ : THE LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the world || to communicate direct with English | MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS | in each class of goods. Besides be-| ing a complete commercial guide lo London and its suburbs the Direc- tory contains lists of { EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the] Colonial and Foreign Markets they | supply; A STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to 'which they sail, and ingicating the approxi- mate sailings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, etc., in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United Kingdom. A copy of the current edition will be forwarded freigmt paid, on re- ceipt of Postal Order for $5. Dealers seeking agencies can ad- vertise their trade cards for $3 or lar- ger advertisements from $15. The LONDON DIRECTORY CO., Lt 25, Abchurch Lane, London, E.C. MAJ.-GEN- LESSA PLEASED WITH 155th Told Whig That Units at Bar- riefield Camg More Than Satisfactory. At the conclusion of the 155th Battalion inspection on Wednesday afternoon, Major-General F. L. Les- sard was interviewed by a Whig rep- resentative, and he said the 155th was "a very fine battalion." "General, is there anything to that rumor which came out not long ago about you being appointed ag com- the Whig representative. Quick as a flash the general re- plied: "No! No! That's only some more of your newspaper talk." "About the battalions here--what b- do you :think of their work?" con- | tinued the Whig represgniative, and | the answer came: "More than satisfactory. That's (Pointing to the 155th) a very fine battalion." . Twelve Recruits Secured. For the first three days of this week twelve recruits have been sign- ed up at the Princess street recruiting depot. Those who enlisted were:- Sam. Delderfield, Clifton Blakemore, Vincent Kane, Alex. Craig, Franklyn |4edrew, Fred and Clarence Daly, Arthur Williams, Emery Caster, Al- bert Thomas, Charles Jones and Ern- est Farrell. Praise often goes to the man who is the least deserving of it. | v mandant of Camp Borden?" asked | - ? Week End SPECIAL! Davies Spring Lamb StewingCuts ..... <=. c. 20 10 Fronts. ... .. .." Chops... . . .. Legs 24c. Mint With Orders. io. The Wm. Davies' Co., Lid. Phone 597 a Sp athieu's SYRUP oF Tar & Cop Liver Oil Stops Co rite 2 in generous size bottles by ell dealer. / - L. MATHIEU CO., Props. SHERBROOKE, P. Makers also of Mat re eadaches, : ros pe Nyarvine Powders the best colds, gy